Veteran ROH wrestler Rhett Titus gives his thoughts on Final Battle 2021, reveals emotions he expects to experience at Final Battle and beyond

By Sean Radican, PWTorch columnist (Twitter: @SR_Torch)



Veteran Ring of Honor wrestler Rhett Titus was asked by PWTorch columnist Sean Radican about his thoughts heading into Final Battle 2021 in a new VIP exclusive interview on Radican Worldwide. Final Battle 2021 will be ROH’s last show before they go on Hiatus for the first quarter of 2022.

Titus mentioned that he had been to every Final Battle ROH has held as either a fan or wrestler. He also mentioned that he got his first ROH payday at Final Battle 2005.

Regarding his thoughts heading into Final Battle 2021. “It’s one of those things,” said Titus.” “It’s looming over your head. You know you got to go there, you go to do it. You got to get it over with, but you don’t want to get it over with, you want to see it keep going. Unfortunately that’s not in the cards for the moment. Hopefully January, February, and March fly on by and we can get to April quicker than ever.”

Titus went on to discuss how he thinks the night of Final Battle will transpire. “It’s going to be a great night,” said Titus. “It’s going to be a sad night. I got to say that much too because there’s going to be a lot of tears flowing. A lot of hugs and a lot of thank you’s. It’s unprecedented times for Ring of Honor and I just hope we come out the other end stronger.”

PWTorch VIP members can listen to Radican’s entire interview with Rhett Titus here. During the interview Rhett also discussed his thoughts when he got the news that ROH was going on hiatus, wrestling his mentor Austin Aries at NWA’s Hard Times 2 PPV on Fite TV, and his Pure Rules match against Brian Milonas on ROH week by week.

NWA’s Hard Times 2 will air on PPV on Fite TV on Dec. 4.

Ring of Honor’s Final Battle 2021PPV will air on Fite TV on Dec. 11.


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