MAY 25, 2021
Announcers: Excalibur and Taz
Additional Commentators: Ricky Starks
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts
-Excalibur and Taz on the call, welcoming us to the show, giving us a rundown.
(1) NICK COMOROTO (w/The Factory) vs. DUKE DAVIS
Duke is part of The Mane Event with Ganon Jones Jr. who will be in action later, as Comoroto connected with a back elbow in the corner, stampede powerslam and Last Ride powerbomb for the quick squash.
WINNER: Nick Comoroto in 50 seconds
(Howard’s Analysis: Utter destruction by Comoroto, who keeps steam rolling guys ahead of what I assume will be a match with Dustin Rhodes.)
(2) AARON SOLOW (w/The Factory) vs. GANON JONES JR.
Well, later is now as Solow called out Jones, who was ringside for his partner. Jones was able to get off one dropkick, which was more offense than Davis got in, until Solow hung him up in the ropes and took over. Solow missed a corner splash, but connected with a merry go round kick before putting Jones away with a Pedigree for the win. Taz popped himself saying he’d never seen that finish before.
WINNER: Aaron Solow in 2:00
(Howard Analysis: Another quick win for The Factory. This was a good bounce back performance from Solow following his loss to Dustin Rhodes last week on Elevation.)
(3) DARK ORDER’S 10 vs. DILLON MCQUEEN (w/Cody Rhodes)
McQueen is announced by commentary as “the prized pupil of The Nightmare Factory” as Cody walked him out to the ramp before heading backstage. McQueen told his opponent that he’s a 10 too, which didn’t seem to impress Preston Vance. 10 connected with a very fitting 10 punches in the corner before he planted McQueen with a Samoan Drop. McQueen rolled outside and they sort of tried to figure out who was going to throw the other into the guard rail and it ultimately was McQueen who sent 10 into the rail and took over inside. McQueen connected with a Disaster Kick to the back of 10’s head to what I’m sure made Cody proud. McQueen would hit a corner splash and snazzy looking bounce back Flatliner off the ropes for a near fall. Commentary points out the inexperience of McQueen not focusing on one specific body part as 10 got a boot up and sit out clothesline out of the corner. McQueen got planted with a spinebuster and submitted to a Full Nelson to give 10 the victory.
WINNER: Dark Order’s 10 in 6:00
(Howard’s Analysis: McQueen got in quite a bit of offense in this one before 10 put him away. Chalk it up to another win for 10, who I assume is still in the Top 5 rankings after this. I assume he’ll have a match with a contender soon, at least he should.)
Andrews & Lotto were involved in the Young Bucks battle royal on BTE during quarantine last year. Andrews was able to briefly show off his speed over Uno, but it didn’t last long as Cabana hit a Manhattan Drop and Uno with a nice dropkick. A dosey doe from Cabana on Andrews sent him into Uno, who hit an End of Days. Cabana connected with a Flying Apple on Lotto while Uno dropped him with a nice ripcord flatliner for three.
WINNERS: Dark Order in 3:00
(Howard’s Analysis: Happy 2 Year Anniversary to the Dark Order. This week Cabana hit the post match somersault perfectly, not wiping out Uno in the process.)
KiLynn is out for revenge from a few weeks ago on Elevation where The Bunny stole a win. KiLynn took the fight to both Bunny & Madi early, but the Bunny soon bailed as Swole & King planted Madi with a double flapjack for two. Cheap shot from Bunny allowed her & Madi to take control isolating Swole for the next few minutes. Swole created distance after hitting a stiff kick on Bunny for the double down. King & Madi tagged in with Madi getting hit with a round house kick and release German suplex that gave King a two count. Forearm battle happened and it was Madi who hit a face buster for two. Madi tried to tag in Bunny, who was still down with Blade outside, she turned around and Swole caught her with a roaring elbow for the win.
WINNERS: KiLynn King & Big Swole in 7:00
(Howard’s Analysis: They kept Bunny & KiLynn away from each other for pretty much this entire match, so I fully expect a rematch to happen soon with them. It certainly makes sense to do that. Aside from that, this was slow in the middle, but it was a solid showing from everyone involved. They played up the fact that Bunny wants no part of KiLynn well.)
(6) GUNN CLUB (Billy & Colten Gunn) vs. KAL HERRO & LIAM GRAY
Kal Herro is The Fanny Pack Kid, so of course he wears one to wrestle. Herro tried an early kip up but comically failed, which they had to bleep Taz calling it a “crappy” kip up. There’s a joke in there somewhere about Kal failing a kip up on Kip. For 4 minutes, Billy & Colten just picked apart Herro, as Billy hit a hard right hand; we’re told was a message to Anthony Ogogo for what he did to his son Austin. I guess it wasn’t that great of a message as Herro was up soon after and would finally tag in Gray 5 minutes into the match. Gray tried a suicide dive on Billy outside, but Billy side stepped and Gray landed right on his head and neck, which was super scary. They did a replay and cut to Billy tossing him back into the ring where Colten hit the Colt 45 for the win.
WINNERS: Gunn Club in 6:00
(Howard’s Analysis: I’m sorry, the match was fine, but it’s the dive I care the most about. That was a really scary dive by Gray, who I hope is ok. This was beyond brutal, he landed on his head & possibly neck.)
-Diamante cut a brief promo about wrecking Reka Tehaka later tonight
Ricky Starks joins us on commentary. Vertvixen tried a float over in the corner, but got caught by Leyla into a slam, followed by multiple suplexes. Leyla hit a running lariat for two and attempted her cross arm breaker, but Vertvixen got the ropes. Vertvixen clocked Leyla with a high kick, but Leyla floated out of a fireman’s carry and hit a V-Trigger before getting her arm breaker for the submission.
WINNER: Leyla Hirsch in 3:00
(Howard’s Analysis: Strong showing from Leyla Hirsch, who continues to look impressive on Elevation and Dark. I really hope she starts getting matches on Dynamite soon. She’s great.)
Taz tried a JR impression that was met with crickets by Excalibur & Starks and I loved the “alright then” after from Taz. The height that Martin got off a leap frog is incredible as he followed with a slingshot dropkick. Hotch fought back and hit the wildest spinning backbreaker you’ll ever see, which Martin sold perfectly. “What in the Judy Blume was that?” asked Ricky Starks. Ricky also said Hotch was trying to give Martin an “Owen Wilson nose” which confused Taz and Excalibur referenced Bottle Rocket, which I love. Martin missed his double springboard moonsault, but was able to hit the follow up attempt. Slingshot cross body connected and back inside, Martin put away Hotch with a 450.
WINNER: Dante Martin in 5:00
(Howard’s Analysis: I sadly don’t think Martin has a shot against Miro on Dynamite this week, but I do think he’ll bump around great. That said, Martin continues to look awfully impressive on Dark these past few months. I’m happy he’s getting a shot on Dynamite. I also love Excalibur making a Bottle Rocket reference that went completely over Taz & Starks’ head, despite Ricky making the Owen Wilson reference to begin with.)
-Dasha interviews Angelico backstage saying he’s not afraid of anyone when it comes to hold for hold wrestling. I think this was just a way to get Angelico’s bucket hat more airtime.
Both ladies traded pinfall attempts and arm drags to start the match before Diamante hit a tilt a whirl leg sweep. Diamante lit her opponent up with kicks and did a leaping splash while her hands were on her side for two. Tehaka showed off her Samoan heritage with head-butts and tried a Samoan Drop, but Diamante countered into a backstabber. Diamante tried her wheelbarrow stunner, Tehaka avoided it, but couldn’t avoid a superkick to the ribs and Code Red, which Diamante really had to fight for to get the win.
WINNER: Diamante in 3:00
(Howard’s Analysis: I really hope we get Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch again soon, as their last match ended really quick and I would love to see a rematch that’s given much more time.)
(10) JOEY JANELA (w/Sonny Kiss) vs. BEAR BRONSON
Janela foolishly tried shoulder block attempts against a member of Bear Country, getting cracked with a right hand in the process. Bronson turned Janela inside out with a monster lariat, then was planted with a spinebuster and elbow drop. Bronson continued to pick Joey apart until Janela connected with a low dropkick and Bronson landed throat first with the second rope. For some reason Joey tried a sunset flip, which Bronson sat on him as a result. Bronson missed a running senton, allowing Joey to try his DVD, but the weight on Bronson collapsed onto Janela. Bronson tried a superplex off the second rope, but Joey countered into a nice somersault powerbomb out of the corner for two. Bronson started no selling kicks and punches but Janela avoided the somersault in the corner. Janela tried for his top rope elbow drop, rolled through, but ran into a Bronson Black Hole Slam for two. Joey would get an eye rake, superkick and Greetings From Asbury Park to win it.
WINNER: Joey Janela in 9:00
(Howard’s Analysis: For someone who is getting a high profile match on Dynamite this week, I was surprised at how much Joey bumped around, but I’m happy this was as competitive as it was. It made Bronson look like the monster that he is. Joey bumped his ass off for Bronson, who again looked impressive, even in defeat.)
Taz called Excalibur a nerd for explaining the difference between an Atomic Drop and Manhattan Drop. Ryzin tried for a Helluva Kick, but missed and landed horribly. Angelico picked the ankle and targeted the legs immediately after. Angelico got a standing cloverleaf with a grapevine, the Navarro Especial, but Ryzin got the ropes. Ryzin battled back momentarily, but the damage was done to the leg and he missed a moonsault. Angelico connected with a PK to the leg and slapped on the Navarro Death Roll for the win.
WINNER: Angelico in 5:00
(Howard’s Analysis: For the second week in a row, Angelico picked his opponents limbs apart and easily got the victory. I have no idea where Jack Evans is though. He successfully got referee Rick Knox to pelvic thrust post match, so there’s that.)
-Joey Janela has a backstage interview with Alex Marvez saying he’ll be in Sonny’s corner against Brian Cage. He says this is a Bad Boy Summer with skinny margaritas, tanning on the beach and beautiful women. Marvez says he wants to participate in Bad Boy Summer. Ok, then.
(12) JULIA HART (w/Varsity Blonds) vs. TESHA PRICE
Price rushed Hart at the bell, but Julia fought back with a shoulder block and arm drags. Tesha took over with hair beals and Ricky Starks is upset that hair pulls are allowed. Julia fought back after being grounded a bit and we got a brief slugfest until Julia started throwing lariats. Julia hit a front handspring forearm in the corner for two. Superkick and running splits to the midsection got Julia her first AEW victory.
WINNER: Julia Hart in 4:00
(Howard’s Analysis: Taz tried to cheer and spell out Varsity Blondes, but he spelled Varsity Blouse instead and that was hysterical. I say this every time she’s with them, but Julia Hart with The Blonds just makes sense, I’m glad they’re paired up. Dark is the perfect show for Julia to get ring time and this was the first win of I’m sure many.)
(13) BRIAN CAGE (w/Hook) vs. SONNY KISS (w/Joey Janela)
Sonny was able to get off some early kicks and a leg lariat before trying a springboard handspring in the corner, but Cage leveled Kiss with a lariat. Cage posted Kiss and proceeded to apply a Boston Crab while standing on the second rope. Kiss fought back with a jaw jacker and hurricanrana that sent Cage outside. Kiss connected with a tope suicida before he headed back inside for a springboard cross body for two. Cage got a knee lift and beautiful swinging neckbreaker for two of his own. Cage attempted a Drill Claw, but settled for the Water Wheel Drop for a close near fall. Kiss avoided a lariat and hit a splitting legdrop off the second for two. Cage got a backslide into a knee before putting Kiss away with Weapon X for the win. Post match, Hook attacked Kiss, but Joey Janela just watched it happen, faking to walk through the heel tunnel, but went through the babyface one with his head buried in his hands.
WINNER: Brian Cage in 5:00
(Howard’s Analysis: This was much more evenly matched than I expected, but I’m happy Kiss put up a fight. Post match, it looks like they’re doing a split with Kiss & Janela that they teased a few months back.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: I like episodes that are wrapped up in 90 minutes and doesn’t have close to 20 matches on it, so this was an enjoyable episode to me. I’d say match of the night was Janela vs. Bronson with Kiss vs. Cage being second with how back and forth it was. I have no idea why they started up the Joey bailing on Sonny storyline again, unless they have something planned for Janela after this match with Hangman on Dynamite. I also assume we’re getting KiLynn King vs. The Bunny again, which should be fun and Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch, but that’s just me hoping, as I enjoyed their first match.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S AEW DARK REPORT: 5/18 AEW DARK TV REPORT: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Dean Alexander, Dark Order in action, Kiss vs. Serpentico, more
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