Chris Jericho addresses being called the “greatest of all time”


Chris Jericho talks Logan Paul in WWE.
Chris Jericho (photo courtesty AEW)


Is Chris Jericho the “greatest of all time?” That’s not up to him to decide.

In an interview on the Two Man Power Trip, Jericho talked all things “GOAT” and how he’s been able to evolve throughout the years.

“G.O.A.T. is such a thrown around word right now,” Jericho said. “It’s funny because I started using that in 2016 when I came back, and no one even really knew what it was. I got it from a rap song. I remember Vince saying, ‘Why are you calling yourself a goat?’ I’m like, ‘It’s the greatest of all time.’ I wish it was a better name like a bear, or the rhino, but the G.O.A.T. kind of sounds dopey. Now of course, everyone uses it. That’s not for me to say that I’m the G.O.A.T. but if other people say it, it’s much appreciated. Thank you. What I think I am one of the G.O.A.T’s of is longevity and always keeping relevant. Also, just always evolving. The G.O.A.T. of evolving. Like David Bowie might not be the greatest singer of all time, but he is the G.O.A.T. of always changing his character and keeping it fresh, and evolving into something different, but still being David Bowie at the root of it. I think it’s the same for Chris Jericho in that I always do change things. I saw something the other day of like 12 different Jericho’s in a picture. It’s like if you want to dress like Jericho on Halloween, you have 12 different options, at least. I don’t think too many wrestlers can say that, so if you want to talk about a G.O.A.T. in my opinion, that’s one of the things that I’ve done almost better than anybody else, is constantly evolve and change, to never being a nostalgia act. I never wanted to be that. I always wanted to have a new album to go out and tour on, and not just keep relying on the stuff that I’ve done in the past. I always knew when it was time. I knew when it was time to diss Y2J in ‘07 when I came back. It just didn’t work anymore. I knew it was time to switch things up when the Pinnacle beat us down. You get rid of the sunglasses and the flashy sequined jackets. We come back in black, and now it’s more of a dark based black type of a look. It’s subtle, but it’s something that people know that this look is different from this look. This attitude is different from that attitude. I think it’s something that people pick up on, but you have to lead them down that path, and let them know that this is a different guy. This is now a babyface. This is now a heel. This is now somebody who’s gone to another company, or someone who’s gone to a different country. There always has to be something a little bit twisted and different about it to keep people’s attention, and to keep yourself relevant.”

Jericho recently released a new book titled “The Complete List of Jericho.” The book is accumulation of notes and journals on his matches throughout his 30 year career that has spanned time in WCW, ECW, WWE, New Japan, and AEW.

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