PWG It’s a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock ‘N’ Roll” report: Radican’s results & analysis of Richards vs. Rush, Garcia vs. Gresham, Bandido vs. Shelley main event

By Sean Radican, PWTorch columnist (Twitter: @SR_Torch)


NOV. 21, 2021

Commentator: Excalibur


They started out going a million miles an hour and trading counters. They finally went to a stalemate. Cartwheel caught Aramis with a cartwheel kick and then hit the Sasuke Special to the floor. Aramis fired back with a suicide dive of his own. He then hit a slingshot foot stomp for a two count. They battled up top a short time later and locked arms. Aramis caught Cartwheel with a rana off the top. They traded counters and Cartwheel hit a Liger Bomb for a nearfall. Cartwheel went for a springboard, but he slipped. The fans chanted that’s ok. Aramis caught Cartwheel with an insane barrage of offense capped by the Spin Doctor Blue Thunder Powerbomb for the win.

WINNER: Aramis in 7:30. (***1/2)

(Radican’s Analysis: Just an amazing match with so much fit into 7 minutes. It was hard to tell if Cartwheel’s trip on the springboard was planned or not leading into the finish.)


Buffalo vs. Pittsburgh here. This is Blackwood’s PWG debut. Blackwood took Moriarty down with a kick to the chest during the early stages of the match. Blackwood countered a kick to the elbow and countered a splash attempt from Moriarty with a kick to the arm. Moriarty mounted a comeback a short time later and successfully connected with a kick to Blackwood’s elbow. The fans fired up and Moriarty continued to go after Blackwood’s arm. Blackwood got on track with a flurry of strikes and an exploder for a nearfall. Blackwood caught Moriarty with a double footstomp out of the corner for a nearfall. Blackwood favored his arm before going back after Moriarty. Moriarty no sold a couple of kicks from Blackwood. He eventually blocked a Scorpion Death Lock and hit an up kick onto Blackwood’s elbow. Moriarty got a cross-arm breaker and Blackwood struggled, but eventually got to the bottom rope to break the submission.

The fans chanted for both men as they passed the 12 minute mark. Blackwood hit a one-arm lungblower and a fireman’s carry DVD for a nearfall. WOW! Blackwood went up top, but Moriarty popped up and hit an avalanche hip toss. They went back and forth and Moriarty got an arm trap backwards bridging pinning combination for the win.

WINNER: Lee Moriarty in 15:00. (***¾)

(Radican’s Analysis: This was a really good back and forth match. Blackwood’s striking is excellent and Moriarity is really good at the submission game. They didn’t get to fully flush out the story they were going for with Blackwood’s striking and suplex game vs. Moriarty’s submission game, but the finish was a satisfying enough of a conclusion to the match.)

After the match, the fans chanted both these guys. They shook hands and Blackwood got a huge please come back chant from the fans.


This is Rush’s first appearance in PWG since 2017. Both men got ankle submissions at the same time and they ended up shaking hands and agreeing to break their respective holds. They went to a fast exchange and Rush slid under Richards, but Richards broke free of his grip and hit a double foot stomp to his chest. Richards got an awesome combination arm/leg submission and he bridged Rush up, but he eventually couldn’t hold him any longer. Richards took his time and measured Rush for some monstrous kicks to the chest. Rush got up and flipped Richards off. Richards decked him with a kick, but Rush got right up. They began trading elbows. Rush eventually caught Richards with a combination of kicks and Richards dropped to the mat as the fans went nuts. Richards got an ankle lock and Rush escaped. He went for an enzuguri, but Richards caught it and applied the ankle lock again. Rush used his legs to push Richards off. He hit a cartwheel kick to knock Richards off the apron. Rush then hit two dives to the floor. He went for a third, but Richards nailed him with a kick to the head as he came through the ropes.

Richards was running wild when Rush caught him with a Spanish Fly out of nowhere for a nearfall and the fans applauded with both men down. RIchards went for a German and Rush landed on his feet. He favored his ankle and Richards charged at him only to eat a knee to the head. Richards flipped Rush off and Rush nailed him with a spinning enzuguri. Rush then hit the Rush Hour for the win.

WINNER: Lio Rush in 11:15. (****)

(Radican’s Analysis: This was a great back and forth match with Richards looking great with his striking and submissions and Rush countering that with his speed and athleticism. The crowd once again was way into the match and very appreciative of the action.)

(4) DEMONIC FLAMITA vs. REY HORUS vs. DRAGON LEE – Three-way match

Dragon Lee shook hands with Horus. Flamita then attacked Horus and Lee ended up backing off to let Flamita work over Horus. Horus went to the floor and Lee rolled him right back into the ring. Flamita tossed Horus to the floor and Lee tossed him right back in. Flamita looked pissed and Lee flipped him off from the crowd. Horus fired back and was about to hit a dive, but Lee ran into the ring and cut him off. He sent Horus to the floor and this time it was Flamita tossing him right back into the ring. Horus mounted a comeback hit a crossbody off the top. He made the cover, but Lee tossed him off and made a cover of his own on Flamita for a two count. Flamita got up and shoved Lee. Lee offered him a handshake. Lee ended up flipping Flamita off and he nailed him with a knee to the gut. Flamita sent Lee to the outside and this time it was Horus sending Lee back into the ring. Horus then flipped off Lee from the floor. Lee sent Flamita to the floor and Horus sent him right back into the ring as well.

Lee offered another handshake and said they should go after Horus. Flamita turned his back and Lee rolled him up for a nearfall. Flamita caught Horus with a big dive to the floor. He then caught Lee inside the ring with a slingshot DDT and the fans applauded. Horus and Lee tried to work together on Flamita, but got caught with a double Spanish Fly! Flamita hit Horus with a Liger Bomb and Horus tried to counter, but couldn’t. Lee ended up breaking up the pin. They went to a big sequence and Horus hit a corkscrew DDT on Flamita and everyone was down in the ring as the fans chanted PWG, PWG. Horus caught Flamita with a gigantic DDT, but Lee tossed him to the floor and hit a running knee to the back of Flamita’s head for the pin.

WINNER: Dragon Lee in 9:15. (***¾)

(Radican’s Analysis: They had a really fun match where none of the participants could form an alliance for very long. In the end Lee was able to outmaneuver his opponents to steal the win.)

Lee celebrated with the fans after the match, which was pretty funny since he started the match watching from the crowd.


Gresham offered his hand, but Garcia refused to shake it. Gresham offered his hand again, but Garcia refused. They came to a stalemate and Gresham offered a handshake, but Garcia slapped him across the face and put the boots to him and the fans booed. Gresham fired back and began going after Garcia’s arm. Gresham held onto Garcia’s wrist and he finally broke free. Garcia then hit a Polish Hammer and both men were down. Garcia hit a knee to the midsection and then a knee drop to the back. Garcia worked for a sharpshooter, but Gresham blocked it. Garcia then stepped over, but Gresham was right at the ropes. Garcia got an ankle submission around the ropes and he used the ref’s entire five count almost before letting go.

Garcia continued to target Gresham’s ankle and knee. Gresham fired back and went after Garcia’s arm. He got a crazy arm submission/pinning combination with a headscissors combination on top of it for a nearfall. Gresham got an Octopus submission and began hitting elbow after elbow, but Garica dove for the ropes and the fans gasped.

Lee celebrated with the fans after the match, which was pretty funny since he started the match watching from the crowd. Gresham trash talked Garcia and pushed his face. Garcia fired up and Gresham told him to bring it. They traded blows and Garcia got a choke, but Gresham worked on Garcia’s arm to free himself. Garcia got the sleeper again and Gresham used the ropes to flip over Garcia and he got a two count. Both men traded pinning combinations. Gresham hit several elbows from the mount. He then got a crucifix pinning combiantoo for a nearfall. Gresham hit a slap to Garcia’s face, but he fired right back with a HUGE clothesline for a nearfall. Gresham got up and Garcia hit another HUGE clothesline. Gresham blocked a piledriver and hit a diving elbow strike to the back of Garcia’s head for a nearfall. Gresham hit another running elbow to the back of Garcia’s head, but he kicked out again! WTF!? Gresham charged at Garcia and ate a HUGE clothesline. Garcia set up for the piledriver. He couldn’t hold it with both arms, so he hit it with one arm for a nearfall. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

They went at it again. Gresham hit a German for a two count and another diving elbow to the back of Garcia’s head for another nearfall. Gresham hit a deadlift German and Garcia kicked out again. Gresham hit a big elbow strike a short time later, but Garcia got his leg onto the second rope to break up the pin. The fans fired up and chanted this is wrestling with both men down. Both men traded elbows in the middle of the ring. Garcia hit a couple of palm strikes, but Gresham ran around Garcia and hit a moonsault off the ropes. He then hit several hammerfists on top of Garcia. A short time later he grabbed a crossface. Garcia went for the ropes and Gresham blocked Garcia from grabbing the ropes. Gresham got a straightjacket choke and Garcia began to fade. The ref called for the bell and Garcia was out.

WINNER: Jonathan Gresham via ref stoppage in 17:45. (****¼)

(Radican’s Analysis: I thought the room would come unglued for this match at times. I was really into it, but the fans on the hard cam side of the shot, which was used predominantly during the match, didn’t react all that strongly to some of the big sequences in the match.

It seemed like a big portion of the room was way into the match, but the entire room wasn’t rocking for their great back and forth strike exchanges late in the match at times, so it’s hard to go higher than I did on the star rating.

That being said, Gresham and Garcia put on an excellent technical wrestling match filled with great submission work and when neither guy could put the other away with a submission, they went to some great strike exchanges. Gresham finally was able to get the straightjacket sleeper for the win via ref stoppage.)

After the match, Gresham offered a handshake yet again. Garcia stared at his hand and left the ring and the fans booed.


This is Anthony Henry’s PWG debut. The Kings of the Black Throne captured the PWG World Tag Team Championship at the last PWG event. The fans fired up when the big men tagged in, as Drake and King traded big shoulder tackles. They then began trading chops. Drake got cut off and Black and King tagged in and out to work him over. Henry made a blind tag and ran wild to give The Workhorsemen the advantage. They went to an awkward sequence of brawling at ringside with Black, Drake, and Henry. Drake ended up entering the ring and he ran into a Black Hole Slam from King. King went for a tag, but Henry dragged Black to the floor. Black tagged in a short time later and ran wild. What was even the point of pulling Black to the floor if he was going to get the tag ten seconds later? Black ran wild on Henry and hit a spinning kick to the head and a German, but Drake made the save. Drake got sent back to the floor, but he recovered in time to save Henry from a double team maneuver.

Drake tagged himself into the match and King didn’t see it. Henry dropkicked King into a backdrop driver. Drake hit a senton in the corner, but Black broke up the pin. King hit Henry with a big piledriver, but he kicked out at two. The crowd has been flat for the match up to this point. Black blind-tagged himself in and hit a double foot stomp off the top onto Henry. King wiped out Drake with a dive to the floor. Black then hit the Black Mass for the win.

WINNERS: Malakai Black & Brody King to retain the PWG World Tag Team Championship in 14:30. (**)

(Radican’s Analysis: The crowd was flat for this and the action was disjointed at times. This just wasn’t a very exciting match to watch, as they didn’t really tell any kind of story and went back and forth most of the match leading into the finish.)


This is Shelley’s first ever opportunity at the PWG World Championship. Shelley went to the floor early in the match to stall. The fans booed as he jawed with the fans. The fans started a f–k you Shelley chant, but some fans chanted let’s go Shelley. Shelley hit a kick to Bandido’s leg and he grinded in Bandido’s face. Bandido popped up and they went back and forth. Bandido hit a knee strike and a dropkick and Shelley went down. Shelley hit a back elbow and flipped off the fans. Bandido fired back and tied up Shelley’s arms in the ropes. He nailed him with a big overhand chop. Bandio hit The Three Amigos, but then he held on and hit a delayed vertical suplex. Bandido held Shelley up with one arm at one point and the fans began counting. He dropped Shelley to the mat once the fans got to ten. He made the cover, but Shelley kicked out.

Shelley got the upper hand and slowed down the pace. He played to the crowd as he methodically worked over Bandido. He sent Bandido to the floor, but he rolled back into the ring and hit Shelley with a dropkick through the ropes. Bandido went for a sliding dropkick, but Shelley trapped him in the ring apron and hit a flurry of blows. Shelley then crotched Bandido on the ringpost and got into the ring and did some push ups for the fans. Bandido caught Shelley with an enzuguri and went up top for a moonsault press, but Shelley just walked away and laughed at Bandido. Shelley did the Fargo strut around the ring and the fans booed. Bandido fired back and sent Shelley to the floor with a dropkick. He went to the second turnbuckle on the apron side and hit a moonsault to the floor to wipe out Shelley. Shelley went to the second turnbuckle and Bandido met him there, but Shelley hit an atomic drop off the second rope.

Bandido and Shelley went back and forth and Bandido hit a big elbow strike out of nowhere and both men were down. Both men traded overhand chops a short time later. The pace picked up and they traded overhand chops back and forth. Shelley went to bounce off the ropes, but Bandido popped him up into a cutter for a nearfall. Bandido hit a Burning Hammer into a GTS, but Shelley didn’t go down. Bandido went for the 21-plex, but Shelley got out of the way. Shelley put a gun to Bandido’s head and Bandido fired up and hit a flurry of strikes. Bandido ended up rolling around Shelley in the corner for a modified 21-plex for the win.

WINNER: Bandido to retain the PWG World Championship in 26:00. (****)

(Radican’s Analysis: This was a really good main event and different from most stuff I’ve seen in PWG. Shelley slowed the pace down and played the heel role here. He stalled and played to the crowd and did a great job of getting most of the crowd to side with Bandido by the time the match ended. They picked up the pace down the stretch and in the end Bandido looked strong overcoming Shelley’s mind games.)

Overall score: (8.0): This was a really good show from top to bottom with only one match that was skippable.

Email Sean at Follow him on Twitter @SR_Torch


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