8/31 AEW DARK TV REPORT: Pac vs. Matt Sydal, Statlander vs. Grey, Conti vs. Reckless, more


Analysis, detail, and results of this week's episode of AEW Dark


AUGUST 31, 2021

Announcers: Excalibur and Taz

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

-Excalibur and Taz on the call, welcoming us to the show, giving us a rundown.


Grey attempted a monkey flip out of the corner, but Statlander countered into a stalling vertical suplex. Statlander gave the boop to Grey before hitting the spinning fisherman’s buster for the quick win.

WINNER: Kris Statlander in 1:00

(Howard’s Analysis: Statlander remains undefeated since her return in April and is more than ready for the Doctor this Sunday.)


Two different CZW era guys collide here as Anthony wiped out Janela with a big boot and somersault plancha outside. Back inside, Anthony hit a stalling vertical suplex, the second one we’ve seen tonight for a two count. Both men fought in the corner and Janela hit a sunset flip powerbomb for two of his own. Janela connected with a thrust kick, tried a top rope elbow, but Anthony got the knees up to pop the crowd. Anthony hit a series of clotheslines and gut wrench slam before getting a modified Romero Special slam for two. Janela fought back with a brainbuster & death valley driver for the win. Post match, Janela keeps beating down Anthony until a jacked woman (Kayla Rossi) jumps in the ring and lays out Anthony with a powerbomb.

WINNER: Joey Janela in 4:00

(Howard Analysis: This was the first time seeing Joey in action on Dark since he (finally) turned on Sonny Kiss, ending their long partnership. This was a fun back & forth match, but commentary never told us who the woman with Janela was. I guess she’s his heater? If you follow Kayla Rossi on Twitter, you’ll see she’s very athletic.)


Sakura rag dolled Luck around the ring by her hair before locking in a Romero Special. Luck battled back with strikes, enziguri and double knees in the corner. Sakura countered Luck’s offense with a Flatliner before doing the We Will Rock You chant, which got Taz to sing. Sakura hit a double arm underhook back breaker before putting away Luck with a corner senton.

WINNER: Emi Sakura in 3:00

(Howard’s Analysis: Sakura was announced on Elevation, along with Hikaru Shida, as being in the Casino Battle Royale. She’s continued to impress since her return to the USA.)


Sky & Page took turns hitting back breakers on GPA to start things off. GPA tried to get away, but got beat down for his troubles. GPA hit a glancing enziguri on Page to get a tag to Fitchett, who cleaned house. Fitchett hit a Pele Kick while on the apron, which was super impressive. The momentum stopped as Sky hit a slingshot cutter, tagged Page, wiped out GPA, while Page hit the Ego’s Edge for the win.

WINNERS: Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky in 3:00

(Howard’s Analysis: I hope this association with Dan Lambert means we get more tag matches with Sky & Page. They’re a solid team together and they looked very impressive here tonight.)


Kazarian sent Serpentico to the floor with a shoulder tackle and went out after him for a few chops before heading back in. Serpentico got boots up in the corner and a head scissors before he looked around for Luther to toss him into Kazarian. Luther wasn’t there, so Serpentico grabbed his head and launched himself into Kazarian, who countered into a leaping leg drop. Serpentico guillotined Kazarian on the top rope and hit a slingshot double stomp for two. Kazarian starts no selling punches, hit a leg lariat, flying clothesline and springboard leg drop. Kazarian hit a slingshot cutter for two but Serpentico went for Sliced Bread, missed and Kazarian connected with a lariat. Kazarian applied the chicken wing for the submission win.

WINNER: Frankie Kazarian in 4:30

(Howard’s Analysis: This was a solid match as Serpentico is so much more entertaining when he’s not teaming with Luther. Kazarian keeps looking strong as The Elite Hunter.)


Onyx has a spider persona and did the spider crawl to try to throw Hirsch off, but got her arm kicked out as a result. Taz asked why she expected was going to happen against Hirsch? Hirsch immediately wrapped up Onyx and got the lightning quick cross arm breaker for the win.

WINNER: Leyla Hirsch in 1:00

(Howard’s Analysis: This was filmed before her NWA Championship match with Kamille, but go out of your way to check out that match. Probably Leyla’s best showing. As for Onyx, she’s a Black & Brave Academy graduate, who unfortunately didn’t get much time to show what she’s capable of – which is a lot more than this. It’s Dark, so I get it, though.)

(7) 2point0 (Jeff Parker & Matt Lee) vs. TRAVIS TITAN & JASON HOTCH

Lee & Parker attacked at the bell as Taz said he was a huge fan of 2point0. Excalibur asked if he’s a fan of their YouTube show and Taz said no. Titan was able to hit a springboard forearm, but Lee clubbed him down to the mat. Lee hit a drop toe hold and Parker used his partner as a springboard into an elbow. Hotch was knocked to the floor while Titan was hit with Two for the Show for the win.

WINNERS: 2point0 in 1:30

(Howard’s Analysis: I’ve been so impressed by Lee & Parker since arriving in AEW and happy they’re getting to show how talented they are. Titan has appeared on Dark in the past and is another Black & Brave graduate, who like Blair Onyx in the last match, didn’t get to show much tonight.)

(8) THE BUNNY (w/The Blade) vs. SIERRA

Taz popped himself and bets a blonde girl will win this match. Sierra hit a stiff palm strike in the corner, but crashed and burned in the follow up. Bunny drove Sierra’s face into the bottom turnbuckle and sliding forearm before putting away Sierra with Down the Rabbit Hole for three.

WINNER: The Bunny in 1:30

(Howard’s Analysis: A quick win for Bunny as Taz put the visual in my head saying The Blade probably pounded Bunny’s tongue ring in with a hammer.)


Reckless attacked Conti’s leg before the bell, but Conti answered with a superkick using her good leg. Conti hit a few judo throws using the arm before hitting a spinning gut buster. Reckless got a jaw breaker, but Conti answered with a few pump kicks before hitting the DD-Tay for the win.

WINNER: Tay Conti in 1:30

(Howard’s Analysis: This wasn’t the night for Black & Brave trainees, who simply didn’t get much offense on the night. Conti is back on the winning track after her long streak came to an end courtesy of The Bunny on Rampage last week. This was filmed before that match, so commentary never referenced it at all.)

(10) QT MARSHALL (w/The Factory) vs. EVIL UNO

Solo & Comoroto distracted Uno to give QT the brief advantage early, but Uno hit a nice head scissors and chops. Taz defended QT for attacking Tony Schiavone’s son saying both are unlikeable. Uno hit a nice neckbreaker, but Solo hooked Uno’s leg. QT hit a pop up elbow strike and mocked the Uno strut. The United Center did a loud “QT Sucks” chant as Taz puts over QT’s dog Buttercup on commentary. Uno connected with a Flatliner for two, but took too long going to the top, with QT cutting him off with a monster superplex. QT did a nonchalant pin, which Uno countered into a close crucifix pin for two. QT hit a great looking Liger Bomb for two, missed a Cutter and ate a big boot. Uno went to the top for his senton, Comoroto pulled QT to the floor, so Uno hit a somersault dive that took out both men. Solo tried attacking Uno, who planted Solo with a ripcord flatliner. QT took the ref, Comoroto attacked Uno, who avoided the first Cutter attempt, but QT hit the second try for the win.

WINNER: QT Marshall in 6:00

(Howard’s Analysis: Match of the night so far, even with the interference. This is a pairing I wish would get 10-12 minutes on Dark without The Factory ringside. QT & Uno both looked good here tonight. Commentary gave QT zero chance against Paul Wight at All Out and I’m inclined to agree.)

(11) Pac (w/Lucha Brothers) vs. MATT SYDAL

Andrade El Idolo joined commentary with Chavo Guerrero for the main event and was immediately confused by Excalibur pointing out he defeated Sydal in his debut. He hasn’t wrestled a match in AEW in almost two months, so I don’t blame him he forgot. Excalibur said Pac & Sydal have only wrestled each other twice in their career and are 1-1, so this is the rubber match. Sydal hit a leg swinging neckbreaker and standing spinning moonsault that sent Pac outside. Pac took control on the floor while Andrade left commentary and threw his sunglasses at Pac before he & Chavo rejoined commentary, so that was unnecessary. Sydal connected with a leaping hurricanrana while Pac was set up in the corner, then a massive Meteora off the top for two. Pac took out Sydal’s leg, but Sydal answered with a front face driver that Pac sold incredibly. Pac battled back with an Asai Moonsault and Liger Bomb for two before going up top. Sydal cut him off and hit an insane Poison-Rana. Sydal went for the Lightning Spiral, but Pac countered into a Brutalizer mid move and Sydal submitted.

WINNER: PAC in 8:00

(Howard’s Analysis: Andrade contributed nothing to commentary as Chavo did all the talking. I take that back, he toasted Pac with his champagne at the end of the match. This was a great main event though, even with the brief Chavo & Andrade distraction. Pac’s selling for Sydal was amazing in this. I really hope Andrade delivers at All Out, because his time in AEW so far has been wildly underwhelming.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: A pretty quick, but enjoyable episode tonight with the highlights obviously being Sydal vs. Pac and Uno vs. QT. The rest of the matches were primarily squashes, though it’s nice to see folks like Onyx, Reckless & Titan, who have trained around my area, get a shot on shows like this. I’m interested in where they go with Janela & Kayla Rossi, as Joey having a female heater is kind of perfect. Statlander looked ready for Baker and we have some solid contenders to potentially win the Casino Battle Royal on Sunday.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S AEW DARK REPORT: 8/24 AEW DARK TV REPORT: Lucha Bros vs. The Factory, Rosa vs. Reckless, Best Friends vs. H.F.O, more


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