11/8 WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW RESULTS: Keller’s report on Owens vs. Seth, latest Survivor Series developments, RKO Bro & Profits vs. Styles & Omos & Roode & Ziggler

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Full analysis and results of this week's episode of WWE Raw


NOVEMBER 8, 2021

Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton, Corey Graves


-They opened with clips of last week’s angle with Kevin Owens and Big E.

-They went backstage to KO sitting next to Big E who was oiling up his skin. KO said he’s not the person he used to turn on his friends. He said there’s few people’s opinions he’s cares about, but Big E is one of them. He said he knew something happened, but he was groggy and couldn’t see clearly. KO asked if he believes him. Big E said he has a big match and he doesn’t care. Big E left. KO said, “Well, I do.”

-Seth Rollins made his ring entrance, acting as zany and over-the-top as ever. He was in the Sami Zayn zone. Byron Saxton asked what kind of human being wakes up and decides he wants to wear that kind of ensemble. Corey Graves hyped a Seth vs. KO match later on Raw. Seth said it’s his duty to remind everyone he is a visionary and revolutionary. He held up his folder with the WWE logo on it that has a title opportunity contract inside of it. He took a dig at the fashion of the fans. He said everyone know who he is, but who exactly is Kevin Owen?. He asked if he’s the Prize Fighter, the man who will put everything on the line including his body for the WWE Universe, or is he a snake and gutless, spineless coward and a liar. He said he’s known KO for a very long time. He said they came up in the industry together. He said they probably slept together on the floor of a lodge right up the street. He said he’s gutless, a coward, and a liar. He said he will beat him in the center of the ring in the main event, and then he will also be the biggest loser in the world. KO finally had enough and stormed to the ring as his music played. KO caught up with Seth as he tried to run and set up a powerbomb at ringside, but Seth slipped out of his grip and ran to the back.

(Keller’s Analysis: This is more of Seth being Seth, turning up the volume to max on being obnoxious. I liked the reference he made about coming up in the industry with KO. This was just building up the TV main event in a standard formula way with an obnoxious heel who then scurried away from the babyface after insulting him, attempting to get viewers eager to see KO get his hands on him later in an official match. And there’s nothing wrong with that.)

-They replayed clips from last week of Omos tossing around Riddle.

-Backstage, Riddle asked Randy Orton how sick it’ll be teaming up with The Street Profits tonight. He said they can get revenge on Omos tonight. Orton said they are the Raw Tag Team Champions, so they already have targets on their backs, so they shouldn’t be picking fights with giants. He said last week Omos attacked the Street Profits and he told Riddle to stay put, but he had to be a hero. Orton yelled that he doesn’t care about the Street Profits. “Ouch,” said Riddle. He then pointed out that they’re right behind him. Orton turned and there they stood, glaring at him. Orton said he meant every word he just said. He said if they have vendetta with Omos, they’re on their own. Orton’s music then began to play. [c]

(1) RKO BRO (Randy Orton & Riddle) & THE STREET PROFITS (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER & ROBERT ROODE & A.J. STYLES & OMOS

Ford did some push-ups mid-ring after a comeback against Roode early in the match. Styles resisted a Riddle extended arm breaker and then they both tumbled over the top rope to ringside. [c]

Back from the break, Riddle was in control against Roode, but after fending off Styles and Ziggler, Roode caught him with a spinebuster for a near fall. Orton eventually got the hot-tag and rallied. He signaled for the RKO on Ziggler, but Roode jumped him from behind. Orton threw Roode into Omos on the ring apron, then clotheslined Roode over the top rope. Styles went after Orton next with a springboard, but Orton moved. Orton threw Styles into the arms of Omos at ringside. They cut to another break. [c]

Omos was tossing Ford around after the break. Styles and Ziggler each tagged in and got offense against Ford. Ford came back with an enzuigiri on Ziggler, but was slow to get up. Ziggler and Ford both dove to their corners, tagging in Roode and Dawkins. Dawkins got the better of Roode and also tossed Ziggler around. Omos tagged back in. He chokeslammed Dawkins and then shoved Ford over the top rope. Orton told Riddle not to tag himself in, but he did anyway. He went after Omos with two flying knees. Omos brushed it off and slammed Riddle, then pounded his chest. Fans chanted “Randy! Randy!” When Orton was about to enter the ring, Ziggler and Roode yanked on his boot. Then they threw Orton into the ringside steps. Styles asked to tag in for a Phenomenal Forearm. Omos said he liked the idea and reached to tag Styles, but Ziggler stole the tag. Styles and Ziggler argued. Roode then shoved Styles at ringside and yelled at him. Omos grabbed Roode from behind and threw him into the ringside barricade. Ziggler then pinned Riddle, who was still out on his back from the Omos beatdown a minute earlier.

WINNERS: Ziggler & Roode & Styles & Omos in 22:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good tag match with the mix of wrestlers all having their moments athletically and character-wise.)

-Orton entered the ring and gave Ziggler an RKO afterward. Orton then told a groggy Riddle, “If you want to keep these things [the tag belts], you gotta listen to me.”

-Backstage, KO approached Rey and Dominik Mysterio backstage. KO said he respects Rey’s opinion too, and he needs him to believe him that he didn’t see clearly what happened to Big E last week. Rey kinda blew him off and said, unconvincingly, that he believes him. KO looked hopeful it was sincere, but unsure. The Mysterio’s music played and they headed to the ring. Saxton said it’s unlike KO to care so much about public opinion. He said he thought it might be sincere. [c]

-A vignette aired on Veer Mahaan.

-Adam Pearce talked to the Mysterios about Raw beating Smackdown last year 5-0 in the tag team match. He said that’s why he asked the Mysterios to come to the ring. He said it’s almost embarrassing for him to admit it, but when the Raw team was announced, he felt he might have made a huge mistake. He said every member of Team Raw is a former singles champion except for Dominik. He said that’s an issue for him. He said he has a ton of potential, but he wants Team Raw to win. He said as of now, he’s still on Team Raw, but has to win the next match to keep his spot. After a dramatic pause, Bobby Lashley’s entrance began. MVP was back by his side. Smith said if he were Dominik, he’d be having a panic attack right now.

(Keller’s Analysis: Have they established why Pearce is rooting for Raw? Why not have a friendly wager between Pearce and Sonya Deville where they each were in charge of establishing respective teams for one brand?) [c]


Lashley knocked Dominik to the mat, then stared down at Rey at ringside. Dominik managed to leap off the top rope at Lashley, but Lashley caught him. When Lashley charged, Dominik ducked and then slingshot himself at Lashley at ringside. Lashley caught him and rammed him into the ringpost. They showed Pearce watching the match from backstage. He put him in the Hurt Lock, then grabbed his hand and let go before he could officially tap out.


Lashley then stomped him and threw him to the floor. Rey yanked Dominik’s boot to pull him out of Lashley’s arms, but Lashley turned and knocked Rey down, then threw Dominik back into the ringpost. Graves said the ref should consider stopping the match. Back in the ring, Lashley continued to toy with Dominik before putting him in the Hurt Lock again. He tapped and the ref called for the bell.

WINNER: Lashley in 5:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: That put over Lashley strong and also established potential internal tension between Rey and Lashley at Survivor Series.)

-They showed Team Raw with Lashley, Finn Balor, KO, Seth Rollins, and Rey vs. Team Smackdown with Jeff Hardy, Sami Zayn, Happy Corbin, Xavier Woods, and Drew McIntyre.

-They went briefly to the announcer who threw to a clip from last week of Chad Gable telling Big E that he could make his reign mean something.

-They cut to Otis working out with stretch bands with Gable overseeing his warm-up. Seth walked up to them and asked what they think about this KO situation. Gable dropped the clipboard and said he came to the right guy because he just graduated with a Masters Degree and had a perfect 4.0 GPA. He said he can confirm Owens is a liar like Aaron Rogers. “It’s disgusting,” Gable said. Seth said, “I hate that guy.” Gable said tonight he’s handing out free lessons to Big E, and Seth will become the face of Raw again. Seth cackled and said he knew he’d see things his way.

-Big E’s ring entrance began. Saxton said Big E has become more motivated than ever since becoming WWE Champion. [c]

(3) BIG E vs. CHAD GABLE (w/Otis)

Gable and Otis made their ring entrance after the break. Big E landed a running splash on Gable on the ring apron a minute in and scored a two count. Gable landed a top rope moonsault and some suplexes. Big E came back with a uranage. He dropped his straps and then delivered the Big Ending for the win. Afterward, Otis entered and stared at Big E. He stared back.

WINNER: Big E in 5:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: It’s fine having Big E beat Gable in five minutes clean given how Gable has been presented for so long, but it’d be great to see them go 15 minutes some day and aim for a main event level story. This was an enticing taste of what they could do in a longer match.)

-Owens told R-Truth backstage he is one of the wrestlers whose opinion he cares most about. He asked if he believes him. Truth said he believes in him, but also Big Foot and the Lochness Monster and the monster under the bed. He said he believes the Earth is flat, but is round in parts and places. They cut away as he kept talking. [c]

-Backstage, Pearce and Deville were standing with the Raw women’s team for Survivor Series along with some women who didn’t make the cut. Doudrop said she should have been included in the team. She said said Bianca Belair already had a title match last week “and she crashed and burned.” Deville said that wasn’t necessary. Belair stepped up and asked what that was all about. Dana Brooke stepped up and asked why she wasn’t included. (Umm. You should have a win in the last three years.) She said it’s time everyone show her some respect. She told Liv Morgan she’s been overlooked more than any of them. Nikki A.S.H. stepped up and said she was Raw Women’s Champion, unlike some of them. Zelina said Nikki has had quite the fall from grace. Carmella took a shot at Nikki. Rhea Ripley told Carmella not to talk about her tag partner that way. The arguing broke down from taking turns to everyone talking at once. Pearce said the teams are final.

-Saxton talked about a Fatal Five-way match (Liv vs. Ripley vs. Belair vs. Zelina vs. Carmella) later where the winner will earn a future title match against Becky Lynch.

-Smith threw to a video package on WrestleMania tickets going on sale this Friday. Then they recapped the Lashley-Dominik storyline.

-Backstage, Patrick interviewed Rey and Dominik. Dominik was wincing as his neck and shoulder were being iced. Rey said if Pearce wanted Lashley in the match, he should have just put him in the match. He said it appeared Lashley wasn’t there to just win matches, but also cause damage, and his son was the victim. Austin Theory snuck up behind Rey and took a selfie of Rey tending to Dominik.

-Reggie made his ring entrance with his 24/7 Title belt. [c]

(4) REGGIE vs. DRAKE MAVERICK – 24/7 Title match

Reggie dominated early. After a handspring corner splash, Graves said his daughter does that in gymnastics all the time. Cedric and Shelton jumped Truth at ringside as he ran to the ring. Maverick then rolled up a distracted Reggie from behind for the win.

WINNER: Maverick in 1:00.

-Tozawa entered the ring and rolled up Maverick to win the title just as ring announcements were being made. Graves then got up and rolled up Tozawa for the win. Just as he was announced as the winner, Saxton rolled up Graves for the win. Maverick then rolled up Saxton. Then Reggie rolled up Maverick in the ring. Smith said, “I am staying on headset, folks.” Graves said Saxton ruins everything.

(Keller’s Analysis: Is there anything that defines down being a former WWE champion than the 24/7 Title nonsense. I just don’t sense there’s a big part of the Raw audience who watch because of these segments.)

-They went to the announcers on camera. Saxton bragged of having a three count over Graves. Smith said he’s professional enough to stay on headset.

-Becky Lynch strutted out to the ring. She had a disco ball style top. Graves said she knows how to make an entrance. Graves hyped the Becky vs. Charlotte match at Survivor Series, the traditional “champion vs. champion” match. Lynch sat at ringside. Graves presented her with headsets. She congratulated Graves for his short-lived title win and said he was robbed. [c]

-Backstage, as Belair was warming up, Doupdrop walked in. Belair said she has a match and doesn’t have time for whatever issues she has. Doudrop said she doesn’t understand how she can lose and suddenly have another title opportunity. Doudrop said she speaks for the other women. Belair said she only speaks for herself.

-A recap aired of the Lynch vs. Belair title match on Raw last week.


As Carmella made her entrance, an inset soundbite aired with Carmella saying her beauty speaks for itself. She said she is the diamond of WWE, “rare, rich, expensive.” She said soon she will be the most beautiful Raw Women’s Champion. As Vega came out, a soundbite aired with her saying she’ll give Raw the type of champion it deserves. Ripley then made her entrance. Lynch said some day, Ripley might be the champion, but that day will be when she retires. Carmella put on her protective face mask. They all brawled at ringside near Becky. Belair looked over at Becky. Becky said she needs to focus on the match, and her inability to stay focused is why she hasn’t been able to beat her. They cut to a break while they tried to restore order. [c]

Ripley’s music was playing after the break ended for some reason. The ref signaled for the bell and the match finally started. Belair and Ripley cleared the ring, then turned toward each other and faced off. Graves thanked Becky for being her. Becky said she elevates everybody and makes them the best they can be. “I am the mountain to climb,” she said. Carmella and Zelina yanked Belair to the floor and threw her into the ringside barricade. Ripley stood and waited for someone to enter the ring. Carmella and Zelina did. Ripley tossed them both around the ring. Zelina chop-blocked Ripley. The heel duo took over. Becky said the head gear that Carmella wears is quite smart.


Becky said any of the women could win this match, “and then there’s Liv.” Becky said she’s not disparaging Liv. She said she’s just pointing out Liv hasn’t done what the other women in this match have done. She said the audience happens to love her, though. Becky got rattled and flustered as she tried to explain why so many fans don’t support her anymore. Belair tossed Ripley out of the ring and then went on the attack on Zelina. Belair pressed Zelina and threw her onto the other three opponents at ringside. [c]

With everyone else down a few minutes later, Carmella tried to pin each of them and they kept kicking out. Belair beat up Carmella at ringside and then re-entered to face Belair again. Ripley hit Riptide for a near fall. Belair scored a near fall on Zelina. Doudrop yanked her out of the ring and attacked her. Carmella went for the pin instead. Liv broke it up, then rolled up Carmella with a crucifix and scored the three count.

WINNER: Morgan in 17:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: One of the reasons I’ve heard speculated Becky embraced going heel is the chance to elevate Liv Morgan in particular, not to mention work opposite of Belair. This is a great opportunity for Liv. It was fun having Becky commentary for so long.)

-After the match, Becky stood on the table. Morgan stepped up there too and stared at her. Becky then left with her belt.

-Seth approached Big E backstage and assured him he wasn’t looking for any trouble. He told Big E not to believe anything KO says. Big E said he doesn’t trust either of them, but said he’d be at ringside for their match to be sure it goes smoothly.

-The announcers hyped the Tribute to the Troops special airing on Fox this Sunday.

-Big E made his ring entrance as the announcers hyped that Big E would face Roman Reigns at Survivor Series. Big E arrived at ringside and told the commentators he can’t wait to face Reigns. [c]

-A recap aired of Smackdown focused on Reigns vs. Xavier Woods.

-Austin Theory made his entrance and tried to get selfie with Graves. Big E swatted the phone out of his hand. Seth’s ring entrance then aired. Seth said he called Owens a liar, but while that was true, he wasn’t the only person who was lying. He said what happened last week was a plan between him and KO. He said he’s a man of integrity, so he’s coming clean. KO made his entrance and went right to Seth and punched him. Rollins bailed out over the barricade. [c]

-A commercial aired for Survivor Series focused on the Bret Hart “screwjob” including Vince McMahon saying “Bret screwed Bret.”


They cut to Big E watching at ringside as KO took early control. KO landed a cannonball at ringside. He pounded on the announce table in celebration. Saxton said this isn’t a new Kevin Owens all of a sudden. KO shoved Seth who then leaped off the ring apron onto the announce desk. When KO leaped off the ring apron with a flip senton toward Seth, Seth lifted his knees. Seth then threw KO into the commentary table and rolled in the ring to break the ref’s count. They cut to a break. [c]

Seth controlled the action for several minutes, eying Big E in the process. Eventually KO kicked Seth between his legs and then DDT’d him. Seth came back with a quick slingblade. Seth climbed to the top rope and went for a frog splash, but KO moved. KO then leaped off the top rope with a frog splash that landed. [c]

Seth set up a superplex after the break. KO reversed it and landed the superplex. Both were down and slow to get up. Eventually KO landed a Pop-up Powerbomb for a near fall. At ringside, KO turned a charging Seth around mid-air and slammed him into the chair that Big E was in. Big E leaped out of it just in time. Seth got back into the ring before KO to beat the countout.

WINNER: Rollins via countout in 24:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good main event TV match, as you’d expect with these two. The countout finish feels a bit flat.)

-As Big E stood at ringside, KO kicked him from inside the ring. He pounded on Big E at ringside. Graves said KO has been an emotional wreck all week. KO threw Big E into the ringside steps. Graves explained that it was happenstance that KO landed the way he did that cost him the match against Seth. KO powerbombed Big E against the ring apron and let out some yells. Saxton said it’s a shame things ended this way because it was a heck of a match. Smith said they went from a match to an assault. WWE officials, including Shane Helms, ran out and tried to back KO away. KO kept yelling as the show ended.


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