3/6 AEW REVOLUTION PPV RESULTS: Keller’s detailed report on Hangman vs. Cole, Baker vs. Rosa, MJF vs. Punk, Danielson vs. Moxley, more

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

PHOTO CREDIT: AEW and Wrestling Inc.


MARCH 6, 2022

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts



Hirsch KO’d Statlander late with a turnbuckle while the ref wasn’t looking. Then she landed a top rope moonsault for the win.

WINNER: Hirsch in 10:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Not the smoothest at times, but good effort start to finish.)

-A video package aired on the C.M. Punk-MJF feud. Punk said he doesn’t like to be tethered to garbage human beings, and right now he’s tethered to MJF. Punk said he picked the dog collar match not because it’s easy, but because it’s what MJF deserves.

-Tony Schiavone stood mid-ring and said he had a special guest for everyone. Kenny Omega’s music played. “This music can mean only one thing,” Excalibur said. (He was wrong.) Instead, out came Don Callis. Excalibur said, “Dammit!” Callis yanked the mic from Schiavone and asked, “What, were you expecting somebody else? Sorry, you don’t get Kenny Omega tonight. Tonight, you’re going to get me.” Fans chanted “Shut the f— up!” Callis said Omega was going to show up, but when he saw the card, he didn’t Kenny anywhere near it. He said he’s confident the Young Bucks will win the tag team titles tonight. He said Adam Cole has shown up and even has a subgroup within The Elite. “You might even call it a sleeper cell,” he said. He said if Adam Cole wins the AEW Title tonight, he’ll make for a nice placeholder champion.

-A video package hyped Jon Moxley vs. Bryan Danielson.


Taz joined in on commentary. Marshall said he’s learned during his successful career that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. He said he’s going to show his former prized student what being cold hearted is all about. Hook made his way to the ring next. Taz said Hook always prepares well for any athletic challenge. Fans chanted “Hook! Hook!” once the bell rang. When Marshall talked at him, Hook threw him to the mat and applied a chinlock. He took it to Marshall in the corner with punches and a headbutt. Marshall attempted a comeback, but Hook quickly T-Boned him to the mat and then clotheslined him over the top rope to the floor. Marshall told Hook to meet him at ringside to fight. Hook didn’t move. Taz said Hook does his work in the middle. Marshall took a cheap shot to the throat of Hook as the ref was trying to separate them in the ropes.

Hook tumbled to ringside. Marshall charged, but Hook caught him with an overhead shoulder-capture suplex. Back in the ring, Marshall sent Hook head-first into the middle turnbuckle. Fans chanted, “Q.T. sucks!” He landed an elbowdrop for a one count. Hook knocked Marshall off balance on the top rope and applied Red Rum for the quick, frantic tapout win.

WINNER: Hook in 5:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Hook didn’t stray from the zone he’s been in when it comes to his range of offense. He has a real “brand” and everything he does matches it from his entrance, to ring introductions, to his moveset, to his finisher, to his body language as he leaves the ring. Marshall got in a little more offense than usual, but not enough where Hook showed his ability to sell or tell a different kind of story in his matches.)

-A video package aired on “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Adam Cole.


A couple minutes in, Redbeard took down everyone at ringside, then played to the crowd. Excalibur said they had a sellout crowd, but people were still filing in. (Sounds like entry into the arena is a frustrating process). Pac eventually climbed to the top rope, but Malakai charged at him on the ring apron. Pac dropped down to fend him off. Matthews then DDT’d him back into the ring. Pac eventually hot-tagged in Penta. He landed a Destroyer on Matthews for a near fall.

Later, Redbeard and Black battled. Then Pac tagged in. Matthews caught him with a meteora off the top rope. Everyone took turns hitting spots. Redbeard and Brody battled mid-ring. They no-sold some of each other’s spots. Brody landed a Death Valley Driver, but was slow to make the cover. Black dove through the ropes onto Redbeard at ringside. The other four were on the mat crawling toward each other. They stood and battled. Penta gave Black a nasty piledriver on the ring apron. Matthews entered and Curb Stomped Penta for a near fall. Pac broke up up the cover. A bit later, Black landed Redbeard with his spin hook kick. Beard staggered but didn’t go down. He went for a choekslam, but Black sprayed black mist in his face. Brody then piledrove Redbeard. Black made the cover for the win.

WINNERS: House of Black (Black & King & Matthews) in 17:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Not sure I’d want to be the match to follow that. It was chaotic and hard-hitting start to finish. This had the typical dose of illegal wrestlers in the ring for extended periods and no real adherence to any set of rules as the ref stood around, which bothers some fans more than others, but even more so can take the focus away from some big spots that would otherwise have time to have more of an emotional impact.)


Commentators: JimRoss, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

-Jim Ross joined the commentary team.


Jericho came out first. Fans sang his song. Kingston suplexed Jericho onto his head in the opening seconds. When Jericho rolled to ringside to regroup, Kingston pursued him and threw him back into the ring. He scored a two count, then chopped away at Jericho in the corner. Jericho took over with some strikes including a ringside.

A few minutes later, Jericho suplexed Kingston off the ring apron onto the ringside mat. Back in the ring, Jericho landed a Lionsault for a two count. A dueling chant broke out: “Let’s Go Eddie! Jer-i-cho!” Ross said the crowd is emotionally invested and there’s nothing better. Jericho applied a Walls of Jericho mid-ring. Kingston crawled over and grabbed the bottom rope to force a break. Fans popped.

Jericho and the ref Aubrey Edwards got into it. She gave him a little shove. Eddie recovered and gave Jericho two Saito suplexes. Next, he landed a spining backfist for a believable near fall. Jericho caught Eddie with a Code Breaker out of nowhere for a near fall. He hit another Code Breaker to cut off a spirited comeback attempt by Eddie. He didn’t go for the cover, but instead waited for Eddie to stand so he could land the Judas Effect. He trash-talked him and went for it, but Eddie moved and then hit Jericho with a spinning backfist followed by the spinning stretch plum for the tapout win. The crowd exploded with cheers.

Schiavone said it’s the biggest win of his AEW career. Jericho regained his senses on the mat. Eddie offered Jericho a handshake, since Jericho promised he would shake his hand. Eddie said he respects Jericho. Excalibur asked if it goes both ways. Jericho stood and appeared ready to shake his hand, but then paused. Fans booed. He pulled his hand away and left. Ross said Jericho isn’t keeping his word.

WINNER: Kingston in 14:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Well-paced, hard-hitting, and good storytelling. Jericho continues to more-than-lean-heel but not go all-out ruthless heel in this journey with Kingston. The crowd was super into Kingston the whole way, but still have an affinity for Jericho. Mostly they were into the intense action.)

-The announcers hyped the rest of the PPV line-up.

(2) JURASSIC EXPRESS (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus w/Christian) vs. THE YOUNG BUCKS (Matt & Nick Jackson w/Brandon Cutler) vs. RED DRAGON (Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish) – AEW Tag Team Title match

The Bucks came out first. Then Dragon. And finally the champs to “Tarzan Boy.” JB opened against O’Reilly as the Bucks watched. Early in the match, JB flip dove over the top rope onto a crowd. There were signs of tension between O’Reilly and Nick around 6:00. Luchasaurus tagged in and took shots at all four opponents, who were in each of the corners of the ring. He ducked Bucks superkicks and then kicked each of them. He then backflipped onto Fish and O’Reilly on the floor, which popped the crowd. Fans chanted “Luchasaurus!” Nick gave Luchasaurus a Destroyer to turn the direction of the match. JB and Luchasaurus landed a Doomsday Device on Matt for a near fall. Fans chanted “This is awesome!”

Fish tripped JB. Matt mistakenly superkicked Fish off the ring apron, but didn’t seem all that bothered by the miscue. O’Reilly tagged himself in to get revenge. Chaos broke out with everyone. A three-way spot saw O’Reilly clothesline Matt as JB clotheslined O’Reilly. An “AEW!” chant broke out. O’Reilly landed a high knee to JB’s chest, then tagged in Fish. Fish and O’Reilly worked over JB for a while. O’Reilly applied a kneebar mid-ring. Fish leaped off the top rope with a headbutt to JB’s knee. The Bucks intervened. Ross noted, “There’s a lot of folks in the ring.” It settled into O’Reilly vs. Lucahsaurus, but JB landed a top rope shooting star press onto O’Reilly. Luchasaurus ended up on top, but Matt broke up the cover. Fans chanted, “Holy shit!”

Matt entered the ring with a tag title belt. The ref held him off. O’Reilly took the belt and hit JB in the head with the belt. O’Reilly scored a near fall. Red Dragon hit the high/low for a near fall, broken up by Luchasaurus. Fans chanted “Fight forever!” The Bucks rammed Luchasaurus into the ringside barricade, then tagged themselves in and went after Fish, JB, and O’Reilly. Nick leaped onto Luchasaurus at ringside. The Bucks landed a BTE Trigger on JB. O’Reilly broke up the cover. Matt ranted against O’Reilly and threw him out of the ring. JB rallied in the ring against Matt as Luchasaurus flip dove onto a crowd of wrestlers at ringside.

Luchasaurus and JB then finished Matt in the ring, as Nick was a half second late for the save.

WINNERS: Jurassic Express in 19:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: This was everything you’d anticipate if you gave these three teams nearly 20 minutes. The crowd was super into everything start to finish. They fit some storyline developments in there with the Bucks and Red Dragon. That was a big, affirming win for Jurassic Express as a top team in AEW.)

-The announcers hyped Double or Nothing in Las Vegas.

-A video package aired on the build up to the ladder match.


Ross said he noticed Lee not say him to Taz in the back. Taz said he looked really focused. Cassidy was the third entrant. They showed Dan Lambert and his crew in the crowd. Ross said he looked constipated. Wardlow, Hobbs, and Lee circled each other early. Cassidy entered the ring and joined in. He slo-mo kicked Wardlow and Hobbs. Wardlow and Hobbs charged at Lee, but he didn’t budge. Starks attacked Cassidy. At ringside, Christian began hitting everyone in sight with a ladder. He threw the ladder into the ring, but Starks dropkicked Christian out of the ring. Starks set up the ladder, but Cassidy entered the ring.

Cassidy went after Starks, hands in pocket. He climbed the ladder with his hands still in his pocket. Christian intervened and then began to climb the ladder. Hobbs battled him on the ladder. They crashed to the mat. Ross and Taz agreed that Christian is among the best ladder match wrestlers. Lee grabbed Christian from behind and threw him into the ladder. He then shoved oth Starksa nd Christian against the ropes and then leapfrogged them followed by a crossbody onto both. Ross said he’s a special athlete. Lee swung Cassidy into the other wrestlers in the match, then looked around for the ladder.

Lee climbed the ladder, but Wardlow tapped on him and told him to climb down and fight him. Lee obliged. Hobbs collapsed the ladder, then knocked them out of the ring with it. Hobbs set up the ladder. Starks raced him to the top. Cassidy knocked them both over. He swung the ladder around and knocked over wrestlers coming at him. Wardlow and Lee lifted the ladder. Cassidy held on and pulled himself on top of the ladder. When he stood, they knocked him off balance and he crotched the ladder rung. Hobbs superplexed Cassidy off a ladder leaning in the corner. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” Hobbs nearly landed a spinebuster on Christian against a ladder in the corner, but Christian escaped and speared Hobbs into it. Christian set up a ladder. Starks re-entered and speared Christian. He then pulled the ladder under the big brass ring hanging above. Wardlow tipped the ladder over.

Wardlow climbed the ladder, but Starks leaped onto his back. Cassidy leaped onto his back. Wardlow kept climbing. Lee entered and set up another ladder to climb. Hobbs and Wardlow battled on the ladder. Starks met Lee on the other one. Christian and Cassidy joined them, but they were knocked down. Wardlow showed over the ladder with Starks and Lee on it. Wardlow and Hobbs put their hands on the ring, so they punched each other untl they fell to the mat. Wardlow’s bump looked awkward against the ropes.

Hobbs, Lee, and Wardlow gathered mid-ring again. Cassidy was on the mat below them. Lee tossed Cassidy out of the ring and overshot Christian and Starks. Wardlow cleared the ring of Hobbs and then Lee. He went after them all at ringside. Wardlow and Hobbs battled Lee on the ramp. Hobbs and Wardlow split a ladder like a wishbone. Hobbs hit Wardlow from behind with his half, then jabbed Lee with it. Lee wandered over to the announce desk. Lee and Hobbs grabbed each other. Wardlow knocked them off the stage through tables stationed below them on the floor.

Back in the ring, Christian set up a ladder, but rather than climb it to win – which it seemed he easily could have done – he set up a complex contraption of three ladders. Starks intervened and climbed the ladder. He had to climb very slowly as Wardlow entered the ring. Danhaussen entered and cursed Starks and then yanked him to the mat. Danhaussen then left the ring and laughed. Meanwhile, Christian went for the brass ring. Starks yanked him down. Starks climbed the ladder as Wardlow powerbombed Christian. Wardlow leaped onto the ladder as Starks grabbed the brass ring. He powerbombed Starks off the ladder onto the bridged ladder. Wardlow then reached for the brass ring and disconnected it for the win. Excalibur said he’d face the winner of Sammy Guevara vs. Scorpio Sky in San Antonio on Dynamite.

WINNER: Wardlow in 18:00 to earn a TNT Title shot.

(Keller’s Analysis: A six-way ladder match is a challenge to book without a lot of contrivances. This was no exception. There were plenty of big spots that were exciting, but also wrestlers having to divert from the goal of winning in order to set up or wait for the next spot. The powerbomb landing by Starks on the bridged ladder was rough to watch considering what his neck has been through. Does Wardlow powerbomb Guevara to win the TNT Title, or does he powerbomb Sky to win the TNT Title, or does MJF or Starks cost him the win no matter what?)

-Schiavone stood on the stage and said he was going to offer a contract to a young up-and-coming wrestler. He introduced Shane “Swerve” Strickland. Strickland walked out in a suit and appeared above it all as he looked around with sunglasses on. He said it’s his house and encouraged fans to chant that.

-They went to Ross and Excalibur at the announce desk.

(4) JADE CARGILL (w/”Smart” Mark Sterling) vs. TAY CONTI (w/Anna Jay) – TBS Title match

Jade kissed Conti on the lips at the start. Conti took over with a barrage of offense. Conti flip dove onto Sterling at ringside. Jade gave Anna a pump kick at ringside without provocation. Conti bashed Jade with a chair from ringside. The ref didn’t see it. Conti scored a near fall. Conti kissed Jade and then DDT’d her for a near fall. Jade landed a spinning powerslam for a near fall. Jade landed a top rope frog splash for a near fall next. The announcers thought it was her first frog splash. Jay helped Condi to her feed. When Jade charged, Conti kicked her and then threw her back into the ring. She piledrove Jade for a two count next. Excalibur said they’ve never seen Jade in such peril. Conti climbed to the top rope – but Jade knocked her off balance and head-first into a camera mounted on the corner post. She then landed her finisher for the win.

WINNER: Cargill in 7:00 to retain the TBS Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: Jade continues to improve and expand what she does in matches. This was solid work most of the way.)

(5) MJF vs. C.M. PUNK – Dog Collar Match

Punk’s entrance theme began to play, but it was taken over by MJF’s. The announcer ragged on him for such disrespect. Fog filled the stage as a different, song played (“Miseria Cantare – The Beginning” by AFI). MJF looked quizzically at the stage. Then he looked worried. Lights flashed and eventually Punk walked out and kneeled. Schiavone said Punk was going old school. Punk wore the baggy basketball shorts, too. They found a fan singing the lyrics. Excalibur said he was going back to his roots in ROH. Fans loudly chanted “C.M. Punk!” during ring introductions. The ref put the dog collar on MJF’s neck first.

MJF whipped the chain into the face of Punk, then tried to bail out. Punk yanked him back in hard. MJF took the first sustained control. He bloodied Punk with the chain. He grabbed a mic and called Punk an old-timer and told Punk to quit just like he quit on the people. Punk said, “Eat shit, Max!” Fans chanted “Eat shit!” Punk took over control shortly thereafter. He delivered a Russian leg sweep and a running bulldog with MJF’s head wrapped in the chain.

MJF took over again. Punk attempted a GTS, but MJF blocked it. Punk slipped on an Anaconda Vice. MJF yelled in pain. He yanked on Punk’s hair and leveraged him down for a two count. Schiavone called this a struggle, not a wrestling match. Punk surprised MJF with a Shining Wizard, knocking him out of the ring. Punk beat up MJF against the barricade at ringside right near fans in the front row. He whipped MJF into the ringside steps next. When Punk charged at him with a knee, MJF moved and Punk crashed knee-first into the steps.

They battled on the ring apron. Punk gave MJF a tombstone piledriver on the edge of the ring apron, but then fell to the floor and clutched his injured knee. They showed concerned fans in the front row. MJF poured thumb tacks on the mat. They struggled back and forth for a couple minutes to slam the other on the tacks. MJF won the battle with a superplex of Punk onto the tacks.

MJF called for Wardlow to come to ringside. He wanted the Dynamite Diamond Ring from Wardlow, but Wardlow felt his jacket and revealed he forgot to bring anything. Punk then gave Wardlow a GTS. Wardlow then smiled at Punk before reaching in another pocket and revealing he had the Dynamite Diamond Ring after all. He set it on the mat and turned and walked away. Punk put the ring on and then pulled MJF onto his knees. MJF spit at him. Punk punched him and pinned him. Punk swung the chain over his head  in celebration. The announcers said it was reminiscent of Bruiser Brody.

WINNER: Punk in 26:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: First of all, what a battle for the ages that fit the build up both visually and in terms of intensity. The pace was such that the crowd wasn’t red hot throughout, but that was due to selling the brutality and building to the next stage of the match. The crowd reacted big time whenever the match hit another crescendo. The key moments with signature moves and holds worked as the match built toward the ending. The finish with Wardlow not only advanced the Wardlow-MJF dynamic in a major way, setting up MJF vs. Wardlow, but it “protected” MJF from losing without having an excuse to focus on – betrayal at a key moment in the fight.)

-A video package aired on the main event.

(6) BRITT BAKER (w/Rebel, Jamie Hayter) vs. THUNDER ROSA – AEW Women’s Title match

There was a dueling chant of “Thunder Rosa! / DMD!” early. After some early offense by Rosa, Baker took over. She tied up Rosa in the ropes. When the ref scolded Baker, Hayter and Rebel beat on Rosa. Baker rammed Rosa’s face into the mat over and over.

Rosa eventually took over with a superplex and a fireman’s carry into a neckbreaker. She hit a sliding clothesline for a near fall. Another “Thunder Rosa! / DMD!” chant broke out. Excalibur called it a 50/50 split (or a “chant-in-chant” a la “picture-in-picture”). They struggled on the mat for position. Rosa stood and back suplexed Baker for a two count with a soft hook of the leg. Rosa climbed to the top rope. Baker met her up there and landed a top rope Air Raid Crash for a near fall.

Rosa set upa tombstone, but Baker countered into position for a tombstone. Rosa rolled through for a near fall. Rosa landed a tombstone, but Rebel stood on the ring apron and DISTRACTED the referee. Rosa went over to shove Rebel. Baker rolled up Rosa from behind. Rosa then countered into a near fall herself. As the ref tended to Rebel, Hayter slid the belt into the ring. Baker stomped Rosa’s face on the belt. Baker made the cover, but it was only a two count. (Huh?) Baker then applied a Lock Jaw. Rosa crawled toward the bottom rope. She slipped free and then tried to put Baker in a Lock Jaw. Baker rolled back and scored a two count. Rosa applied a half straight jacket. Britt tapped, but Rebel was distracting the ref. “This is an atrocity,” said Ross. Rosa had enough and speared Rebel off the ring apron to the floor. Rosa fended off Hater, then returned to the ring. Baker landed a sudden Curb Stop for the win. “That was a hell of a match, but did we need all that outside interference?” Ross said. (Jim, that’s my job to ask that!)

WINNER: Baker in 17:00 to retain the AEW Women’s Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: They had a very tough act to follow, but they pulled it off. They worked at a nice but not frenetic pace early, and the crowd caught their breath and were into the match to the finishing sequence. The interference and distractions were excessive here, and yet many fans keep cheering for Baker. I don’t like anyone kicking out of a stomp on a title belt, but some good dramatic exchanges followed leading to the finish. This seems to justify a rematch rather than settle a feud.)

-A video package aired on the Bryan Danielson-Jon Moxley storyline.


They took turns on offense for the opening few minutes that was paced faster than methodical but not full-throttle. They were feeling each other out but also bashing each other violently, if those two things are possible at once. Danielson chopped away at Moxley in the corner. Mox fired and returned fire. Danielson reverse kicked Moxley and took him down. He front chancery suplexed him and then leaped off the top rope with a headbutt. Moxley rolled out of the way.

Danielson stayed on offense, though, and trash-talked Mox a bit. Mox fired back with two snap Gernan suplexes. Danielson flipped out of a third suplex. Danielson locked on a front facelock while wrapping Mox with his legs, but Mox powered out. They continued to battle at ringside and in the ring, bloodying eachother. Danielson landed a nasty looking top rope back suplex on Mox. Mox got an arm up to protect himself and landed largely on his shoulder and back, but he sold it great. Danielson threw down-strike elbows and applied a Dragon Sleeper. Schiavone noted his head was slippery from all the blood. Mox broke free and applied his own sleeper. Danielson reached for the ropes, but Mox pulled him back. Mox then delivered his own barrage of elbows and applied his sleeper. He shifted into a cross armbreaker. Danielson countered into a crossface near the ropes. Mox clawed his way to the bottom rope to force the break.

Daniels sat up and gathered himself as Mox lay on his back. A soft dueling chant of “Let’s Go Moxley / Let’s Go Bryan” broke out. Mox won a struggle on the mat and stomped away at Danielson, then locked on the Bulldog Choke mid-ring. Danielson tried to stand, but began to fade. Mox cinched it tight. Danielson leveraged Moxley’s shoulders down for a two count. Mox held on. Danielson back suplexed Mox and then landed a Psycho Knee for a near fall. Danielson held Mox’s arms and stomped away at his head. Then he applied a triangle sleeper. Excalibur said this with the blood loss could end Moxley. Ross said Mox would never recover if he lost by submission. Danielson threw some elbows at the top of Mox’s head. He then punched him in the nose a few times. Mox flipped over and leveraged Danielson’s shoulders down for a three count. Danielson sat up and couldn’t believe it.

WINNER: Moxley in 21:00.

-Afterward, Danielson complained to the ref and shoved him. The ref raised Mox’s arm. Danielson kicked him. Mox fought back. The ref called for help from the back. Security ran out to pull them apart. William Regal walked out to the ring. Excalibur said he was such an important mentor for both men. The crowd popped big for him. Regal stood between them and got them to behave. “Holy shit!” chanted the crowd. Mox tried to move toward Danielson, but Regal held him back and slapped his chest. Mox respected him and paused. Danielson smiled and applauded. Regal turned to Danielson and slapped him in the face. Excalibur said Regal was telling them he taught them better than that. Regal ordered them shake hands. Fans chanted “Yes!” loudly. They shook hands. Ross asked if they just saw a new tag team form. Mox’s music played. Excalibur said something tells him this story is far from over, especially with Regal added to the mix. “I am freaking stunned,” said Schiavone.

(Keller’s Analysis: Another stellar grudge brawl where the will to fight and the struggle to win was strong from both throughout. The finish was satisfying, even if it was a leverage pin which can sometimes be a copout finish, but in this case it was a logical extension of the mat struggles that preceded it for 20 minutes. The intensity of the mat work here should be studied by everyone in the business, as they really made it look like they were trying to wrench off body parts. It’d be tough for anyone to have a successful match of this style after all that came before it, especially MJF-Punk, but it succeeded. The Regal angle at the end was fun, and built anticipation for what happens next with Mox and Danielson. Are they still going to work together to coach younger wrestlers now that they’ve “bled together”?)

-Schiavone announced Dynamite’s matches: Guevara vs. Sky, withthe winner facing Wardlow the following week. Then Leyla Hirsch will face Thunder Rosa, and the winner will face Britt Baker at St. Patrick’s Day Slam in San Antonio, Tex.

(8) STING & DARBY & SAMMY GUEVARA vs. ANDRADE & MATT HARDY & ISIAH KASSIDY (w/Jose the Assistant) – Tornado Match

They brawled at ringside at the start. Sting put a trash can over Jose’s head and held him in place as Darby leaped through the ropes and tackled him. Darby and Sammy suplexed Andrade on the floor. back in the ring, Kassidy and Hardy double-teamed Sting, but as they gloated, Sting no-sold them and popped up and clotheslined them. He bashed Hardy and Kassidy with trash can shots to the head. Darby then joined in the fight, splashing both in opposite corners. Sammy landed a springboard cutter onto Kassidy. Andrade threw Sammy to the floor, then dropkicked a trash can into Sting.He then slammed Darby hard into the corner turnbuckle. They ended up fighting around the entrance area. Butcher, Blade, and Marc Quen joined in the fight. Kassidy stood on an entrance set piece, but Sammy got up and met him there. They fought on the platform. Guevara played to the crowd and then landed a Spanish Fly off the platform and they crashed through a table. Sammy remained barely moving on top of Kassidy as the ref checked on them.

Meanwhile, Butcher and Blade, elsewhere, stacked two tables onto two other tables. Sting arrived and fought off Butcher and Blade. Andrade and Hardy overwhelmed Sting. They fought through the crowd. Hardy and Sting battled onto the bleachers above the tables below. Sting then leaped onto the double stack of tables and splashed Andrade and Darby. Ross said that was amazing, especially considering Sting is “north of 60.” Fans chanted, “You’ve still got it!” Ross exclaimed, “Damn well he does.” Darby stood and looked on in shock, then wnt after Hardy. Hardy used a low blow to take control. He threw Darby back to ringside and then back into the ring. Hardy put Darby’s head in a chair. Ross said he’s going to break his neck. Darby escaped and gave Hardy a Scorpion Death Drop onto the chair followed by a Coffin Drop (although Hardy sort of rolled over and Darby mostly missed) for a three count.

WINNERS: Darby & Sting & Guevara in 13:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: If Hangman and Cole were hoping for a “come down” match for the audience to recharge, I’ve got some bad news for you. This was wild and different because of the wide swatch of area they fought. The Sting splash was dangerous but spectacular given the stacked tables and, well, Sting’s age.)

-A video package previewed the main event.

(8) “HANGMAN” ADAM PAGE vs. ADAM COLE – AEW World Title match

Justin Roberts did formal ring introductions. Fans chanted “Let’s Go Adam!” (Funny.) Schiavone explained the joke. Ross called it an “ambidext-ree-ous” chant (adding, as usual, the extra syllable to the word). Hangman got the first sustained offense with some chops. Cole finally had enough and rolled out of the ring. Hangman didn’t pause and just immediately attacked him at ringside. Cole took over at ringside, threw Hangman into the ringside steps, and then got in sustained offense for several minutes in the ring.

Hangman fought out of an armbar, but Cole countered a flying Hangman into a backstabber for a two count. Cole had some words for Hangman, saying he’ll never be as good as him. Hangman began punching him. Cole fought back and went for a Panama Sunrise. Hangman kicked him out of mid-air. Both were down and slow to get up. They fought to ringside where Hangman powerbombed Cole on the edge of the ring apron and then a moonsault at ringside. Hangman threw Cole into the ring, but then Cole rolled out the other side. When Hangman reached for him, Cole kicked him. Back in the ring, Cole landed a back stabber and then a Liger Bomb for a near fall. Ross asked what the difference is between a Liger Bomb and a powerbomb. Excalibur explained. Ross said, “Just testing you, young buck.”

Hangman met Cole on the top turnbuckle. Cole went for a top rope sunset flip. Hangman held on. When Hangman moonsaulted toward Cole, Cole kicked him out of mid-air and scored a two count. A few minutes later, Cole countered a lariat attempt by Hangman into a crossface. Hangman reached the ropes to force a break. Cole set up a move on the ring apron. Hangman battled back. Cole, though, leaped to the floor and rammed Hangman’s arm across the ring apron.back in the ring, Hangman countered Cole into a tombstone piledriver for a near fall. They exchanged more moves mid-ring leading to a Cole two count. Cole set up a Panama Sunrise, but Hangman popped up and met him there. He set up a superplex. Cole blocked it. Hangman headbutted Cole, then delivered a top rope overhead suplex into a powerslam for a near fall. O’Reilly and Fish ran out.

As he set up the Buckshot Lariat, Hangman noticed them running to the ring and turned to face them. Cole superkicked Hangman from behind. Cole then landed a Panama Sunrise on the floor. Back in the ring, he covered Hangman for a near fall. No crowd pop for the kickout, which was weird. (Is the crowd exhausted or did they just not buy it was a possible finish?) Cole landed a superkick. Red Dragon DISTRACTED the referee. Cole used a low-blow and then hit the Panama Sunrise. Excalibur declared they’d have a new champion. Cole landed the Boom. Excalibur noted Cole didn’t take time to lower the kneepad, which might have been what saved Hangman. Another dueling chant broke out.

When Hangman sat up, Cole superkicked him in the head twice. Then he lowered his kneepad, but when Cole went for another Boom, Hangman landed a lariat. Cole came back right away and superkicked Hangman twice. Both were slow to get up. Fish and O’Reilly ran over to the announce desk. They set up a table at ringside. Cole set up Hangman on the ring apron, but Hangman countered with a leaping Deadeye through the table. Dark Order ran out as Hangman clutched a knee in pain. Dark Order and Red Dragon brawled. Red Dragon were outnumbered. Hangman stood and threw Cole back into the ring. He then landed the Buckshot Lariat for a near fall, but Cole draped his hand over the bottom rope before three. Hangman buckled Cole’s wrist to the top rope as revenge for what happened last Wednesday with duct tape. Hangman kicked him. Cole broke free. Hangman superkicked him. He then lowered his kneepad before delivering a running knee to the back of Cole’s head. He followed with another Buckshot Lariat for the win.

WINNER: Hangman Page in 26:00 to retain the AEW World Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: Poor Hangman Page, once again having a really good match but at the end of an emotionally draining, long PPV. The crowd was in a different kind mood, like a kid up past his bedtime, engaging in various chants built around the fact that they’re both named Adam. The match was good, and would have come across even better at the end of three hour PPV that didn’t have so many epic matches and big spots and heated emotional rivalries playing out.)

NOTE: I’ll be recording the VIP-exclusive Post-PPV Roundtable with Todd Martin & Tyler Sage, which will be posted tonight for VIP members, as we’ve been doing after PPVs since 2003. (SUBSCRIBE HERE.) Greg Parks is going live with the PWTorch Dailycast live call-in show and that will be posted later for download free for everyone. Search “pwtorch” on your podcast app to subscribe to that free podcast feed


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