This week’s episode of AEW Dynamite has wrapped. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and relive some of the madness.
-Good to see Kenny Omega in the Dynamite opener this week. More often than not, when Omega is in the ring working, he sheds the quirky part of his act and leans heavier on being a lethal competitor. With a major championship showdown with Adam Page less than two weeks away, this was a smart time to do that in order to keep the tone serious around that match.
-Speaking of Adam Page, he was short, sweet, and very crisp in his quick promo. Page told the audience what he would do in winning and gave the fans a taste of what he’d look like with the AEW Championship belt. Nothing fancy, but an effective chapter to build Page up while telling the story of his long journey.
-What a cool environment for the Malaki Black promo, huh? Black appearing through the smoke and then fading back after quick words is a tremendous presentation and sets him apart from any other act in the company.
-Big props and respect to C.M. Punk for addressing the Jon Moxley situation the way he did. Punk was spot on with all points he made. Around the rest of his promo there were some question marks. Interruptions happen every other minute on a wrestling show. This can’t be a core reason for a feud; otherwise everyone would be feuding with everyone. A little silly, but something both Kingston and Punk can leave in the rearview mirror if and when they execute a proper wrestling angle for heat on Friday night.
-Adam Cole has merged into the AEW lane of traffic a little too fluidly for my liking. The guy regular gets the biggest pops on the show, but stands in the middle of an ensemble feud with The Young Bucks opposite Jurassic Express and Christian. Yes, there are worse spots to be in, but Cole seems eons higher than this based on the reactions he gets.
-It’s a good thing that Full Gear is near because the ATT and Inner Circle program is hanging on by a thread. Sure, Wednesday’s stuff worked. It was entertaining, and ATT got some heat and Jericho played off it fine minus the strange Paige Van Zant stuff. But, this isn’t moving the ratings needle or elevating Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky. If anything, they are role players when they should be the focus as heels. Look, a valiant effort and the ATT folks are doing good work; it’s just not coming along in a meaningful way outside of go away crowd heat.
-MFJ and Darby Allin clocked in the segment of the show. Both were true to their characters, told their story, but effectively put the other over at the same time. That’s the gig, folks.
-Surprised Cody didn’t secure the W against Andrade El Idolo. Man, his future is so cloudy right now. He’s an act that is in desperate need of a foundation and direction. Strangely enough, the heel turn he is seemingly rebelling against would help establish that stuff in a quick and meaningful way.
-I’ll give $1,000,000,000,000 to any who can tell me just what the heck John Silver was talking about.
-Miro vs. Orange Cassidy was exactly what it needed to be. The match was about making Miro look strong heading into the Eliminator Tournament finals. He was that and then some.
-Miro has found his voice as a main eventer. The look he gave the sky at his “god” during his entrance was loaded with nuance and showed a performer in lockstep with his character. Danielson vs. Miro in an AEW environment should be a real treat.
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