10/6 AEW DYNAMITE TV RESULTS: Sage’s “alt perspective” report on The Two Year Anniversary Show: Kenny Omega, Adam Cole & The Young Bucks vs. Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage & Jurassic Express, 7-Person Casino Latter Match, Sammy Guevara vs. Bobby Fish, More.

By Tyler Sage PWTorch Contributor


OCTOBER 6, 2021

Announcers: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur


Jungle Boy and Nick Jackson started the match with high flying moves, Jungle Boy got the upperhand. Adam Cole was then tagged in and he and JB traded moves until Christian Cage was tagged in. Cage did his back stand and jump out of the ring slap on Cole and then he pummeled Cole in the corner. Matt Jackson and Kenny Omega entered and were disposed of. It was then Jungle Boy and Adam Cole left as the legal men.

Kenny Omega then entered and got JB to the corner and tagged in Nick Jackson. Then both Bucks were in the ring attacking Jungle Boy. But, JB countered with a top rope arm drag, he then was able to tag in Bryan Danielson who began to chop and kick Matt Jackson. Danielson tagged in Luchasaurus who proceeded to manhandle Matt Jackson in his teams corner. After a flurry all eight men were in the ring. The Young Bucks hit a top rope IndyTaker onto the floor with Cage being the recipient.

The ringside doctor looked over Cage as Matt Jackson hit super kicks on JB and Marko Stunt. Back in the ring Matt Jackson and Jungle Boy were the legal men. Nick Jackson was tagged in and he worked over JB in his team’s corner. Cole and the Bucks did the Kiss spot and then Omega came in and got work in on JB.

Jungle Boy countered and got the hot tag to Danielson. It was them Omega and Danielson alone in the ring. The men had a stare down and then traded forearms until Omega got a gut kick. Danielson countered with a running lariat. Danielson then went to the top and hit a hurricanrana, then the diving headbutt. The pin was broken up by the Super Elite. LS and JB entered and evened the odds, Omega and Danielson were alone once more. Danielson had the cattle mutilation locked in, Nick Jackson jumped off the top to break up the hold.

Luchasaurus then entered and he took on all four members of The Super Elite, with a ton of support from the live crowd. Jungle Boy then hit a big move to the outside, then Matt Jackson, then Danielson. Kenny Omega then did a front flip to the outside, Cole looked like he was, but he played up and yelled Bay Bay to the crowd. LS entered behind him and took him out.

Cole hit a low blow on LS as the rest of the elite entered. Omega and co. messed up a power bomb on LS, Cole then hit Panama Sunrise on JB, Danielson broke up the pin. Danielson then took out all four members of the Super Elite. The Super Elite then hit a four way BTE trigger for the win.

WINNER: The Super Elite in 20:00

(Sage’s Analysis: A great opening match for an episode of TV, it made all 7 men that went the distance look great and set up many matches down the road. JR was in elite form complaining about the rules being broken in tag matches which got old for me on the 4th or 5th mention. Besides that the crowd and the performers made this a special opening bout.)

-The announce team ran down the card for the evening. [c]

-Jon Moxley had a backstage promo, he said no man submit him or pin him. He said he is gonna play with adders tonight and get his belt back.

-CM Punk came out to the ring. He asked if anyone was tired of the love fest. He said he loves Philly, he lived there for years and lived wrestling. He said during that time he was spiritually rich because ehe was immersed in wrestling, like he is right now again. He asked Dif he should wrestle or give them all cheesesteak. He said he was going to wrestle. Punk then called out Daniel Garcia and said to meet him on Rampage.

-Arn and Cody had a video that was shown. They were outside, Arn continued to berate him. He took Cody’s tie and said to paint a star on his face. He then slapped Cody and made him burn his tie in a fire. [c]

-Bobby Fish had a brief video, he then came out to a tepid response.


Fish controlled the opening portion of the match after winning the initial forearm battle with Guevara, after a few come back attempts Fish remained in control. Just before the break Sammy was able to counter, but Fish was able to quickly regain control. [c]

Sammy was back in control after the break, the two men the traded some kicks in the corner and the middle of the ring. Sammy ended a low energy segment with a snap Spanish Fly, he then went to the top. But, Fish kicked the feet of Sammy seeing him down onto the rope. Fish then hit an Avalanche Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Sammy then won the match after a counter.

WINNER: Sammy Guevara in 10:00

(Sage’s Analysis: Full Disclosure, I am not a Bobby Fish fan in the slightest. That being said, this match felt flat from the start and these two just didn’t have any chemistry. I do not think an AEW contract is in Fish’s future.)

-Post match Dan Lambert and the MMA fighters came to the ring and surrounded Guevara and beat him up. Fuego Del Sol came out and was destroyed. Jericho and Hager came out and made the save. Dan Lambert was on the stage area and complained about the crowd singing Judas. He said that AEW is coming to Miami, he set up a six man tag match featuring Junior Dos Santos in the match.

-The Acclaimed had a video where Caster rapped about getting the tag titles form the Lucha Bros, they are having that match on Friday at rampage. [c]

-Tony Schiavone was in the ring, he said that the fans and AEW changed the wrestling industry. He announced a new championship, the TBS Championship that would be the secondary title in the Women’s division. The champion will be crowned with a tournament.

-JR and Darby had a sit-down interview. He said that he enjoyed the match with MJF last week, and talked about his match tonight. JR then asked about Darby’s face paint. Darby then talked about his Uncle’s death when he was five and they did a bullet point promo to describe his character to a newer audience. Darby then said that Max would not win this war.


Darby attacked Camoroto before the bell rang, Darby was able to regain control briefly. Comoroto hit a slam going into the break [c]

Back from the break Darby hit a Coffin Drop for the win.

WINNER: Darby Allin in 4:00

(Sage’s Analysis: Not even really a match if you don’t watch split screen. The show is obviously running long,  this whole segment should have just been cut .)

-Sting hit a Scorpion Death Drop on QT Marshall.

-The Dark Order were backstage. Evil Uno said that he didn’t want to make the calls anymore. They all agreed to vote as a unit.

-Tony Schiavone was in the ring with Dante Martin. Dante said that he is a problem to everyone in the locker room. He said he is here to fight anyone. Malakai Black took that opportunity and he appeared behind Martin. Black hit the black mist and kicked Martin, he then walked off as Martin was laying on the outside. [c]

-Ricky Starks was in the ring. He said he had the original FTW championship that was made down the road, he said that he has the same mindset as Taz during his ECW days. He said the former champion Brian Cage does not have that attitude. He said Cage was not there tonight, but Cage came out and beat up Starks. Powerhouse Hobbs and Hook came out and made the save.

-Thunder Rosa, Sky Blue, Ruby Soho, and Jade Cargill said they were going for the title.


Deeb and Shida battled back and forth to start the match, a quick commercial break came in without much word and killed some positive momentum. [c]

The match resumed with Deeb locking in an octopus hold, Shida was able to counter and she hit a running knee on Deeb, sending her to the outside. Shida hit a crossbody to the outside and then threw Deeb back into the ring. Deeb then hit a dragon screw while Shida was in the ropes. Deeb hit a neck breaker for a two count.

Shida pushed Deeb off and hit a knee strike again, Shida hit a roundhouse kick. Shida then hit a big slam for a near fall. Shida then hit a running elbow then a Falcon Arrow for another near fall. Deeb blocked the Katana, then she took out the eyes of Shida. Deeb hit the detox for a near fall. Deeb then locked in the Serenity lock for the win.

WINNER: Serena Deeb in 9:00

(Sage’s Analysis: A really good match, easily the best bell to bell match on the show. I like the surprise win out of the obviously telegraphed win for Shida. The heel turn at the end for Deeb was nice and it makes her feel more important.)

-Darby Allin accepted a match against MJF on next week’s Dynamite. A limo then pulled up and The Pinnacle beat up Darby backstage.

-Lio Rush said he was a fan of Dante Martin. He wanted to talk business with Dante, he said that Dante is an undervalued commodity. He said he would like to manage Dante. [c]


The entrants started in this order Orange Cassidy, Pac, Andrade el Idolo, Matt Hardy, Lance Archer, Jon Moxley, and Adam Page.

-Pac and Orange Cassidy started with mat based moves where Pac quickly got a waist lock. Pac then disrespectfully walked over a rolling Cassidy. Pac then hit an impressive backbreaker, he then went to the outside to get a ladder. Cassidy then blocked the ladder.

Andrade el Idolo entered, a ladder was immediately kicked din his face by Pac. Pac then went up a ladder then Andrade jumped on the ladder and hit a sunset flip on Pac. OC entered and did the Cassidy kicks on Andrade, Cassidy was slapped for his trouble.

Matt Hardy entered and he hit a Side Effect on Cassidy as soon as he entered. Hardy then grabbed the ladder and then took out the other three men. Cassidy then took Hardy off of the ladder as the last break started. Lance Archer entered during the break and he took on the other four men and set up the ladder.

Archer set up Cassidy on a ladder and hit a forearm on him, while laying on the ladder. Archer then set up the ladder as the clock counted down. Jon Moxley then entered the match. Archer and Moxley battled on the outside and then to the outsid etch ring area. Archer was bale to get in the ring, Orange Cassidy then hit an Orange Punch and he tried to use archer to get to the chip. Moxley entered and battled Archer in the ring.

Adam Page entered as the joker, he went at Moxley. They traded forearms, Page sent Moxley and Archer to the outside. Page then took out Cassidy, Andrade, then Hardy. Pac then hit Page with a chair to get the upper hand. Pac then set up a ladder in the corner of the ring and then brought in a table, and set it up in the ring.

Pac placed Page in the table and then went to the ladder, Andrade went to the top. Andrade was thrown off to another ladder on the outside. Page then hit his reverse piledriver off the top of the ladder onto the table. Moxley then entered and hit a DDT. Moxley and Orange then battled at the top of the ladder, hardy entered and pushed the ladder over.

Hardy put Cassidy on a table and hit a leg drop off of a ladder to eliminate them both, one would assume. Back in the ring, Page hit a buckshot lariat on Archer. Moxley hit Page with a chair as he was climbing. The two men then battled on the ladder, with Page getting the upper hand. Page then climbed up and grabbed the Chip.

WINNER: Hangman Adam Page

(Sage’s Analysis: A match that very straight forward from a booking standpoint, and that is great in my opinion. This is a TV main event with a group of upper midcard guys. This is really how it should have gone, with the surprise and the way Pac/Andrade Hardy/Cassidy Mox/Archer was continued. Also, the high spots are pretty amazing to see on tv vs on a PPV. A great main event.)

Final Thoughts: Overall a good show start to finish, with a softish middle of the show. The opening and closing match, along with the Deeb/Shida match were strong highlights. The reaction to Page is exactly what Tony Khan wanted to see and it seems that Page vs. Omega should be a great PPV main event, that I personally think could go either way. 



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