12/13 WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW REPORT: Hazelwood’s live alt-perspective on Lashley addressing his attack, Day 1 build, more


Full results and analysis of WWE Raw


DECEMBER 13, 2021

Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton, Corey Graves

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Backstage Correspondent(s): Sarah Schreiber, Kevin Patrick

Tonight after the show, join founder and editor Wade Keller and guest co-host Tom Stoup of PWT Talks NXT and NXT 8 Years Back to break down the show with live callers and emails.

•CALL: (347) 215-8558



-The show began with a video recap of last week’s Big E vs. Kevin Owens steel cage match, also highlighting Seth Rollins. Remember, the match kicked off the show. It showed E hitting The Big Ending from the second rope and crawling out only to be attacked by Rollins. They then showed the attack by Bobby Lashley on all three men, which aired during a commercial break last week. They played M.V.P.’s words over the video and showed a bit of their backstage interview last week.

-They cut back to the arena, which looked pretty full, as RAWbot and Jimmy Smith welcomed viewers to St. Paul, Minnesota. Lashley’s music hit – without the drum and Tron intro – as he walked out in a sweet, blood orange velvet blazer (Byron Saxton said it was “power red”). They confidently walked to the ring as Smith, Saxton, and Corey Graves took in the camera shot. Lashley and M.V.P. both had mics, and Lashley said last week he showed these guys what happens when you disrespect The All Mighty. M.V.P. said Lashley is the single most terrifying man in the entire WWE, and he knows that because are terrified to say his name, like he’s the Candyman, except you say it once and he’ll show up where bad things will happen.

They fist bumped after that. M.V.P. continued, saying there’s an issue of respect with this generation of superstars. He named Owens and Rollins, saying they come out week after week whining, complaining, and backstabbing to get a WWE Championship match. He asked you know who doesn’t complain, doesn’t whine, and makes statements? Lashley. He said that statement was also made to Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville. He said it is imperative that Lashley is added to the WWE Championship match at Day 1 on New Year’s Day because there is no better way to start off the new year than with Lashley as the WWE Champion.

Owens’ music hit as the two looked amused and annoyed. Owens hit the stage with a mic looking confused, then said they’re talking about how he’s disrespectful, but he didn’t say any of their names and hasn’t paid attention to them in like, two years. He said last week, Lashley attacked them from behind while he was already down. He said at least Rollins earned his title match, just like he, the greatest superstar in the history of this industry, earned his way into the match (the crowd popped). He said he needs to win so the WWE Universe has a good example, and Lashley doesn’t belong because it’s tough enough as a triple threat. He said no one wants Lashley there, and then was interrupted by Rollins’ music.

Owens was really going off and heated before Rollins’ music hit; it was well done. Rollins strolled cockily to the stage and said they can’t start the show without the star of the show, him, Seth Freaking Rollins. He said while he does admire Lashley’s suit game, and as much as he absolutely despises Owens, he has to take Owens’ side and doesn’t think Lashley should be in HIS title match (Owens said “our”). M.V.P. said they’re terrified. Lashley said they can both just come in the ring and do something about it. The two looked at each other, then Owens said they just agreed so they’re on a roll, Lashley can’t take them both. Rollins said they agreed. Owens told Rollins to go first, Rollins said he’s in a suit as M.V.P. said as soon as Lashley hits Rollins, Rollins will run.

E’s music hit to a good pop as he ran to the stage. He said well, if it isn’t his favorite collection of idiots. He said while the two of them might be quaking in their wrestling boots of being in the ring with Lashley, he said he beat Lashley to win the title. Lashley said after he was in a match where he was injured. E said he also beat him in a steel cage, and said he has no problem doing it one. more. time. Pearce and Deville then entered, and Pearce said if anyone lays a finger on anyone out here, there will be severe consequences. He said they’re not afraid to dole out fines and suspensions. Deville said they liked the idea of a fatal four-way, and added Lashley. Pearce then added if, a big if, if Lashley can defeat in no particular order E, Owens, and Rollins: three singles matches tonight. M.V.P. yelled that he accepted. Pearce was wearing a Green Bay Packers tie.

-Smith then shifted to a video replay of Riddle acting as “Howard Brosell” last week, getting slammed by Otis. They showed an “earlier today” video of Riddle looking at those jackets in the locker room as Randy Orton asked what they’re still doing hanging in the locker room. Riddle said they hold sentimental value and said he’s been watching a lot of tape. Orton said he hopes it was of matches and not Riddle in the jacket. Riddle said uhh…both. Orton said the titles need to be at the top of the list of Riddle’s priorities. Riddle agreed, then said they should start a podcast, even bringing up being shamans (NXT 2.0!). Riddle said hanging out with the Jackass guys was pretty sweet, and imagined if he was in a movie like that. Orton said yeah, Riddle’s a jackass, so he should have been in the movie, but now he has to face Otis, shaped like a human wrecking ball. He said focus on Otis and one day, in the distant future, he will allow Riddle to put that blazer on. RK-Bro’s music hit as they made their entrance. They cut to break. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: Lashley and M.V.P. have been money since they partnered together last year. That was a solid, show-opening promo from the two men, concise and full of impact. Owens and Rollins had a good dynamic, though I’m not sure if bickering, agreeing, then bickering again is a good look for either. They still did well in their roles. E coming out and being a confident champion, undaunted by Lashley, was a great step in his character development. While Lashley rightly brought up how E won the title, E brought up how he did defeat Lashley in a rematch. I wondered if Lashley would have a gauntlet match, but it seems like three separate matches throughout the night. I’m guessing top of the second hour, top of the third hour, and main event.)

-They returned with Rollins, Owens, and E in the back with Pearce and Deville, with Rollins predictably upset. Deville said only one of them has to defeat Lashley and it remains a triple threat. Pearce said Owens was added to the match last, Owens goes first. He said you know what, he will beat Lashley (in the face of Rollins’ cackling). Rollins said he better go get changed and left. E said he understands it becomes more difficult, but he promises he will still walk out WWE Champion.

-They cut to ringside where Alpha Academy made their entrance.

(1) RIDDLE (w/Randy Orton) vs. OTIS (w/Chad Gable) – Singles match

They circled as the partners took chairs on the opposite ends of the announce desk, not joining commentary. Otis threw off Riddle, then bodyslammed Riddle as Riddle went for a standing Kimura. Smith said that’s a strongman move and won’t work against Otis (the MMA experience came through!). Riddle hit a bunch of chest kicks in the corner, but then ran right into Otis off of a rope run, falling to the mat. Otis tossed Riddle outside. Orton stood to prevent Gable’s interference. Otis exited and hit a forearm across the back of Riddle before rolling him back in. As Otis hit the apron, Riddle hit Final Flash, but Otis caught his leg on a kick from the apron and then rammed him into the ringside barricade. They cut to break. [c]

They returned with Riddle being hit with a spinning back elbow to the chest for a two-count. Otis then locked in a neck crank to a seated Riddle. Both partners on the outside implored the fans, but Otis just slammed Riddle. He then missed Riddle in the corner, hitting the post. Riddle then kicked him from the apron as Otis was still laid against the post. Otis caught Riddle on a crossbody, but Riddle fought out. He hit a Final Flash, then a springboard knee, then a back elbow, and a Floating Bro to a standing Otis, finally downing Otis.

Riddle kipped up and got the crowd going. He went for the RKO, but Otis countered and hit a popup World’s Strongest Slam for the clean pin. After the match, Orton went for the RKO on Otis, but Otis pushed him away, right into Gable who ate the RKO. Orton then turned into the spinning back elbow to lay him out; looks like they’re going to get that over for Otis.

WINNER: Otis at 7:24 (popup World’s Strongest Slam)

(Hazelwood’s Take: A serviceable match, though most of it was during the break, so it’s hard to to take much away. Otis didn’t have to move too much with Riddle flying around everywhere, and Riddle taking Otis’ bumps was a good call as he just made them look like they hurt. Otis looks to be relying on that spinning back elbow and World’s Strongest Slam, so look for Otis to win more matches with these moves, or at least use them much more.)

-Smith then shifted to a video on Doudrop as Graves narrated Doudrop attacking Bianca Belair before their match last week, then escaping the K.O.D. and leaving for a count out loss. Belair’s music hit as she made her way to the ring. They played a pre-recorded promo about Doudrop who walked that walked…right out of the ring for a loss. She said Doudrop better watch her back because she’s not letting her escape the fact that Doudrop can’t whoop her because she’s the EST of WWE. They cut to break. [c]

-They returned with Belair’s music still going as she was dancing in the ring. Doudrop’s new music hit as she made her entrance. In a pre-recorded promo, she said she’s done so much, but all everyone wants to discuss is Belair. She said it’s time for someone to take the spotlight that Belair keeps taking away, and that someone is her.

(2) BIANCA BELAIR vs. DOUDROP – Singles match

There was a, “Bruce, take your pills” sign in the crowd (hopefully Pritchard and not me!). They locked up, but Doudrop pushed Belair away and taunted Belair. They locked up again, and Belair slowly pushed Doudrop back two steps, but Doudrop forced Belair into the opposite corner. Belair climbed to the second rope and used that to hit a modified drag. She then slipped a bodyslam and taunted Doudrop. She ducked two punches, then leapfrogged Doudrop and did her “kiss my butt” taunt.

She did a bit of running misdirection that Lio Rush does, then took Doudrop down. Belair went for a bodyslam, but Doudrop hit her own for a one-count. Doudrop hit a big forearm in the corner, then a running splash, then another forearm to the chest. Belair tried to fight back, but Doudrop sent her into a differnt corner. Belair hit a kick on a running Doudrop, then hit a head scissors that sent Doudrop into the ropes, then outside. Doudrop hit the apron, eating several forearms from Belair, but hit one of her own. She tried sending Doudrop into the corner, but Doudrop blocked, so Belair caught her. She then went for her handspring kick on the ropes, but Doudrop caught her legs and cranked them on the top rope. Belair caught a shot to the eye as she went back in the ring. Doudrop swung in with an elbow drop for a two-count as they cut to break. [c]

Belair was landing shots and a dropkick as they returned, hitting a running shoulder thrust in the corner. Belair went for the ten punches, but only landed five. She leaped at Doudrop, who caught her, but Belair slipped out. Doudrop then hit a Michinoku Driver for a two-count. Doudrop recovered a bit as a plan formed in her head. She stalked toward Belair, grabbed her head, and began taunting her. She yelled “EST” as she mushed Belair’s face twice. She then grabbed her by the jaw, but Belair fought back with a shot to the face only for Doudrop to hit a Saito suplex for a two-count. Doudrop climbed for the Vader Bomb, but Belair forced her face into the top turnbuckle. She then used the position to land a powerbomb. Belair climbed and hit a picture-perfect 450 splash for the victory. As Belair celebrated after the victory on the stage, the crowd screamed as Doudrop ran from behind and laid out Belair on the entrance ramp.

WINNER: Bianca Belair at 10:31 (450 splash)

-They showed Owens in Gorilla as Kevin Patrick approached, asking for a word. Owens said how about trash? He said this whole situation is trash, Lashley being added is trash, him going first is trash, the city of St. Paul is trash. He said the only good thing is he can go out and settle this quickly, defeating Lashley and then going on to win at Day 1, and that is no lie. He entered for the match. They cut to break. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: That was a solid match for what we saw, and from what we didn’t, the crowd started a small “This is awesome” chant, so the match must have been good during the break as well…at least I hope. They’re finding different ways to showcase Belair’s power on Doudrop, this time the powerbomb, and she won with the 450 that she hasn’t used to win a match in a bit. It’s always good to remind fans that matches can be won in other ways than a finisher or some kind of rollup. With Doudrop’s attack, I’m guessing this ends with a match at Day 1, and Belair should land a clean K.O.D. then for the victory, heading into the Rumble strong.)

-They returned with a video postcard on the Minnesota Wild as they were in the Wild home arena. Smith then shifted to discussing the NCAA’s Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) program. They then showed athletes to WWE, men and women spanning a range of sports, 15 in total. They then showed Gable Stevenson at ringside, NCAA national champion at Minnesota, Olympic gold medalist, and signed to WWE, the first in the NIL (though he wasn’t pictured in the video as part of the batch).

-Owens was glaring at Stevenson as they cut back to the ring. Lashley’s music hit, this time the full entrance with the gold lighting, video, and drum intro. He was wearing his red tights again, just giving him an extra pop. Lashley and M.V.P. fist bumped Stevenson at ringside, a show of respect.

(3) KEVIN OWENS vs. BOBBY LASHLEY (w/M.V.P.) – If Lashley wins, he faces Rollins later in the show

Owens attacked Lashley from behind as the bell rung since Lashley was still talking to M.V.P. Owens hit a shoulder tackle that did nothing, then Lashley hit one that floored Owens. M.V.P. told Lashley to take Owens for a ride, so he hit a slightly delayed vertical suplex, then a high five to M.V.P. However, Lashley missed Owens, hit the apron, then had his neck wrung on the top rope. Owens went to the apron for a running front senton, but Lashley moved and Owens hit all mat. Lashley broke the count, and hit a big running shoulder tackle on the outside. He slowly took his time to reenter the ring, so Owens hit a superkick as Lashley looked to go through the second rope.

Owens then threw Lashley into the ring post and hit a corner cannonball, then a running senton for a two-count. They showed Rollins and E watching from separate places in the back. Owens went for a second rope tornado DDT and scored a two-count, as Graves noted, just past one. M.V.P. yelled if Lashley was going to let Owens disrespect him. Owens hit some chops in the corner that just angered Lashley. Lashley threw Owens into the corner so hard, he flipped up like Shawn Michaels. Lashley then hit a running shoulder tackle into the corner, then dropped Owens. He blocked an Owens shot, then hit a Dominator, just throwing Owens down. Lashley posed, signaling for The Hurt Lock, but Owens rolled him up for a two-count. Owens went for the Stunner, but Lashley just lifted him for his huge one-armed spinebuster. Owens tapped before The Hurt Lock was even cinched in; Lashley looked angered.

Deville approached Rollins in the back, who was seething. She just said he’s up next and good luck.

WINNER: Bobby Lashley at 4:34 by submission (The Hurt Lock)

-Smith shifted to a video of last week’s Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan Women’s Championship match. It was highly edited in the best way, with music, shots of the crowd, and good shots of the match, including the girl who gave Miz Girls a run for her money with how mad she was at Lynch retaining. Lynch’s music hit as she made her entrance.

(Hazelwood’s Take: Another decent match tonight. I liked how Owens just took the quick loss instead of suffering more damage when he knew it was over. It might be the “coward’s” way out to some, but to others, it’s intelligent to minimize the damage suffered. Giving Lashley a chance to recover serves all parties best as winning a gauntlet match over the three top acts in a row would define them down at the expense of raising Lashley. It was a good call in hindsight even if I like gauntlet matches.)

-They returned with a new vignette for Veer Mahaan, discussing how the lion is the king of the jungle and how it hunts its prey, sometimes for fun.


She said welcome to the big time, then my stream lagged a bit. She said last week was supposed to be a big night for Morgan, and it was as her first championship match, but Lynch said she’s still champion like she said she would be. She said a lot of them wished Morgan would have won, but on the off chance, the off chance that Morgan won, she said they would find every reason to doubt the very person that caused them to believe in her. She said the fans don’t know what they want.

Lynch said remember when you chanted “We want Becky” and she came, but a lot of fans had opinions on how she does her job even though they’ve never stepped foot in the ring, never changed the game, never broke down gender barriers, never left at the height of their career and came back better than ever, never had to evolve or get left behind, disappointing all of your fans like Morgan. She then threw to the now iconic photo of the angry girl after Lynch won last week. Lynch said she loves to see it and they can get used to it because she’s going to be holding onto the title for a long time. Morgan’s music hit.

She walked to the entrance area with a mice. Morgan said she’s not getting used to anything and she thinks that St. Paul is getting sick and tired of listening to Lynch’s broken record. Morgan said Lynch keeps saying people would doubt her if she became the champion, but the only person doubting her is Lynch. She said Lynch doubting her is the exact reason Lynch almost lost and had to cheat to win. She said she prepared her own photo showing Lynch using the ropes to win. Morgan said Lynch should really be proud of herself, and she’s the best at cheating to win. A little girl was next to Morgan yelling ‘BECKY RULES!” and sticking her tongue at Morgan.

Morgan said she was disappointed, but she snapped out if it because she knows she can beat you and just like that little girl, she believes. She said that didn’t embarass her, it just reminded her why their story isn’t over because she won’t give up until she can make that title mean something again. She got a little emotional in her voice, but reigned it in. She challenged Lynch to a rematch at Day 1.

Lynch said she didn’t do that because she had to, but because it was easy. She said don’t blame her for grabbing the ropes, blame yourself for not beating her to it and being ready for it. She said Morgan isn’t ready and proved she doesn’t have the killer instinct. Morgan then rushed the ring and hit a Thesz Press on Lynch. She hit a kick, then another, then a step up enziguri. She screamed as Lynch exited the ring. Morgan followed, but Lynch forced her into the steel steps. She then trapped Morgan’s arm in the stairs, stomping on it several times, then kicking the stairs, then stomping all over the arm again. Morgan cried in pain.

Lynch grabbed a mic and said oh no, it looks like you went and injured yourself. She then accepted the rematch challenge. She said since there are no other able-bodied women to challenge her for the title, she’s going to go home and train, hang out with her hot husband and beautiful baby, and maybe Morgan should ice that. She dropped the mic and walked to the back holding the title high.

-Smith shifted to A.J. Styles and Omos’ issues, caused by Omos being counted out last week during their match with The Street Profits. Omos then just walked away as Styles told Omos he needed to listen to him. Styles was walking in the back as Sarah Schreiber approached asking about their chemistry. Styles said they weren’t at their best and it was disrespectful for Omos to walk out on him, but he’s not ready to give up. He said the raw power of Omos and Styles’ guidance is something special, and you don’t give up on something like that. He said he’s been in the business a long time, and has never seen anyone like Omos. He said if things go off the rails, it’s his fault because he should have been showing Omos the ropes. He sid the longer they’ve been a tag team, he realized Omos is a good kid and genuinely wants to see him succeed in this business. Omos appeared, put his arm around Styles, and said are we good. Styles said he’s not ready to give up. Omos said he isn’t either. They walked off together.

-Finn Balor’s music hit to a good pop. They hyped a tag match next as they cut to break. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: How do I put this? Morgan’s promo was fine, she showed more levels to her delivery, and she said some factual things, but the words just lacked a certain impact to me. I don’t think it was about delivery; I think it was about the scripting. At least Morgan just went after Lynch instead of letting her berate her more. The injury angle was nicely done, and a great way to get some heat on Lynch as the conniving, vile heel only accepting after compromising her opponent. It seems the match is official after Lynch accepted, so let’s see if it ends at Day 1 or extends to the Rumble.)

-They returned with an anti-vaping ad that highlighted Montez Ford’s service in the Marine Corps and his physical fitness test measurements.

-They shoed Dana Brooke and Reggie in a Minnesota park. She thanked him for his help. He said he was 24/7 Champion for over 100 days and could pass on some of his knowledge. He said maybe they could have that talk over some hot chocolate. Brooke said she liked that. Suddenly, R-Truth and Akira Tozawa in disguises appeared. Brooke ran away, right into Tamina, then fought her off. Brooke then jumped away over some snow, followed by Reggie. Tamina yelled at the other two for messing that up for her and told them to stay out of her way. Truth and Tozawa argued over who she meant.

-They cut back to the ring as Priest was posing in the ring. The other three men were in the ring, so The Dirty Dawgs entered after Balor.

(4) DAMIAN PRIEST (c) & FINN BALOR vs. THE DIRTY DAWGS (Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler) – Tag team match

Priest and Roode started as Graves recapped last week’s match between the two and Ziggler’s cheap shot. Roode beat on Priest in the corner a bit, but Priest fought back. Roode had Priest in a front face lock, then took out Balor. He turned into a spinning heel kick. Ziggler entered, then ate a thunderclap and a flapjack. He then hit a running hip attack to both men in the corner, twice to Ziggler, then booted Roode to the outside. He sent Ziggler over the top, then exited and hit a double clothesline leaping off of the steps to both men. They cut to break. [c]

Priest hit a big clothesline to Roode as they returned. Both men recovered, then made the tags. Balor took it to Ziggler, then took out Roode. Balor took out Ziggler’s leg and hit a standing double stomp to the chest. He hit a big chop in the corner, then hit his dropping elbow to the chest of Ziggler. Roode broke up the count, then slipped out of South of Heaven on the outside to hit a spinebuster on Priest on the mat. Balor then clotheslined Ziggler over the top by Roode and hit his tope con hilo to both men.

He rolled Ziggler back in and hit his shotgun dropkick to Ziggler in the corner. He climbed for the Coup de Grace, but Austin Theory jumped to the apron to take a selfie. Balor jumped down and clotheslined Theory, but ate a Zig Zag. Ziggler pinned Balor. Priest chased off Theory, but Theory escaped with a selfie, saying it was better than last time as the camera zoomed in and showed the picture.

WINNER: The Dirty Dawgs at 7:27 (Zig Zag)

-Smith then shifted to a recap brought to you by Progressive on Nikki A.S.H. losing to Queen Zelina last week and then walking away in the back. They showed Ripley in Gorilla with resistance bands as A.S.H. approached and said Ripley will take care of business because that’s what she does best, unlike her. Ripley said what? A.S.H. said she keep letting Ripley down, and Ripley said to stop. She said she saw the fire in A.S.H. and that’s why they became a team. She said A.S.H. beat Charlotte Flair one-on-one, something Ripley hasn’t even done. She said she wants that A.S.H. back. A.S.H. said she appreciates Ripley having her back. Ripley’s music hit to a good pop. Saxton said that’s what a good partner does. They cut to break hyping Ripley vs. Zelina. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: Another match where most of it was during commercials, but what was shown was fun. It would have been better without the distraction finish, but I understand WWE booking it to extend both the Balor-Theory and Priest-The Dirty Dawgs feuds. Priest was largely absent from the televised portion of the match beyond the early part, so I’m not sure if that was booked intentionally or just a luck of the draw. It would seem weird considering how much TV time he’s had in the previous weeks. I’m guessing Priest vs. Ziggler and Balor vs. Theory at Day 1, though the latter could be a Raw main event. Also, what a wholesome moment between Ripley and A.S.H.)

-They returned with a donation request to the American Red Cross after the deadly tornadoes that hit the South and Midwest.

-Carmella made her entrance and said hear ye, hear ye, everyone take off your cheap, tack earmuffs and pay attention to her. Carmella said you’re about to graced with the presence of your majesty, Queen Zelina. Her royal entrance started as she strutted out in her crown, cape, and scepter. She said thank you in her fake accent to her glamourous partner. Zelina added as the queen, she feels it is her royal duty to grace this frozen tundra with her presence. She said they can clap now. They didn’t, then she yelled out in Spanish and lost her accent, saying they side with some low-class trash like Ripley. She said excuse me (back to the accent), as much as she feels sorry for Ripley having to carry the dead weight of A.S.H., she said she’ll show everyone why some are meant to be on top and others buried under snow in a flyover state like Minnesota.

(5) RHEA RIPLEY (w/Nikki A.S.H.) vs. QUEEN ZELINA (c) (w/Carmella) – Singles match

Zelina rolled away from a lockup, but Ripley hit her big thrust dropkick. She lifted Zelina, then Carmella told Ripley to put her down. Ripley then just slammed her down. A.S.H. chased Carmella into the ring. Carmella hit a superkick, then ran away from Ripley. Ripley went to check on A.S.H. in the corner, but Zelina then forced her head into the turnbuckle and hit a crucifix pin for the victory.

WINNER: Queen Zelina at 0:49 (crucifix)

(Hazelwood’s Take: Well, that was a waste.)

-They cut to Rollins in the back going over the gameplan…with himself. Owens approached as Rollins yelled at him. Owens asked him why he’s raising his blood pressure. Owens said he should go out there with Rollins because of M.V.P. Rollins said no, he doesn’t want Owens out there with him since he can’t help himself, tapping out before The Hurt Lock was in. Owens said that was smart since we all know once it’s in, it’s over, so it was smart not to take damage. Rollins said Owens’ plans don’t work for him, so he told Owens to stay in the back. Owens said don’t walk away, I’m trying to help.

-Lashley made his third entrance for the night, the second with his truncated entrance, for his second match of the evening. So far, I’ve been correct: top of the second hour against Owens, and now top of the third hour against Rollins. They cut to break. [c]

-They returned with an announcement (made over the weekend) that Migos will be at Day 1.


-Lashley was staying warm and active in the ring as they cut back to the ring. Rollins’ music hit and even though he’s supposedly stressed about the situation, he still did his normal arrogant, dancing entrance that really doesn’t fit the character he’s portrayed tonight though it fits his macro character. He did get more serious as he approached the ring, but still pranced inside the ring and posed.

(6) SETH ROLLINS vs. BOBBY LASHLEY (w/M.V.P.) – If Lashley wins, he faces E later in the show

This time, Lashley and M.V.P. dapped up inside the ring before the bell so Lashley wasn’t caught from behind. Rollins put Lashley in a side headlock, but Lashley just lifted and slammed him. Rollins rolled outside, then tried grabbing Lashley’s leg. He pulled him out and pounded away, but Lashley lifted him to his shoulders. Rollins slipped out and sent Lashley into the post once, then twice, reentering the ring at six. Lashley reentered at nine, and Rollins immediately went on the attack with a rolling elbow to the face and one to the back of the neck. They showed E taking notes (scribbles) in the back.

Rollins went for the stomp, but Lashley caught him with an overhead belly-to-belly, then another, then a flatliner as he yelled. He went for a Dominator, but Rollins slipped out and rolled outside the ring. Owens ran up from behind and punched Rollins, then stomped away, causing the DQ. Technically, that means Lashley lost. M.V.P. was apoplectic at ringside as Mike Rome announced the decision. Once Rollins realized what happened, he celebrated like he won the WWE Championship at WrestleMania.

Pearce & Deville entered and said that was clever, but they’re going to restart the match. Pearce then said any match Lashley has for the rest of the night is no DQ. The ref restarted the match and Lashley hit an immediate spear for the victory.

WINNER: Bobby Lashley around a total time of 2:32 (spear)

-They cut to the back where Vince McMahon was talking to Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez. Theory barged in asking if McMahon saw that and that Balor was so surprised. McMahon asked Crews to give him a minute. McMahon then told Theory he wasn’t impressed. He asked if Theory should get something. Theory said if he gets a match, he could really show McMahon what he’s all about. McMahon said he barged in here as he was in an important meeting (really? with Crews?) like they’re buddy-buddy. He told Theory to shut up and that they’re not friends because McMahon has no friends because he doesn’t want friends. He said Theory hasn’t impressed him yet. Theory looked crestfallen. McMahon said he doesn’t usually do this, but (after some thinking), McMahon said he has to use one the most deadly weapons in the world, and he’s going to like doing it. He pulled out a wooden pencil. Theory said he doesn’t understand. McMahon said the eraser is the important part.

-They cut to ringside as Maryse made her entrance for “Miz TV” with her husband, The Miz. They cut to break. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: Owens shows he’s still got that cunning, but I do like Pearce and Deville stepping in here. Lashley didn’t do anything to lose that match, so restarting was the right call, as was the immediate victory by Lashley on the restart. Each match with Lashley and E has been fun, so I expect another hard-hitting, intense affair in the main event. On another note, I really have no idea where this McMahon-Theory thing is going. Thoughts?)


Maryse did The Miz’s usual intro as she said tonight is a special edition because she is the host. The crowd cheered. She said she can tell these people aren’t used to seeing a woman like her around here, and they don’t know what a real man looks like, so she introduced her husband, the most awesome human being on this planet (her words, not mine), The Miz. His music played as he did his obnoxious intro with just as obnoxious gear. He strutted to the ring as Smith hyped the Day 1 match between Edge and The Miz.

The Miz grabbed a mic in the ring and said Maryse looks astonishing, and only someone as hot as her could make a cold Minnesota night feel like paradise. He said you don’t get the finer things in life without being proactive. He said he would like to endorse who should be the headlining act for the 2022 Hall of Fame. He said he doesn’t just throw out his endorsement willy nilly (it’s him, huh?). He said for your consideration, they present their endorsement, the most must-see inductee into the Hall of Fame, and then pitched to a video of himself (yup, it was him). It even had the bro-like voiceover, which was probably The Miz doing it himself. They added in the marriage to Maryse, showing various clips of the two. It was done in the WWE Hall of Fame videos, and even the music with the graphic for 20222.

Maryse was fanning herself, preventing her from crying. The Miz wiped away a tear. He said raise a glass or whatever you have and said here’s to beating Edge at Day 1 and sending him back into retirement, hopefully permanently. They drank some champagne, and then Edge’s music hit to the biggest pop of the night. He ran to the crowd and high-fived some fans, then ran to the other side, high-fiving more. The Miz and Maryse looked like they couldn’t be bothered as Edge got his pyro and pose.

Edge entered the ring and grabbed a mic as the fans cheered. They chanted “Edge” as he smiled. He then said you know, sometimes the squeaky wheel doesn’t get the grease; it just squeaks and squeaks and squeaks (you get the picture). The Miz interrupted, and Edge asked if he found that annoying. The Miz said very. Edge said good, now you know how the rest of us feel when you open your mouth. The fans popped hard. Edge said The Miz would get all of the accolades and praise if he just shut up. The crowd cheered. He said he knows why The Miz acts the way he acts, and The Miz asked, “You think you know me?” Edge said well played.

Edge said all of the BS is just to hide the fact that you’re insecure and to admit that he’s afraid. The Miz said old Edge, yeah sure, everyone was scared of old Edge, but this Edge? No. Edge said The Miz has been told he’s not good enough so much that he internalizes it by becoming an obnoxious jagoff. He knows that The Miz is a future Hall of Famer and his hands are full, but at the end of they day Edge has to teach The Miz a lesson. He said he’s going to show The Miz he still has things to learn and he’s going to knock that stupid constipated look off of his face. The Miz threw his champagne in the face, but Edge landed his Edgecution DDT. He went for the spear, but The Miz pulled Maryse in front to stop Edge, then hit a kick and Skull Crushing Finale. Maryse was upset with her husband at his tactic, saying she has two kids now. The Miz kept making it her fault, so she slapped the hell out of him and walked off to a big pop. The Miz then went after his wife as she stormed away.

-The showed E warming up in the back as Owens and Rollins approached with their faux-cheers. E said look you idiots, don’t come anywhere near that ring. He said he can and he will, he will, he will beat Lashley without them. He said if they want it to be a triple threat, stay far away. Owens yelled he made a PowerPoint on his phone. They showed M.V.P. hyping up Lashley in the locker room as they cut to break. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: I’m not as interested in the Edge-The Miz feud though I wrote I understand why it’s Edge’s first feud on Raw, but this added wrinkle with strife between The Miz and Maryse has piqued my interest more. I’m not exactly sure how it will play into the eventual match, but I’m more interested than I was after last week’s show. I really like how Edge has been hitting the points about The Miz being obnoxious to overcompensate, and that The Miz is just always getting in his own damn way, something Cameron Hawkins discussed on his South Kongress podcast today. Edge will win – unless they want the payoff at the Rumble – and let’s see how Maryse plays into the feud the next few weeks.)

-They returned with the Smackdown Breakdown highlighting Xia Li’s debut to assist Naomi, Sami Zayn and Brock Lesnar with another golden interaction (two weeks running), then Paul Heyman enraging and hyping up Lesnar, who just threw around the male nurses with no regard, and Kayla Braxton doing another excellent job in her interactions with Heyman. Graves hyped Roman Reigns returning on this Friday’s episode.

-The announcers then shifted to a video recap of the show’s throughline: Lashley needing to defeat Owens, Rollins, and E in the same night. They showed Lashley beating Owens, Owens causing the initial DQ by attacking Rollins only for the match to be restarted, and Lashley beating Rollins immediately. Schreiber approached Lashley and M.V.P. in the back asking about the no DQ stipulation. M.V.P. said no extraordinary individual could accomplish what Lashley has done tonight, saying Hercules has nothing on Lashley. He said a no DQ match just means Lashley can inflict as much pain and damage as he wants. Lashley said everyone’s New Year Resolution is to bow down to the new WWE Champion, The All Mighty, Bobby Lashley. Graves said the tank could be running low.

-E made his entrance first (again, the champ should always enter last in their matches). They cut to break. [c]

-They returned with a Raw Talk promo featuring The Dirty Dawgs, Zelina and Carmella, and Styles & Omos.

-Lashley was making his entrance as they cut to ringside.

(7) BIG E (c) vs. BOBBY LASHLEY (w/M.V.P.) – No DQ match where Lashley will be added to the Day 1 WWE Championship match if he wins

They locked up, but E landed a bunch of forearms to the back, then dropped Lashley with a lariat. Lashley rolled outside as E exited and taunted M.V.P. He lifted the apron and grabbed a table, popping the crowd. He leaned the table against the ring, but Lashley caught him and threw him into the barricade, then rammed him into it one more time. He threw E back into the ring, then reentered himself as M.V.P. put the table back under the ring, or at least on the ground. Lashley went for a corner clothesline, but E caught him, then hit a uranage for a two-count.

E exited the ring and went back to get the table, which was put back under the ring. M.V.P. looked on, annoyed. E slid the table into the ring, hit Lashley a few times, then set the table in a corner. M.V.P. yelled at Lashley about the table. E lifted Lashley for The Big Ending, but Lashley slid out. He shoved E toward the table, but E caught himself only to be hit with a flatliner for a two-count. Lashley exited the ring and grabbed a chair from under the ring.

He set the ring between turnbuckles, but turned right into two overhead belly-to-belly suplexes, then a third traditional belly-to-belly. He swiveled as he went for his running splash, but Lashley moved. He went to throw E into the chair in the corner, but E reversed and sent Lashley head-first into the chair, sending him outside. They cut to break. [c]

Lashley was in control as they returned, looking to hit a vertical suplex on E through a table setup in the ring, but E countered with one of his own for a two-count. E exited the ring and brought Lashley to the apron, hitting some clubbing forearms to the chest as the crowd chanted along to ten. E then went for his apron splash after missing the running splash earlier, and this time he hit across Lashley’s chest. E reentered the ring, but Lashley rolled out.

E followed, but Lashley lifted him to his shoulders. E slipped out, but caught an elbow. Lashley lifted E again to his shoulders and ran E head-first into the post; E spun around on impact before hitting the ground. M.V.P. was getting something from under the ring, and it turns out he and Lashley grabbed tables. Lashley set one up at ringside near the entrance ramp, then went to the apron for a vertical on E to the outside through the table.

E fought him off with punches, Lashley just hanging on, so E went for his spear through the ropes only to hit a knee from Lashley. Lashley then entered the ring and in one swift motion lifted E into his one-armed spinebuster through the table for only a two-count! The crowd screamed in excitement as they cut to break again. [c]

During the break, I saw Owens post a tweet that it wasn’t really a PowerPoint, just a thing in Notes saying, “LET US HELP YOU BIG E!” with four emojis, including a unicorn. They were on the outside when they returned, E reversing an Irish whip and sending Lashley into the steel steps. He moved the top steps, then bodyslammed Lashley onto the flat bottom part, but it looked like Lashley’s legs got caught on the edge as he was slammed on his lower back.

Back in the ring, E lifted Lashley for The Big Ending, but Lashley slipped out for The Hurt Lock. E powered out, but Lashley hit a big spear. He slowly crawled to the cover, but Owens and Rollins entered the ring, attacking Lashley. Owens kicked away M.V.P. However, E, attacked Rollins and Owens, who took the numbers advantage and beat on him. Lashley recovered in a corner as they had their attention focused on E. Lashley then came and beat on Rollins, Owens pairing off with E. E and Owens went outside as Lashley and Rollins were in the ring.

Owens sent E into the barricade twice and went for a powerbomb to the table on the outside, but E hit an uranage instead! Lashley then speared Rollins through the table in the ring! The table folded over onto Lashley, though, and he was slow to get up during this third match of his night. E yelled for Lashley to get to his feet, saying, “Let’s finish this right now!” M.V.P. came in and hit E in the knee with his cane, allowing Lashley to hit the spear for the victory.

WINNER: Bobby Lashley at 17:44 (spear) to be added to WWE Championship match at Day 1

-After the match, they showed replays of the ending moments with the table spots and M.V.P. sneakily entering to strike E in the knee before the spear. Lashley posed on the turnbuckle as Graves said what Lashley did tonight was one of the biggest accomplishments this business has ever seen. They ended with Lashley posing on the turnbuckle.

(Hazelwood’s Take: A good match, as expected, but the shenanigans took away from the match. Even the crowd seemed to die when Rollins and Owens hit the ring. At least they recovered a bit thanks to the table spots. The ending was typical of WWE, but also made sense because WWE isn’t going to have their WWE Champion lose clean to man who already had two matches earlier in the evening. Not only did he have to fight off Rollins and Owens (of his own volition), but it was a no DQ match and he took a shot to the knee from a weapon. E came off well throughout the match, particularly in being a noble champion and wanting a face-to-face finish – even if being noble bites you in the ass sometimes. This opens up the possibility that Lashley gets the decision over Rollins or Owens at Day 1 because of the roll he’s been on the past year, basically.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: I like shows that have througlines from the opening segment to the final seconds of the show. Lashley’s endeavor tonight fits the bill, and did WWE beat you over the head with how monumental the success was for Lashley. Pretty much every segment furthered stories tonight (except the wasted Ripley-Zelina match), though some had more impact than others. The fans obviously want Morgan to succeed, but some of her momentum definitely diminished with a promo full of empty words tonight. It’s a shame the RK-Bro-Nament finals were scrapped due to injury as that may have added some more excitement and pace to the show, but overall, it was a decent show and sometimes, decent story-building shows are what you need week-to-week.


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