AEW DYNAMITE HITS & MISSES 3/17: Praise on historical women’s main event, The Pinnacle hits a home run, more




Cody Rhodes vs. Penta El Zero Miedo – HIT

A really well done match between these two. Signs seem to be pointing towards an elevation of Penta El Zero Miedo despite losing this match. Cody Rhodes rolled him up, but Penta immediately went for an attack afterwards leading me to believe this isn’t the end between these two. Penta is one of the most underrated talents on the roster, but being allowed to cut promos in Spanish and be himself will show the audience his major star potential.

The Young Bucks Promo – MISS

A strong promo by Matt Jackson to kick off the segment. I could do without the wink and nod of the thigh slap t-shirt, but I understand a man has got to sell his shirts. That man is Don Callis who admitted that he lied about the eye injury to get the Young Bucks back to who they were in New Japan Pro Wrestling. Does he not care if Kenny Omega hears that now? Does Omega not care if Callis lied to him? This is another example of how confusing it can be with what viewers know from watching the show versus those who are actually on the show.

Jade Cargill vs. Dani Jordyn – HIT

A good showing for Jade Cargill. She continued to look impressive with her charisma and she performed her moves well. Cargill has very limited experience, so it will be difficult for her to get to the next level unless she is working with veterans most nights.

The Pinnacle Introduction – HOME RUN

After last week’s closing angle, MJF needed a home run promo this week and he hit one. The Inner Circle primed him for a top position in a faction of his own. There is a bit of logic missing with MJF’s original goal being to take over The Inner Circle, but having a group of his own already waiting. It would’ve been nice to have some seeds dropped hinting at that direction, but the promo on this show was great nonetheless. Tully Blanchard spoke first showing he still has the chops to get himself and a group over. He segued into MJF who put over each member of The Pinnacle. A new heel faction sets up plenty of matchups with The Inner Circle.

Jurassic Express & Bear Country vs. Matt Hardy, Private Party, The Butcher, & The Blade – HIT

Good match between both teams. With FTR joining The Pinnacle, Jurassic Express have pivoted towards something new. A feud with Matt Hardy’s clients feels right given their placement on the card.

Christian Promo – HIT

Christian may not be a “huge, huge star” in the eyes of most fans, but he is doing his best to live up to the hype. He had a solid promo talking about his goals in AEW. His lack of promo and acting stoic felt reminiscent of Chris Jericho’s return to Raw in 2012 when he refused to give a promo to the fans for a number of weeks as he soaked in the cheers. This promo established Christian as a baby face for now as he heads into a future title match against Kenny Omega.

Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston vs. The Good Brothers – HIT

I’m curious if the dud explosion led to the continuation of a Moxley-Omega feud. Moxley sold his injuries from Revolution during the match allowing Eddie Kingston to take much of the punishment. Moxley worked his way back in towards the end to get the win. The Good Brothers immediately went for the beat down before Kenny Omega strolled to the ring. Omega went to Pillmanize Moxley’s neck before The Young Bucks came out to break it up. Omega was furious and demanded that they too sweet him which they declined. The Bucks showed mutual respect towards Moxley setting up a potential Young Bucks & Moxley vs. Omega & Good Brothers match down the line.

Sting & Darby Allin Promo – HIT

Pardon the interruption. This time Darby Allin was interrupted by Lance Archer. After spending months acting and being paired with babyfaces, it’s time for Archer to turn back into a heel character. Archer as a monster facing Allin feels like the right fit for both men at this time. Of course, Team Taz couldn’t miss a Sting segment. Brian Cage went up to Sting and told him that he respects him despite Team Taz’s rejection. Cage’s sudden turn felt more like a facade than a departure from the group. The story with Team Taz feels played out at this point, but I’m open to seeing if there is a new direction.

Rey Fenix vs. Angelico – HIT

This was not the athletic spectacle that one may imagine when thinking of Rey Fenix and Angelico. It was a good match nonetheless with Angelico showing off his flexibility and submission maneuvers. Fenix took the win and retained the momentum going into the unscheduled tag team title match.

Thunder Rosa vs. Britt Baker – HIT

I’ve never been the biggest fan of hardcore matches, but this was a historic moment in professional wrestling. Thunder Rosa and Britt Baker came off as major stars in one of the all-time best women’s matches in North America. They delivered in a thrilling spectacle that Caroline (my love) had to admit was one of the most “interesting and entertaining” matches she’s seen. AEW has done plenty of hardcore matches, but none have been as bloody and violent as this and that haven’t been on pay-per-view. Britt Baker had blood pouring out her head further ingratiating herself with the fervent wrestling fan. In the end, Rosa took the win to cap off the grudge. This was well done all around and is hopefully the elevation the women’s division needed.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S AEW HITS & MISSES: AEW DYNAMITE HITS & MISSES 3/10: MJF elevated in leadership role, Fenix shines, Omega misses with promo, more


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