FEBRUARY 16, 2022
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts
-The Dynamite opening aired.
-Jim Ross introduced the show as the camera showed a wide angle of the arena.
-C.M. Punk sat mid-ring wearing a “MID” t-shirt as fans chanted his name. He said if you don’t know by now, you should, his name is C.M. Punk. He said: “I’m straight edge. I’m drug free, alcohol free, and I’m better than you. Does that sound familiar?” He said he spoke those words over 20 years ago and he said they became the foundation of his career. He said he can feel pride that that foundation grew into such a career that he managed to inspire the next generation of pro wrestlers. He said some of them are sitting in the locker room now, and some became wrestlers because of him. He said some of them sit like he does. “And then there’s MJF.” Boos!
He said MJF tried to walk like him and talk like him, but he can never think like him. He said when he beat him in his hometown, twice, you’d think he’d be furious with him, but he’s not. “Max, I’m proud of you,” he said. He said where he strays from the path is how he fails to retain the knowledge of the lessons he’s being taught. He said he fancies himself Piper in Portland, Bret in Montreal, and Punk in Chicago “when in reality you’re just shitty little Max from shitty little Long Island.” He said the foundation of his career has been a ring he won with help from other people which he uses to beat his opponents.
He gave a shout out to Jon Moxley for assisting him last week. He said now he gets to pick the time and place and stip. He said it’ll be March 6 in Orlando, Fla. at the Revolution PPV. He said regarding the match, he was thinking about some of his toughest matches over the years. He talked about a cage match option, but he said Max can still climb out of the cage or Wardlow could interfere. He thought about matches he had with legends that were hard. He said he needs Max to learn lessons, and he thought back to Piper in Portland. He said if Max wants to be tethered to Piper, he can be tethered to him in a Dog Collar Match. He opened a Valentine’s gift box and pulled out a dog collar and chain. “Max, will you be my Valentine?”
He said he knows Max is backstage pissing his pants over this. He said he needs to be taught a lesson. He asked him to come out so he can say one more thing while looking into his eyes. After a pause, MJF’s music played. Tony Schiavone mentioned that the dog collar match he’s referring to took place in 1983 – Piper vs. Greg Valentine. MJF walked out. Piper showed a picture of Punk at an autograph table with a kid standing next to him. Punk said it was MJF, and it was probably the greatest day of his life. He said Revolution will be the worst day of his life because the canvas at Revolution won’t be stained with his spray tan, but rather with his blood. Fans chanted “C.M. Punk.” Excalibur said MJF seemed unnerved. MJF turned and left without saying anything. Fans chanted Punk’s name. Punk’s music played. Schiavone noted there has only been one other dog collar match in AEW before – Cody Rhodes vs. Dustin Rhodes.
(Keller’s Analysis: That worked. I love the wrestling history being pulled into this, and that photo of Punk and MJF at the end was gold. Punk’s delivery was believable and it was all within the narrative walls of pro wrestling. No META stuff. It works so well when they keep it simple and make it about the fight and the people fighting. If you had your money on Cody’s name being mentioned tonight, you win.)
-The announcers previewed the Dynamite line-up. A brief video package aired on Bryan Danielson vs. Lee Moriarty. [c]
-Schiavone interviewed Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, and Christian. Schiavone said there will be a Tag Team Battle Royale next week and in two weeks a Casino Tag Royale. JB said, “I love a good three-way-” at which point Luchasaurus gasped. JB said he meant a “tag match.” Christian said there will be some changes in the tag division soon, but one thing will stay the same – Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus as tag champions.
(Keller’s Analysis: Good basic stuff. I really like emphasizing who the champions are regularly on the shows. It makes the belts feel more important even if you are fully aware who the champs are. But not everyone watching can track who the champions are in every division, so it serves that purpose too. The three-way thing felt contrived and scripted, but I think JB and Luchasaurus pulled it off. It’s also going to get some hearts racing.)
Schiavone noted that Rampage will air at 7 ET on Friday to accommodate TNT’s coverage of NBA All-Star Weekend. Danielson offered a handshake, but then pulled it away. Excalibur noted that Moriarty was able to hang with Punk weeks ago. The commentators talked about the prospects of a Danielson & Moxley alliance coaching younger wrestlers. Danielson threw hard roundkicks to the chest of Moriarty as he was caught in the ropes. Then he delivered a kneelift to the side of his face. They cut to a split-screen break. [c/ss]
Danielson dominated during the break. He applied a Lebell Lock, but Moriarty put his boot over the bottom rope. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” Moriarty eventually fired up and exchanged strikes with Danielson mid-ring, then scored a two count with a backslide. Danielson stood and slapped Moriarty in the face. Danielson then hit a rolling elbow. Moriarty blocked his roundkick and slammed him to the mat with a judo throw for a two count. Danielson came back with a shoulder-capture suplex. Danielson followed with a running Psycho Knee. Next came extended-arm stomps to Moriarty’s chest and head. He then applied a triangle sleeper for the win via ref stoppage. Danielson flexed his arms before releasing.
WINNER: Danielson in 13:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Another really good showing from Moriarty. Danielson was dominant, but Moriarty looked formidable and credible, but just not in his league yet.)
-Danielson said he wanted to teach Moriarty about violence. He asked the fans if he passed or failed. He said their response is why he doesn’t trust the American public with anything. He said he asked Jon Moxley to team with him and teach young wrestlers about violence. He said he wants an answer. Moxley’s music played and he made his way to the ring from a side entrance. He did a lap around the ring as fans chanted his name.
Mox said at one time he was like a lot of young men in the AEW locker room, angry and poor. He said he took a shot at taking on the great “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson. He said they were at a little indy show in Ohio, and Danielson was late due to weather, and the promoter sent Tracey Smothers to the ring to fill time for 45 minutes. He said the first time they met was when Danielson entered the ring. He said Danielson was known as the best wrestler in the world. He said he went balls out and went tooth and nail but came up short. He said it just made him want it more. He said he had more shots at Danielson, and every time he came up short. He said he, in fact, has never defeated Danielson. He said he was excited when Danielson came to AEW so he’d have another chance to slay the one dragon he never had yet. He said as it turns out, Danielson doesn’t want to fight him, he wants to join forces with him.
He said he listened to everything Danielson said about how awesome it could be if they worked together and caved in skulls together and snapped arms together, creating a dynasty of unmitigated pure wrestling violence. He said he thought not just about the destruction, but what they could create. He said they could give back to AEW and leave a legacy. He said no matter how hard he thought, he couldn’t think of one good reason to say no. He said then he thought the only reason Danielson wanted to stand next to him is because he wanted to avoid standing across the ring from him. He approached Danielson and stared (after having paced around the ring until then). He said Danielson knows he’ll do to him what he’s done everyone else in AEW the last three years. He asked Danielson if he wants to work with him because of what they could create or to avoid getting destroyed. He told Danielson it’s up to him. He said he’s not saying yes and he’s not saying no.
Moxley said he’s not that young kid from a decade ago. He said he doesn’t stand side-by-side with anybody until he bleeds with them first. He dropped the mic and hopped out of the ring.
(Keller’s Analysis: Great set-up for a match between them. Mox was really good here with content, delivery, and just a sense of authenticity. Danielson’s facial expressions were a real highlight too as he could tell where Mox was going with it all.)
-A vignette aired on Keith Lee who said he is coming to AEW to make a statement. He said phase one is done, a ladder match is phase two, and when he’s done with that, the TNT Championship will be his.
(Keller’s Analysis: Straight forward and believable. The cutaways to fans going bonkers at his debut last week along with his signature sing-song bravado delivery is the right way to promote him early on. He wasn’t obviously a heel or a face, but he came across as a star who is sure of himself. That’s never been an issue with him.)
(2) MAX CASTER (w/Anthony Bowens) vs. WARDLOW – Face of the Revolution qualifying match
Caster rapped his way to the ring and took digs at a Tennessee chicken joint and the Titan’s NFL team, then closed by saying Wardlow is MJF’s bitch boy. Bowens said, “That one stung.” Schiavone said he doesn’t always agree with Caster’s rap, but there was some truth in that last stanza. They cut to an early split-screen break. [c/ss]
Wardlow beat up Caster at ringside during the break. Bowens mouthed off at Wardlow. Caster side-stepped a charging Wardlow, who then crashed into the ringside steps. Bowens trash-talked Wardlow. Caster then rammed him into the steps and then slammed him onto the edge of the ring apron. Back in the ring, Wardlow fired back at Caster. He set up a powerbomb, but Bowens yanked Caster out of the ring to safety. Bowens handed Caster a chain, which he used against an unsuspecting Wardlow. Shawn Spears showed up at ringside and distracted the ref as Wardlow went for a powerbomb. Caster, though, used the chain to knock out Wardlow. Caster landed a top rope elbow drop for a near fall. Schiavone said Tony Khan has just signed the Dog Collar Match between Punk and MJF. Wardlow came back and powerbombed Caster. He played to the crowd as Ross touted he’s a beast. He landed two more powerbombs before putting his foot on Caster’s chest for the three count.
WINNER: Wardlow in 5:00.
-After the match, Bowens attacked Wardlow from behind. Spears didn’t help Wardlow. Wardlow gave Bowens a powerbomb. As Wardlow celebrated, Spears entered and bashed Bowens with a chair. Wardlow turned and wasn’t pleased. He left the ring ahead of Spears.
-Backstage, Schiavone interviewed Mercedes Martinez, Britt Baker, Rebel, and Jamie Hayter. Baker said she has the best squad and the best sensei. In walked Martin Krove (Sensei Kreese) from the “Karate Kid” movies and Netflix’s “Cobra Kai” series. Mercedes said it’s time for her to “murder a bitch.” Krove said she should finish her and show no mercy.
(Keller’s Analysis: Fun cameo.)
-Excalibur plugged upcoming matches on Dynamite. [c]
-Schiavone interviewed “Hangman” Adam Page mid-ring. Fans chanted “Cowboy Shit.” As Schiavone asked him about the “violent match” against Lance Archer, Adam Cole quickly interrupted. He asked Nashville to give a round of applause to Hangman. He talked about his battles against Kenny Omega, Danielson, and Archer. He entered the ring and told Schivaone, “Get the hell out of my ring.” Fans booed and Schivaone left. Ross said, “That ain’t cool.” Cole told Hangman he earned the right to call himself champion, but that reign will have to come to an end soon. Hangman said he wonders what it felt like to watch from a distance as his friends built a wrestling empire without him. Fans “oooh’d.” He said it must feel weird being in the ring with his Bullet Club bully and ROH roommate, looking at the AEW Title and knowing it’s the only world championship he’ll never hold.
Cole said he wanted to talk about friendship. He said he hasn’t heard the Bucks say his name in weeks. He said he hasn’t been associated with Dark Order in months. He asked what kind of a friend he is. Hangman said he’s not not perfect. He said he’s not sure Cole has the best record with friendship, either. He said he has some regrets and he’s made some mistakes. He said the more he talks, the more he thinks getting into the ring with him might be his biggest challenge. Cole said Hangman has become an unbelievable wrestler and champion, but he’s in AEW now. He told Hangman, anytime they’re in the same company together, he’s just known as “the other Adam.” Hangman put the AEW Title belt down and looked ready for a fight. Cole said he has nothing but love and admiration for him. He said some day they are going to fight for that belt and when they do, it’ll be man to man, “and filled with respect; may the best man win.” He offered a handshake. Hangman shook his hand, but looked suspicious. Cole left. Excalibur called Cole smug and self-satisfied.
Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish attacked Hangman from behind. Cole joined in. Schiavone asked if anyone was surprised by that. A parade of security guys ran to the ring and pulled the wrestlers off of Hangman. Dark Order then ran to the ring which led to the heel trio fleeing. Dark Order’s “10” beat up the security guys one at a time, as they oddly charged at him one at a time. The rest of Dark Order tried to calm him down. He tossed one more security guy over the top rope onto the crowd of discarded security guys at ringside.
(Keller’s Analysis: That was vintage Cole and vintage Hangman. Cole was effective at establishing he’s a heel from being rude to Schiavone to being arrogant about being the main “Adam,” to the insincere handshake leading to the attack from behind.)
-A video package aired on Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin with soundbites from both.
Jericho and Hager made their way to the ring as Jericho entrance theme played. Ross said Hager has been in deep MMA training, evidenced by his physique. Excalibur said he appears to be in the best shape of his career. Jericho also looks like he changed his diet and exercise routine, looking strikingly more fit and healthy than just a month ago. Ross said being live at an AEW event is a blast as fans enthusiastically sang “Judas.” Santana & Ortiz came out next. Eddie Kingston made his return before the bell. He walked out smiling as Jericho shook his head and forced a smile. Fans chanted “Eddie! Eddie!” Excalibur asked what his business is there. Eddie then slapped the back of the hands of Santana and Ortiz before the bell. After a few minutes of back and forth action, they cut to a split screen break. [c/ss]
Jericho eventually put Santana in a Lion Tamer. Kingston encouraged Santana to lunge to the bottom rope to force a break. He reached the bottom rope. Jericho dropkicked Kingston off the ring apron. When Jericho turned around, Santana ducked a Judas Effect. Ortiz hit Jericho, then Santana landed a discus lariat for the win.
WINNERS: Jericho & Hager in 12:00.
-Jericho was enraged afterward. He leaped at Kingston at ringside. Excalibur said Kingston didn’t lay a hand on him, and Jericho was the one who was unhinged.
-Backstage, O’Reilly, Fish, and Cole asked the Young Bucks where they were in that previous segment, implying they’d have liked their help. Cole talked about the Triple Threat match at Revolution for the AEW Tag Team Titles. The Bucks and O’Reilly & Fish got heated a they talked about the prospects of it. Matt asked O’Reilly where he’s been, and he said he became a dad. Matt said he has two kids. Nick said he has three. Cole yelled they all have beautiful children. He said they can’t be stopped and all have to get on the same page. The Bucks walked to the left, O’Reilly & Fish to the right. Brandon Cutler, holding the camera, asked Cole which way he was going to go. Cole told him to shut up. [c]
They showed Sensei Kreese at ringside. Schiavone said if AEW was a nose, Cole would be the booger of AEW. Fans chanted “Thunder Rosa!” early as she took early control of the match. She threw Martinez into the ringpost, then pulled a table out from under the ring. Martinez reversed Rosa into the ringpost. They cut to a split-screen break. [c/ss]
During the break, they brawled into the crowd and then back into the ring using trash cans and chairs. Martinez suplexed Rosa off the ring apron through a table leaning against the ring. Back in the ring, the brawl continued. Martinez landed a top rope elbow for a near fall. Rosa came back and delivered the Thunder Driver onto a pile of chairs for the win.
WINNER: Rosa in 10:00.
-Afterward Rosa helped Martinez stand, then bowed to her in a sign of respect. Baker, Rebel, and Hayter walked out, not looking happy with Martinez. Baker walked up to Sensei Kreese and asked for his thoughts. He said, “I told you she was weak; now finish her.” Hayter and Rebel attacked Rosa two-on-one. Fans booed. Baker wanted Martinez to bash Rosa with a chair, but she hesitated. Hayter attacked her. The three heels stood over Rosa and Martinez.
-A vignette aired on House of Black. Malakai Black said violence craves destruction, and it leaves behind only ash. He said no violence can occur without judgment. Brody King asked what they were waiting for.
-Excalibur announcer Penta & Pac would face House of Black next week on Dynamite. Also, Jericho vs. Kingston. On Rampage, Cole vs. Dark Order’s “10,” Trent Beretta vs. Jay White, another Serena Deeb 5 minute challenge, and Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Dante Martin in a Face of the Revolution qualifier.
-A soundbite aired with Jay White. He said everyone is talking about him. He said if Kenny Omega had stayed in New Japan, there’d be no AEW. He said, “AEW, you’re welcome.” He said he’s going to show all of AEW how to breathe with the Switchblade “because it’s still my era.”
(Keller’s Analysis: Nice promo, with a really good sinister presence) [c]
(5) SAMMY GUEVARA (w/Sting) vs. DARBY ALLIN – TNT Title match
Sting came out onto the stage with Darby. Lots of rapid-paced back and forth action early. Guevara splashed Darby as he was leaning over the top rope. They cut to a split-screen break. [c/ss]
Back from the break, Guevara eventually landed a Spanish Fly off the top rope for a near fall. Sammy sold a knee injury from the landing. He pulled his kneepad down. A dueling chant of “Let’s Go Sammy / Let’s Go Darby!” rang out. Ross said the fans love this product. Darby caught Guevara flying at him and applied a figure-four mid-ring. Sammy escaped. Guevara caught Darby mid-air diving through the ropes and turned it into a cutter. Fans chanted “AEW!” Guevara threw Darby onto the ring apron, then climbed to the top rope. He leaped with a senton splash onto the ring apron, but Darby moved. Schiavone said Guevara looked at the camera and it gave Darby time to move out of the way. Ross agreed. Darby went after Guevara at ringside, then threw him into the ring. He set up a Coffin Drop, but with Guevara face down on the mat. Jose stood on the ring apron. Sting yanked him off the ring apron and threw him over the ringside barricade. Andrade the hit Darby with a tablet, knocking him off balance on the top turnbuckle. Guevara stood and looked around, then shrugged his shoulders. Guevara then gave Darby his GTH for the win.
WINNER: Guevara in 15:00 to retain the TNT Title.
-Matt Hardy ran out and attacked Darby with a barrage of punches. Guevara limped back into the ring and made the save. Andrade then hit Guevara from behind with the tablet. Sting chased Matt away. (By “chased,” I mean walked slowly toward him as Hardy fled in a panic.) Sting stood tall in the ring as Andrade and Hardy retreated as the show ended.
I think you meant Cody vs. Brodie Lee.