2/1 NXT 2.0 REPORT: Hazelwood’s live alt-perspective on Diamond Mine vs. Imperium, Breakker & Ciampa vs. Wilde & Mendoza, Gonzalez vs. Jade, more




FEBRUARY 1, 2022

Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

Ring Announcer: Samantha Irvin

Backstage Correspondent(s): McKenzie Mitchell

Tonight after the show, join the PWT Talks NXT self-proclaimed “gang of idiots” to break down the show with emails.

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-The show began with Imperium making their entrance for the six-man tag match. Diamond Mine made their entrance, then Imperium attacked before the bell as Gunther hit a big boot to Strong.

(1) IMPERIUM (Gunther & Fabian Aichner & Marcel Barthel) vs. DIAMOND MINE (Roderick Strong & Julius Creed & Brutus Creed w/Malcolm Bivens & Ivy Nile) – Six-man tag team match

Brutus began with Aichner. Brutus used his strength to hit a gutwrench suplex before tagging in hs brother, who stomped away at Aichner in the corner. Brutus tagged back in as Aicher began to fight back with chops. Aichner caught Brutus on his shoulders, then hit a rolling senton. Barthel tagged in and hit a quick arm drag. He worked the arm, holding on through a counter attempt. Brutus then lifted and slammed Barthel, hitting some mounted punches. Julius tagged in as the midsection was targeted. Barthel slipped Creed, hit an uppercut, then a running PK to the chest.

Barthel caught a kick in the corner, hit an enziguri, a butterfly suplex, then a second rope missile uppercut for a two-count. Gunther tagged in as the crowd chanted “Walter.” Walter hit a big chop to drop Creed, then hit a big bodyslam. He tagged in Barthel who covered for a one-count, then cinched in a seated Cobra Clutch. Creed rolled out and hit a front face lock suplex. Strong tagged in as Aichner did as “The Messiah of the Backbreaker” hit a gnarly one. He took out the others at ringside, then looked like he hesitated on a rope run. Gunther tagged in and floored Strong as Wade Barrett said it was due to injury from last week’s match. They cut to break. [c]

They returned with Barthel in control of Strong, but Strong fought back and tagged in Julius. Julius took out Barthel and Aichner, then covered Barthel for a two-count. Julius tagged in his brother, then gutwrenched his brother onto Barthel in a splash for a two-count. Barthel hit a jawbreaker and tagged in Aichner. Julius tagged in and they hit a double spinebuster for a two-count that was broken by a Gunther chop to the back. Gunther tagged in as Strong tagged in, Strong hitting a series of chops until Gunther hit a kic,. Strong flipped out of the powerbomb, then hit the Sick Kick, then the USA player froze.

After it came back, Gunther was legal with Brutus, felling him with chops and slaps to the chest. He hit a powerbomb and covered Brutus with a leverage matchbox cover for the victory. Replays showed Aichner and Barthel threw Strong into the steps and took out Julius prior to the finish.

WINNER: Imperium at 12:00 (powerbomb)

-They showed an “Earlier Today” video with L.A. Knight, saying Grayson Waller is just delaying the inevitable. Behind him, Joe Gacy and Harland appeared. Gacy said it appears that Knight has a lot of anger in his heart. He said Harland had to grow from a restraining order incident and offered his services to Knight. Knight said why don’t they all go out to the arena together and by the end of the night, he’ll have two more restraining orders as he “stomps” their “asses.”

-They showed Toxic Attraction making their way as they hit break. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: A strong way to start the show with the right outcome, though I’m surprised a Creed brother took the fall instead of Strong. The only other outcome I foresaw happening was a Creed pinning Aichner or Barthel to set a Tag Team Championship match. Still, good action, and to clarify from last week, Gunther IS the name of his grandfather, an homage of sorts.)

-They returned with a WrestleMania ad with a reminder that it’s once again two nights in 60 days. Vic Joseph and Barrett were ringside hyping the Raw after WrestleMania. They also said they next two weeks, NXT is on SyFy. Toxic Attraction then made their entrance.


Gigi Dolan began, calling out Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta. Dolan said last week wasn’t a fluke, but their death sentence. Jacy Jayne said in two weeks at Vengeance Day, they’ll defend the titles against those two. As soon as Mandy Rose began speaking, Kay Lee Ray interrupted. Ray said it’s now time for Rose to give her a title match. Rose said no. Ray said she thought she might say that so she, with her bat, said let’s have some fun. Rose said put the bat down and they’ll leave. Ray complied. Rose did as well.

Ray said she is the longest reigning Women’s Champion of the modern era, and if anyone deserves a title shot, it’s her. Rose said she doesn’t care about any of that, so let’s talk about me. She said she has been the face of multiple, international campaigns, seven magazine covers and counting, Bikini World Champion, the epitome of what women want to be and what every man wants to be with. Ray asked if she was done. Ray said all of that doesn’t compare to any in-ring skills. Ray said she was champion for 649 days, dominating an entire content while Rose was slipping her ass at WrestleMania and sucking the face of Otis.

Rose said and look at her now, she’s the hottest thing in professional wrestling “unlike all you fugazis” out there. Rose said in the nicest way possible, all the talent in the world will never replace this (she posed). Ray said by the end of tonight, she’ll have her title match. Rose said doubtful, then ate a slap from Ray. The other two came in, so Ray grabbed her bat and chased them off.

-McKenzie Mitchell was with Cora Jade in the back. She asked why Jade wants the match so badly. Jade said it’s to prove she’s tough enough. She said she might get her ass kicked, but she’s going to show she has what it takes to compete. Raquel Gonzalez approached, saying Jade could still back out. Jade said she still wanted it, so Gonzalez laughed and made her entrance. Jade seemed resigned to the beating she was going to take. They cut to break. [c]

-They returned with Toxic Attraction outside getting ready to leave as Rose was asked about Ray. She said Ray isn’t on her level nor deserving of being in the same ring as her. She went to open the door, but Ray was in the driver’s seat and drove off with the other two in the back.

-Jade made her entrance.

(2) RAQUEL GONZALEZ vs. CORA JADE – Singles match

Gonzalez just beckoned Jade forward, who ran at her and fell as Gonzalez just stood still on a shoulder tackle. She then hit Jade with a short-arm clothesline. Jade slipped away, hit a double upkick, then a rolling dropkick. Jade went for a running double knee, but Gonzalez caught her and just tossed her over her head for a two-count. Gonzalez whipped Jade hard into the corner, then slammed her into the corner again before landing some shots. She yelled at Jade about wanting to “win the Dusty.”

Jade went for a crossbody, but Gonzalez turned it into a swinging side slam for another two-count. Gonzalez hit a vertical suplex for a two-count, then locked in a nerve hold to both shoulder blades. Jade fought out with a jawbreaker, but ran into a big boot. Gonzalez lifted Jade onto her shoulder in a dominator position, turning it into a modified Gory over the shoulder, then ramming Jade chest-first into the corner, causing her to land in a seated position.

Jade fought off Gonzalez, but got caught on a crossbody. Jade reversed the swinging slam into an octopus submission, but, Gonzalez just slammed her down sidewalk slam style. Gonzalez then climbed to the middle rope, but Jade moved on the dive. Gonzalez went for a lawn dart, but Jade slipped out and rolled her up for a two-count. Jade hit a superkick, then grabbed Gonzalez’s hand and went for her springboard rana, which she hit. She then hit an enziguri, staggering Gonzalez against the ropes. She went for a running knee, but Gonzalez turned it into the Chingona Bomb for the victory.

After the match, Gonzalez (badly) acted like she was going to leave before turning back to Jade and offering her hand. She said, “The Dusty? Let’s go and win this.” They walked off together.

WINNER: Raquel Gonzalez at 6:02 (Chingona Bomb)

-Another Sarray vignette played as she said 2021 didn’t go her way. She didn’t want to give up, and then found her grandma’s necklace. In English, she said she will return with a new passion and energy, and it’s next. [c]

-They returned with a replay of Pete Dunne bashing Tony D’Angelo’s hand with a cricket bat. Dunne asked how D’Angelo’s hand doing, saying he only needed one way to bash his hand. He said he took the advice of D’Angelo’s cousin Tulio. He said he handled his business with his hands up in the stereotypical Italian style. He called out D’Angelo, saying finish it in a steel cage.

-Sarry was then shown making her way to Gorilla. She looked at her grandmother’s necklace, then went through the smoke. She was wearing regular clothing, but when she entered, she was in some good gear.

(3) SARRAY vs. KAYLA INLAY – Singles match

Sarray asked for the code of honor, but Inlay slapped her hand away. Inlay wrenched the arm, but Sarray rolled out and wrenched Inlay’s arm. Sarry took a side headlock, then an arm drag after a rope run. She posed with gusto, then hit a corner back elbow. She grabbed both hands, then hit two basically hip tosses. Inlay dodged a corner attack, then put Sarray in the corner (Inlay is just overacting so much). Inlay covered for a one-count after a corner attack.

Suddenly, Joseph cut to Mitchell (in audio form) with an update, saying there’s no word on the whereabouts of Dolan and Jayne. Sarray fought out of a back waist lock with back elbows and an elevated snapmare. She hit some strong right hands, then hit a rolling wheelbarrow into a double stomp. She hit her Sunray Dropkick to Inlay, sitting against the bottom rope, then an overhead uranage for the victory.

WINNER: Sarray at 3:30 (elevated uranage)

-They cut to a Duke Hudson vignette, grabbing clippers and saying he saw an opportunity and took it with Dante Chen. They showed clips of him in his poker gimmick, saying he was addicted to the long game, and look where that got him. He began shaving his head saying he only wants to inflict pain and now, he makes his own luck.

-They showed Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams making their way as they cut to break. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: First, why are vehicular kidnappings so common in NXT? Second, the Sarray thing could have been worse. I think the most questionable decision  here is giving Inlay any sort of sustained offense as the best way to have reintroduced Sarray would have been a clean squash match. I believe this is exactly the type of match they debuted with Sarray originally, so I’m not confident this means anything different than what happened before her hiatus. I was trying to be optimistic, but now I’m not as sure.)

-They showed Bron Breakker warming up in the locker room as Tomasso Ciampa appeared. Breakker thanked him for the help last week. Ciampa grabbed the title and said the mountaintop is a very lonely place, and you don’t understand it until you’re there (he placed the title on Breakker’s shoulder). Ciampa said let’s just say he wants to ensure Breakker remains NXT Champion (implying a future title shot). Breakker said let’s kick some ass tonight.


-Hayes and Williams made their entrance.


Williams took the mic and said let me get this straight: Cameron Grimes won by distraction and thinks he’s ready for the A Champion? Williams said he’s better off staying in the locker room playing poker. Hayes said the old me would come out here and verbally put Grimes in the grave, but he takes Grimes as a threat even if “you people” don’t think he’s a threat. Hayes said he’s going harder in the gym, spending more time in the ring, and more time with OlliJayy because that’s what the A Champion does. Hayes said he’s always looking down on Grimes as Grimes’ music interrupted.

Grimes hit the stage in business-casual. He said he had to come out here because he heard Hayes say the people don’t care about Grimes. He said he could be wrong, but he doesn’t think they’re chanting “A Champ,” but instead “To The Moon.” Williams called him a no-good raggedy bum and said he would beat his slimy- Grimes said he’s not slimy, he’s grimy! Grimes said Hayes looks like Spongebob’s house, so that makes Williams Squidworth, right? He said he caught both of them on OllieJayy’s Insta and they were liking all the bikini pics. Williams did his thing, talking too fast for me to type (in the best way possible). Grimes said he wasn’t sure what all was said there, but asked if he’s fighting Williams or Hayes.

Hayes removed his shades and said in two weeks, at Vengeance Day, Grimes will find out Hayes really is that man and he’s going to the moon and taking the stars as casualties. They left the ring. Grimes said it’s funny he was talking about the stars because it’s only going to be a one-start match and that star is going to the moon.

-They showed Edris Enofe and Malik Blade discussing tag team names. Each wanted their name first. Enofe said they’re both brave, bold, and Blade said confident, so BB- Blade stopped them. Enofe said something about Rose and told Blade to close his eyes and say what he would say if she was there. She entered their room and fell onto his lap. Ray appeared and ripped off Rose’s jacket as Enofe was hyped. Blade said he needed a minute as he kept Rose’s jacket on his lap. Yup, we’ve gone to erectile humor on 2.0 everyone.

-Knight made his entrance as they cut to break. [c]

-They returned with Mitchell in the back saying Diamond Mine has struggled against Imperium. Bivens exploded, asking what she would know about struggles, that struggles breed victory. The Creed Brothers had their things to say before Grizzled Young Veterans interrupted with mock clapping. Bivens said they’re going to kick their ass next Tuesday, nerds.

-Gacy and Harland were already in the ring.

(4) L.A. KNIGHT vs. JOE GACY (w/Harland) – Singles match

Knight punched away at Gacy, then hit a running neckbreaker. He stomped away at Gacy in the corner, saying “Yeah” after every stomp until the fans played along. He hit a running knee to Gacy in the corner, but Gacy then fored Knight into the turnbuckle and hit a spinning uranage slam. I love me a good uranage, so it pains me to see it with a character like Gacy. Gacy then hit a snapmare and wrenched on the neck.

Knight fought to his feet, but Gacy hit a belly-to-back suplex. Gacy then rubbed his taped wrists across the eyes of Knight before landing a 12-6 elbow. Gacy worked Knight against the ropes, mostly the body, but Knight fired back with shots until Gacy kicked the left knee. He then attacked the leg, kicking the leg in the corner. Knight sidestepped a corner splash, then hit a jumping neckbreaker, a bodyslam, a leaping elbow, but a stunner was blocked and they hit heads.

Sanga (Saurav) appeared, distracted Knight at ringside, then Waller hit a rolling stunner as the referee was distracted. Knight just made the (elongated) count, but ran right into a huge handspring lariat. Gacy covered for the victory.

WINNER: Joe Gacy at 4:18 (handspring lariat)

-Waller and Sanga entered the ring as Waller said Knight doesn’t belong in the same ring because he owns NXT. Knight went to attack Waller, but Sanga hit an easy chokeslam to Knight. Waller then said next week, if Knight can beat Sanga, then maybe he’ll think about getting rid of that restraining order.

-Wendy Choo was walking in the back with her drink and body pillow. Tiffany Stratton was behind her with a smile on her face as they cut to break. [c]

-They returned with Robert Stone and Von Wagner in the back. Stone said he was too focused on the entertainment side until he saw 6’5″ Wagner and that’s why he paid the fines. He said he’ll pay the fines over and over again because Wagner is the future, then named off every major title in WWE. Stone said this is Wagner’s world, and Wagner said you’re just living in it. Even with just five words, he’s still a charisma vacuum.

-Miller was in the ring as they cut back to a video where Stratton was complaining to Miller about Choo. She said if Miller wins, she’ll take her shopping, on her, as she showed the Black Card. Choo then made her entrance to a good pop from the unreliable NXT crowd.

(5) WENDY CHOO vs. AMARI MILLER – Singles match

Choo, in her house slippers and pajamas, rolled away from Miller and posed laying down, acting like she was going to sleep. Miller grabbed a leg, but Choo kicked her off and hit a single leg, then wrapped around the leg, trying to sleep. She shhhd Miller. Miller got out, then went for a back slide for a two-count. Choo then hit a single leg dropkick, then a running superkick in the corner. She hit a falling sleeping pose splash for a two-count.

Miller slid around Choo, hit a leg sweep, then a running senton for a two-count. Miller then locked in a seated Cobra Clutch. Choo fought to her feet, hit a big body punch, then a clothesline. Choo sent Miller off of the ropes and hit an overhead suplex. She then hit a cartwheel lariat and an exploder suplex. Choo locked in a Sleeper, but Miller rolled her out and then hit a Codebreaker/lung blower for a two-count. Stratton appeared and slid in the card, but Choo hit a rollup for a two-count. She then hit a running attack for the victory.

Stratton entered and said they had a deal. She demanded her card, but Miller didn’t have it. Choo had it, causing Stratton to throw a fit. She yelled that it’s daddy’s credit card.

WINNER: Wendy Choo at 3:26 (running attack)

-They showed Pirotta in the back as Hartwell appeared with her husband, Dexter Lumis. Hartwell and Pirotta said they’d be champion. Pirotta said she was looking at Hudson’s Insta. She asked Lumis, who just went thumbs down. Brooks Jensen appeared and asked Hartwell on advice for him and Kayden. She said when a guy talks too much, it’s a turnoff. She said non-verbal communication is turn on. She looked at Lumis, then said let’s hit the hot tub. Pirotta looked at him and said she’s into someone else. He said he’s into Kayden, but they’re just friends, then he kept rambling.

-They showed a video of Draco Anthony training at 2:30 in the morning. he said his drill instructor would never make it as a Marine, but he served for four years. He said he makes his NXT debut tonight and it’s him against the world. Draco Anthony: his actions speak louder than your words. [c]

-They returned with a vignette on Nikkita Lyons (another double K name!?), who said every experience in life has led to the lyrics she’s written and this very moment. She began to rap a bit. She said she’s in NXT now, the most competitive women’s division in the world. She said if she attacks the ring like she attacks the ring, women need to watch out.

-Mitchell was with Sarray in the back, asking about the necklace. Sarray thanked her grandma and said she loves her. Dakota Kai appeared and said Sarray should know as the Warrior of the Sun that like relationships, the sun always sets.

-They cut to ring side as Andre Chase and Bodhi Heyward made their entrance.

(6) ANDRE CHASE (w/Bodhi Heyward) vs. DRACO ANTHONY – Singles match

they locked up to begin the match, Chase using the ropes to fling Anthony off and say that was a teachable moment. Anthony took a side headlock as the Chase U section chanted for Chase. Chase reversed position, but Anthony tossed him off and hit a big shoulder tackle. Anthony went for a leap frog, but Chase turned it into an inverted atomic drop and neckbreaker for a two-count. Chase did get caught with a powerslam, then a gut PK.

Anthony, in military pants, beat on Chase in a corner a bit, then hit a big cradle suplex for a two-count. Anthony locked in Chase in the middle of the ring, then Chase fought to his feet. Chase hit a back elbow, slipped out of a powerslam, then hit some running attacks and a side Russian legsweep. He pointed at the Chase U section, who spelled out Chase U as he stomped. He whipped Anthony into a corner, but Anthony booted him and grabbed the flag from Heyward at ring side. Anthony then stepped on the flag and rubbed his boot into it. Heyward took it away before he could do it again. Chase rushed Anthony, the spun around the ref to inflict more punishment in the corner. He then hit a hammerlock flatliner for the victory.

After the match, Chase called out Wagner for an “Andre Chase University-sized ass whooping!”

WINNER: Andre Chase at 4:37 (hammerlock flatliner)

-They showed Rose making her way to the cafeteria area, no shoes and with her title. She looked haggard as she drank water (there was a cake next to her). Ray then appeared and poured a bowl of spaghetti on Rose. She then chucked the cake at Rose, though the cake just stuck to itself really. Rose asked why Ray was doing this to her. Rose tried crawling away, slipping along the way.

-Legado del Fantasma made their way for the main event tag team match. They cut to break with a WWE 2K22 ad. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take; I liked what I saw from Anthony and think he has potential. He seemed to be trying too hard to play heel, and with his background, it’s going to be hard for people to buy him as a heel unless he does some really, really dastardly things. Chase continues to look smooth in the ring, but this gimmick definitely has a ceiling, and he may have already reached that ceiling.)

-They returned with an ad for Vengeance Day.

-They hyped the men’s Dusty Classic semi-finals next week and Knight vs. Sanga.

-Breakker and Ciampa were making their entrance as they cut to the ring.

(7) BRON BREAKKER (c) & TOMASSO CIAMPA vs. LEGADO DEL FANTASMA (Joaquin Wilde & Raul Mendoza w/Santos Escobar & Elektra Lopez) – Tag team match

The announcers mentioned Dolph Ziggler’s threat to come and take the title from Breakker. Ciampa and Wilde traded some technical holds, Wilde getting the better and taunting Ciampa. They showed a graphic for Choo vs. Stratton next week as well. Ciampa floored Wilde with a chop, then did the Macarena. Ciampa took Wilde down, but Wilde made the tag, so Ciampa just switched his side headlock to Mendoza.

Mendoza evaded a bunch of moves from Ciampa before landing a stiff dropkick to the mouth. He landed a big chop, then another, but Ciampa ducked the third. They then traded chops with Ciampa getting the better, stomping away at Mendoza in the corner as referee Aja Perera counted to four. Mendoza slid outside to avoid a running attack as Ciampa stared down Escobar and Lopez. Wilde tagged in, so Ciampa tagged in Breakker.

Wilde went for a single leg that was easily thwarted by Breakker. Breakker hit a rolling gator roll into a delayed vertical. Ciampa did the same to Mendoza. Breakker had Wilde up a good 30 seconds before they hit stereo suplexes. They sat up together and started clapping, DIY style, as they cut to break. [c]

They returned with Breakker holding Wilde in a rear chinlock. Wilde fought to his feet, using back elbows to break the hold, but ate a huge clothesline from Breakker. Wilde rolled outside looking dazed. Breakker followed, then tossed Wilde back inside. Wilde distracted the ref as Escobar tossed Breakker into the steps. Wilde took advantage.


Wilde stomped away inside the ring, attacked the left arm, then forced Breakker into their corner. He hit a running splash as Mendoza made a tag, then they traded running attacks with tags. Mendoza finished with an enziguri and a double suplex, Wilde covering for a two-count. Wilde kicked the left shoulder, then stomped the head. He shoved Breakker off of the ropes and hit a back elbow for a two-count. Wilde grabbed a front facelock.

Breakker tried getting to the tag, but Wilde kept the front facelock. He prevented Breakker from tossing him momentarily, but Breakker tossed him overhead. Ciampa made the tag and took it to Wilde, then Mendoza. He hit running clotheslines to both men in separate corner, then a running, leaping double clothesline. He tagged in Breakker already, then tossed Wilde into Breakker for a spinebuster.

Escobar hit the apron to distract Breakker. Mendoza tagged in and hit a springboard dropkick. He climbed and hit a Phoenix Splash for only a two-count! Escobar looked on in shock. Breakker sent Mendoza into the corner, but Mendoza slipped to the apron. Back inside, he ran right into a spear, but the pin was broken up by Wilde. Ciampa sent out Mendoza, then hit a running knee. Wilde went to the top rope for some reason, so Ciampa shoved him and Wilde flew into and through the announce table. Breakker hit his powerslam to Mendoza for the victory.

Escobar hit the apron after the match. Breakker placed the title between them and challenged Escobar to enter. Escobar showed his watch, then said on my time. They showed replays of the ending moments.

WINNER: Bron Breakker & Tomasso Ciampa at 11:27 (powerslam)

-Rose made her way to the ring, covered in food, with Ray behind her. Breakker and Ciampa noticed and fled the ring. Ray said she wanted her title match next week. She held the bat in front of Rose’s face. Rose said yes, if she puts down the bat. Ray put the bat aside, then hit a superkick to Rose (who tried to sneak attack). She hit the KLR Bomb and stood tall over Rose, holding the title, as they faded to black. Remember, the next two weeks are on SyFy!

(Hazelwood’s Take: That’s the type of match you expect from a main event in NXT, regardless of 8 Years Back, Black & Gold, or 2.0. It was hard-hitting, long, with good psychology and stories being told. Sure, the outcome’s predictable, but sometimes A-to-B booking is the best thing for all parties. On another note, I’m not sure how face it is for Ray to force a title match out of Rose by abducting her cronies, dumping – and wasting – food on her, and threatening her with a bat, but a lot of fans could very well see it as someone turning to their last resort to get what is rightfully theirs.)

FINAL TAKE: There’s always questionable things about 2.0, but they seemed to have found a groove the past few weeks in terms of storytelling and character development. I’m still wondering if the Women’s Dusty Classic is even going to take place at this rate. Seriously, what happens first: Veer Mahaan debuts on Raw or the women’s Dusty Classic begins? I want to remain cautiously optimistic about some of these characters, like Sarray and Choo, but the presentation of their characters leaves more to be desired, granted it’s only been one show with Sarray. I also thought this was the worst Grimes promo I’ve witnessed. Still, they’re setting up both short- and long-term feuds and working nicely to Vengeance Day.


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