MAY 24, 2021
Commentators: Adnan Virk, Byron Saxton, Corey Graves
Ring Announcer: Mike Rome
Backstage Correspondent(s): Sarah Schreiber
Tonight after the show, join PWTorch assistant editor Zack Heydorn and I to break down the show with live callers and emails.
•CALL: (347) 215-8558
•EMAIL COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com
I’m back! Thanks again to Nate Lindberg for covering the show last week. I had a damn good week last week as I woke up last Monday not only celebrating my birthday, but a fantasy basketball championship. I also received my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday. Oh, the Sixers won Game 1 too (though the Giants were swept). All in all, one of the better weeks in quite some time.
-They began with Adnan Virk giving the usual welcome and Mike Rome introducing M.V.P. He said it was his honor to present the Chief Hurt Officer, his business associate, the All Mighty WWE Champion, Bobby Lashley. His music hit as he made his entrance (sans cool video intro) with another group of five women trailing him. Virk shifted to a replay of last week’s events as Lashley assisted each woman up the steps.
They cut back with the women loudly booing in the background. M.V.P. said “energy change” as he asked for an “explosive round of applause” for Lashley. The piped-in fans booed while the women cheered. M.V.P. continued by saying in July, WWE is leaving the Thunderdome and going back on the road. He then said there’s a perennial dark cloud hanging over them, “that petty, bitter, crass dark cloud has a name,” and said it was Drew McIntyre. He turned to Lashley.
Lashley said he beat McIntyre at WrestleMania, then him and Strowman at WrestleMania Backlash, so it’s a no-go. M.V.P. said they tried to move on, mentioning the Open Challenge, but said that scrawny little dreadlocked character Kofi Kingston stepped up. He said the dark cloud had to rear his ugly head and McIntyre just had to show up- McIntyre’s music hit as M.V.P. yelled “AGAIN!”
McIntyre said don’t act so surprised; everyone knew he was going to walk out here because their business is his business. He said if it wasn’t for M.V.P., he would have won at WrestleMania, and if it wasn’t for Strowman, he would have won a few weeks ago. He said he wants his solo rematch, and he thinks Lashley does, too. He said maybe, deep down, Lashley knows he doesn’t quite measure up to him. Lashley laughed, but McIntyre said maybe Lashley doesn’t have any balls. He turned to the women and asked them.
Lashley said he didn’t get beat by Kingston, he got hit in the face by McIntyre using M.V.P.’s cain, and said he finds it hilarious he had to go to those measures to count a victory over him. Kingston’s music interrupted as he and Xavier Woods entered the fray. Kingston said “Boys” a good seven times, then said they made some good points, but not to breeze past the fact that he pinned the WWE Champion, Lashley. He said it again with more gusto, ending with, “Baybeeeeeee!” Lashley asked if Kingston thanked McIntyre, and McIntyre said, “You’re welcome.”
Kingston & Woods asked what he said, and said it seemed like he insinuated that Kingston couldn’t defeat Lashley without help. McIntyre said no, and Kingston said he didn’t want nor need his help. Kingston said he never has his WWE Championship rematch, so that’s why he answered the challenge. He said McIntyre kept getting rematch after rematch and everyone wants him to “step hi ass aside” and get in line behind him since he did what McIntyre couldn’t do for months: defeat Lashley.
Adam Pearce entered and said there’s an easy way to settle this right now: Kingston vs. McIntyre to become #1 contender at Hell in a Cell. M.V.P. said that is a brilliant idea, and that they’re heading to the V.I.P. Lounge to watch the match. Corey Graves put over the forthcoming match as the women left the ring and Kingston/McIntyre were talking smack. They cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: That took way too long to get to the inevitable, but credit to Kingston for being more serious and harkening to his still-to-be-received WWE Championship rematch.)
(1) DREW MCINTYRE vs. KOFI KINGSTON (w/Xavier Woods) – #1 contender match for the WWE Championship at Hell in a Cell
They returned with news of their return to touring from different publications. Strowman said to “hop aboard the Strowman Express” and that he’s the “monster of destruction” to hype the tour. They showed Lashley & M.V.P., with the women, lounging in nice couches on the stage.
The match began with a lockup, then McIntyre forcing Kingston into the corner, then again. McIntyre kept a smirk on his face and motioned for Kingston to exit the corner magnanimously. Kingston put McIntyre into a headlock, then a go-behind, but McIntyre turned it to an arm wringer. Kingston flipped out into a side headlock, but McIntyre sent him off of the ropes and downed him with a shoulder tackle.
McIntyre came off of the ropes, but Kingston did his double leap frogs. When he tried his leaping back elbow, McIntyre caught him and threw him to the mat. McIntyre went for a deadlift delayed vertical suplex, but Kingston escaped with a knee to the head, a side Russian legsweep, and a slingshot plank splash for a two-count. McIntyre fought back with strikes, then stomped on Kingston’s hand, maybe going more heel here. He went for a powerbomb, but Kingston hit a rana that sent McIntyre to the outside.
Kingston hit a slingshot cross body that hit light. He countered a McIntyre Irish whip into the stairs by leaping over, then leapt onto McIntyre’s shoulders. Unfortunately for Kingston, he hit the reverse Alabama slam on the to apron. He posed and trash talked at Lashley & M.V.P. as they cut to break. [c]
They returned with McIntyre chopping Kingston in a corner, then beating on him in another. He hit a snap suplex for a two-count. He stalked Kingston in a corner, then brought him to the center of the mat to punch him in the jaw. He hit an overhead belly-to-belly suplex out of the corner. Kingston rolled to the outside, but McIntyre followed and slammed him across the barricade before rolling him back into the ring.
He stomped on Kingston, and this time hit the deadlift delayed vertical suplex with a little more strain to sell the match. He covered Kingston for a two-count, then shifted to a modified armlock. Kingston fought to his feet, then hit a dropkick as he jumped from the second turnbuckle. He hit two chops and a dropkick to McIntyre’s head. Kingston then locked in a standing guillotine until McIntyre just whipped him into a snap vertical for a two-count.
Kingston was able to hit a double stomp from the corner to a charging McIntyre for only a one-count. Kingston moved slowly, selling the damage, and attempted to lift McIntyre to the top before shifting to an Irish whip attempt. McIntyre countered, but Kingston hit his avoiding kick from the corner. Kingston was caught on the top rope, but fought off a McIntyre superplex attempt with strikes and a headbutt. He tried a crossbody, but McIntyre rolled through into a spike Michinoku Driver for a two-count. McIntyre taunted Lashley from the second rope, and they cut to commercial with Graves saying this wasn’t smart for McIntyre and Lashley heading to ringside. [c]
They returned with Kingston seated with his back toward the ring on the top turnbuckle and McIntyre beating on him, then hitting an avalanche belly-to-back superplex for a two-count. They showed Lashley & M.V.P. at ringside close to the announce team. McIntyre taunted Kingston with both men on their knees, then both men traded strikes with McIntyre getting the better. He went for Future Shock, but Kingston turned it into a jackknife cover for a two-count. McIntyre hit a spinebuster and jackknife of his own for a two-count, then a sitdown powerbomb for another two-count!
McIntyre looked frustrated, looking down at Kingston with a mixture of contempt and disbelief. Kingston rolled out of a tilt-a-whirl attempt and sidestepped McIntyre as he charged the corner, going shoulder-first into the post. Kingston slowly made his way to the top rope and hit his frogsplash crossbody to the back of a hunched McIntyre for a two-count. Kingston made his way to his feet, then sidestepped McIntyre who flew outside.
McIntyre glared at his adversaries at ringside. Then, Kingston did his Trust Fall dive from the top to McIntyre, who crashed into the other two men. Back in the ring, Kingston hit the S.O.S. for a two-count. Lashley & M.V.P. entered and beat on both men. Woods sent M.V.P. outside, but Kingston hit Trouble in Paradise on Lashley followed by McIntyre hitting a Claymore as Virk exclaimed, “What does this all mean?!” (A triple threat, Virk, that’s what.)
WINNER: No contest at 21:52
-Virk immediately shifted to last week’s events between Asuka, Charlotte Flair, and Rhea Ripley, which resulted in Asuka defeating Flair by rollup thanks in part to Ripley’s distraction. They showed an “Earlier Today” video of Flair in the back looking at her phone as Ripley approached and wished her luck her match. Flair said it’s obvious how jealous of her Ripley is, and she’s so scared of Flair that she’s trying to get in her head. Nikki Cross appeared and said she could beat both of them, and challenged either of them to a match. Flair said she already had a match, so no. Ripley said people don’t like Flair because she talks down to people, just like this. Flair said then why don’t you accept Ripley; she did. Cross was all smiles. Graves said Ripley is in Flair’s head as Ripley made her entrance. Virk said it’s Cross’ first match on Raw since the night after the Royal Rumble. They cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: That entire first segment, including the match, took 40 minutes only for it to end with yet another run-in DQ finish. WWE’s aversion to clean finishes, and their lack of consistency in utilizing clean finishes, is mind-boggling. Ripley came across a little better in the backstage segment, pointing out Flair’s condescending attitude, but it’s still a long road to get her to where she should have been when she debuted.)
-They returned with an Eva Marie promo about the people behind the scenes that have “guided her down the right path.” She said she grew up wanting to be a heroine like Angelina Jolie and now, she wants to be a superhero. She said she might be a star, but a star’s purpose is to light the way for others.
(2) RHEA RIPLEY (c) vs. NIKKI CROSS – Non-title match Beat the Clock challenge
Cross was already in the ring. They announced it was a two-minute Beat the Clock challenge. Ripley shoved Cross away, then Ripley wasted 10 seconds letting Ripley taunt her about time. Ripley did it again, then caught Cross as Cross tried a leaping crossbody. Cross slipped out and hit a forearm, then a jawbreaker. She climbed to the top rope and hit a crossbody for a two-count. Cross fired up and hit a corner avalanche, but Ripley then hit a big dropkick with 30 seconds left. She pounded on Cross in the corner, hit some shoulders to the gut, and Graves said Ripley forgot about the time. The buzzer went off with Ripley looking confused, giving the victory to Cross. Graves said a win is a win. Cross celebrated like Bo Dallas running around the ring.
WINNER: Nikki Cross at 2:00 by Ripley failing to win in two minutes.
-After the match, Flair’s music hit as she made her way in her ring gear. Cross was still smiling while Ripley had the “Really?” face. Flair did her full entrance with pyro as Cross jumped around and taunted Ripley while Flair laughed on. Ripley looked annoyed as they hyped Flair vs. Asuka next. They cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: Let’s just make Ripley look like an arrogant fool. That works, right?)
-They returned with another video about returning to touring. They REALLY want y’all to attend their events, mostly in places with very loose restrictions regarding gatherings. Damian Priest was then shown in the back speaking Spanish first (I don’t speak Spanish, unfortunately). It was just another promo for the touring. The announcers hyped it some more as well as Virk shifted to the events of the Kingston-McIntyre match and the resultant disqualification as Graves said there was no decisive winner.
-Pearce was in the back as McIntyre angrily walked in, followed by Kingston. Pearce said he’s just as pissed as them, McIntyre said get more pissed, then Pearce said it’s a rematch next week. Kingston he’ll have no problem beating McIntyre if Pearce can keep the other two away, and then he’ll beat Lashley again. McIntyre replied, and they glared at each other. Kingston showed a much more serious side tonight in his segments, for the most part.
-Flair was in the middle of the ring, then began to take off her robe, having the ref actually take it off of her shoulders. Asuka then entered. The bell rung as both woman, very familiar with each other, gave each other a look before circling. They locked up with Flair taking Asuka to the mat, but Asuka held on, came up, and did the same to Flair, who held on and shoved Asuka in the corner. She broke, Asuka ducked a punch, and Flair ducked a spinning back kick. They gave each other a knowing look.
Asuka hit a go-behind, but Flair hit a drop toehold. Asuka countered almost into an Asuka Lock attempt, then taunted Flair with how close it was. Asuka hit an arm wringer, but Flair cartwheeled and monkey flipped out, then locked in a body scissors. She shifted to a Figure Four headlock and flipped Asuka over, but Asuka rolled out of the second attempt and sent Flair into the rope, then hit a hip attack. She attempted another only for Flair to hit a chop block mid-air.
Flair then began working the left knee, pounding on it and locking in a kneebar while draped across the second rope. She then locked in a standing heel hook as Asuka yelled out in pain. Asuka tried rolling out, but Flair slammed her knee into the mat and locked in a Kurt Angle ankle lock. She rolled Flair off of her into the ropes, causing Flair’s body to bounce back into the mat. She rolled outside, dodged Asuka, then hit kneebreaker into steel steps as the cut to break. [c]
They returned with promo for Mick Foley’s Biography episode on A&E this Sunday. Flair was kicking the left knee of Asuka, then hit an elevated stomp to the knee that was draped on the second rope. Flair wrenched on Asuka’s leg, again in the second rope, then hit a dropkick to said knee for a two-count. She scissored the left leg, then shifted into a Liontamer-esque Boston Crab. Asuka reversed into a pin for a two-count, but Flair caught a kick and elbowed the kneecap. Asuka yelled and hit a flying armbar, then shifted to an Asuka Lock just as Flair reached the rope.
Asuka began kicking Flair’s back, but got caught on a hip attack again as Flair hit a kneebreaker. Flair lifted and sat Asuka on the top, then put her in the Tree of Woe. She climbed to the top and started stomping on Asuka’s knee. Asuka hit the mat, dodged Flair’s moonsault (who landed on her feet), then hit a German suplex on Flair. Asuka immediately grabbed her knee.
She finally hit a hip attack in the corner, then her popup knee, a spinning backfist, and a head kick. She hit another hip attack, this time to a seated Flair, for a two-count. Flair went to the apron, then draped Asuka’s neck across the rope. She used that to then slam Asuka’s leg into the post. Asuka countered another attempt by forcing Flair into the post. She hit a sliding knee fro the apron to Flair on the outside, but Flair drove her into the announce table as they cut to break. [c]
They returned with Flair hitting chops on Asuka, then Asuka ducking and turning a big boot from Flair into a dropping knee breaker across the shoulder and hitting a codebreaker to the face for a two-count. She then tried an armbar, but Flair fought it. Asuka tried for an Asuka Lock, but Flair shoved her into the corner to break it. Asuka tried again, so Flair just climbed through the ropes, which caused Asuka to fall to the ground.
The both rolled back in and starting punching each other from their knees. They hit the feet, but Asuka hit a flurry of strikes only for Flair to hit an elbow after missing the big boot for a two-count. She got that from her fiancé, Andrade, who would use that move frequently. Flair worked the leg, but Asuka avoided an attack and sent Flair into the corner. Flair evaded, then used the second rope to hit an elevated backbreaker to Asuka.
Flair climbed for another moonsault attempt. She landed on her feet as Asuka rolled away, then hit a standing moonsault, another from Andrade’s set if you back and watch his matches, for a two-count. She went for the Figure Eight, but there was a scramble that resulted in Flair rolling up Asuka for the victory.
WINNER: Charlotte Flair at 21:23 (rollup)
-They shifted to Lashley being doted on by the women in the back, one with their legs across his lap, as someone approached saying Pearce would like to see him. They cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: I would really like for WWE to be confident enough to have these good, long matches and have definitive, clean finishes. Enough with the 50/50 booking already. Flair and Asuka have a great chemistry together, again evident in tonight’s match.)
-They returned with another showing of the publications of WWE’s return to touring. They then showed Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke giving a “return to touring” promo. They then showed M.V.P. & Lashley entering Pearce’s office. He asked if this is how they want to represent the show as WWE Champion. Lashley said he’s the only one who can represent the show, and he’s doing Pearce a favor. Pearce said if either of them interfere or appear at ringside, Lashley will be suspended for 90 days without pay, “and in your racket, that’s a lot of business.” Lashley was incensed as M.V.P. rushed him out saying to save it for the pay-per-view.
(Hazelwood’s Take: Good on Pearce for making a stipulation that not only has actual consequences, but consequences that MATTER to Lashley & M.V.P.)
-Virk then shifted to the saga of Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin, from Alexander joining The Hurt Business, winning the Tag Team Championship, and all the miscommunication they had largely due to Alexander’s arrogance. They showed their being kicked out of the group, and their dissolution as a team three weeks ago. Benjamin made his entrance. Alexander then entered.
He had a mic and said he knows Benjamin wants him in the ring (he took his damn time). He said he had something to get off of his chest. He said they had something as Tag Team Champion and The Hurt Business, the best thing in WWE for the past year. He said remember when M.V.P. took us in from obscure nobodies to the top of the mountain, but then it ended by being kicked out. He yelled at Benjamin to look at him when he spoke to him. He said it’s because Benjamin is washed up, and Alexander was the one carrying the team.
He said they really kicked out Benjamin. He also said it’s OK because he’s in his prime and has years, and asked how many years Benjamin has left. He asked what Benjamin has to show for all of his hard work. He said Benjamin got a fluke win last week, but this week, it’s “differently” as he’s an evolving athlete. He said he learned and tonight will end with his arm being raised high. He said tonight will end with Benjamin being gone for good.
Graves said Alexander has the charisma of a cinder block and that’s the most he’s heard him speak. Alexander immediately left the ring as the bell rung, incensing Benjamin more as he yelled from the ring. They cut to break. [c]
They returned with Benjamin pounding on Alexander in the corner, then whipping him hard into the opposite corner. He whipped Alexander off of the rope and hit a big shoulder tackle that flipped Alexander around. Benjamin pounded on Alexander in the corner some more, but Alexander fought back only to be hit with a back elbow. He stomped on Alexander, then threw him outside. He whipped Alexander hard into the barricade.
He rolled Alexander back into the ring, but Alexander slipped out of a bodyslam. He thought he sent Benjamin over the top, but Benjamin skinned the cat and reentered. Alexander went for the Neuralizer, but Benjamin countered into a T-Bone suplex attempt that was blocked. Alexander climbed to the top rope, but was met by Benjamin, who set for maybe a rolling senton off of the top, but Alexander turned it to an avalanche rana for a two-count.
He mounted Benjamin and pounded on him, then kicked him in the back and locked in a modified side headlock on the mat while trapping the left arm with his legs, akin to a rear naked choke with the arm trapped in MMA. Benjamin fought out, but Alexander used the rope to spring into a leaping knee and dropkick for a two-count. He then hit big 12-6 elbows to the small of the back before cinching in a rear chinlock.
Benjamin fought, so Alexander grabbed left arm and began kicking Benjamin arrogantly in the chest and face. Benjamin looked pissed and hit a BIG short-arm clothesline to Alexander. He started pounding on him in the corner again, then a corner clothesline followed by a spinebuster. Benjamin went for a running knee, but Alexander turned it into a rollup for a two-count. He caught Benjamin’s kick, but was caught with the rotation on the other end.
Benjamin grabbed Alexander, set for a German suplex, and held on! TEAM ANGLE DAYS! Alexander tried fighting out, but Benjamin hit another! Alexander fought out, but Benjamin went for a rolling German suplex. Alexander poked the eye and hit the Neuralizer for the victory, much to Graves’ chagrin. Graves said this was the former Cruiserweight Champion’s biggest singles victory; sure.
WINNER: Cedric Alexander at 11:52 (Neuralizer)
(Hazelwood’s Take: Yes, Alexander yells way too much, but this is how you have a decent feud not centered on a championship by using personal vendettas that make sense as anchors of the story. See, it’s not that hard. The 50/50 booking is crap, but at least they gave Alexander a wormy heel victory whereas Benjamin hit his finisher, surprisingly yes, but his finisher nonetheless. Also, more Team Angle Benjamin!)
-They shifted to a video recap of the saga between RK-Bro and The New Day, beginning with the formation of RK-Bro. They also showed Orton RKOing both members of The New Day to Riddle’s shock. They then showed Kingston defeating Orton last week (before Kingston faced Lashley) thanks again to a distraction from Woods, of course, and Riddle shoving Woods down. Riddle made his entrance as they cut to break. [c]
-They returned with another video hyping their touring return, then “Johnny Drip Drip” John Morrison giving his own promo on returning to touring.
Woods entered sans Kingston. They began with a lockup, then a reversal of positions in the corner before breaking up. They locked up again, with Riddle forcing Woods into the corner so hard Francesca the trombone fell to the ground. Graves said that was the best thing to ever happen to her. They did another round of locking up and breaking up from the corner, then locked up again with Riddle getting a hold of the arm. Woods reversed into a gator roll, but Riddle hit the Bromission only for Woods to hit the rope to break the hold.
Woods shot and lifted Riddle, but Riddle locked in a guillotine. He shifted to an armbar, but Woods reached the ropes. He then hit a gutwrench, held on, and hit another. He rushed Woods in the corner, but Woods sidestepped. Riddle climbed the second rope only to be hit with a palm strike and then a suplex off of the second rope. Woods then hit a slingshot suplex, but Riddle held on and tried an armbar. Woods somehow powered Riddle up into a suplex for a two-count.
Woods attempted a belly-to-back, but Riddle rolled out and hit strikes then a flurry of chest kicks in the corner. They started to trade strikes, then hit a double clothesline. Virk reacted like that was the first double clothesline he’d seen. Woods rushed Riddle, but Riddle used the momentum to send him over-the-top to the outside with a rana. On the apron, Woods hit a Death Valley Driver to Riddle on the apron. They cut to break. [c]
They returned with Riddle hitting an overhead kick, then his running corner forearms and an exploder to Woods. He went for the PK, then the moonsault, then the Broton, but Woods got his knees up on the latter. He then exploded with punches and chops to Riddle against the ropes and hit a head scissors, then a backbody drop. He hit a second rope missile dropkick, then a kip up, then a two-count on a pin attempt. Woods showed a lot of fire there.
Riddle hit the Final Flash, but as Riddle went for Bro Derek, Woods countered into his own attempt, then Riddle flipped into his own, then Woods again, who rammed Riddle in the corner, set him in the Tree of Woe, hit a dropkick, then elevated Riddle with the Gorilla press slam into a gutbuster, the Gutcheck, for a two-count. Woods, frustrated, climbed to the top, but was met by Riddle. Both men were on top, but a Woods headbutt caused both men to fall, Woods to the apron, and Riddle to the mat.
Woods went for his DDT, but Riddle hit a pump knee. He then climbed the second rope and hit a German suplex back into the ring for only a two-count! Riddle climbed for the Floating Bro, Woods moved as Riddle rolled through, Woods hit the Honor Roll, escaped the Bro Derek, but then Riddle hit a sudden RKO for the victory. Wow. I should have seen that coming. Riddle celebrated saying it was for Orton.
WINNER: Riddle at 12:48 (RKO)
-Virk then shifted to last week’s A.J. Styles vs. Elias match that saw Jaxson Ryker interfere and distract Omos as Elias attacked Styles. They showed the Tag Team Champion in the back making their way to the ring for Styles’ match with Ryker as they cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: A great, hard-hitting match that made sense. They know each other well, and their counters told the story. Riddle only being able to win by pulling out a move Woods wouldn’t expect, but has a connection to Riddle’s partner, is some of the good storytelling details you’d hope WWE would apply to every feud.)
-They returned with Virk saying they have breaking news at Hell in a Cell with Ripley defending against Flair.
Styles made his entrance first without Omos. Graves reminded everyone that Styles is a Grand Slam Champion and questioned why he would need anyone at ringside when it was pointed out that Omos wasn’t with him. Ryker entered, also alone.
Styles immediately hit a dropkick and a flying corner forearm, then an ushigoroshi for a two-count. Ryker shoved Styles into the corner, but caught a kick from Styles. However, Ryker hit a big clothesline to floor Styles, then hit a slingshot suplex, more of a throw really, for a two-count. He then locked in a bearhug.
Styles fought off with straight elbows to the head, but Ryker hit a body shot. He tried another slingshot suplex, but Styles slipped out and threw Ryker outside. He then hit a baseball slide and slid Ryker back in as Elias suddenly hit a flying knee and then hid. Ryker hit a Black Hole Slam like maneuver for the victory.
WINNER: Ryker at 2:03 (swinging side slam)
(Hazelwood’s Take: You read that right. Ryker pinned Styles.)
-After the match, Omos came to the ring and CHASED the two away. He ran FAST, and then hit a pounce to Elias on the stage into one of the LED boards. Omos checked on Styles as the moved on to Sheamus and Humberto Carrillo, playing a recap video of this intriguing saga. Sheamus then made his entrance as they hyped his match with Carrillo before cutting to break. [c]
-They returned with another touring promo. This time, it was Jeff Hardy, “ready to traverse the universe” and “take things to the extreme” as he chanted “Hardy” to end it. Virk said to “party on.”
(7) SHEAMUS (c) vs. HUMBERTO CARRILLO – Non-title match
Carrillo made his entrance looking confident and determined, pointing directly at Sheamus. Sheamus immediately gained the advantage with heavy strikes, sending Carrillo to the outside, and then into the barricade. He sent Carrillo back into the ring and stopped Carrillo’s flurry with one gut kick. He hit some body shots in the corner, then a front suplex. He then locked in a modified armbar, yelled at Carrillo, and rubbed his forearm across Carrillo’s face.
Carrillo fought out, but one shoulder tackle sent him to the mat. Sheamus hit a seated Ten Beats of the Bodhran to Carrillo. He turned to Graves and said that was for him. Sheamus then taunted Carrillo, which prompted Carrillo to fight back, sending Sheamus to the outside with a dropkick and then hitting a middle rope tope that forced Sheamus back-first into the announce desk. He climbed to the top with Sheamus back in the ring and hit a flying back elbow for a two-count.
Carrillo rushed Sheamus against the ropes, who sent Carrillo to the apron. Carrillo leaped in and tried hitting a wheelbarrow maneuver, but Sheamus sat on him and pulled on the tights for the victory. After the bell rung, he immediately attacked Carrillo. He looked to lock in the cloverleaf, but suddenly Ricochet hit a missile dropkick. He and Carrillo both hit moonsaults on Sheamus, then Ricochet hit a springboard 630.
WINNER: Sheamus at 3:43 (rollup)
(Hazelwood’s Take: I’d rather it just have remained Sheamus and Carrillo, but Ricochet’s sudden attack to help Carrillo will probably lead to yet another triple threat match. In a positive, it should be one hell of a match.)
-They shifted to last week’s match between Tamina & Natalya and Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler, including the shenanigans from Alexa Bliss. They showed Baszler forcing Natalya to tap on Friday night, which led to tonight’s match.
They cut to the back where Sarah Schreiber approached and Jax said things will be different. Baszler said what happened was Jax got distracted again, and looked at Reginald. Jax said Reginald is still having nightmares, but said they’re still an unstoppable force. Baszler said then prove it by keeping Reginald back here. He said he’s just trying to help, but Baszler said if she sees him ringside for any more of her matches, she’ll give him a real reason to have nightmares. The Women’s Tag Team Champion made their entrance as they cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: Thank you, Queen of Spades.)
-They returned with another Marie promo, this one on her working out and “building yourself up both on the outside and the inside.” They showed her doing a lot of weightlifting and cardio, also some of her athletic training, but nothing actually in the ring (though they showed her practicing boxing). They also hyped next week’s #1 contender match between McIntyre and Kingston.
(8) NATALYA & TAMINA (c) vs. NIA JAX & SHAYNA BASZLER – Women’s Tag Team Championship match
Jax & Baszler were already in the ring as Rome did formal introductions. They showed Reginald watching in the back, and Byron Saxton said he’s “visually impaired.” Jax immediately tagged out, and Baszler then hit Natalya on the ringside, causing her to tag in.
Baszler started working the left wrist, but Natalya rolled and flipped through into a quick backbody drop. However, Baszler fought back with strikes, but Natalya rolled her into a cover. Baszler reversed position into a crucifix pin for a two-count of her own, then looked for a hammerlock. Natalya grabbed a kneebar attempt to break the hold, but ate a kick to the face instead. Baszler briefly locked in a Sharpshooter before Natalya broke out. Baszler then grabbed Natalya’s arm and fell back with it in a hypertexendy way.
Jax tagged in and leg dropped the arm, then tagged in Baszler. Baszler was about to stomp on the arm, but was distracted by Reginald making his way to the ring. She attempted the stomp, but Natalya rolled away and slammed Baszler to the mat as they cut to break. [c]
They returned with Natalya fighting against Baszler only for Baszler to throw her to the mat for a two-count. She reapplied a hammerlock, but Natalya suplexed out. Both Tamina and Jax made tags, but Tamina took the advantage with a bunch of strikes. She rolled out of a lift and hit a superkick to a seated Jax for a two-count. She immediately climbed the top rope, but Jax met her with a punch and used that to set for a Samoan drop, but Tamin escaped. She tried a superkick, but got caught in the ropes.
Jax rolled her up for a two-count, then tagged in Baszler, who beat on Tamina in their corner with body shots. She told Jax to tag in, who hit a corner avalanche, then Baszler tagged in and hit a pump knee for a two-count. Tamina fought out of the corner, then hit a huge haymaker to Baszler. She then hit a powerslam and tagged in Natalya.
They hit a slingshot into a superkick, but Jax broke up the cover and hit a headbutt. Tamina then hit a Thesz Press and went to the outside, where Jax hit a backbody drop to Tamina over the barricade. Back in the ring, Natalya dodged Baszler and hit a discus clothesline. She went for the Sharpshooter, but Reginald distracted the ref while Baszler had Reginald rolled up. Baszler looked at him and yelled, incensed. She told him to get out and go, so he did, but flames hit as he reached the top of the ramp. Natalya then rolled up Baszler for the victory.
WINNER: Natalya & Tamina at 11:44 to retain (rollup)
-After the match, Baszler checked on Reginald on the ramp as Jax looked on. She then grabbed him by his collar and said, “You son of a bitch! I’m tired of you interfering in my matches! Let’s see how you do, the Cirque du Soleil twirling twerp against me!” The show ended.
(Hazelwood’s Take: Another distraction finish, but it’s at least leading to something? Here we see another WWE “attempt” at intergender. Hope Baszler destroys him.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: It wasn’t a bad show, buoyed by two great long matches and others with lots of stories told or furthered. Still, get away from distraction and DQ finishes, please.
I love Nattie’s new wrestling attire! Finally putting the girls out there on display in prominent fashion. Just beautiful! She’s been a long time favorite of mine!
Nattie had her previous implants enlarged a little bit.