WWE announced the release of Bray Wyatt (Windham Lawrence Rotunda) today.
WWE has come to terms on the release of Bray Wyatt. We wish him the best in all his future endeavors.
He had been absent from TV since WrestleMania where he lost a short, anti-climactic match against Randy Orton. The plans for the match were changed at the last moment, apparently related to Wyatt’s situation.
He and former WWE interviewer JoJo Offerman had a daughter together in May 2020. Wyatt told SkySports that Braun Strowman is the child’s godfather. Strowman was also released in a surprise decision earlier this year.
Wyatt joined WWE developmental in 2009 and joined the main roster the next year as Husky Harris. He became Bray Wyatt in 2012, and introduced “The Fiend” alter-ago in 2019. It was a merchandising juggernaut. The “Firefly Funhouse” segments, a takeoff on a children’s show along the lines of “Pee Wee’s Playhouse,” were a staple of WWE TV during the Fiend’s run as a top star.
Wyatt is the son of pro wrestler Mike Rotunda, brother of Bo Dallas, and grandson of Blackjack Mulligan.
So, I assume this means Ramblin’ Rabbit and Mercy the Buzzard and the witch are *also* released, and yet WWE did not wish *them* success in their “future endeavors”? What a speciest organization!
Sorry to be happy about someone losing their job. Hoping against hope he doesn’t get signed by AEW for more “funhouse matches.” This guy conned a Fortune 500 company into believing he had talent for about a decade. What a joke.
I’m sorry, which Fortune 500 company was Bray Wyatt working for? #Misinformation
No big loss. I never liked the gimmick and it was another Skinner (for you older fans) and Max Cady all rolled into one gimmick. The puppet show was ridiculous and now the question is what happens to Alexa? She is absolutely worthless but I could see her getting smacked around and put through tables on a weekly basis. She is more cut out to be a porn star than anything else than a wrestler.
Wow, what a bunch of a..holes here being happy about someone loosing his job. Makes me sick.
That being sad, all the Best to Bray. Being creative and innovative as he is, he will succeed in whatever comes next for him.