Eric Bischoff talks WWE changes, relationship with Tony Khan, more


Eric Bischoff comments on CM Punk WWE return
Eric Bischoff -


Eric Bischoff has some suggestions and insight as to what needs to change in WWE. In an interview with CBS Sports’ Shakiel Mahjouri, Bischoff discussed his thoughts as to what could improve the WWE product and it starts with storytelling.

“It would be story structure,” Bischoff said of the start of a WWE improvement plan. “It would be taking a more pragmatic approach to story structure. Actually, discipline would be a better word than pragmatic. It would be first recognizing that a good story has to have structure. It would be no different than shooting a movie that doesn’t have a script blocked out and not really knowing what the end of the movie is. You couldn’t be in the movie business that way. You couldn’t produce television shows that way. You can’t even write a book that way. I think with WWE because of the sheer volume of products that they produce globally every week, it only creates a more significant need for a more disciplined and well-thought-out story structure. That’s part of the flaw with WWE creative, at least in my opinion, is that there’s such a sameness to everything. OK, one show is red and one show is blue, and there are different names on the roster, but the look and feel, the story-telling technique, or lack thereof, everything feels so familiar and has felt so familiar for so long. I think it would need to be de-sanitized. The WWE is such a perfectly executed live production that it doesn’t even feel live anymore. It feels like you’re watching a feature film. I think with wrestling because of what it is, an arena-based event, you want the viewers at home to feel like their part of that event. Sometimes overproducing that show can take that away from the home viewer.”

In the interview, Bischoff also commented on his relationship with Tony Khan amid a back and forth social media battleregarding ratings and the war between AEW and WWE.

“We were friendly and cordial,” Bischoff said. “Mutual respect there. All that good stuff. It wasn’t until recently, I was asked a question and I responded and it caused, I’m guessing, hard feelings from Tony. I tried to call Tony and he didn’t call me back. Someone told me, who Tony was complaining to, about how upset he was about the things that I said. He said, ‘Hey, why don’t you give Tony a call?’ I said, ‘Sure! I’m not mad at Tony.’ I don’t carry grudges. It doesn’t change the way I feel about Tony, I just had to express my opinion and react to something Tony actually said that involved me and I took as being disrespectful of my accomplishments and even more disrespectful, and quite frankly, ignorant, with relation to the comment he made about Ted Turner. That’s what I reacted to. But I wasn’t angry with Tony. When my friend said to give him a call, I thought, ‘alright, I’ll give him a call.’ I left a message and I haven’t heard back so, evidently, he’s a little pissed off. But that’s OK.”

Most recently, Bischoff appeared for AEW in May of this year to host an Inner Circle party. He’s also appeared during an Inner Circle press conference and during a Chris Jericho and MJF town hall meeting.

CATCH-UP: Garett Bischoff talks Eric Bischoff, riding with TNA legends, more


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