Josh Alexander says goal is to create a legacy with Ultimate X match


The North: Josh Alexander & Ethan Page (photo


Ahead of Slammiversary on Saturday night, Josh Alexander is looking to use the Ultimate X match to create a legacy.

In an interview on the It’s My House Podcast, Alexander spoke on a variety of topics regarding the match including how it came to be, what the match means to him, and putting the X Division back on the map in Impact Wrestling.

“In the sense of the match booking I have the most to lose of everybody in it, but I also have what I think is the most to gain in terms of the thing I set out for since I won the X Division championship at rebellion,” Alexander said regarding his involvement in the Ultimate X match at Slammiversary. “I said I wanted to put the X Division back on the map. I wanted to create a legacy that was like what Samoa Joe did for me early on in my career when I was watching him as a fan. I wanted to do that for other people watching now and I think that I’ve had a very good stretch right now that – the Ironman match was a historic thing. Now I can go into an Ultimate X match, which since I’ve been signed in Impact Wrestling, I have told management every single chance I could – if they were to book an Ultimate X match I don’t care, I need to be in it, because I’m a huge TNA Impact fan from the early years and that match is an Impact exclusive. If I’m going to do it, I got to do it here.”

Alexander also revealed who his dream opponents were in AEW and New Japan Pro Wrestling.

“I’ve seen that one (Miro) suggested a few times overall, but I get asked this question a lot and my answer is universally been against PAC,” Alexander said. “For the last little while I just think he’s one of the most well rounded best wrestlers on planet Earth and I think people seem to overlook that from time to time and I would certainly like to test myself against PAC. I’m a fan of so many people from so many different companies. I’m just gonna stick to New Japan and I think honestly Shingo is the best wrestler on the planet. I thought so since he debuted for New Japan pretty much. He’s been doing nothing but exceptional things and showing that he’s amazing, but like, you’re talking about the most stacked roster on planet Earth, as far as in-ring competition I think. I would gladly take anybody from Ishii to Naito. You know I’d wrestle Sanada, again. I had the pleasure of wrestling him in Canada, like, eight years ago, so I would have, you know, I wouldn’t say no to none of those guys.

At Slammiversary on Saturday, Alexander will defend his X Division Championship in an Ultimate X match agains Trey Miguel, Chris Bey, Rohit Raju, Petey Williams, and Ace Austin. In the main event, Kenny Omega will defend the Impact World Championship against Sami Callihan.

CATCH-UP: 7/8 IMPACT WRESTLING TV REPORT: Omega and Callihan Slammiversary contract signing, Brian Myers vs. Jake Something, more


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