MARCH 24, 2021
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts
They went right to ring entrances. Justin Roberts listed a bunch of accolades for Omega. The women in 1980s leotards with brooms came out. (Shouldn’t AEW explain this some day?) Ross noted that Sydal is 7-1 in his last 8 matches. The announcers noted that this could lead to title contention for Sydal. Don Callis joined the announcers on commentary. They exchanged heated words at the start of the match. Then they locked up. Callis called Sydal “a young upstart.” Ross quickly pointed out that Sydal is older than Omega. Ross said Callis is just out there to make noise. Callis said he and Kenny are very happy when they’re not on Dynamite. He gave Excalibur a hard time about wearing a mask even though he doesn’t wrestle. (Yeah, shouldn’t AEW address that at some point?!)
As the action picked up, Schiavone declared it Sydal’s best match on Dynamite. Sydal took Omega down with a leaping spining wheel kick. Then he took Omega off the second rope with a rana. Omega avoided a top rope rana. Omega eventually finished Sydal with a One-Winged Angel.
WINNER: Omega in 11:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: You’d expect these two to have a good match, and they did. It was great seeing these two work together.)
-The announcers hyped the rest of the Dynamite line-up. [c]
-They went backstage where Alex Marvez interviewed John Silver and the rest of Dark Order. Hangman Page was in the background smiling with amusement at their antics. Marvez asked Silver if he’s nervous. Silver said he’s not. Page wished him luck. Silver acted super-amped up and slapped himself. [c]
Bononi was in the ring after the break. Bononi got in some offense at ringside. Page took over after no-selling a clothesline. Page then hit two clotheslines and a suplex followed by a Buckshot Lariat for the win.
WINNER: Page in 2:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Page looked small against Bononi, and height is something working against Page’s perception as a top act, so I’d seek out smaller or equal sized jobbers for Page to plow through. His gimmick isn’t being an undersized underdog.)
-A promo aired with Lance Archer at a warehouse. He said he once respected Sting and credited Sting with him becoming a pro wrestler. He said, though, that it’s now his time, not Sting’s, and that’s why he interrupted him last week. He said Sting will go down as one of the all-time greatest, and one way or another it’s going to be Showtime. He pointed a bat at the camera.
-A clip aired of Thunder Rosa’s post-match interview last week.
-Schiavone interviewed Britt Baker on the stage. She said she deserves a round of applause after having one of the best matches ever on Dynamite. The audience booed. Baker was upset and said, “After the hell I went through last week?” She called the fans dumb, delusional, and disrespectful. Baker yanked the mic from Schiavone and kept talking. Baker said she doesn’t need all the adulation coming her way after last week’s match where she made history. She thanked Mick Foley for the thumbs up for the match. She said it took him 20 years to become a hardcore legend and she did it in one night. She said she put AEW on the map.
-They showed The Pinnacle walking out of their locker room. [c]
-Backstage Dasha approached Christian Cage chatting with The Varsity Blondes & Dante Martin. She asked what they were talking about. He said they were just talking shop. Kaz asked why he hasn’t caught up with an old friend. He asked Christian, “Where does the work part begin?” Christian said he’s turning into Cranky Frankie. Christian said the work starts next week, and as of right now he doesn’t have an opponent, so if he’s free, he can step up now if he wants. Kaz said he’s on. Kaz said it’ll be great to be in the ring with him again. He told him to watch him on Dark Elevation on Monday. “Seven years, that’s a long time to be out of the ring,” Kaz said before walking away.
(3) THE VARSITY BLONDES (Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison) & DANTE MARTIN vs. FTR & SHAWN SPEARS (w/Tully Blanchard, Wardlow, MJF)
The announcers talked about how impressed by they are by Garrison, who just turned 20. Schiavone talked about Spears being one of the most dangerous wrestlers in AEW. Ross said he’s tired of “just getting close.” The babyfaces went after Spears early with rapid tags. The babyfaces teased a triple dive onto a crowd at ringside, but Wardlow stepped up and they stopped before leaping. They cut to an early break. [c]
The heels took over during the break. Back live, Dax took over against Dante and landed a brainbuster. Spears then gave a Death Valley Driver on Martin for the win.
WINNERS: FTR & Spears in 6:00.
-After the match, Wardlow attacked Pillman Jr. and threw him onto the ramp near his teammates. MJW smiled. Schiavone interviewed Pinnacle. Cash Wheeler said The Pinnacle isn’t just a name or a group, it’s family. He said he doesn’t have a wife or kids, but he will die for these men. Dax told Santana & Ortiz that AEW isn’t a comedy show, it’s a wrestling show, and they have to find out where they stand against men like them.
MJF told Chris Jericho he’s kind of confused because he thought now he’d try to break the walls down, but now the only thing he’s breaking are chairs he sits on. He told him to grab all his boys and come out there right now. He said he won’t do that because he is terrified of them. Schiavone said they hurt them a couple weeks ago and he knows full well. MJF gave Schiavone a threatening look and Schiavone quieted down. MJF thanked him for the gift of silence. MJF said when you’re in the Pinnacle, you are always on top. They stacked their hands mid-ring.
-Backstage, Team Taz sent AEW viewers a message. He said there are conspiracy theories that there are problems between them, but there aren’t. He said Brian Cage apologized directly to Ricky Starks for singling him out last week. He also apologized to the whole group for praising Sting. Cage’s body language and facial expressions suggested he wasn’t all on board with Taz saying all this. Taz asked everyone in the group if they are okay. Everyone said yes, except Cage paused and just said, “Who betta?”
-Schiavone interviewed Q.T. Marshall on the stage. Marshall said he’s frustrated. He said people think he is out there because of Cody. He pointed at his wife and said he’s known her since he was 8 year old. He said she’s smiling because he’s living his dream. He said in terms of doing actual work, other than Tony Khan, nobody has done more work than him. He said he knows they have thrown him some bones. He said he’s had some PPV appearances and he won the first-ever bunkhouse match in Dynamite history. He said there’s stuff they don’t see, like making sure Cody’s coffee is hot or his t-shirt is cut the right way.
He said after the show, he’ll be working and his wife will be asleep alone, whereas Cody will be in bed with his wife. He said his frustrations are warranted because he realized recently no matter what he accomplishes, there will be an asterisk that says, “Cody’s friend.” The audience chanted “Cody’s friend.” Marshall said he’s not denying that. He said the only way for him to get out of Cody’s shadow is to have themselves an exhibition. He said that will be his chance to show he can hang with Cody. He said he doesn’t have the power to make Cody come out there and agree to it. He said he won’t go out there and continue to take “meaningless bumps” and jeopardize his life after his career is over if it has to be in Cody’s shadow.
Cody walked out with his arm in a sling. Cody said his heart is not into arguing with Q.T., but he understands his angst. He said therefore he will accommodate him. He said Arn Anderson will be the referee. He said he has a reputation and a name to uphold. He vowed not to hurt Marshall. He said if he puts on a figure-four or hits Crossroads, he won’t go all out. He said when AEW had blossoming success, it made some people jealous and angry that Cody was a big part of that. He said in a business full of acquaintances, Marshall has become a friend. Cody tried to quiet a “Cody’s friend” chant. Cody said Marshall might be his best friend, and he’ll give him the exhibition he wants.
(Keller’s Analysis: I’m skeptical that this TV time invested in Marshall is wise and will pay dividends. I’m not skeptical that Marshall is going to attack Cody next week full force and take advantage of Cody “taking it easy on him.” Cody came across unintentionally heelishly patronizing when he said he won’t go after Marshall full steam. Cody’s intent was to come across that he didn’t want to hurt a good friend, but it also came across like Cody didn’t think Marshall stands a chance against him if he tries his hardest. All that said, if Marshall is going to be utilized on Dynamite at all, even if I think others have a much bigger upside, at least they are putting some context around it. Marshall was also not bad at all in this segment coming across as a casual-smarmy about his resentment of how people perceive him.) [c]
During their ring entrance, a soundbite aired with Lucha Bros. and Lorado Kid. Alex, the interpreter, spoke for Penta. The Bucks and Cutler came out next. (AEW needs to explain to Dynamite viewers why Cutler wears that over-the-top outfit during his entrance.) Schiavone said Tony Khan just let him know Cody vs. Marshall will take place next week, plus Christian vs. Kaz. Excalibur said it’s shaping up as a “can’t miss event.” (That is a terrible overstatement consider it’s based on those two matches. Announcers need to protect their credibility with viewers, and if they throw around “can’t miss event” like that, it’s going to dissipate quickly into viewers seeing them as just paid hucksters who will say anything.) Ross wondered when Jericho would be back.
Lots of athletic exchanges early. Schiavone said it’s the type of non-stop action they expected including a lot on the outside. Matt landed a top rope move for a two count, then clapped and (oddly) winked at the camera. They cut to a break. [c]
The rapid-fire action continued after the break for several minutes. Matt buckle-bombed Kid and then tagged in Nick. They landed Risky Business. Cutler then hit a springboard flying elbowdrop for a two count, broken up by Penta. Matt flip dove onto Penta on the floor seconds later. Matt gsve Fenix a DDT onto the edge of the ring apron. Kid then hit a Spanish Fly on Cutler for the win.
WINNERS: Bucks & Kid in 12:00.
-Omega attacked a celebrating Lorado Kid afterward from behind with a mic. Callis walked out and handed Omega his title belt. He bashed Kid with it. Ross asked if there’s a reason behind this other than them being jerks. The Bucks confronted them. Omega said he’s having flashbacks to the first-ever Fyter Fest. He said they’re all back together. He said they had a 12 year friendship and they all had a choice back then. He said three years ago he had a choice, and he didn’t choose to stay at home with the people who loved him and the people he loved. He said he didn’t go to “greener pastures in New York.” He said despite how it looks, he never chose AEW. He said he chose the Bucks.
He said he chose their shared vision to make this the best wrestling promotion on the planet. He said rather than sit in the high school cafeteria with the cool kids and the captain of the football team, the Bucks chose Brandon Cutler. “I chose you, and you never chose me back,” he said. He acknowledged that Callis can come across as a little abrasive, but he wanted to give the Bucks one more chance. He asked if they’re with him. He said it’s now or never. He said he may or may not agree with everything Don says, but it’s their last chance to choose them. The Bucks turned and left. Cutler left with them. Omega told him to carry their bags. Lucha Bros. then stereo superkicked Omega followed by a stomp sitout powerbomb combo. Excalibur called Callis a spineless coward hiding behind the referee during all of that. The Good Brothers came out to check on Omega, who was bleeding from his lip.
-Excalibur said Jade Cargill is going to be a fixture in AEW for years. A video package aired on her. She said Red Velvet made a big mistake and her getting in her face “was the biggest joke.” She said she’s on the path to greatness, whereas Velvet is a pretender to the throne. She said she looks and sounds like money, and she looks good damn doing it. She said when Red Velvet steps into the ring, she’ll be stepping into the ring with “that bitch!”
-Schiavone said Brandi Rhodes has been working with Cody on establishing that the Rhodes Family Empire is just getting started. A video aired on Cody saying they want to set a new standard for pro wrestling. Then a plug aired for a new Cody and Brandi reality show with a variety of snippets. Brandi said, “I’m tired of us breaking our necks for everybody else.” It’s called “Rhodes to the Top.” It’s coming to TNT, no start date.
(Keller’s Analysis: That should be delightful to watch and cover.) [c]
-Backstage Eddie Kingston had his leg in a cast. He said he’s broken stuff before and come back. Jon Moxley was standing next to him. Kingston said where he comes from, if you take one of them out, you end up in a morgue. Moxley said the question the Good Brothers have to ask themselves is how far they are willing to take this. He asked if they’re willing to get as much blood under their fingernails as they are. He said he doesn’t know or like the Young Bucks, but he owes them one after last week. He said he doesn’t have a lot of patience for the Bullet Club drama they have going on. He said if the Bucks are going to be in the game, they better be willing to get their hands dirty. He said they’re in the game.
(5) NYLA ROSE (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. TAY CONTI
Ross said Rose is a “natural born bully.” Nyla climbed to the top rope and landed a knee to the back of Conti’s head as she was hanging over the top rope. She scored a two count. They cut to a split-screen break. [c]
Back from the break, Ross said the match was more competitive than he expected it to be because of Rose’s size advantage. Conti rallied, but Rose backdropped out of a set-up by Conti. Conti stayed in control, though, and kicked Rose in the head. She landed a flying knee to the temple for another two count. Rose kicked out with authority. Conti avoided a Beast Bomb and kicked away at Rose’s legs. Rose fired back with a knee. Conti countered with a high roundkick and then a running knee. Conti delivered a DDTay for an “upset win.” The announcers really pushed Conti hard afterward.
WINNER: Conti in 8:00.
-Rose attacked Conti during her win. Hikaru Shida ran out for the save with a kendo stick. Bunny ran out and bashed Shida with the kendo stick. Matt Hardy, Butcher, and Blade looked on from the stage. Hardy said the Women’s Eliminator Tournament was terrible and was a sham because Bunny wasn’t in it. He said she’s been overlooked too long, “and that ends now.” Bunny licked her lips next to him on the stage. Excalibur called Hardy’s faction “The Hardy Family Office.”
-A video package aired on Miro & Kip Sabian and Chucky T & Orange Cassidy exchanging words about Arcade Anarchy next week. Miro said after next week, it will be Game Over.
-The announcers hyped Shida & Conti vs. Bunny & Rose and Lucha Bros. & Laredo Kid vs. Omega & Good Brothers.
-A soundbite aired on Scorpio Sky saying this isn’t a new side of him, it’s just a side we haven’t seen. He said everyone has to stop pretending that he’s not uniquely gifted, and humility only gives people a reason to underrate him. He said his days of being underrated are over. He talked about facing Matt Sydal on Dark Elevation next week. He said he’s more than just one man, he’s the face of the revolution. [c]
(6) DARBY vs. JOHN SILVER (w/Dark Order’s Colt Cabana, Alex Reynolds, Alan Angels) – TNT Title match
Ross said Silver has everything to gain and nothing to lose. He said nobody gets asked about more on his Q&A shows and podcasts than Darby. He said “he’s a very strange enigma, and so unique.” Schiavone called him a human battering ram. Silver tossed Darby across the ring a few minutes in, and then threw him hard into the corner turnbuckle. Excalibur said the power of Silver is on full display. Schiavone said he’s rag-dolling him. He landed a brainbuster for a near fall. [c/ss]
Back live, Darby avoided a charging Silver at ringside. Silver flew over the top rope into the audience area. Darby returned to the ring as Reynolds checked on him. Darby then dove through the ropes and landed on Angels. Dark Order swarmed Darby. Sting walked onto the stage. Schiavone said he said he would watch Darby’s back and he had seen enough. Excalibur said the clock is becoming an issue for the challenger as a draw means Darby keeps his title.
Silver countered Darby into a sleeper mid-ring. Darby broke free, but landed at ringside. Sting made his way to the ringside, carrying a baseball bat. Dark Order moved toward Darby at ringside again. Sting warned them to back away. Silver kicked Darby in the chest at ringside, then threw him back into the ring. Excalibur again noted he needs to move with purpose because of the clock issue. Silver roundkicked Darby in the chest Yes Kick style. Darby grabbed his leg, stood up, and slapped him. Darby caught a charging Silver with a boot, but Silver rolled up Darby out of the corner for a near fall. Silver landed a pump kick, then set Darby on the top rope. Schiavone wondered if it was a mistake. Darby shoved Silver to the mat, then leaped backwards with a coffin drop onto the conveniently assembled Dark Order right below him on the floor. They were knocked over like bowling pins. It actually looked pretty cool. Silver tossed Darby off the top rope and scored a near fall, but Darby’s leg reached the bottom rope. Silver set up a powerbomb, but Darby countered into a Code Red for the win. Darby showed respect to Silver afterward.
WINNER: Darby in 14:00 to retain the TNT Title.
(Keller’s Analysis: Good match. Maybe too good in the sense that Silver comes across more like Hornswoggle than Daniel Bryan in terms of being a serious personality and real threat to a title. In other words, it defined down Darby as much as it elevated Silver. The bright side is Silver is short enough, that it made Darby look formidably bigger than usual.)
-The Hardy Family Office attacked Darby after the match. Darby made a comeback with a dive onto Hardy through the ropes. He pounded his head into the mat. A brawl broke out as Ross said, “Good god almighty, it’s chaos here in AEW!”
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