MAY 4, 2021
Announcers: Excalibur and Taz
Additional Commentators: Jake Roberts
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts
-Excalibur and Taz on the call, welcomed us to the show, giving us a rundown. Excalibur said they are so excited about the quadruple main event tonight that they’re wearing the same clothes as last week.
Hobbs absolutely steamrolled both opponents while Starks was lounging on the ramp as Hobbs hit Town Business on Aldridge for the ultra quick win.
WINNERS: Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks in 30 seconds
(Howard’s Analysis: Hobbs is a beast. That’s about it.)
Surprisingly it was Diamante who started the match with the takedown into the scramble, countering a takedown from Hirsch into a wheelbarrow stunner. Hirsch battled back with a couple release German suplexes, V-Trigger and double knee strike in the corner. Slugfest ensued until Leyla grabbed an arm and locked on a cross arm breaker forcing Diamante to tap quickly.
WINNER: Leyla Hirsch in 2:30
(Howard’s Analysis: Surprised at how quick this match was, but it almost came across like Diamante got caught, so hopefully this match will happen again with more time devoted to it.)
(3) VARSITY BLONDS (Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman Jr.) vs. LIAM GRAY & ADRIAN ALANIS
Gray and Alanis tried the early sneak attack, but The Blonds gained control with dueling snap suplexes. Alanis was able to hit a sling blade neckbreaker on Pillman as Gray joined in with a backbreaker-neckbreaker combo for a near fall. Griff got the hot tag and was able to connect with his corner splash and Falcon Arrow variation on Alanis, while Pillman wiped out Gray on the floor with a slingshot cross body. Pillman hopped back on the apron & took out Alanis with a slingshot clothesline as Griff made the cover for the victory.
WINNERS: The Varsity Blonds in 4:00
(Howard’s Analysis: Good performance from The Blonds, who are on their way to the fatal four-way on Dynamite for the #1 Contenders spot. Commentary never mentioned tomorrow’s match, but I assume this was taped well before the match was actually announced.)
(4) SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Christopher Daniels) vs. JAKE ST. PATRICK & SPENCER SLADE
After Kazarian controlled St. Patrick for the opening minutes, Daniels took over briefly. Slade made the tag and suplexed Daniels until Kazarian jumped back in connecting with a springboard leg drop. SCU hit the Celebrity Rehab on St. Patrick, while they took out Slade with the Best Meltzer Ever for the win. This was the most dominant win for SCU on Dark in quite a while.
WINNERS: SCU in 4:00
(Howard’s Analysis: I’m very happy that SCU is having a match on Dynamite tomorrow against other top ranked teams. This was another show where they got a victory over two randomly paired guys. They’re long overdue to get a win over an established team – especially if they are the top ranked contenders for the tag titles.)
Bayne is making her AEW debut and tried showing off her power early, but Swole wasn’t having it as she went for leg kicks. Swole attempted her springing cutter, but Bayne popped her with a knee to the face before she locked on a bearhug briefly. Swole battled back and was able to connect with that cutter. After a brief miscommunication, Bayne hit a big boot, but Swole fought back & applied a Cloverleaf for the submission win.
WINNER: Big Swole in 4:00
(Howard’s Analysis: This was a quick, hard hitting performance from Swole, who I hope gets back into the top 5 rankings with more dominant showings like this.)
Joey ran to commentary during their entrance to say “you’re not a vegetarian if you like Sonny Kiss because that ass has a whole lotta beef.” Janela clotheslined Law over the top and somehow Justin got hung up on the bottom rope in the process. Taz said “the ring just kicked the sh*t out of him” and I absolutely agree. Sonny Kiss tagged in and showed off a much more aggressive side before Janela jumped back in, delivered a German suplex & superkick. Kiss and Janela put away Law with their reverse DDT split leg combo for the quick win.
WINNERS: Sonny Kiss & Joey Janela in 3:00
(Howard’s Analysis: Pretty quick squash for Janela and Kiss, who are stuck in that limbo of winning squashes and losing to established teams occasionally.)
This is Hart’s AEW debut as King used her size early on, delivering a few arm drags and a bodyslam for a quick two count. Hart tried a school girl, but King wouldn’t go over, instead she punted Hart right in the chest. King missed a corner splash, allowing Hart to take over momentarily before King countered a tilt a whirl head scissors into a stun gun, finally putting Hart away with a shotgun dropkick, snap German suplex and Kingdom Falls for the impressive win.
WINNER: KiLynn King in 4:00
(Howard’s Analysis: Happy Birthday to KiLynn King. She looked really good in this one, while Hart, for only being 19, hung in there for her debut. Hopefully King breaks out of tagging with Red Velvet and Big Swole and has more singles matches. She’s been consistently improving week after week.)
(8) PAC (w/Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) vs. SERPENTICO (w/Luther)
Serpentico caught PAC early with a shotgun dropkick & tope suicida, but PAC stopped his momentum with a tilt a whirl back breaker. PAC slowly picked his opponent apart while Luther screamed at his partner to finish PAC, who demolished Serpentico with a Tombstone, then the Brutalizer for the quick submission.
WINNER: PAC in 2:00
(Howard’s Analysis: An absolute dominant showing from PAC, who gave Serpentico the first two moves of the match, but after that, it was all PAC.)
It’s weird to see The Bunny walk out by herself and not with 5 other people in her corner. After dishing out some stiff corner chops, Bunny screamed at referee Aubrey. This allowed Grey to get in a few offensive moves before Bunny hit a sliding clothesline in the ropes then repeatedly connected with knees to the chest & jaw of Grey. Thrust kick to the jaw led to Down the Rabbit Hole for the easy win.
WINNER: The Bunny in 3:00
(Howard’s Analysis: Destruction by The Bunny, who clearly took out her frustrations from Evil Uno being the Imposter 8 times in a row during the AEW Among Us on Twitch this past week.)
-Super quick backstage promo from PAC saying that Death Triangle is coming for everyone. Not really sure why this needed to be on the show, it was literally 10 seconds.
(10) THE ACCLAIMED (Anthony Bowens & Max Castor) vs. DAVID ALI & VARY MORALES
Max delivered another fantastic rap, telling his opponents to clap that Bowens is back. Meanwhile, Bowens demanded the referee back up Morales and his “Juvi looking ass”. Morales was picked apart by both Castor and Bowens early as Bowens was very insulted that Ali wasn’t happy he’s back in action, so he cracked him in the jaw with a forearm on the apron as a result. Acclaimed to Fame hits on Morales for the win as Castor grabbed Morales’ hands and applauded Bowens being back, so they got what they wanted.
WINNERS: The Acclaimed in 3:00
(Howard’s Analysis: This was another match where commentary didn’t mention the four-way for Dynamite, so I assume it was another match that was filmed before the match was announced. I can’t wait for The Acclaimed to eventually win the tag titles down the line, as they are a fantastic team and I can only imagine the raps Castor will unleash when they have gold.)
The Hughes Brothers looked good in their match with FTR last night on Elevation. Page got in an early cheap shot Terrance from behind. Terrell Hughes got the hot tag after his brother was isolated for a bit, dropping Sky with a snap powerslam before Ethan Page tagged in and cleaned house. Page nailed an atomic drop knee breaker, which set the table up for Sky to lock on the heel hook to get the tap out.
WINNERS: Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky in 4:00
(Howard’s Analysis: I like Sky and Page as a duo. They complement each other well. I had wondered why they broke Sky off from SCU to be a singles guy, just to team him up with Page soon after, but it looks like Sting and Darby are on the horizon, so good for them.)
JD Drake is decked out in his new snazzy entrance attire given to him by Nemeth a few weeks ago. The Pretty Picture trio took turns beating down Reynolds as Taz is hilariously no impressed by Drake’s new gear. He says Drake looks like someone you see outside a General Store, which Excalibur asks if Taz visits them frequently, which made Taz freeze, then break. Taz said he took Avalon’s heart shaped sled to The Hamptons and likes the heart shaped bed and tub by himself. Commentary is taking turns breaking each other and its pretty dang hilarious. While this is going on, Reynolds is still being picked apart until he connected with a moonsault on Drake. Grayson made the hot tag, wiped out all three of his opponents before taking out Bononi with a dive, allowing Uno to tag in, hit a senton atomico on Drake, then an End of Days of Nemeth for two. Dark Order controlled Drake before the match broke down. The pop up knee strike by Reynolds led to Fatality on Nemeth to give Grayson the three. Avalon tried to interfere, but he leapt into the arms of Bononi during the finish.
(Howard’s Analysis: Commentary was hysterical in this one. This was another week, another Trios win for Dark Order. Whenever this Hardy Family Offices feud ends, I wonder what is next for them as a faction.)
The feeling out process lasted about a minute until both men showed off their speed, with each connecting with nice dropkicks. Martin was able to show off his quickness, but Limelight offered a handshake, only to slap Martin in the face. Martin connected with a slingshot cross body outside, but was hung up by Limelight trying another springboard inside. Limelight picked his opponent apart as his game plan was to ground the high flyer Martin. Finally, Martin was able to fight back with a step up head scissors and double springboard moonsault press for a near fall. Limelight got back into it with two snap suplexes and swinging neckbreaker, but posed too long, allowing Martin to head to the top, crashing and burning on a 450. Limelight slapped on a submission, which Martin countered into a bridge for two as Danny popped up and turned Martin inside out with a lariat. Forearm battle ensued before Martin hit a crazy looking shotgun dropkick, gut buster and 450 Splash for the win.
WINNER: Dante Martin in 9:00
(Howard’s Analysis: This was match of the night as it was two young guys putting on a fun wrestling match. Limelight took the ground game route as Martin stuck to high flying and it was a really good back & forth battle – one that I thought Limelight was about to win at the end, but Martin won it and continues to look impressive. Very fun match that I thought should’ve been the main event.)
(14) LANCE ARCHER vs/ LUTHER (w/Serpentico)
Jake Roberts is on commentary as Luther literally dragged Serpentico out to the ramp with him, but he was still feeling the effects from getting brutalized by PAC. This was strategic as he piggy backed on Archer during his entrance. Archer used Serpentico as a dart, chucking him at Luther as the match started. Serpentico ran distraction, which allowed Luther to take over outside. Jake mentions seeing a Third Eye on the back of his ex-wife’s head, which popped Taz. Serpentico tried to run distraction again when Archer took over, but Fuego Del Sol stopped him and those two fought to the back. Archer tried his Blackout and Luther tried his powerbomb, with neither man able to hit until Archer was able to connect with the Helli-Coaster black hole slam for the win.
WINNER: Lance Archer in 4:00
(Howard’s Analysis: Luther got way more offense than you’d assume. I also have no idea why Fuego stopped Serpentico, unless I’m missing something on a YouTube show like Sammy’s or BTE or something. Anyways, this was a little brawl to give Archer a non squash win.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: This was your standard episode of Dark that was wrapped up in 90 minutes. This week Martin vs Limelight take match of the night honors by a mile. That’s a match I hope to see again. I wish Limelight had won matches in AEW to make it feel like more, despite him getting a few close near falls. They didn’t plug anything happening on Dynamite, but I think this was taped much earlier than usual, so I understand why.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S AEW DARK REPORT: 4/27 AEW DARK TV REPORT: The Acclaims back in action, plus Archer, Varsity Blondes, Brian Cage, Leyla Hirsch, Penelope Ford, Cabana, SCU, Private Party
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