MARCH 16, 2021
Announcers: Excalibur and Taz
Additional Commentators: Anthony Ogogo
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts
-Excalibur and Taz were on the call, welcoming us to the show. Anthony Ogogo is with them for the opening contest and he appears for a few matches here & there.
(1) CEZAR BONONI (w/Peter Avalon) vs. LUCHASAURUS
Bononi pulled Avalon out to the stage on the “sleigh of love” we’re told by Taz. Marko Stunt is out with Luchasaurus, but he told him to go to the back. Shoving contest between the big men start us off until Luchasaurus does a couple leap frogs & boots to the head. Peter Avalon tripped up Luchasaurus on the apron, allowing Cezar to attack on the outside, planting Luchasaurus with a back suplex onto the apron. Bononi turns Luchasaurus inside out with a clothesline, then a back suplex, both of which got near falls. Cezar took too much time between offensive moves, allowing Luchasaurus to hit a German suplex, kip up & corkscrew kick combo. Avalon ran distraction yet again, allowing Bononi to connect with a big boot for another two count. Luchasaurus floated over a bodyslam, sending Bononi into Avalon on the apron, connecting with a spinning bodyslam for two. Hook kick, choke slam, standing moonsault press gets Luchasaurus the victory.
WINNER: Luchasaurus in 7:00.
(Howard’s Analysis: This was an ok big man match with Luchasaurus looking strong in overcoming both members of Pretty Picture.)
The size differential in this one is substantial and clearly favors Evans. Despite that, Hirsch hit a quick suplex, charged, but Evans planted Hirsch with a slam. Evans shows off a mean streak, choking Leyla in the ropes, slapping her in the back, which wakes up her opponent. Evans continues her attack, only to miss a corner splash and eats a Hirsch forearm, double knees & boots to the face. Leyla shows off her power, hitting a swinging back suplex, tries a springboard, as Evans caught her into a Samoan Drop. Hirsch fights back with a pump knee, steps up and gets the cross arm breaker for the quick submission.
WINNER: Leyla Hirsch in 3:00.
(Howard Analysis: If you saw the face off pre-match, you’d assume Leyla wouldn’t stand a chance. That said, I get Taz vibes from her as she suplexed the much bigger Evans all around. I’d love for a woman to be on Team Taz eventually.)
Very quick start by Silver, who hits a shoulder block, cartwheel, snap hurricanrana & dropkick combo. Series of kicks connects by Silver, but as he tries a float over in the corner, Skyler catches him into a slam. Skyler wears Silver down with a reverse bearhug, but releases it, opting for a slugfest instead. Jumping knee strike by Skyler is answered with a jump kick by Silver, who hoists Skyler onto his shoulders and hits the spinning slam for the victory. Post match, -1 gets in a few shots on Skyler before raising Silver’s hand.
WINNER: John Silver in 3:00.
(Howard’s Analysis: For the little time it went, I enjoyed it. These two worked well together and this is a match I wish would’ve went a few more minutes. Regardless, Johnny Hungee looked good in this showing.)
(4) TESHA PRICE vs. PENELOPE FORD (w/Kip Sabian)
Penelope gets in a few shots to start, but Price answers with a float over in the corner and spinning back elbow that sent Penelope out to her husband outside. Ford trips up Price in the ropes and connects with a springboard double knee onto the apron for a count of two. Penelope drapes Tesha over the top rope & hits a running knee before connecting with a gut buster off a fireman’s carry for another two. Penelope misses the corner handspring attack, but Tesha connects, missing the follow up bulldog. Back heel kick connects flush, leading to the handspring stunner to give Penelope the three.
WINNER: Penelope Ford in 4:00.
(Howard’s Analysis: This was an ok match with the best part being Taz & Excalibur bantering about the married couple. The gut buster & stunner by Penelope were the highlights otherwise.)
(5) CHAOS PROJECT (Luther & Serpentico) vs. FUEGO DEL SOL & JAKE ST. PATRICK
Chaos Project attack before the bell as Luther hits a reverse suplex using his partner to flatten St. Patrick. Quick tags continue as Luther stacks up Jake with a powerbomb for two, which Fuego broke up. Hot tag to Fuego, who connects with a springboard dropkick, uses Luther as a wall to step up and connect with a Sliced Bread on Serpentico, which narrowly avoided landing on his own head. Fuego finally connects with the Tornado DDT once again, but only got a two count on Luther. Soon after, Luther wipes out Fuego with a big boot, tags his partner and Chaos Project nails the Creeping Death (assisted Meteora off the top) for the victory.
WINNERS: Chaos Project in 3:00.
(Howard’s Analysis: Despite a loss, I’m just happy Fuego got off a Tornado DDT again and that it wasn’t just a fluke last week. This is one of those times where I would’ve liked him to win a match and the payoff is a mild upset off of it. Simply was not meant to be though.)
Both ladies trade standing switches to start, as Allure targets the left leg of King to start before nailing a dropkick for an early two count. Cartwheel splash connects for another near fall as Allure keeps up the attack in the corner with forearms, then punts King in the back off a snap mare for two. Allure slaps King, which only wakes Kilynn up as she hits a series of clotheslines, then a head kick. King signals for and gets the Giant Swing for 10 revolutions, charges in the corner, but Allure gets a boot up, tries for a roll up, dropping King face first on the mat in the process. Allure tries for it again, only this time Kilynn counters into Kingdom Falls face buster for the win.
WINNER: Kilynn King in 4:00.
(Howard’s Analysis: This was a little shaky in spots, especially at the end when they repeated the wheelbarrow/roll up spot, but aside from that, both ladies had good striking & the Giant Swing was easily my favorite part by King.)
– An ad for Wrestling with the Week podcast aired
(7) DARK ORDER (Colt Cabana, Stu Grayson, Evil Uno & Alan “5” Angels) vs. ANGEL FASHION, BARON BLACK, VARY MORALES & RYZIN
Fashion & Grayson kick things off with Stu getting a double leg to the Dark Order corner, allowing Uno to tag in, connects with a back breaker as Morales tags in and the Dark Order take turns hitting one chop a piece in the corner before tagging another guy. All 4 men get in the ring to join Angels hitting a bodyslam as the Dark Order poses with -1 showing approval. Snap belly to belly suplex by Angels before tagging Cabana, who misses a corner splash. Ryzin tags in, only to run right into a Cabana chop and bionic elbow. Ryzin ducks a lariat, connecting with a step up enzugiri, tries to charge, but Cabana nails a back drop. Evil Unto tags in and cleans house on everyone, hitting a few assisted neck breakers before everyone takes turns getting shots in on Baron Black as Nightfall by Stu leads to the Billy Goat’s Curse by Cabana for the submission win. Post match, Dark Order have to pull -1 off of Baron Black as Grayson literally is holding him up by his feet, which is great.
WINNERS: Dark Order in 4:00.
(Howard’s Analysis: Everyone in Dark Order got their chance to shine in this one as they looked impressive hitting all their finishers leading to a Cabana submission win. I’ve always liked the Billy Goat’s Curse submission, so I’m glad Cabana dusted it off.)
(8) THE GUNN CLUB (Billy, Colton & Austin Gunn) vs. DAVID ALI, ADAM PRIEST & SETH GARGIS
Bell sounds, Gunn Club turn their backs doing a rock, paper, scissors on who will start, which allowed Ali, Priest & Gargis to attack. Gunn Club gain the advantage with Colton hitting a Jackhammer, Billy with a Fameasser and Austin with the Quickdraw for the super quick 3.
WINNERS: The Gunn Club in 1:00.
(Howard’s Analysis: Neither Colton nor Austin got their shirts off before the match was over. Not sure why this needed to be quick or why it was on the show honestly. Chalk up another one in the win column for Gunn Club.)
(9) BEAR COUNTRY (Bear Bronson & Bear Boulder) vs. DEAN ALEXANDER & BRICK ALDRIDGE
Bear Boulder cleans house immediately, hoisting both Alexander & Aldridge up on his shoulders for a simultaneous powerslam. Tag made to Bronson, who gets hoisted up on Boulder’s shoulders and drops him onto the stacked up opponents for another quick win.
WINNERS: Bear Country in 1:00.
(Howard’s Analysis: Now, I understand why it was a quick squash, with Bear Country being on Dynamite tomorrow night. They looked super impressive in steamrolling their opponents in this one.)
(10) NICK COMOROTO (w/QT Marshall) vs. D3
D3 uses his speed early to avoid the takedown attempts from Comoroto, connecting with a step up enziguri in the corner but Comoroto caught him coming off the top. D3 landed on his feet, tries a tilt a whirl head scissors, only to get planted with a back breaker by Comoroto as he Gorilla presses D3 clear over his head and plants him with a powerslam for the three count.
WINNER: Nick Comoroto in 2:00.
(Howard’s Analysis: Comoroto is the only person of the Nightmare Family thus far that QT hasn’t turned his back on, which makes me wonder if they’ll keep them as a duo. This was a nice showcase for Comoroto as the gorilla press powerslam was a nice finish.)
-An ad for the Young Bucks book aired
(11) THE VARSITY BLONDS (Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman Jr.) vs. JOREL NELSON & ROYCE ISAACS
Pillman & Isaacs start things off, trading shoves & shoulder tackles with Pillman getting the upper hand. There is a quick tag to Griff, who hits a corner splash, as the Blonds with a double suplex for two. Another tag to Pillman, as Isaacs backdrops him to the apron, Brian tries a springboard, but Nelson trips him up to take over for his team. Excalibur pointed out to Taz that Jorel is Superman’s father’s name and Taz said he couldn’t care less. Neckbreaker/shoulder tackle combo on Pillman gets Nelson a two count as Excalibur remains insulted by Taz being uninterested in his facts. High boot by Nelson, but Pillman pops up and hits a Pounce and a hot tag to his partner, who cleans house. Series of corner splashes by Griff, who hits a Falcon Arrow on Isaacs for two after Nelson broke it up. We get a very nice Dominator/Cutter combo by Isaacs & Nelson on Griff for two. Blind tag by Pillman as Isaacs is sent to the floor, Griff nails a forearm on Nelson & Pillman with the springboard clothesline for the three count.
WINNERS: The Varsity Blonds in 5:00.
(Howard’s Analysis: For being only 5 minutes, this is about as solid & back and forth of a tag match as you’ll get. Isaacs & Nelson had some solid double team moves, got the heat as the Blonds were able to show off their moves as well. I wouldn’t mind seeing this match again and given a little more time.)
Both ladies take turns hitting stiff forearms before Madi nails a running cross body in the corner and snap mare for two. More forearms connect by Madi until Vertvixen pops her with an uppercut and pump fake kick to the head. Vertvixen doesn’t capitalize as Madi hits a somersault fireman’s carry slam for a near fall. Vertvixen puts on the brakes off an Irish whip, hits a couple super kicks & boot to the face. Madi regains control with a monkey flip in the corner, charges for a dropkick, only for Vertvixen to swat her away & hits a running knee for two. Inside cradle by Madi gets two as she suckers Vertvixen in with a drop toe hold, connecting with a brutal axe kick for the 3 count.
WINNER: Madi Wrenkowski in 4:00.
(Howard’s Analysis: Madi has worked tweener the few times I’ve seen her. One week she’s babyface against Britt, the next she’s heel against Leva. This week she was babyface and she earned another win in the women’s division. That axe kick was super impressive.)
(13) SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Christopher Daniels) vs CARLIE BRAVO & AARON SOLOW
Excalibur puts over how SCU are the number one contenders for the tag titles and have been undefeated all year. Daniels & Bravo kick things off with the Fallen Angel working an early headlock & shoulder tackles before Bravo fights back with a hip toss, misses the dropkick, Daniels misses an elbow drop as we get a face-off with Daniels giving Bravo his nod of approval. Solow & Kazarian tag in with the veteran Kazarian out wrestling Solow with a front face lock. Solow rolls through a sunset flip & gets a few arm drags before working an arm bar, tagging Bravo, who lowers the head, Kazarian with a boot, tag to Daniels, who hits a leg sweep & back drop for 2. Tag to Kazarian as SCU hit revolution slingshot elbows for a near fall. SCU continues to isolate Bravo with Daniels showing frustration he can’t put Bravo away. Bravo tries a sunset flip; Daniels misses a leg drop counter as Solow tags in, cleaning house in the process. Step up corner kick on Daniels, superkick on the floor onto Kazarian, flying clothesline off the top on Daniels nets Solow a two count. Daniels fights back with a Flatliner, tries Angels Wings, but Solow flips into a hurricanrana, only to send Daniels to his partner to tag. Solow floats over Kazarian, tags Bravo, who misses a corner splash & gets leveled with a lariat by Kazarian. Tag to Daniels as SCU connects with the Best Meltzer Ever for the three.
WINNERS: SCU in 8:00
(Howard’s Analysis: This was a very solid back & forth tag match. SCU continue their winning ways, while their opponents got off plenty off offense with Solow in particular looking good in this one.)
Excalibur points out that Team Taz is still moving gingerly after their Street Fight at Revolution, which Taz doesn’t want to talk about. Cage tries to show off his power early, but Sonny Kiss flips out of it, slapping Cage in the corner, tries an enziguri, but it’s blocked as Cage flattens Kiss. Cage drives shoulders into the midsection, Starks tags in, which surprises Cage initially. Starks tries a backdrop, Sonny floats over, hits a high kick, tagging in Janela, who is off the top with a high cross body. Series of punches connects on Starks as Joey low bridges a charging Cage to the floor, tries for a Tope Suicida, only for Cage to catch him into a suplex. Cage tosses Janela back in to a waiting Starks as Team Taz takes over with Cage tagging in. The FTW Champ hits a running boot to a downed Joey in the corner, tags Starks, who runs into a Joey boot as a sunset flip gets two for Janela. Starks up first, tosses Joey to the apron as Ricky runs distraction on Aubrey Edwards, allowing Hook to sweep the leg on Joey. Nonchalant cover gets two for Starks as we get a brief slap exchange from Joey & Starks until Starks tags Cage. Joey fights free of Cage’s clutches initially, but Cage hits a Buckle Bomb, tag to Starks, who gets two. We’re getting some glares between Cage & Starks as Joey is able to mount a comeback, uses Cage’s chest to hit a Sliced Bread for 2 on Starks. Kiss & Cage tag in with Sonny hitting a dropsault & kick combo. Sonny to the top with a Meteora for a near fall, then connects with a hurricanrana off the second rope and spinning kick to the head for 2. Starks jumps in to attack as Team Taz hit a double spinebuster on Kiss for a 2 count. Starks spills outside as Joey hits a top rope splash and Sonny hits a 450 Splash for a close near fall. Joey tags in officially as he & Kiss take turns super kicking Cage, who fights back, using his power to do a slam on Janela & powerbomb on Kiss at the same time. Starks tags in, hits a Spear on Kiss to get the three count. Post match, Cage & Starks stare each other down with Cage upset that Starks stole the pin. While Hook helped them to the back, Joey started berating his tag partner, telling him to go back to the bingo halls, delivering pizzas, wrestling for a hot dog & a handshake. Janela then apologizes and they hug.
WINNERS: Brian Cage & Ricky Starks in 10:00.
(Howard’s Analysis: I was initially surprised that Sonny & Joey got as much offense as they did, but the story here was Cage & Starks were on different pages in this one. They ultimately got it together to get the win and as Taz said this was just a speed bump and that there’s nothing to worry about. The Janela/Kiss post match angle came out of nowhere, especially after having a good showing.)
(15) JACK EVANS vs. PRESTON “10” VANCE (w/-1)
-1 is on commentary and this is already my favorite part of the show. Excalibur once again gets shut down immediately by -1 as 10 uses his power early with a stalling vertical suplex. Corner clothesline connects as 10 launches Evans clear across the ring. Evans sweeps the leg of 10 on the apron, tries a cross body, gets caught, only to be sent into the post by Evans. -1 is furious at Excalibur for trying to call the offense of Evans, who hits a spinning kick to 10’s head. Evans keeps pouring it on, who hits a standing sky twister press for two. Evans hit his springboard back handspring elbow in the corner, then a springboard kick for two.10 recovers and turns Evans inside out with a lariat, backdrops Evans, tries for another one, but this time Jack got a knee to the face & standing shooting star for two. -1 wants to replace Excalibur with Paul Wight as this is going on. Evans stays in control with a rolling pin combination for two, then slaps on a cross arm breaker as 10 powers up, connecting with a ripcord cutter for the double down. Clothesline & back body drop by 10, flattens Evans with a spinebuster. Jack rolls to the apron, hits a high kick, springboards and 10 Spears him in mid air for a close two count.10 applies a Full Nelson on Evans, Angelico runs out from the back, hits a low blow on 10, connects with a nice Phoenix Splash for two. Evans goes for a suplex, but 10 spins out into the Full Nelson again, this time Evans fades for the submission win. 10’s mouth was badly busted open as he’s dripping blood from his mask. -1 runs in to check on him and celebrate the win as Excalibur runs down what we can expect tomorrow on Dynamite to close the show.
WINNER: Preston “10” Vance in 10:00.
(Howard’s Analysis: 10 got his revenge on Evans for costing him the qualifying match against Max Caster a few weeks prior. This was a good back & forth main event and obviously the highlight of the match and arguably the show as usual was -1 berating Excalibur and making Taz break in the process.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: The tag matches were the highlights of the show this week as SCU vs Bravo & Solow as well as Team Taz vs Sonny & Joey were probably the best matches of the night. Varsity Blonds match was solid too. Leyla Hirsch suplexing people will never be boring to me, more of that please. Also, if you watch BTE, you’ll be happy Fuego hit his Tornado DDT again and also the main event was a good showing for Preston Vance, whose mouth I hope is ok.
CATCH-UP: AEW sets company PPV buy record with Revolution
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