6/8 AEW DARK TV REPORT: Dante Martin vs. Matt Sydal, Lance Archer vs. Zicky Dice, Tay Conti in action, more


Analysis, detail, and results of this week's episode of AEW Dark


JUNE 8, 2021

Announcers: Excalibur and Taz

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

-Excalibur and Taz on the call, welcoming us to the show, giving us a rundown.

(1) LANCE ARCHER (w/Jake Roberts) vs. ZICKY DICE

Archer literally threw Dice out of the entrance way, so Justin Roberts said “throwing his opponent into the ring” which I liked. Dice tried to get off one shot, but suffered revolution corner splashes for his effort. Archer dared Dice to chop him and both times Zicky chopped Lance, they had zero effect. Archer hit a choke slam and Black Out for the victory. Jake Roberts was on commentary, but he literally had no time to really contribute much since the match was so short.

WINNER: Lance Archer in 2:00

(Howard’s Analysis: Poor Zicky Dice, who I’ve been a fan of since seeing him work in SCW after training at Black & Brave wrestling school. He ran into a buzzsaw in a pissed off Archer, who is back to his winning ways after his loss to Miro at Double or Nothing.)

-We go to the back where Matt Hardy is with TH2, saying he wants them to eliminate the thorn in his side for the last 20 years. He will pay double what he normally would to TH2, usually $4,200, but now $8,450. TH2 accepts, as I don’t know where the extra $50 comes from. Angelico says he’ll take care of Christian Cage this week on Dynamite.


Ricky Starks is on commentary and asks “what is this?” during Abadon’s entrance. Abadon screamed in the face of Willow, before she connected with a Thesz Press. Willow tried retreating, throwing desperation punches, which had zero effect. Abadon missed a sliding corner attack, leading to Willow to hit a cannonball in the corner. Abadon rose from the dead, but Willow applied a leg lock, leading to Abadon munching on the wrist of Nightingale. Charging double knees, diving low cross body and the leg wrapped facebuster led to an Abadon victory. The reaction from Ricky Starks is gif worthy.

WINNER: Abadon in 4:00

(Howard Analysis: A dominating victory for Abadon, who scared the heck out of poor Ricky Starks. Willow put up a good fight, but it simply wasn’t enough. Very interested in what is next for Abadon.)

(3) CEZAR BONONI (w/The Wingmen) vs. CYRUS

Both big men tried to show off their power early, but it was Cyrus who hit a Vader like charging attack, which sent Bononi to the floor. As Cezar took the referee, Ryan Nemeth charged at Cyrus, but bounced off him like a ball. Bononi caught Cyrus with a big boot coming back into the ring, but the big man didn’t go down. Bononi nearly got Cyrus up for a powerslam, but Cyrus floated over and Bononi hit a top rope cross body. Bononi kept Cyrus grounded until the big man hit a choke bomb and corner splash. Cyrus missed a big time moonsault, which led to Bononi using all of his strength to hit an Angle Slam for the win.

WINNER: Cezar Bonini in 5:00

(Howard’s Analysis: I was pretty impressed by Cyrus in this match. He did a good job. I also want to give a lot of credit to Bononi for powering the 350 pounder up, using all his strength, to hit that Angle Slam.)


Justice caught Angelico with a surprise Spear for a near fall, sent Angelico to the floor and tried for a dive off the top rope, but Angelico moved and Justice crashed hard into the barricade. That was incredibly nasty. Back in the ring, Angelico slapped on a leg lock, but Justice chopped free. Angelico continues working on the legs as Justice looked into the camera yelling that he loves the pain. Justice hit a flap jack, tried for a frog splash and missed, leading to Angelico locking on the Navarro Death Roll for the submission win.

WINNER: Angelico in 4:00

(Howard’s Analysis: Matt Hardy was promoted as being in the corner of Angelico for his match, but he wasn’t there, thus robbing us of him dancing to Angelico’s entrance. I’m not upset, I’m just disappointed. I’m looking forward to Angelico vs. Christian this week on Dynamite. As for Justice, it’s a good thing he said he loves pain, as that dive at the start of the match looked brutal.)

-Dante Martin cut a promo on Matt Sydal backstage saying how big of a fan of his he has been, but tonight, he’s going to show Sydal that he is not Top Flight.


Markova mocked Conti in the early going, as Conti got a quick takedown and overhead throw that nearly dropped Markova on her noggin. Conti connected with a straight up punt kick to the chest for a near fall. Markova rolled outside where she suckered Conti in and took over inside where she cartwheeled into a facebuster. Taz said he wish he would’ve done more cartwheels in his career, which is a sight I wish would’ve happened, especially in ECW. Both ladies had a forearm exchange, leading to Conti hitting a few clotheslines and Judo throws. Conti clocked Markova with a running corner kick, then planted Markova with the DD-Tay for the 3 count.

WINNER: Tay Conti in 4:00

(Howard’s Analysis: Very impressive showing by Conti, who continues to be one of the most improved wrestlers in AEW over the past year. I hope she battles back into title contention soon. Credit to Markova here too. She got her nose busted early on and put on a strong showing as well.)

(6) CHAOS PROJECT (Luther & Serpentico) vs. JP AND TOMMY DAILY

Serpentico attacked both Daily Boys outside before the bell, sending them in to Luther. Tommy Daily was just picked apart by both Serpentico & Luther before Daily got a crucifix pin attempt for a near fall. Luther screamed into the camera I think calling Daily a disappointment, which Taz thought he said point pen and Excalibur thought he said appointment. Everyone is confused, myself included. 5 minutes into the match, JP made the hot tag and cleaned house with dropkicks and a springboard back handspring elbow for two on Serpentico. The Daily’s tried a double team, but Serpentico fought them off, tagged his partner and they hit Creeping Death for the win.

WINNERS: Chaos Project in 6:00

(Howard’s Analysis: I don’t think Chaos Project needed 5 minutes to work over Tommy Daily, but it is what it is. I do dig the Creeping Death finisher though.)

-Backstage Alex Marvez is with Joey Janela talking about being injured during the Hangman Page match a few weeks ago. Janela is tired of talking about injures, he wants to talk about going to Big Mommy Milkers with Marvez, who said there were jugs & jugs of milk. Janela wants to go to The Nip Factory before Sonny Kiss interrupts and asks Janela to be in his corner tonight for his match. Janela agrees and calls Sonny his BFF. After Sonny left, Joey tells Marvez they’re going to The Nip Factory. I have absolutely no idea what that was.

(7) MARKO STUNT (w/Jurassic Express) vs. ARIEL DOMINGUEZ

Referee Bryce Remsburg is taller than both wrestlers in this match, which Taz immediately points out. So the two smaller guys trade shoulder blocks to begin before Marko hit a stalling bodyslam, showing off his power, which is something I’ve never typed before I don’t think. Dominguez went outside and Marko stepped over the top rope like a giant, lighting up Dominguez with chops before heading inside. Marko got a wheelbarrow roll up for two before Dominguez hit a drop toe hold into the ropes and leaping back elbow. Both men missed corner splashes before Marko hit a brutal diving elbow onto the back of Dominguez, then a Sliced Bread that planted his opponent for the victory.

WINNER: Marko Stunt in 3:30

(Howard’s Analysis: Quick, but fun match. These two were able to do some power moves since they are similar height. I did like the touch of Marko becoming a giant, going over the top rope to head outside.)

(8) AARON SOLOW (w/The Factory) vs. SONNY KISS

It should be pointed out; there was no Joey Janela with Sonny Kiss. I was also surprised Nick Comoroto didn’t lift up the ring steps for QT to sit on like usual. Kiss got the advantage early with a corner spin kick and diving cross body off the top for a one count. Solow tripped Kiss in the ropes, connecting with a nice lariat for two. Excalibur points out that QT is dressed like a dad at a youth soccer game, which was great. Solow went for the Pedigree, but Kiss battled back with a corkscrew dropkick, jawbreaker, leg sweep and standing moonsault combo for a near fall. Sonny would get briefly distracted by QT, who didn’t move on the ramp, allowing Solow to take over and hit the Pedigree for the win. Post match, Solow & Comoroto put a beating on Sonny as QT was waiting for Joey Janela to make the save, but he was a no show.

WINNER: Aaron Solow in 4:00

(Howard’s Analysis: These two got a lot in for their four minutes of time. The ending was a little weird as QT literally didn’t move, but it was enough for Sonny to get distracted. They’re continuing to do the slow burn of the Joey & Sonny story. I have no idea when we’ll get that eventual match. I enjoyed Excalibur asking Taz, who said he coached his son’s soccer team, if he gave the kids orange peels, which Taz said yes because they were orange.)

(9) NYLA ROSE (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. MISSA KATE

This is the debut for Missa Kate, who unfortunately pulled the short straw in who she is debuting against. Nyla rag dolled her early, but Kate dodged a corner splash, threw a few punches, only for Nyla to mow her down with a choke slam and Beast Bomb for the victory. Vickie placed a shirt that read “I Survived Nyla Rose and All I Got Was This Shirt” on Kate after the match.

WINNER: Nyla Rose in 2:00

(Howard’s Analysis: Another dominant victory for Nyla, who I assume is in line soon for a shot at Britt Baker? I have no idea why else she would want to crash Britt’s celebration last week. Maybe we get Nyla vs. Thunder Rosa leading to the winner getting Britt?)

(10) QT MARSHALL (w/The Factory) vs. BEAR BRONSON

Ricky Starks is back on commentary after not being there the last four matches. QT hit an early dropkick, but Bronson answered with one of his own. QT got clotheslined to the floor as Bronson connected with a Tope Suicida. Bronson got briefly side tracked by Comoroto & Solow, leading to QT posting Bronson from behind. Ricky Starks applied his 2 and a half years of medical profession saying that knocked Bronson out, when it didn’t. Ricky said it would’ve been 3 years, but wrestling came calling. Back inside, QT hit a very nice powerslam on the big Bear and a top rope headbutt for two. QT started trash talking Bronson, who no sold the shots delivered by Marshall, dropping QT with clothesline and a spinebuster. Starks says people like Bronson are dangerous because ugly people have nothing to lose. Black Hole Slam connected by Bronson for a near fall, as he went for a home run lariat, but QT caught him with a back breaker flatliner combo. QT tried a sunset flip, but Bronson sat down onto the chest and hit a corner splash, back drop driver and running senton for a very close two count. QT battled back and hit a superkick and Diamond Cutter for the victory.

WINNER: QT Marshall in 7:30

(Howard’s Analysis: Up to this point, this has been by far and away the match of the night. Even in defeat in all his singles matches this last month, Bear Bronson has looked great. QT was awfully impressive here as I assume a showdown with Cody is happening again in the future.)


Commentary points out immediately how the victory Rosa has over Britt Baker was in an unsanctioned match, so it doesn’t count on the win loss record. Rosa picked the ankle and wrapped up Bayne early, really working over the left leg. Rosa lit up Bayne with more kicks to the back and chest. Rosa hit a crucifix into a heel hook, but Bayne got the ropes. Rosa connected with the running corner shotgun dropkick, but only got a two. Bayne went for a big boot, but Rosa somersaulted through it, picked the ankle and got the Ankle Lock submission.

WINNER: Thunder Rosa in 4:00

(Howard’s Analysis: I really liked how Excalibur pointed out that the women in the Top 5 rankings in Rosa, Nyla, and Conti were all very aggressive here tonight. I also enjoyed that Rosa worked the leg the entire match and it led to the finish. She looked great in this one.)


10 literally got one chop on Sackett before tagging Grayson, who hit a big beal. Justin Law tagged in, who got planted with a Grayson overhead belly to belly suplex. Cabana & Dan Barry tagged in as these two showed off their speed until Colt hit a head scissors take down. The Dark Order trio took turns picking Barry apart until he was able to hit a overhead back suplex on Grayson. Sackett charged and got hit with a crazy pop up lariat double team from 10 & Cabana. Grayson hit the Night Fall on Law for the win. Post match, -1 shoved down Rick Knox so he could raise the hands of Dark Order, which popped Excalibur, as I don’t think he knew that was coming.

WINNERS: Stu Grayson and Colt Cabana and Dark Order’s 10 in 4:00

(Howard’s Analysis: Nice touch putting Justin Law with Detective Dan, as I’m happy Barry got a shot here tonight. I’d love to see him more on shows like this as I’ve been a fan for a while. I’m surprised 10 didn’t get the victory in this, but it’s yet another trios win for Dark Order, who again, need a Trios Championship)

(13) BIG SWOLE AND KILYNN KING (w/Red Velvet) vs. SEA STARS (Delmi Exo & Ashley Vox)

First time in a few months seeing the Sea Stars back in action as Vox got clobbered with a KiLynn King lariat to start. Big Swole jumped in and hit a kitchen sink knee and uppercut to the shoulder blade for two. Vox raked the eyes and hit an uppercut before tagging Exo, who chopped Swole, who crumbled as I don’t know if she was legit knocked loopy or what. Exo grabbed a front face lock and eventually Swole created some distance and made the hot tag to King, who wiped out Exo with an exploder suplex. We got an assisted roaring elbow from Swole on Vox, while KiLynn hit the Kingdom Falls on Exo to get the three.

WINNERS: Big Swole & KiLynn King in 4:00

(Howard’s Analysis: This was a pretty quick match, but I’m legit curious what happened to Big Swole. After taking either that uppercut in the corner, she just crumbled. I hope she is ok and she seemed like she recovered well at the end. Regardless, this was another win for King & Swole as these two keep racking up tag wins with the top 5 singles rankings pretty full at moment.)

-Backstage Tony Schiavone is with The Factory after Aaron Solow’s match and QT told Tony to tell the world that QT pinned Cody. He told Tony to say it like he would back in the day, which Tony did and QT thanked him. That was it. Zero idea why that needed to be put in right here.

(14) MATT SYDAL (w/Mike Sydal) vs. DANTE MARTIN

Both men surprisingly worked each other’s arms in the opening minutes, which is something I wasn’t expecting. Taz points out this is the feeling out process, as that quickly went out the window as Martin missed a slingshot cross body, but landed on his feet and hit a head scissors take down. Back inside, Martin fired off quick arm drags, but Sydal fought back with an inverted Indian Death Lock. Martin rolled free, tried for a back drop, but Sydal punted him in the chest before he applied a bow and arrow stretch, hitting a double stomp on Martin’s back for two. Sydal hit a brutal running knee to the corner and hit a cobra clutch into a Russian leg sweep. Sydal applied an inverted Stretch Muffler, but opted for a grounded cobra clutch. Sydal hit that leg lariat slam and standing moonsault for two, as Martin countered into a roll up for two of his own. Martin fought back with the coolest stunner I’ve ever seen, hitting a standing somersault stunner for two. Martin nailed his signature double springboard moonsault for another near fall. Sydal battled back with a Michinoku Driver for a close two. Both men clonked heads for the double down at the 10 minute mark and slowly rose to their feet at the same time, trading leg kicks. Martin connected with a fireman’s carry lungblower for yet another two count as Martin missed a springboard cross body out of the corner as Sydal caught him with a wheel kick in mid air. Sydal went for a Shooting Star, but Martin cut him off, only for Sydal to hit a backfist. Sydal nailed a top rope Meteora for two, as Sydal was wincing in pain from his ankle after that. They traded kicks, Sydal tried for Lightning Spiral, but Martin rolled him up for two. Sydal popped up and hit a brutal head kick, then the Lightning Spiral for the hard fought win.

WINNER: Matt Sydal in 13:30

(Howard’s Analysis: My goodness, what a main event this was. This was the best match I’ve seen on Dark in my time doing reviews and honestly one of the best matches even before that. This was seriously excellent stuff. I was going in thinking we’d get high spot after high spot, but it was much more grounded, sprinkled in with a few high spots. They keep saying Martin is 19, which means the first time I saw Matt Sydal wrestle in person, Dante Martin was 3 years old, which is insane. I can’t recommend this match enough.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: Yes, this was an almost two hour episode of Dark, but that main event was something else. You have one of the best high flyers over the last 10-15 years in Matt Sydal, against someone who will no doubt be the future (and honestly the present) in Dante Martin. Add to that strong showings from three of the top 5 ranked women, a really strong QT Marshall & Bear Bronson match, some fun quick squashes, and it adds up to a very fun, albeit a little too crammed, episode of Dark.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S AEW DARK REPORT: 6/1 AEW DARK TV REPORT: Jungle Boy vs. Bear Bronson, Gunn Club vs. The Wingmen from AEW Fan Fest


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