NOVEMBER 8, 2021
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton, Corey Graves
Ring Announcer: Mike Rome
Backstage Correspondent(s): Sarah Schreiber, Kevin Patrick
Tonight after the show, join PWTorch.com founder and editor Wade Keller and I to break down the show with live callers and emails.
•CALL: (347) 215-8558
•EMAIL COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com
-The show began with a video recap of last week’s first-ever match between WWE Champion Big E and Kevin Owens, including the involvement of Seth Rollins and the altercation between E and Owens after the match that ended with Owens apologizing yet suffering a Big Ending from the WWE Champion.
-They cut to the back where E and Owens were sitting in the back, Owens saying he’s been painted as untrustworthy for years. E said he’s rubbing cocoa butter on himself and he doesn’t know why Owens cares. Owens said E is one of the few people he respects and trusts. He said he really didn’t see what happened and E has to believe him. E walked off saying he didn’t care as Owens responded, “Well, I do.”
-Rollins made his entrance in a blue trench coat looking a bucket of paint was doused on him. He danced his way to the ring, contract in hand. He took the mic to loud boos in Louisville, smiling at them before saying, “Welcome to Monday Night Rollins.” He said as the undisputed face of Raw, it is his duty to inform us he is a visionary, a revolutionary, Seth Freakin’ Rollins. He said he is the next WWE Champion, with a flair. He said he was going to come out and wax poetic about how he is going to lead Team Raw to glorious, glorious victory at Survivor Series over those bums on Smackdown – he paused as a “You Look Stupid!” chant began – he said like you morons here in Louisville know anything about fashion (cheap heat!).
He said enough of that, there’s a very important question to answer off of what we just saw: who exactly is Kevin Owens? Is Kevin Owens the prizefighter; the hero; the man who will do anything, put his body on the line, fight it out in this ring for the WWE Universe; or is Kevin Owens a snake; a gutless, spineless coward, a liar? He said they’ve known each other for a long time, coming up in the industry probably sleeping on the floor of some Econo Lodge down the street. He said there’s always been one thing you can count on with him: he will stab you in the back any chance he got (he yelled this part). He said ask Sami Zayn and that didn’t work out for Zayn. He brought up The New Day and Kofi Kingston, then said Owens is as low as it gets, a paramecia, an amoeba. He said Owens is a snake, a coward, gutless, soulless, and a liar. He said after he beats Owens tonight in the main event, not only will Owens be the biggest liar in the world, but also the biggest loser in the world.
Owens’ music hit as he rushed to the ring. Rollins bailed, but Owens gave chase. Back in the ring, Owens clocked Rollins, then beat on him on the outside. He went for the powerbomb on the apron, but Rollins grabbed the ropes and ran through the ring to the entrance ramp. Owens threw the contract and kicked the ropes in anger as the crowd popped.
-Jimmy Smith shifted to Omos and a video of last week when he caused a distraction that led to The Dirty Dawgs beating The Street Profits, then taking them out after the match as well as Riddle. This was when the camera cut away abruptly as Randy Orton got heated. They showed RK-Bro in Gorilla as Riddle said they’re going to be a superteam like Eternals or Voltron, Brobot, as they team with The Street Profits. Orton said they already have a target on their back as Tag Team Champion so there’s no reason to attack giants. Riddle said Omos attacked them, but Orton said no, you attacked Omos and got mauled. Riddle mentioned The Street Profits as Orton yelled he doesn’t care about them. Riddle said ouch, but he meant they were right behind them. Orton turned to them, with Angelo Dawkins glaring at them. Orton said he meant every word, but said if they have a vendetta with Omos, they’re on their own. His music hit to a huge pop as Riddle told them he thinks that went as well as possible. They cut to break hyping an eight-man tag match with the return of A.J. Styles. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: I want to see how this main event and everything associated with it before I make any big takeaways. I have said before I like having throughlines to keep me invested in shows, and Raw has done a good job of this since implementing the new roster the past two weeks. As for the upcoming match, it’s going to be hectic yet formulaic; we know what to expect.)
-They returned with Styles & Omos making their entrance as the faces waited at the front of the ring. They joined their partners ringside before making their collective way to the heel corner opposite the faces. Styles & Omos actually entered the ring so Styles could do his usual pose.
(1) RK-BRO (c) (Randy Orton & Riddle) & THE STREET PROFITS (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) vs. A.J. STYLES & OMOS & THE DIRTY DAWGS (Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler) – Eight-man tag team match
Ford chugged the rest of his cup before starting the match with Roode as Corey Graves put over The Dirty Dawgs. Roode didn’t break clean from the corner, then hit a shoulder block. Ford hit three leapfrogs before hitting a dropkick right into some pushups. He tagged in Dawkins, who hit a dropkick then suplexed Ford into a moonsault on Roode. Ford covered for a two-count, but Roode responded and tagged in Ziggler for a double back elbow.
Ziggler had a punch blocked. Dawkins hit an arm wringer and tagged in Orton to a pop. Orton hit his gut stomp, turned Ziggler around the mat and stomped the gut, then again. He then did his patented stomps to the ankle before tagging in Riddle, then hit another stomp before an assisted Floating Bro for a two-count. The crowd popped for Riddle. Ziggler hit a dropkick to floor Riddle before tagging in Styles. Styles whipped Riddle to a neutral corner, but Riddle leaped over and hit a chest kick to floor Styles. Styles hit a double throat chop and tried for a Styles Clash, but Riddle kicked out and into a triangle armbar. Styles lifted him, but Riddle walked to the ropes and they both went over as they cut to break. [c]
Roode missed corner double knees on Riddle as they returned. Riddle turned and began kicking away at Roode in the corner, then kicked an interfering Ziggler and forearmed Styles only to turn into a big spinebuster from Roode for a two-count. Roode then hit a picture-perfect vertical suplex before tagging in Ziggler, who hit a leaping elbow drop for a two-count, then locking in a rear chinlock. The crowd began cheering, Riddle bodyshotted his way out, but Ziggler clotheslined him and dragged him to their corner, tagging in Styles.
Graves mentioned Omos had yet to enter as Styles also put Riddle in a rear chinlock. Riddle reached the ropes, but right in the heels’ corner. He faked like he was going to tag in Roode, then tagged in Ziggler because Roode didn’t tag him in earlier. Ziggler tagged in Roode, who hit a neckbreaker on Riddle for a two-count. Roode then did some pushups in Riddle’s face. Ziggler tagged in and washed his boot across Riddle’s face. He caught a Riddle kick, but Riddle filpped out, knocked off Styles, then hit a pump knee with a Muy Thai plumb. He finally tagged in Orton to a HUGE pop.
Orton hit two clotheslines and his snap powerslam, then one to Roode. Ziggler crawled to the apron, so Orton hit is draping DDT after some preening. The crowd roared as he set for the RKO. Roode came from behind, but Orton threw him into Omos and clotheslined Roode over. Styles missed the Phenomenal Forearm. Orton threw him over the top, but Omos caught him. They cut to break AGAIN as Omos climbed to the apron. [c]
They returned with a promo for Tribute to the Troops, airing for the nineteenth straight year this Sunday on FOX. Back to the match, Omos had Ford on his shoulder and hit a real bad snake eyes before hitting a running boot. Roode tagged in to Styles’ chagrin before Styles could tag. Roode beat on Ford in the corner with chops and punches. He tagged in Ziggler, who kicked Ford in the ribs and raked on the eyes against the ropes. Ziggler taunted Dawkins, then turned back and washed his boot against Ford’s face. Styles tagged himself in to Ziggler’s chagrin.
Styles hit a few kicks and a beautiful pendulum backbreaker for a two-count. Ziggler tagged himself in as Styles smiled. Ziggler taunted, then punched Orton. Orton tried interfering, but the ref prevented him as Ziggler hit a slow neckbreaker for a two-count. Ziggler yelled for Ford to get up, but his Fame-Asser was blocked. Ziggler turned it into a sunset flip for a two-count. Ford then hit a wicked enziguri where he delayed the kick midair. It was something.
Dawkins and Roode made the tag as Dawkins took out Styles, then Roode with a spinning back elbow. He hit exploders to both Ziggler then Roode, then hit a spinning splash in the corner. He then hit The Silencer to Styles, but Roode tagged in Omos. Dawkins had that, “Well, here we go,” face. Omos just chokeslammed Dawkins easily, then caught and shoved Ford over the top. Riddle tagged in as Orton reacted angrily. Riddle hit two Running pump knees, but Omos hit his two-handed lifting slam to Riddle. Orton reacted angrily as the crowd chanted for him. Omos stared at him as Orton argued with the ref. Orton tried to enter, but Roode & Ziggler dragged him oustide and shoved him into the steps.
Styles climbed the apron and called for the tag. Omos said he liked that, but Ziggler suddenly tagged himself in. They argued a bit. Roode pulled down Styles, then shoved him. Omos came down and grabbed Roode, then threw him into the barricade. Ziggler went for the pin on Riddle and won. After the match, Orton hit Ziggler with a sudden RKO, then called for the ref to grab their championship. He held up Riddle as they walked backwards.
WINNER: A.J Styles & Omos & The Dirty Dawgs at 22:05 (Ziggler pin after Omos two-handed slam)
-They showed The Mysterios in Gorilla as Owens approached saying Rey is one of those guys he’s always looked up to and respects. He said he needs to know that Rey believes Owens. Rey said his head is spinning. Owens said he understands, but he needs to know. “Booyaka” hit, so Rey said they should catch up later. Mike Rome introduced The Mysterios as Rey piggybacked his way to the ring on his son as they greeted fans. Adam Pearce was in the ring with a smile on his face as the two faces posed. They cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: OK, admittedly, that eight-man tag went a little different than I expected but it was a good opening match. Raw has been in this pattern of having long opening matches and main events while the matches between are usually less than ten minutes, generally between three and eight minutes. Let’s see if that holds up here. I’m not sure how much of the live crowd was able to catch the beef between the heels was because of Roode tagging himself in, but they played it up so much by the end of the match it was hard to miss. It would seem with Ziggler getting the pin, by WWE logic, they’re in line for the next shot.)
-They returned with another vignette for Veer Mahaan, showing a lot of power moves.
Pearce was waiting with a mic in the middle of the ring as they returned. He received some boos. He thanked The Mysterios, but said before they get into why they’re here, he wanted to discuss Survivor Series. He said since 1987, there have been incredible debuts like The Undertaker, The Rock, and The Shield. he said it’s the one time when the champions face each other, plus the traditional five-on-five match. He said the pressure is bigger this year as Team Raw swept last year. He said that brings him to Rey & Dom Mysterio (so no Dominick?).
He said it’s almost embarassing for himself to admit this, but he felt like he made a huge mistake when the rosters were announced. He said every member of Team Raw is a former World Champion, except for Dominick. He said that’s an issue for him. He said listen, you have a ton of potential, but he wants to win, so don’t get him wrong, as of right now Dominick is still on the team – that is of course, unless he loses in a match right now against this man. Gold lightning hit as Bobby Lashley’s music hit! Dominick looked apprehensive, as he should have, as Lashley looked confident. They cut to break. [c]
(2) BOBBY LASHLEY (w/M.V.P.) vs. DOMINICK MYSTERIO (w/Rey Mysterio) – Team Raw qualifying match
They returned with Lashley’s music playing, then the bell ringing. Lashley looked disgusted at his competition, forcing him into the corner then breaking before the DQ. Mysterio tried a side headlock, but Lashley just lifted him and slammed him, then hit a running shoulder tackle. He threw Mysterio into the corner, then hit a running shoulder tackle to the gut. Lashley started at poppa as he lifted Mysterio for a vertical, but Mysterio fought out with knees.
Mysterio avoided Lashley on the apron, then tried for a crossbody. Lashley caught him, but Mysterio got out and sent Lashley out. He tried for another splash, but Lashley easily caught him and lifted him to his shoulders before running him through the post. Mysterio did a 720 off of the bump, it was wicked. Lashley rolled him back inside as they showed Pearce watching in the back. Lashley stalked down Mysterio, then put his boot on Mysterio’s neck. He lifted Mysterio, taunted father, and hit a slinging flatliner to the mat. Lashley put him in The Hurt Lock, but then prevented the tap.
He slid Mysterio outside to the floor in front of his father. He followed and lifted Mysterio, but father took him off of his shoulders. Lashley took out poppa with a clothesline and ran the son through the post one more time. He rolled Mysterio back inside the ring and set for the spear. He hit and literally sent Mysterio flying through the air. Lashley cinched in The Hurt Lock, finally causing the tap.
WINNER: Bobby Lashley at 5:10 by submission (The Hurt Lock) to make Team Raw
-Smith shifted to E and his interaction with Chad Gable last week, where he mentioned Otis looking like a walking thumb. They showed Alpha Academy warming up in the back as Rollins approached. He asked about the Owens situation and that he’s right about Owens being a liar and a scum. Gable laughed and said Rollins came to the right guy. Gable reiterated he has a Master’s degree (big whoop, I have a Doctorate). Gable said Owens is a big liar like Aaron Rodgers (hey, that’s a face line!). Gable said tonight, the master, Chad Gable is handing out free lessons tonight to E, courtesy of Alpha Academy.
-E’s music hit for his second-hour match with Gable. He received a good pop, though not as big as Orton’s. He received more cheers after Rome’s introduction. They cut to break hyping his match with Gable. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: Can we please stop with the heel authority figures? Please? If the whole point was to have Lashley on the team, they should have jus announced him on Saturday. That gets to the larger issue with the selection in that it was arbitrary with no standard for making the team. We only heard from Pearce tonight that he wants former world champions, yet he also made the teams, so why put Dominick on the team in the first place? They should have just had qualifying matches over a couple of weeks, but that makes it harder to build angles intrasquad that they can then use for feuds through the rest of the year. It’s dumb, but it’s how WWE does things.)
-They returned with E gigging in the ring to his music. Alpha Academy’s music hit as they made their entrance. Graves said Gable was a technician and valedictorian. He put over Gable graduating from Full Sail University.
(3) BIG E (c) vs. CHAD GABLE (w/Otis) – Non-title match
The bell rung as the two circled, both men wearing singlets. Gable took a side headlock, spun into another, then hit a cavate. E countered with an arm wringer, but Gable flipped and bridged out into one of his own. Gable leaped out of the corner, dodged a clothesline, leaped over E, ducked an E leapfrog, but then suffered a shoulder tackle for a quick one-count. E dragged Gable to the apron and hit forearms to the chest. He went for his apron splash and hit on Gable’s chest for a two-count. E was parallel with the top rope on replay.
He set Gable on the top rope, but Gable fought out and rolled out. He caught E’s leg and put it in the ropes, then hit a dragon screw on the other leg. He started working the leg with knees and then a knee lock. He let E to his feet and hit a chop block, then another, but E dodged and sent him outside. E tried to hit a belly-to-belly on Gable, but Gable reversed hand position and hit one of his own. He hit a moonsault where his knees landed flush on E’s chest for a two-count.
E tried to respond, but Gable hit a double throat chop, then a rolling German suplex for a two-count out of the corner! What strength he just showed. They hyped a Fatal Five-Way match to determine the #1 contender for the Women’s Championship. E fought out of an electric chair, then hit an uranage in the corner. He shook out his leg, still selling it, then lifted Gable for a Big Ending. He held him there for a bit then hit for the victory. Otis slowly entered to drag out Gable as E called for his title. Otis then stood up to E as the referee stood between them.
WINNER: Big E at 4:55 (Big Ending)
-They cut to Owens in the back talking to someone who said they cared about this person’s opinion, and it was R-Truth. Truth said he believed Owens. He then said he believed in Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, and the monster under the bed. He said he believes the Earth is flat, but round in some spaces. Owens walked away as truth said he believes in Mermen and Mermaids. They hyped the main event as they cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: First, what a way to slip in a fatal five-way #1 contender’s match for the Women’s Championship with no fanfare or announcement, just a graphic during the Big E vs. Chad Gable match. Gable has shown in his match with Finn Balor last week and E this week that his character is as intelligent as his credentials indicate because of his technical style targeting body parts against wrestlers who are of a higher caliber than him. It just hasn’t worked yet, but it’s the right strategy for a smaller wrestler with his wrestling acumen. I smell an E vs. Otis match coming, only surprised it didn’t happen immediately after. Also, that pattern I mentioned is holding up.)
-They cut to the back where Pearce & Sonya Deville greeted the women’s locker room and introduced their team. Deville said the five of them will engage in “friendly competition” to become #1 contender in the fatal five-way match. Doudrop interrupted and said she tried to be cool about the roster reveal, sending a DM to Deville, asking why she wasn’t included. She said why not her instead of Bianca Belair, who already had her opportunity and needs to move on. Belair said who does she think she’s talking to, Doudrop said you. Dana Brooke then came in saying she’s been overlooked more than any one of them and she paid her dues. Nikki A.S.H. said if it’s about who’s worthy, she’s been Women’s Champion. Zelina Vega and Carmella interrupted saying it’s so fun looking down on her from up there. Rhea Ripley got on Carmella, then they all argued. A typical women’s segment in WWE that is just so tired. They hyped the match.
-Smith said tickets are on sale this Friday for WrestleMania, then shifted to a video recap of 2016 when the event was in Dallas. This was when Stone Cold hit a Stunner on Xavier Woods, Shane McMahon leaped off of Hell in a Cell, and the Booty-Os entrance.
-Smith then shifted to Survivor Series and the shakeup to the men’s team from earlier in the night with Lashley defeating Dominick Mysterio to replace him on the team. They showed The Mysterios in the trainer’s room as Kevin Patrick asked for an update. Rey said Dominick has a neck strain. Rey said instead of questioning Owens’ integrity, we should be questioning Pearce’s (he’s right!). He said Pearce should have just added Lashley to the match from the beginning. Patrick left as Theory took a stealth selfie behind their backs.
-Reggie made his entrance with his leap into the ring for his title defense. They cut to break hyping his match wit Drake Maverick. [c]
(4) REGGIE (c) vs. DRAKE MAVERICK – 24/7 Championship match
The match began as they returned, Reggie in a suit and Maverick in jeans with kneepads. Maverick reversed on the ropes and hit a forearm, then another for a quick pin. Reggie fought back with punches, then sent Maverick for a rope run that was reversed. He dodged clotheslines with various handsprings that popped the crowd a bit. He then hit a forward handspring splash to Maverick in the corner, but Truth brought a ref down. Shelton Benjamin & Cedric Alexander attacked Truth, so Maverick pinned Reggie. Akira Tozawa then entered and won. On the outside, Graves rolled up Tozawa to win. Saxton then rolled up Graves! Maverick rolled up Saxton! Reggie hit a twisting crossbody to win it back! He then leaped out of the ring and ran away with the title. That was a lot. To recap, Maverick to Tozawa to Graves to Saxton to Maverick to Reggie. Saxton said he has one, Graves nada, and Smith said he was professional enough to stay on headset (at least that’s true).
WINNER (eventually): Reggie at 1:22 (spinning crossbody; clock stopped after first pin)
-“The Man” Becky Lynch’s music hit as the Women’s Champion made her way to HUGE pops in some stunning shades and an amazing top. She is not being received as WWE wants her to be as a heel. She joined commentary as they cut to break hyping the fatal five-way match. Lynch did say Graves was robbed. [c]
-They returned with a tweet from The Undertaker in Dallas, meeting with some troops and former President Bush. They then showed some headlines about WrestleMania being two nights in Dallas.
-They showed Belair warming up in Gorilla as Doudrop approached. Belair said she has no time for whatever problem she has with her. Doudrop said that’s her problem, too: time. She asked how Belair can be here after three weeks and lose yet still get another opportunity. She said she speaks for all the other women, but was cut off as Belair said no, you’re speaking for yourself (she’s right!). Belair made her entrance to a good pop. They cut to a recap of the Women’s Championship match that saw Lynch retain after forcing Belair into the exposed turnbuckle and using the tights. They cut back where Lynch was holding up the title to Belair.
Carmella then made her entrance as Rome introduced her as “the most beautiful woman in WWE.” They played a pre-recorded promo where she said she’s the diamond of WWE: rare, rich, expensive. She said soon, she won’t just be the most beautiful woman in WWE, but the most beautiful Women’s Champion. Morgan’s music hit to a great pop. Morgan greeted a fan who looked like she met her hero. Zelina made her entrance to a round of boos. They played a pre-recorded promo in her fake accent where she deemed herself the only fit enough to wear the Women’s Championship as she’ll give it the royal treatment it truly deserves. Ripley’s music hit to a lesser pop than Morgan to my ears. Lynch is doing fantastic on commentary already, unsurprisingly.
Things broke down before the bell as Zelina and Carmella attacked Belair. Ripley and Morgan followed, and they fought off the heels as Lynch talked smack. They cut to break with multiple officials trying to regain control. [c]
(5) BIANCA BELAIR vs. RHEA RIPLEY vs. QUEEN ZELINA vs. CARMELLA vs. LIV MORGAN – #1 contender’s fatal five-way match for a future match with Women’s Champion Becky Lynch
Ripley’s music was playing for some reason as they returned, then the bell rung. Belair and Ripley cleared the ring so they could faceoff with each other, the long-time rivals. Carmella and Zelina reentered and attacked both, but Belair and Ripley took both back outside. The methodically beat on the two before staring at each other across the ring from the outside and egging each other back inside. They smiled as the crowd built up some anticipation.
They circled, then locked up. Belair used her lower leverage for a bit, then hit a go-behind. Ripley hit one of her own, but Belair hit another. Ripley picked the leg, but Belair kicked her away. Belair front handsprung over Ripley, but the two heels grabbed her and pulled her out of the ring, shoving Belair into the barricade. Ripley headbutted Carmella and kicked Zelina, then hit a basement dropkick to Carmella’s shoulder before suffering a chop block from Zelina.
The two beat on Ripley for a bit, Carmella taunting her. Lynch put over wearing a mask as protection. Zelina broke up a pin by Carmella and they argued, but Carmella turned to Morgan and kicked her off of the apron. They turned back to Ripley, teaming on her in the corner. Carmella hit back elbows while Zelina hit a leaping boot. Carmella got mad at Zelina’s pin attempt, allowing Ripley to fight back. However, Zelina blocked a belly-to-back and they dropped her. Zelina held Ripley as Carmella hit chops to the chest, but she moved and Carmella hit Zelina. Ripley went for a bodyslam, but Carmella slipped out and slammed her to the mat.
They took turns on Ripley in the corner with boots, then Carmella hit a bronco buster. Ripley dodged Zelina’s double knees and rolled outside. Morgan came in and hit some shots to Carmella that showed lots of light. She hit a running elbow in the corner, then a lifting knee, followed by a step-up enziguri. She then leaped onto the back of Carmella using the corner, but Zelina broke up the cover. Zelina hit a knee then slammed Morgan to the mat. Lynch said Morgan is talented, but never gets the job done. Zelina turned around to see Ripley, looking scared. She tried for clotheslines, but Ripley didn’t budge.
Ripley hit a few biels and cavate knees. She easily lifted Zelina into a snap bridging Northern Lights, but Belair quickly broke up the pin and deposited Ripley outside. Belair worked on Zelina in the corner. She hit punches, backflipped over a rushing Carmella, then wailed away at both on the middle rope. She flipped over Morgan, but Morgan came back with a leaping double knee drop. She then caught Carmella, but the pin was broken up.
Ripley then hit a big dropkick on Carmella, but suffered a tornado DDT from Zelina for a two-count. Ripley exited and Belair entered, and just floored Zelina with a shoulder tackle. The three others were fighting on the outside, so Belair military press slammed Zelina onto the other three as they cut to commercials. [c]
Morgan was fighting Ripley on the top as they returned. Zelina joined her as they looked for a double superplex. Belair came in, Ripley held on, and Belair hit a double powerbomb with one arm for each woman before Ripley hit her with a missile dropkick from the top. Carmella then hit a superkick and tried pins on everyone, scoring two-counts each time. She yelled out in frustration. Carmella went outside to hit a superkick on Belair, but Belair caught it and swung her face-first into the announce table. Ripley told Belair to enter the ring for another faceoff.
Belair hit a forearm, then slid out of a Riptide. She tried K.O.D., but Ripley landed on her feet. Belair tried a leapfrog, but Ripley just booted her. Ripley hit Riptide, but Morgan broke up the pin at two. Ripley raised and hit a headbutt, but Morgan hit a head scissors. Morgan dodge a Riptide, then sent Ripley neck-first into the second rope. She hit her finisher, Oblivion, a flatliner off of the rope, but Zelina broke up the pin and hit a sliding knee to Morgan in the corner.
She went for Code Red, but Belair entered and lifted Zelina into K.O.D. She kicked Morgan outside, but was dragged out of the ring on the pin after hitting K.O.D. by Doudrop. Carmella tried pinning Zelina, but Morgan put her in the crucifix to win instead! After the match, Lynch posed on the announce desk. Morgan exited the ring, climbed the table, and went right up to her to a good pop from the crowd. Lynch walked away with the “I wasn’t expecting that kind of confidence” look on her face.
WINNER: Liv Morgan at 16:23 (crucifix pin) to become #1 contender for the Women’s Championship
-They cut to the back where E was walking as Rollins approached. He said he came in peace and he doesn’t want any trouble with his match. He said he wanted to understand where E’s head is at and he can’t believe Owens. Rollins said yeah, he popped him in the head last week, but E knows what Rollins is about. He said it’s better to trust the devil you know rather than the devil you don’t. E said he doesn’t trust either, but said you bet your sweet cheeks he’ll be out there to make sure everything goes smoothly. E mocked Rollins, laughing along with him before Rollins angrily turned and walked off. They hyped Tribute to the Troops once more before E’s entrance for what is supposed to be the main event. It’s 16 minutes past the top of the hour. They hyped E vs. Roman Reigns for Survivor Series. They cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: It was way too obvious that Belair was looking for her boot to be grabbed and dragged out. I also don’t know if this finish is going to appease Belair fans or even those who were invested in her development. I don’t think anyone expects her to lose to Doudrop in this iteration – Piper Niven would be more of an argument – and I don’t think many people expect Morgan to beat Lynch, as happy as they are to see her in the match. It was telegraphed Belair would feud with Doudrop, but is Doudrop now suddenly a heel? She’s doing heel things after being billed as such a babyface with her music and spirit fingers. You know, a wrestler like Mia Yim would be great for the women’s division on Monday nights. Oh wait…)
-They returned with their Smackdown Breakdown which showed Hit Row and Zayn’s verbal encounter, Drew McIntyre vs. Ricochet, the return of Reigns, and “Bend the Knee” match where Woods pinned Jey “James” Uso, but Reigns attacked before Jimmy could bend. They hyped King Woods vs. Roman Reigns this Friday. Nice.
-They cut back to the ring, but suddenly Theory’s music hit as Graves said he wasn’t scheduled for this next match, but praised him for ruffling feathers on the show. Smith said Theory is “constantly on something live.” He came to the announce desk and too selfies with each announcer, Saxton begrudgingly, but E knocked the phone out of his hand. E told him to get on and get out. Rollins’ music hit as he made his way with pomp and braggadocio. Rollins took a mic.
He said he has something to get off of his chest, that’s been weighing on him for an entire week. He sighed, the crowd chanted something I couldn’t discern, and said while he said Owens is a liar, he’s not the only one who’s a liar. He turned to E and said that was a plan between him and Owens that was planned out weeks in advance. He said he told E that E needed to learn he isn’t the face of Monday nights, then said he’s coming clean because he wants everyone to know that he’s a man of integrity. Owens’ music hit as he angrily made his way to the ring. He just punched Rollins as Rollins tried to talk. He followed Rollins outside, chasing him off into the crowd as they cut to break. [c]
-They returned with a ‘This week in WWE history” video on Survivor Series, highlighting debuts, shocking moments, and “controversies,” highlighting the Montreal Screwjob and the “Bret Hart screwed Bret Hart” line.
(6) SETH ROLLINS vs. KEVIN OWENS – Singles match
They cut back to the ring and started the match with both men beating on each other, but Owens getting the advantage. Rollins hung onto the ropes after a rope run and went outside. Owens looked visibly agitated. Rollins regained the advantage in the ring only to suffer a back elbow and a hard whip into the corner. Owens hit a big chop and forearm in the corner, then another chop and a headbutt that dropped Rollins. Rollins rolled outside before Owens could run for the cannonball. Rollins caught Owens as he exited the ring, but Owens reversed an Irish whip and sent Rollins into the barricade by the timekeeper, a clothesline, then a senton. He broke the count before exiting. He went for a cannonball and hit as Rollins was still seated by the barricade.
Owens stalked Rollins as Rollins looked to exit the ring, rolling him back into the ring. Owens hit a forearm, then a chop in the corner and another. Rollins reversed position and hit one of his own, but Owens hit another that dropped Rollins. He set Rollins, hit a leaping double stomp, then climbed to the top rope. Rollins rolled to the apron, sitting on it, but Owens hit a kick across the chest. Owens looked for a powerbomb on the apron, but Rollins hit the knee. He looked for a Falcon’s Arrow, but Owens locked the bottom rope with a leg. He just threw Rollins off and into the announce desk, then a Swanton off the apron. Rollins got the knees up, then shoved Owens gut first into the announce desk. They cut to break with E watching carefully. [c]
Owens had Rollins in a crucifix pin as they returned for a two-count, but Rollins immediately mounted and pounded away on Owens. E was watching intently, and I like that he wasn’t on headset to sell how seriously he is taking this match. Rollins stomped on Owens’ gut before hitting a falling elbow. Rollins sent Owens on a rope run, holding on and hitting a knee to the gut twice before dropping him for a two-count. Rollins grabbed a go-behind with both men still on the mat. Owens fought off Rollins’ hands from a seated position, but Rollins just stood up and hit a PK to the back.
Rollins stalked Owens before hitting a running kick to the chest and grinding his knee into the ribs. He hit a snap suplex and floated over for a two-count. Owens slapped Rollins, and then the two just traded slaps New Japan style. Rollins then hit a gut kick, but Owens caught the next one, kicked the hamstring, and hit a DDT. The both slowly rose to their feet, but Rollins hit a slingblade after escaping a hold with an eye rake. He climbed to the top and went for a big frog splash, but Owens moved and climbed to the top. He hit his own frog splash, what JBL used to call the bullfrog splash, for a two-count. They cut to break. [c]
They returned from the final commercial break of the evening and second of this match with both men prone in the ring. Each wrestler rose in an opposite corner, the neutral corners in tag team matches, and Rollins turned and ran right into a superkick. Owens dropped after that as they showed a replay that showed it caught Rollins flush on the side of the head. Owens went for a Stunner, but Rollins dodged. He rolled out of a pin and suffered a superkick, hit an enziguri, but then ate a big lariat. Both men were breathing heavily as they tried to recover on the mat.
Owens climbed to the second rope, sitting on the top, as Rollins met him with strikes. He climbed, looking for a superplex, but Owens held on. Owens fought back with strikes, then delivered a headbutt that dropped Rollins. Rollins climbed quickly, but Owens turned it into his avalanche fisherman’s buster for an eventual two-count after slowly rolling over to Rollins. Rollins suddenly hit the Pedigree, but couldn’t make the immediate pin. He crawled over and barely got a leg hooked as Owens kicked out at two. Five minutes left in the show.
Rollins yelled at Owens as he just laid into him on the mat. He rose to his feet and limped over to the the corner. He climbed, maybe for a Phoenix Splash, but Owens caused him to lose his footing and seated him. Rollins turned around as Owens brought Rollins’ legs back inside the ring. He climbed, but Rollins slid out and hit a buckle bomb. He went for the curb stomp, but Owens hit a popup sitting powerbomb for a two-count; he only got one leg over a shoulder.
Owens regrouped in the corner, clutching his midsection, but Rollins countered a Stunner with a rolling elbow to the back of Owens’ neck. Both men rolled outside. Rollins leaped off the steps into Owens, who took out the chair that E had just vacated. Owens bumped into E on the way back to the ring, causing the count out and Rollins’ victory.
WINNER: Seth Rollins at 23:45 (count out)
-Suddenly, Owens attacked E with a superkick and threw him into the ring steps. Graves said it was happenstance, but Owens threw E into the steps again. He hit a popup powerbomb onto the apron to E, then beat on him some more. He walked away, then ran back and stomped on E before striking him some more as officials tried to get him away.
(Hazelwood’s Take: Such an unsatisfying finish to that match. The angle after did more to build the tension and heat for their feud than that dumb finish. They just have to waste good matches with crap finishes. Owens also just proved Rollins right in everything he said, so there’s that.)
FINAL TAKE: I was hoping this would be a continuation of what had been two good episodes of Raw. However, all of the old things that make the show, well, Raw reared again with dumb finishes and segments. Some of the matches were good, sure, but again the finishes just took away from the biggest matches. It’s fine to have clean finishes; one loss doesn’t always crush a wrestler. Most mixed martial artists lose, and lost multiple times, in their careers. Maybe it’s because it’s Survivor Series season that the show regressed, so let’s just hope, hope, that the show improves post-PPV.
Don’t forget to catch me on with Wade Keller soon!
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