FEBRUARY 16, 2022
Announcers: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur
-The show started with CM Punk in the middle of the ring. He said that his name is CM Punk and he is straight edge, he said that means that he is better than you. Punk then smiled and said he said that first 20 years ago, and that it was the foundation of his career. He said that inspired people in the back in multiple ways, and then there is MJF. He said when MJF beat him twice in his hometown that you would think he would be mad, but he is proud of Max.
Punk said that he is Max, from Long Island with expletives. He said he always cheats in the same way with his diamond ring. He then said that he gets to pick the type, time, and date for his next match with MJF. He said that it will be at the Revolution PPV. He then recalled some of his toughest matches. He conjured a cage, but said Wardlow could enter or MJF could flee. He recalled matches that he has lost, and what he has learned the most from. He announced that they would have a dog collar match, by pulling out a dog collar.
CM Punk then called out MJF to come out to the ring, MJF’s music hit and he walked to the stage area with a microphone. Punk asked Max to take it all in and then Punk pulled out the picture of Punk with MJF as a child at a photo op. He said that the mat would be stained not with MJF’s spray tan but MJF’s blood. MJF dropped the mic and walked backstage without a verbal rebuttal.
-The announce team ran down the card for the evening. Then a video package of Bryan Danielson trying to get Jon Moxley to join forces with him was shown, along with how the match with Lee Moriarty happened. [c]
-Tony Schiavone announced that the World Tag Team Titles would be defended against two other Tag Teams in a Triple Threat match at the Revolution PPV
Bryan Danielson offered his hand, and then pulled it back once Lee Moriarty went to shake his hand. The two then grappled and reversed on the mat and in the ropes. Danielson hit a big chop on Moriarty to break the early action. Danielson then offered a test of strength and then the two battled again on the mat. Danielson then hit a Liger inspired hold into a dragon sleeper. Moriarty countered and Danielson then got into the ropes to break the hold.
The two ran the ropes and Moriarty took out the foot and then the elbow of Danielson, Moriarty then had brief control , until Danielson did his backflip spot in the corner. Danielson then put Lee in the ropes and chopped and then hit a big knee strike going into the break. [c]
Danielson was in full control throughout the break, Moriarty did a hip bridge twice while Danielson was on top. The two the had a strong style strike while upside down, then Danielson tried to use a Labell Lock, that was broken in the ropes. Moriarty then hit a back suplex, and then both men traded strikes while standing. Danielson then hit a big face slap, the men again traded strong style shots.
Moriarty hit a belly-to-belly suplex and then got a near fall on Danielson. Moriarty then locked in the Motor City Stretch, Danielson got out and hit a big suplex that set up Moriarty for the running knee strike. Danielson then waved off the ref and stood over Moriarty and hit boots to the face and then to a Triangle Sleeper for the submission win.
WINNER: Bryan Danielson
(Sage’s Analysis: A good technically sound match, the match was always a way to get to Moxley and Danielson. That being said I enjoyed this for the change of pace within a typical AEW match.)
-Danielson grabbed a microphone after the win, he said that he came out to teach Moriarty about violence. He asked the crowd if he passed or failed. He said that he doesn’t trust the American public with anything. He said he asked to speak to ask Jon Moxley if he wanted to team up, he said that he wanted an answer. Moxley’s music hit and he walked out through the crowd and into the ring.
Moxley said that over a decade he was a lot like Lee Moriarty. He took a shot a Danielson at an indie show in Ohio. He said that he went all out in that match, but came up short. He said losing made him want it more. He had more shots throughout his career, but never beat him. Moxley said that he was excited when he came in the company because he wanted to slay the dragon once and for all. But now Danielson wants to join up with him, he admitted that it would be awesome. They would be a dynasty of pro wrestling violence. Moxley mused about the legacy the two of them could leave, he said he couldn’t think of one good reason to say no.
But then he wondered if Danielson wanted to ally with him, because he didn’t want to stand across from him in the ring. he said if that is the case he has already beaten him. He asked if he wants to ally because of what they could create or because he is scared of him. Moxley finished that he is not saying yes or no, he wants Danielson to decide. He then said that he doesn’t stand with anyone until he bleeds with them first, Moxley then left the ring.
-A vinette featuring Keith Lee was shown, he talked about qualifying for the Face of the Revolution ladder match. He said that he would make a statement and would again in the ladder match and then would come for the TNT title.
Max Caster dodged and initial strike by Wardlow, then Anthony Bowens grabbed the foot of Wardlow as the commercial break started. [c]
Wardlow chased Caster and ran into the ringside steps like a raging bull, Caster then laid in offense as the show returned. Caster hit a Mic Drop after Bowens hit Wardlow with a chain. Wardlow kicked out and then kicked Caster into Bowens. Wardlow then proceeded to power bomb Caster three times for the pinfall.
WINNER: Wardlow
(Sage’s Analysis: A continued evolution for Wardlow, going form under 1 minute squash matches to semi competitive 6/7 minutes matches is nice to see for him and his character.)
-Bowens attacked Wardlow right after the match, Shawn Spears did nothing as Wardlow hit a power bomb on Bowens. Spears entered the ring after that.
-Mercedes Martinez was backstage before her no DQ match, Britt Baker reminder her that she cannot lose this match. [c]
-Tony Schiavone announced Hangman Adam Page to the ring. He came out to his music and Pyro and walked to the ring. Tony asked how Page was doing after his violent match last week, as he answered Adam Cole interrupted him and walked out to the ring. Cole then ran down his feuds against Kenny, Danielson and Archer; Cole then told Tony to leave the ring. Cole said that Page was the worthy champion, but it was a shame that his title run would be ending soon.
Page said he wondered how he felt that his friends built a new company without him, and that his former ROH roommate is holding the only World title he will never hold. Cole said that his friends The Young Bucks and The Dark Order haven’t said his name in weeks, what kind of friend does that make him. Page said that he wasn’t perfect, but Cole has a bad track record with friendships.
Page said they have both made mistakes, and Cole entering the ring tonight was his biggest mistake. Cole said that Page has always been the Other Adam when they are in the same company. Page was ready to throw down, Cole stopped him by saying he loves sharing a ring with him and one day they will share the ring and the best man will in. Cole offered his hand and they both shook and Cole left the ring. Red Dragon entered the ring from behind and took out Page as Adam Cole ran back into the ring and joined din on the beatdown. Security entered the ring and was thrown around, then members of Drake Order entered and made the save. Then for some reason Preston Vance threw around the security guards who were trying to protect his friend, very strange.
-A video hyped and set up the TNT title match that would main event the show.
-Chris Jericho and Jake Hager came out to the ring. Santana and Ortiz then walked out.
Eddie Kingston walked out to the ring just before the match started to support Santana and Ortiz at ringside.
The match started with Santana and Jericho, they began by trading slaps and chops. Santana quickly took control and hit several intense chops on Jericho. Ortiz was tagged in quickly hit a DDT on Jericho for a two count. Ortiz then hit more moves and tried to get the pinfall win once more. Jericho countered and tagged in Jake Hager.
Hager and Ortiz traded shots, with Ortiz getting knocked down and back up several times. Hager hit a Hager Bomb for a two count going into the break. [c]
Jericho was in control on Ortiz as the action resumed in full screen. Ortiz was able to get the hot tag to Ortiz who took out Jericho and then battled with Hager. After a series of shots Hager was off his feet and Jericho entered. Santana took out Jericho, then Hager hit a slam and team Jericho teamed up on Santana.
Santana got Hager to the outside and then was one on one with Jericho, who tried a Lionsault, but Ortiz interrupted that. Santana and Ortiz then hit a street sweeper on Jericho for a near fall. Kingston then said they needed to do it again. Jericho countered and applied the Lion Tamer on Santana, who was able to grab the ropes. Jericho then took out Kingston and Santana and Ortiz teamed up and pinned Jericho.
WINNER: Santana & Ortiz
(Sage’s Analysis: Not a great match, and Jake Hager is just nit very useful in the ring and as a character, I wonder when his contract is up October of this year? I like that Santana and Ortiz got the win, I don’t love that Jericho needed to make it all about him by setting up his feud with Kingston right after taking the loss. Instead of allowing S&O to enjoy the moment.)
-Jericho battled Kingston right after the match.
-Cole and Red Dragon were backstage with The Young Bucks. They asked why the Bucks didn’t join them and they brushed it off. Cole then ran down how all the members of The Elite would win. Then Cole set up that both tag teams could qualify for the Tag Team spots as part of the Battle Royal next week. [c]
Rosa struck Martinez with a chair, while Martinez tried to parry with her baton and it did not go well for the hand and wrist of Martinez. The bell rang and Thunder Rosa pulled out a table, but was unable to set it up. Rosa then threw Martinez into a barricade that fell over and it looked like she hit the concrete hard. Rosa then climbed on a barricade near the fans seats and dove out onto Martinez. [c]
As the match returned the table was set up leaned against the apron. Martinez hit a Fisherman Suplex onto the table and they both hit and slid down the table, it was rough. Back in the ring, many chairs and a trash can were on the mat. Rosa hit a Hurricanrana off the top rope and then hit Mercedes with the trash can lid and then put the trash can on her and hit a drop kick and got a near fall on Martinez.
Rosa went to the top and was hit with the trashcan lid, Martinez then joined her at the top and hit a German from the top rope, then Mercedes hit an elbow off the top and got a near fall on Rosa. Mercedes then stacked the chairs in the middle of the ring and tried a power bomb, but Rosa countered it with a crucifix bomb. Rosa then hit a driver onto the chairs and got the pinfall win.
WINNER: Thunder Rosa
(Sage’s Analysis: a really exciting, if not rushed, brutal fight between two committed pro wrestlers. A great way to get these two to team up down the road after a battle like that.)
-Britt Baker and company walked out. Baker, Hayter and Rebel took out Rosa and asked Martinez to hit her with the track baton. Mercedes hesitated and was hit from behind by Hayter and both Rosa and Mercedes were left laying.
Malakai Black had a House of Black video explained how Brody King was created, I think?
-Next week’s Dynamite and this Friday’s Rampage were hyped. Jay White had a video explain who he is and what he is here to do. [c]
Both men were crotched in opposite corners, both men stood and circled each other and shook hands. A collar and elbow tie-up started the action, Darby took Sammy to the mat with a headlock. Sammy stood up in the hold and was able to reverse the hold, Darby was able to get a two count pin attempt in the hold. Sammy seated Darby on the top rope, Sammy then hit a kick and then tried for a slam. Darby tried to counter, but Sammy hit a crazy buckle bomb that sent Darby on the ropes to the apron to the floor. Sammy tried for a pin and then put Darby on the top rope and then Sammy hit a senton on the hanging Darby as the show went to picture-in-picture. [c]
Sammy was in control, but Darby regained momentum with a whip into the corner. This was followed with a Coffin Splash into the knee of Sammy. Darby continued to work the knee of Sammy and then placed him on the top rope and bent the knee form that position. Darby went to the top, Sammy pulled himself up and then hit the Spanish Fly and Sammy was late to cover as he sold his knee.
Sammy tried a DDT but was countered as Darby locked in a figure four, which was reversed several times. The two then slapped each other while in the hold and eventually breaking the hold. Sammy went for a knee strike and hit a turnbuckle. Sammy went for the GTH but was countered and Darby got a near fall. Darby then did a dive and was caught by Sammy with a cutter on the floor.
Sammy went for a Senton and hit the PCO special, landing on his back on the apron. Darby came outside and threw Sammy in the ring. Darby went up to try for the Coffin Drop. Andrade then hit Darby with his tablet, leaving Darby out on the turnbuckle. Sammy took advantage and hit the GTH for the pinfall victory.
(Sage’s Analysis: A really good main event that delivered on all aspects, including Sammy selling. The finish is not what I would have done. But I did not hate it fully, I prefer zero finishes like this and we have had a few in AEW in as many weeks, so something to look out for to be a trend.)
Final Thoughts: A good solid show from start to finish. A lot of the building blocks for Revolution come into full form tonight, this was not a newsworthy show, but it laid out a majority of the PPV’s card and had some solid wrestling throughout.
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