2/23 AEW DYNAMITE TV RESULTS: Sage’s “alt perspective” report on Eddie Kingston vs. Chris Jericho, Tag Team Battle Royal, Bryan Danielson vs. Daniel Garcia, Jade Cargill vs. The Bunny More.

By Tyler Sage PWTorch Contributor (@ringoftyler)


FEBRUARY 23, 2022

Announcers: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur


The Butcher eliminates Alex Reynolds, John Silver then eliminated Blade. The Gunn Boys then eliminated Silver. Ortiz then eliminated one Gunn Brother, Santana eliminated the second. The Gunn Club was the first team fully eliminated.

Trent and Chuck Taylor than eliminated The Butcher, the Butcher and the Blade were now fully eliminated. Fish and O’Reilly eliminated Chuck. Matt Hardy then saved Isiah Kassidy but then Kassidy was eliminated. 2point0 were eliminated by Santana, The Young Bucks then eliminated Ortiz.

The Bucks, FTR and Red Dragon then battled as Santana, Trent and Silver entered the action as solo members of their team. O’Reilly was saved by Nick Jackson, who was then thrown out by FTR. Trent was hanging by the top rope and was saved by Orange Cassidy under the ring.

Bobby Fish was eliminated by Trent as the first break started. [c]

During the split screen no one was eliminated. John Silver was able to eliminate Cash Wheeler, no full team was left. Santana and Trent were left standing amongst the group and traded strong style shots and each got a big move in. Both were then on the outside on the apron and were eliminated by O’Reilly and Matt Jackson.

Bobby Fish was on camera laying on the floor looking as if he would strike. O’Reilly and Dax Harwood were outside on the apron and traded strikes, Fish hit a kick on Harwood from the floor and eliminated him. Silver, Jackson and O’Reilly battled with Silver getting big moves on both his opponents. Jackson hit a super kick on Silver and then both men teamed up and eliminated Silver. O’Reilly then quickly eliminated Jackson for the win.

WINNER: Red Dragon

(Sage’s Analysis: A Battle Royal that followed the usual trajectory. A battle royal sounds good and almost always is not very good. The 1st segment was pretty poor in terms of action and the crowd could have cared less. The stories told in segment two were obvious but were good enough to save the segment. The post match stuff was a lot, but it was good to see Page get mic time. His promo was fine, but felt forced in the situation and would have been better if Page could have done the promo on his own terms not in the middle of all that post match intrigue.)

-The Young Buck’s and Red Dragon argued in the ring. Adam Page’s music hit and he went to the ring. Page then attacked both Fish and O’Reilly. All four men rolled out and Adam Cole came in. Eventually Page hit a Buckshot on O’Reilly. Adam Page grabbed a mic and asked who was ready for story time with Adam Page Bay Bay. He said that their story began in 2008 when Cole entered the industry and he became a champion everywhere he went. When his world was crumbling he left to join his friends and come for the ultimate prize in AEW. He drew closer to a 6 foot hole in the ground and at revolution he walked to close and the better Adam sent him to that grave. He then said that a fresh Buckshot Lariat sent him to that grave with a bang.

-Tony Schiavone was backstage with Bryan Danielson. He said that Daniel Garcia reminded him of a young version of himself. He said that he had a great mentor like William Regal, Garcia could be great if Danielson was that mentor. he also said he would answer Moxley’s call tonight. [c]

-MJF came out and walked to the ring with a sad and sour face. He said “guys I get it,” as teh crowd chanted CM Punk. He said that he cheered for CM Punk and that he (MJF) isn’t the easiest person in teh world to love, but give him another chance. MJF said that when he met Punk it was just a Friday. MJF said that he loves Pro Wrestling and AEW, that day he met Punk when he was 11 was the most important day. He had bad ADHD in school and it was hell, but he was really good at football. He started at linebacker and felt good and accepted, he said that the next day at school his teammates threw quarters at him and told him to pick it up “Jew boy.”

He said that it was all ok because he go too meet Punk that night, he said that when he met Punk he knew that he would become the best pro wrestler in the world. Then forward to December 2013 he is watching matches and practicing promos in the mirror to be just like CM Punk. January 2014, Punk left him when he needed him the most. He then thought if Punk couldn’t do it, how could he? He said that years later an Instagram photo of CM Punk and Bryan Danielson made him made and that he would become the best to spite CM Punk. He promised that he would never leave kids like him, like Punk did to him. He said that we will not quit at Revolution like CM Punk did.

CM Punk then walked out as the crowd applauded for MJF. Punk entered the ring and asked MJF if that all was real. MJF looked at him and walked out of the ring. [c]

(Sage’s Analysis: An amazing promo from MJF that turns this feud on its head and will make Punk question his actions in their match and make you wonder what MJF’s intentions are before, durning and after the match. Typically in wrestling a straight forward good guy and bad guy is the way to go. But, this has elevated to a complex adult story that you can show a non-wrestling fan that will give them a different perspective on the art.)

-Tony Schiavone was backstage with Daniel Garcia and 2point0. Lee and Parker cut a promo on Danielson and Moxley. Garcia said he doesn’t need a lesson on violence and will prove that tonight.


All four men started the match in the ring, King and Black were outside and Pentagon hit a cross body off the top rope onto them and the bell rang to make the match official. Black was then hit with a 450 splash from Pac for a near fall. Penta and Pac traded tags as they continued to work over Malakai Black. Soon after the tables turned and Brody King was tagged in and hit a clothesline on Pac for a two count. [c]

King and Black dominated throughout the break, as the show returned Pac and Penta were stacked on each other and a chop by King made them both flip. King then did a dive out onto both men. Black then hit double knees and a roundhouse kick on Pac, Penta broke up the pin. Black then accidentally hit King with a knee. Penta and Pac then took advantage and got the advantage on Black.

All four men battled, Black tagged in as King took a suplex. Pac and Penta did not know a tag was made, Black went to spit mist but Penta held his mouth and rolled him up for the pinfall win.

WINNER: Pac & Penta

(Sage’s Analysis: JR summed it up well when he said “The hell is going on here, can anyone explain this.” This was a good match and newsworthy on the whole, but the post match stuff was a lot and I don’t think it worked well, besides a good debut for Matthews.)

-Brody King beat down Pac and Penta as Black rolled around as he had swallowed the black mist. Black grabbed the shovel that Penta brought to the ring, Black took the shovel and the lights went out and Buddy Matthews was there when they came back up. Buddy then beat down Pac and Penta as Black smiled ear-to-ear. Matthews then slammed Penta on the chair. The lights went out and all three men were out of the arena.

-A video hyping the Thunder Rosa and Britt Baker’s contract signing on Rampage was shown. [c]

-Eddie Kingston walked out to the ring as it was shown that security was already waiting, Chris Jericho came out second. Kingston asked if everyone was done singing, Kingston asked who had security there. Jericho called Kingston a street thug and Kingston got mad and said that he isn’t a sports entertainer and that he wants to fight. Kingston asked for a women’s match. Jericho said that they were down the street from Stanford and that this would be good sports entertainment not like what happens there.

Jericho tells the story of how he had never heard of Kingston and when he saw him he knew why and he looked like a jobber. But, he saw his match against Cody and told Eddie that he would be a big babyface in AEW, he told Kingston that. He said the story was great, after 20 years he signed a big contract and everyone felt good for him. Everyone but Jericho, he said that Kingston is jealous of Jericho. He made it at 22, he was a Hall of Famer by 38. He said that Kingston knows that he can’t achieve what Jericho did and never will.

Kingston said that Jericho did all of those things because he wasn’t there. Kingston said that he is himself and not a backstabbing carney like the rest of them. Kingston said that Jericho was sucking his blood and that might work on others but Kingston just wants to fight at the Revolution PPV.

Jericho said that he would answer that question, he said that Kingston has a fear of success. He said that if he climbed the mountain he would fall right off. Jericho said he knows Kingston’s story and Brough up his Uncle and Father as Kingston approached. Jericho said that he couldn’t win the big one, he said that he is the big one the end all be all. He said he accepts the challenge. He said that if Kingston does beat Jericho he will look him in the eye and tell him that he made it.

Kingston gave him this warning, don’t give him the mimosa match or the cage match Jericho. Give him the Jericho that he grew up watching, that was the first world champion, that Paul Levesque hated. Jericho reiterated the doubt he has in Kingston and walked out of the ring.

-Matt Hardy and Andrade had a video hyping his TNT match against Sammy Guevara on Rampage. then set up a match for teh PPV as well. Hardy, Andrade and Kassidy vs. Sting, Darby and Sammy.


10 threw Ricky Starks to the mat to start, Starks then jumped and dodged until he hit an elbow and a rebound elbow. 10 then fought back with offense in the corner, Starks tried a DDT, 10 then held a vertical suplex and planted it going into the break. [c]

Starks was in control throughout the break and 10 made a comeback but Starks got the pinfall win.

WINNER: Ricky Starks

(Sage’s Analysis: a rushed match based on all the promos tonight. Happy Starks won, but I kind of wanted to see all the big boys in a latter match.)

-The Bucks confronted Red Dragon as Adam Cole was in the middle. The Bucks said they were motivated to get to the PPV and beat Red Dragon’s ass. Cole demanded that Red Dragon needed to work with The Bucks as a team.


Jade and Bunny had a stare down and then locked up, with Jade breaking the hold. Jade had wrist control on Bunny and lifted her up and slammed her opponent. Jade then locked in a hold and grappled on the mat and stood up Bunny. After a moment Bunny was able to counter and sent Jade out to the floor, there Bunny hit leg sweep to get Jade off her feet. [c]

Bunny dominated during the break and as the show returned Jade broke a hold and then hit a spine buster on Bunny. Matt Hardy got on the apron and threw the brass knuckles, Sterling threw in the belt. Jade blocked with the title belt as Hardy and Sterling were ejected. Bunny got a near fall and then Jade hit Jaded for the pinfall win.

WINNER: Jade Cargill

(Sage’s Analysis: Most of this match was in the break like the one before, it was chucked full of sports entertainment but I liked it. The post match stuff wasn’t very good, but it made Jade look elevated compared to everyone else. )

-Jade was on the mic and said she was 28-0 and asked who was next and who is left. Tay Conti’s music hit and she walked out with a mic, good timing on her part. Conti said that she was next, called her a bitch and ran to the ring. Bunny entered and Tay hit the Tay KO and Jade hit a pump kick.

-Keith Lee was backstage talking about the ladder match, Ricky Starks interrupted and said that Team Taz runs this place and told him to stay in his lane and mind himself.

-The card for Rampage and next week’s Dynamite was shown, as well as all the matches for Revolution. [c]

-The Double or Nothing Pay-Per-View was announced for Las Vegas in May at T-Mobil Arena.


The men hand wrestled and Danielson got him into the ropes and hit strikes and moved Garcia into the corner. Garcia hit a number of big chops, Danielson then took down Garcia and hit a butterfly suplex, Garcia then blocked a hold and almost got a rope break. Danielson then let up and both men were standing. Garcia hit a chop block on Danielson going into the break. [c]

Garcia dominated through the break, when the show returned Danielson was getting hit on the apron. Danielson flipped Garcia over the rope and onto the floor, Danielson then hit a knee strike off the apron. Danielson then kicked a prone Garcia and then locked in a leg hold. Garcia countered with a leg lock of his own, then both men hit heel strikes. Danielson then hit a Tiger Suplex and then locked in the Cattle Mutilation hold. Garcia countered and put in an ankle lock on Danielson.

Danielson then had both hands of Garcia and both traded elbow strikes, Danielson hit a big slap on the face. Garcia countered, then Danielson hit teh stumps and locked in a Triangle Sleeper for the submission win.

WINNER: Bryan Danielson

(Sage’s Analysis: I would have liked 5 more minutes added to this match, but that was some good technical wrestling.)

-Parker and Lee attacked Danielson, Moxley came in and made the save. Danielson said that he didn’t need a chair to bleed and he said that Moxley has a match at Revolution. He said don’t be surprised if Moxley isn’t the only one bleeding.

FINAL THOUGHTS: A strong go home show that was not a go home show. Which is a staple at this point for AEW, next week’s content will be videos and matches that didn’t quite make the cut for the PPV. All of that being said this was a sting storyline episode of AEW with some best in the industry promos by MJF and Kingston. Stories were moved to their end point, and all the matches on the show are booked. The wrestling was good, but limited in amount. I am ok with that every once in a while if it sells the PPV and this episode accomplished that goal.




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