MARCH 1, 2021
Watch it HERE.
Top Points:
- Matt Jackson has flashbacks to being beat up by the Big Show in WWE.
- Matt Hardy promises TH2 and Private Party big pay days if they eliminate Dark Order this week on Dynamite.
- Kenny Omega opens a pack of WCW playing cards and shows off a pair of customized shoes.
– Matt Jackson sat at his piano and was pretending to play. His daughter walked up and got his attention, so he turned off the piano’s music playing. She asked him if he heard who AEW signed. He thought about it and said he knows they signed Sting they have 25 matches on AEW Dark each week. He asked her if someone quit NXT that they might have signed. Matt’s son said they signed the Big Show and Matt nervously scratched his head.
Old fan cam footage of Big Show chopping Matt in a WWE Smackdown ring played. Matt was shown looking nervous again. Matt’s daughter asked if he remembers being choke slammed through the table, then the video of that played. Matt’s son asked if he remembers that time, back when he was a jobber. The choke slam through the table played again. Matt got up in a panic and walked out the front door as the sound of a car starting and spinning the wheels as it pulled out was heard.
– The Being the Elite open aired.
– Kenny Omega was sitting in a locker room and he held up an unopened pack of WCW trading cards. Omega said it’s a pack from 1991. Omega went through the pack showing off each card. The cards included Sting, Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and more. Omega said it’s interesting how some of the cards he pulled were of people who passed away, and half were of people they’re currently working with in AEW. Jericho offered Omega a card trade off screen and they laughed. Someone then handed Omega a Jordan brand case and he opened it. Omega’s face and logo were on the inside of the box and he revealed the NIKE shoes with the Omega symbol on the back of each shoe. Omega said he’s really excited to have his own custom pair of shoes.
– Matt Hardy was talking with Isaiah Kassidy and TH2. He said Kassidy did great and he thanked TH2 for their assistance. Hardy said Kassidy would’ve easily beaten Hangman if it wasn’t for Dark Order. Hardy said they’re bad people and snitches. Hardy then said they have a ten man tag this week on Dynamite and Quen will be back, after being stuck in a Texas airport for a week. Hardy said if they don’t get rid of Dark Order this week, they will interfere in his match with Hangman and that will cost him a lot of money. Angelico laughed and said that won’t happen. Hardy then said if they take out Dark Order, he has big bonuses for them all. Angelico asked if he could be paid in hundred dollar bills and Hardy said of course. Angelico fist bumped him and they walked off.
– John Silver and Alex Reynolds were standing in the hallway and they were trying to find Sting. They complained that Sting is always in the rafters, so why wasn’t he there when they went looking for him? Reynolds said there has to be a way to call for Sting directly. Silver tried yelling, but it didn’t work. They took turns yelling things, but it didn’t work. They decided to try to “woo” (like Ric Flair) and they both tried it a couple of times until someone yelled for them to shut up. They got excited thinking Sting must be yelling for them to stop.
They opened the door they were standing by and walked in. Silver said hi to Sting, but it was Eddie Kingston sitting on a stool looking extremely irritated by them. Kingston told them to sit down and they sat down with him. Kingston said they interrupted his meditation. Kingston asked why they’re looking for Sting, when they’re trying to be friends with Hangman. Kingston told them they need to focus on one thing at a time if they want to actually succeed at anything. Silver and Reynolds tried to respond, but Kingston just kept getting louder and more annoyed with them. Kingston asked them who’s more important to them, Sting or Hangman? Silver asked why he can’t kiss them both and Kingston got mad and left. After he left, Silver turned to Reynolds and said Sting was being a dick and Reynolds tried to fight back laughter.
– A recap video for “Dark order Kai” played, recapping the kung fu fight between Dark Order and the Latino group including Santana, Ortiz, Sammy Guevara, and Dasha Gonzalez. Five, Ten, and Anna Jay were venting in frustration with Alex Abrahantes walked up complaining and trying to figure out how they lost their last fight. Abrahantes then had an idea. He looked into the camera and promised that, next week, they’ll beat them at their own game. Five interrupted Abrahantes’ menacing glare into the camera and asked how they were going to beat them in a street fight. Jay and Ten shoved him into the garage door they were standing by and told him to shut up. Abrahantes then promised to beat them next week again. Five interrupted again crying in pain on the floor. Ten kicked him and told him to stop. Abrahantes tried a third time to appear menacing and said they’re going to beat them in their dreams.
– Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero were sitting at their judging table when James Mitchell approached them, still wearing the outfit he had on while officiating Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford’s wedding. He placed a book on the table in front of them and said he understands they’re judging a dancing contest. He said he’s not going to dance, but he has the body of a god and has “a body built for sinning.” Rose and Guerrero looked at each other, smiled, and simultaneously said “perfect.” Rose and Guerrero were in their nun costumes walking down a hallway in slow motion, Mitchell appeared from a side hallway and walked behind them. Guerrero and Rose high-fived as they continued walking in slow motion until the camera cut.
– Dark Order were outside and lowered Five down into an ice bath to help make him feel better. Silver and Reynolds yelled and asked where the rest of them were at to help Five. Cabana lied and said he was hiding in the rafters with Sting. The rest of them also gave excuses. Hangman walked up and asked where the rest of them were at. They all took turns making fun of Five for having a small “member.” Grayson made a joke and argued with Hangman until Hangman shoved him back into the couch he was standing in front of. At that moment, Anna decided she actually like Hangman now. Hangman told Five to heal up because they may have a match this week on Dynamite and it might be a multi-man match, he isn’t sure. Hangman left followed by Dark Order leaving Five by himself.
– A clip aired of Papa Buck being loaded into the ambulance on Dynamite.
– Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson, and Brandon Cutler were shown sitting in a waiting room. Anderson and Gallows were talking as Cutler was leaned back and sleeping between them. Gallows and Anderson were talking about how Jericho and MJF crossed a line. Anderson said Papa Buck gave him his first big pay day in wrestling, $40 to wrestle for High Risk Wrestling back in 2006. They pointed out they actually beat Cutler to the ambulance, which shows how much better of friends they are with the Young Bucks than Cutler is, even though Cutler had just had a match with Jake Hager.
Anderson asked what Gallows was doing when he was in Papa Buck’s hospital room for a while. Gallows said he wanted to be there in case he woke up, since they’re not back home. Gallows then admitted to giving Papa Buck a Viagra. Anderson then had the idea to give Cutler a Viagra as he was still sleeping. Gallows dropped something in Cutler’s mouth then moved his jaw for him to chew it. Gallows said chewing it allows it to enter the blood stream faster and noted “Matt Hardy taught me that before he got clean.”
FINAL THOUGHTS: This is a very uneventful episode of BTE. Hangman interacts with Dark Order, but it didn’t do anything to advance their story. Same with Matt Hardy and his group of followers. These shows have been a little stale the last couple of weeks with segments that feel more like time filler than they do story advancement. Maybe (hopefully) that will change after Revolution this weekend. None of the segments on this show were of any consequence and the last third of the episode was comprised of nothing but penis jokes. The episodes are still entertaining and enjoyable, but if you’re watching just to keep up with storylines on Dynamite, this one is easily skippable.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S BEING THE ELITE REPORT: 2/22 BEING THE ELITE REPORT: Dark Order and Adam Page friendship develops, Guevara announces BTE championship against his Mom, and more
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