7/6 AEW DARK TV REPORT: Eddie Kingston & Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Chaos Project, Archer vs. Mantell, Conti vs. King, more


Analysis, detail, and results of this week's episode of AEW Dark


JULY 6, 2021

Announcers: Excalibur and Taz

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

-Excalibur and Taz on the call, welcoming us to the show, giving us a rundown.

(1) LANCE ARCHER (w/Jake Roberts) vs. RYAN MANTELL

Jake Roberts joined commentary and said Archer promised to unveil a new move tonight. Mantell was able to get off a clothesline in the corner before Archer ran through him with a Pounce. Archer connected with a pop up right hand, went for Black Out, causing Jake to think Archer ribbed him with no new move. Mantell got free, tried a lariat, but Archer no sold and connected with a full nelson slam for two. Archer connected with the Helli-Coaster for the victory as he never unveiled a new move.

WINNER: Lance Archer in 3:00

(Howard’s Analysis: I have no idea if Archer forgot to do a new move or he just lied to Jake, but it was your standard Archer destruction. Mantell got off more offense than opponents usually do most weeks.)


Ricky Starks has joined the booth. The Hughes Brothers were able to fight off QT at the start, using each other as a weapon with a Death Valley Driver onto Marshall for a near fall. Solow tagged in, but the Hughes’ continued to pour on the offense. Commentary talked about the Strap Match QT has tomorrow and Starks said he had one with his mom once, which she won. QT & Solow were able to hit a double team back suplex neckbreaker, but only got two. Comoroto distracted the ref long enough for the Hughes Brothers to do twin magic as Solow tried his finisher, but Terrell played possum and hit a combo of moves. The Hughes Brothers pulled a page from the Dudleys playbook with the Wassup headbutt, signaled for 3D, but QT tripped up Terrell to prevent it. Solow clocked Terrence with the merry go round kick, tagged QT who hit a Diamond Cutter for the win. QT hit one on Terrell post match for good measure.

WINNER: QT Marshall & Aaron Solow in 5:00

(Howard Analysis: This was an action packed five minutes as the Hughes Brothers got off more offense than they ever have in their time in AEW. They got a good reaction when they used the Wassup headbutt and call for 3D. QT was the one to get the pin and two cutters ahead of his big match tomorrow, so that makes sense.)

-The Waiting Room with Britt Baker is next, who was introduced by Reba. Britt makes fun of Cody’s strap match, puts over herself with AEW headed soon to Brittsburgh. She introduces her “favorite mid carders” as Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss walk out. Janela kisses up to Britt as she’s going to do dental work for him. Joey said he’s feeling frustrated, so Sonny shoves him down. Sonny said he was the one who was there for Janela during his high profile matches, while Joey wasn’t there for him. Joey says he has someone who can explain and calls out Alex Marvez repeatedly, but Marvez doesn’t come out. Janela acts like he’s on the phone with Marvez, who is at another club. Sonny shoves him again and Joey apologizes insincerely. Sonny says he has a choice to make, Janela presented him with heart shaped sunglasses and they both hugged. Joey teased super kicking Sonny with his back turned, but didn’t. Britt signs off with Reba and that was beyond pointless.


Abadon got a misdirect clothesline early, but Markova slapped her right in the face. Abadon launched Markova face first into the middle turnbuckle as Taz complimented Abadon’s smile. Markova hung up Abadon in the corner, but Abadon crawled her way free and adjusted her own head. Markova tried a Matrix move, but Abadon splashed her mid move. She hit the leg wrap neckbreaker to put away Markova easily.

WINNER: Abadon in 2:00

(Howard’s Analysis: Another win for Abadon, whose character will definitely be a hit with fans back next week. I do love the running gag that Ricky Starks is terrified of Abadon.)

(4) MATT SYDAL (w/Mike Sydal) vs. CARLIE BRAVO

Sydal controlled Bravo on the mat in the early going until Bravo got off a few arm drags. Sydal picked the ankle and hit a flipping splash for two. The bow and arrow briefly applied before Bravo got free and popped Sydal with a forearm and jabs. Sydal then demolished Bravo with a jumping spin kick to the jaw. Bravo fought back with a jaw jacker for two, but ran into a Sydal leg lariat and Lightning Spiral for three.

WINNER: Matt Sydal in 4:00

(Howard’s Analysis: Very strong showing by Sydal ahead of his showdown with Andrade tomorrow night. They’ve really made Sydal strong in the past few weeks and tonight was no different.)

(5) THE BLADE (w/The Bunny & Matt Hardy) vs. TRE LAMAR

Blade wiped out Lamar at the bell with boots in the corner as Lamar didn’t even get his jacket off. Stiff corner chops connected as Lamar floated over a back drop attempt and got a drop toe hold into the ropes and rolling dropkick. Blade sent Lamar to the apron, but Lamar hit a step up enziguri and pump knee back inside. Bunny tripped up Lamar, who ran into a tilt a whirl slam by The Blade. Lamar was sent outside as Blade took the official, allowing Bunny to put the boots to Lamar. Matt Hardy is super hyped up seeing this as he screamed at Blade to make Lamar regret not quitting. Blade grinds down Lamar with a headlock, but Lamar fought free. Lamar did a misdirect spot leading to a top rope cross body for a super close two. Lamar hit a Pele Kick, tried a big time elbow off the top, but missed. Blade ran through Lamar with a lariat, took his belt off, but the ref got it from him. With his back turned, the Bunny threw brass knuckles to Blade, who knocked out Lamar and got the three.

WINNER: The Blade in 6:30

(Howard’s Analysis: For only being pushed as a singles guy in the last two weeks, they’ve really stacked up Blade victories. Of course they got The Bunny involved briefly and put over the brass knuckles again before the mix tag match tomorrow. That said, this was a super competitive match and Lamar got off a ton of offense.)


Excalibur is convinced this match is a rib as Bear Bronson with Bear Boulder takes on Big Trouble Ben Bishop with Bryce as the referee. Taz lets out a loud buzz as we get a test of strength between Bear & Bishop to start as Bronson has the weight advantage, but Bishop has a massive height advantage. Bronson hit a big powerslam, tried another, but Bishop got free, as he clocked Bronson with a big boot. Bishop connected with a nice side slam, but Bronson hung Ben in the corner. Bronson hit a series of suplexes and lariats before hitting a home run lariat, sitting on the chest of Bishop for the win.

WINNER: Bear Bronson in 4:30

(Howard’s Analysis: I’m happy Bear Bronson got at least one victory on Dark during his run as a singles guy. He’s had a lot of good showings on Dark & Elevation in recent months, so he’s long overdue for a win.)


I liked how Baron & Fuego had a face off to start as these two are more deserving of their first AEW win than anyone else. Fuego flipped out of a DVD attempt into an arm drag and nice dropkick before Marko tagged in. Baron got free and tagged Ryzin, who Marko launched at. Marko tried a shoulder block, but Ryzin no sold, so Marko hit a nice dropkick. Fuego tagged in, but Ryzin & Baron got control with Baron hitting a nice back stabber for two. Fuego battled back with a stunner and enzugiri to get the tag to Marko, who used his speed to clean house. Head scissors took Black outside as Marko hit his diving elbow onto Ryzin for two. Marko & Fuego hit stereo top rope moonsault to the outside for a loud pop. Back inside, Ryzin crotched Marko in the corner, but Fuego made a blind tag and hit his Tornado DDT for the 3 count! Fuego looks shocked as Dustin Rhodes, Griff Garrison, Alan Angels and Sammy Guevara came out to congratulate him as they’re all part of Sammy’s vlog squad.

WINNERS: Fuego Del Sol & Marko Stunt in 5:30

(Howard’s Analysis: While I’m disappointed Baron Black didn’t get his first win, I’m more than thrilled for Fuego to finally get in the win column after all this time. Fuego is now 1-34 in AEW.)

(8) KRIS STATLANDER (w/Orange Cassidy) vs. VITA VAN

Statlander did a series of cartwheels early to distract Van long enough to boop her. Van responded with some slaps and spin kick for two. Van charged in the corner, but Statlander caught her with a powerslam variation. Statlander lit up Van with forearms in the corner, got Van up in an electric chair, but just pancaked her down. Statlander hit an axe kick and Big Bang Theory for the win.

WINNER: Kris Statlander in 3:00

(Howard’s Analysis: Statlander remains undefeated since her return and keeps racking up the wins before her mixed tag match tomorrow night.)

(9) VARSITY BLONDS (Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman Jr. w/Julia Hart vs. CHAD LENNEX & ZACHARIAH w/Dustin Rhodes

Dustin Rhodes walked out his graduates from his wrestling school before heading to the back. The Blonds made quick tags to start as they worked over the arm of Zachariah, who got off a Manhattan Drop and head scissors before Pillman cut him off. Griff made the tag, but Zachariah raked the eyes and tagged his partner. Pillman made a blind tag, as Griff lifted Lennex up for an assisted dropkick. Pillman got hung up in the ropes which let Lennex & Zachariah take over. Pillman was able to hit a top rope cross body on both men, which allowed Griff to make the hot tag. Griff hit a Falcon Arrow variation on Lennex and a Roaring Elbow before Pillman made the tag and got the win off Air Pillman.

WINNERS: Varsity Blonds in 5:00

(Howard’s Analysis: For being the number one ranked tag team, it took quite a lot to put away Lennex & Zachariah. That said, I wonder if the Blonds get another tag title match down the line, or they’re just filling the top spot right now.)


The first few minutes was a nice series of reversals that led to Kai mocking Angelico. Kai tried to go hold for hold with Angelico, dropping him with a neckbreaker for two as Angelico rolled to the apron, hanging up Kai. Angelico connected with his leg sweep enziguri, quickly applied the Navarro Death Roll for the win. Post match, Angelico did a prolonged dance at the stage as the music stopped, but he kept dancing. Wheeler Uta walked out for his match and that was weird. I assume we’ll get a match off of that interaction? I have no clue.

WINNER: Angelico in 3:30

(Howard’s Analysis: This was as technical of a three and a half minute match that you’ll see, which is pretty difficult. Once Angelico got an opening, he sank in his finisher and ended it.)

(11) RYAN NEMETH (w/The Wingmen) vs. WHEELER YUTA

Yuta used his quickness early as he caught Nemeth with a dropkick, then with a nice arm drag. Yuta went up top, but Nemeth crotched him and hit a back suplex. Nemeth took the ref as The Wingmen gave Yuta a makeover outside. Back inside, Nemeth did a strut before driving the shoulder to the midsection for two. Nemeth went for the Rude Awakening, but Yuta tripped and rolled up Nemeth for the flash pin!

WINNER: Wheeler Yuta in 2:30

(Howard’s Analysis: I should’ve known following that awkward run in with Angelico before the match, but we finally get a flash pin upset win on Dark after all this time! I’m happy they did this at least once before their time at Daily’s Place was up. It makes Wheeler Yuta in the process.)


Tough draw for Knott & Grillo for their AEW debut as Knott tried to shoot a single leg takedown on Wardlow, but got launched as a result. Knott got off one jaw breaker as Wardlow literally ran through Knott & Grillo. Spears tagged in and lit up Grillo with chops before Wardlow hit a stalling vertical suplex. Knott made a tag and immediately got planted with a pop up slam. Spears destroyed Grillo outside as Wardlow had to actually pull him away. Spears hit a C4 on Knott for the easy win.

WINNERS: Shawn Spears & Wardlow in 3:30

(Howard’s Analysis: Excalibur used the word “murdalized” and that’s exactly what this match was. This was destruction at the hands of The Pinnacle.)

(13) TAY CONTI (w/-1) vs. KILYNN KING

King tried to get a quick start, but Conti hit a series of arm drags. Conti tried another one, but King put on the brakes and leveled Tay with a lariat for two. King missed a corner splash, allowing Tay to hit a spring up sunset flip for two. Both ladies avoided pump kicks before Conti hit a back heel trip into almost an Anaconda Vice, but King got the ropes. King hit Snake Eyes into a standing inside cradle for two. King connected with a double sledge for another near fall. King hit a very nice sit out pump handle slam for a close two. Dragon sleeper applied by King, as Conti fought free with a jaw breaker. Conti connected with a series of lariats, then a ripcord knee, corner pump kick and running face wash boots. King rolled to the apron and hit a vicious Rock Bottom onto the corner of the ring for two. Conti avoided a hip toss into the DD-Tay for the hard fought win.

WINNER: Tay Conti in 7:00

(Howard’s Analysis: This was match of the night so far. As far as I’m concerned, this was the battle of two of the most improved wrestlers, man or woman, on the AEW roster. I know Tay has impressed on Dynamite whenever she’s on, but Kilynn King has been just as impressive on Dark & Elevation. I hope she gets signed or is already signed.)

-Backstage, Dasha Gonzalez is with the Varsity Blonds, asking them what’s next. Pillman commends Dustin Rhodes on training tough talent as Griff says they plan on staying consistent with wins until the tag titles are around their waists.


Reynolds & Hopkins start things off with a nice series of mat work and reversals. Hopkins tried to showboat, but Reynolds showed him up. Colt tagged in and Reynolds hit a ripcord knee as Hotch tagged in and was immediately backdropped by Colt. Allday tagged in and took down Colt with an arm drag, Angels tagged in and used his speed to hit a sliding knee to the dome of Allday. Vance tagged in and used his power to rag doll Alexander briefly before Angels tagged back in with a top rope frog splash for the win.

WINNERS: Colt Cabana, Alex Reynolds, Preston “10” Vance & Alan “5” Angels in 4:00

(Howard’s Analysis: Everyone got their brief little time in the ring with a different opponent and Dark Order racks up another win as a team. -1 did throw referee Bryce aside so he could raise the hands of the Dark Order boys.)

(15) JACK EVANS (w/Matt Hardy) vs. MIKE SYDAL (w/Matt Sydal)

Hardy kept yelling at Sydal “you don’t know Jack!” and Excalibur points out Hardy is trying to sell a late 90s CD-ROM series, which popped Taz. Sydal used his flexibility to avoid a leaping kick attack out of the corner from Evans. Sydal got a somersault arm trap submission until Matt Hardy put Evans foot on the ropes. Backslide by Evans into a bridge and got the win out of nowhere as Sydal got caught.

WINNER: Jack Evans in 3:30

(Howard’s Analysis: Pretty quick match, which was fun and technical while it lasted. Hardy celebrated this win like Evans won a title, which was weird.)


Velvet got off a series of takedowns and pin attempts early before firing off arm drags. Velvet connected with a leg lariat before lighting up Vox with corner punches. Vox answered with an enziguri before she worked over Velvet’s neck. Velvet spilled to the apron, but hit a split legged boot as back inside, she hit the Chef’s Kiss to put away Vox.

WINNER: Red Velvet in 3:00

(Howard’s Analysis: This was a solid showing for Velvet in her first match in a month in AEW.)

(17) EDDIE KINGSTON & PENTA EL ZERO MIEDO (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. CHAOS PROJECT (Luther & Serpentico)

Kingston no sold a chop from Serpentico, as Luther screamed for his partner to finish him. Serpentico did get off a head scissors, as Luther tagged in and brawled choked away at Eddie. Luther unleashed chops, but Kingston bit him in return. Luther responded with an enziguri, tagging Serpentico, who hit a slingshot double stomp. Chaos Project continued double teaming Kingston for minutes as we’re 4 minutes in and I think Eddie has gotten off one offensive move. Serpentico missed a Swanton off the top, allowing Eddie to tag Penta, who immediately hit a backbreaker on Serpentico, de-gloving before chopping Serpentico hard. Penta hit a powerbomb onto the knee, but Luther broke it up and started brawling with Kingston, who clobbered him with a back fist. Eddie hit a backdrop suplex, then Penta put away Serpentico with Fear Factor for the win.

WINNERS: Eddie Kingston & Penta El Zero Miedo in 6:30

(Howard’s Analysis: Of course we needed a strong showing from Kingston & Penta before challenging for the tag titles tomorrow night. We didn’t really get that as this was pretty much all Chaos Project, which wasn’t what needed to happen. Luther’s inability to do the Penta hand gesture was hilarious though.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: One more marathon show for the road as they certainly got everything they could out of Daily’s Place before next week. We got Fuego’s first win, a shocking upset with Yuta beating Nemeth, a great Conti vs. King match and most of the people on Dynamite tomorrow looked strong here tonight. I’m genuinely interested to see how Dark changes in format now that AEW is traveling again. I’m hoping for some more competitive matches with some squashes mixed in. Also, as far as I know, quite a few of these wrestlers aren’t contracted by AEW, so it might be the last time we see them for a while. If that truly is the case, I need to commend a lot of these wrestlers who busted their butts at the opportunity given to them. This was the first time I got to see talent like KiLynn King, Baron Black, Fuego del Sol, Dani Jordyn, Vary Morales, Will Allday, Ryzin, Dean Alexander, Liam Gray, Madi Wrenkowski, Carlie Bravo, Tesha Price, and the list goes on. I hope their stocks only go up from here. I’m glad AEW gave people a shot during this past year and a half.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S AEW DARK REPORT: 6/29 AEW DARK TV REPORT: Wardlow vs. Baron Black, Johnson vs. Morales, Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Marko Stunt, more


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