2/15 BEING THE ELITE REPORT: Private Party apologize to Matt Hardy and Sammy Guevara refuses to defend the BTE Championship


Being The Elite reportedly on hiatus


FEBRUARY 15, 2021

Watch it HERE.

Top Points:

  • Sammy Guevara refuses to defend BTE Championship on BTE. Will defend the championship on his vlog that is posted on Tuesdays instead.
  • Private Party try to call Matt Hardy to apologize for losing their Impact Tag Team Championship match.

– Brandon Cutler was recording on his phone and showed all of the AEW staff with him sitting at the airport waiting including the Young Bucks, SCU, and Rick Knox. Matt Jackson said they’re all sitting together and it’s 11:00 PM and they’re in the 10th hour of travel. Matt said they were on their plane to Jacksonville and were informed that they lost their pilot, but they don’t know why. Scorpio Sky said they were all boarded and ready to go when they were all told to get off because they don’t have a pilot for that flight anymore. Matt said they aren’t sure when or if they’re getting another pilot because they were told it could just be 2 hours. Matt said they’re considering driving the rest of the way because they’re currently in Atlanta and only 5 hours away. As Matt was talking, a voice came over the intercom and announced that they found a pilot and they’re about to start boarding again and they all celebrated. Scorpio Sky made a joke that they must have called someone in from home and he’s probably been drinking and having a relaxing evening, but now he’s got to come in to work. Everyone laughed as Matt started talking about a new pair of expensive sneakers they saw someone wearing in the airport.

– The Being the Elite open aired.

– Clips of Matt Hardy and Private Party happily interacting flashed. Matt Hardy was sitting across from Isaiah Kassidy and Marq Quen at the bar backstage. Matt said he’s like their parent and he loves them like his own children. More clips of them together were shown. Clips from Impact’s No Surrender event over the weekend played that showed Gallows & Anderson retaining the Impact Tag Team Championships and Hardy looked frustrated with Private Party. As pictures were shown, Marq Quen spoke like he was leaving Matt Hardy a voicemail. He apologized to Hardy. Isaiah Kassidy spoke like he was also leaving a voicemail for Hardy saying hi and asking Hardy to please call him back as he sounded defeated.

– Alex Reynolds and John Silver were walking together. John Silver stopped him and said it’s been four weeks since they started looking for Sting, but they weren’t able to find the stairs in Daily’s Place. Silver said if there’s one thing he knows about Sting, it’s that he’s always in the rafters. Silver also acknowledged that, since he is no longer the BTE Champion, he has time to film other bits like this instead of defending that title. Silver then saw two people in front of them sitting in the stands with their backs turned.

Silver approached them and said hi to who he thought was Sting and Darby Allin, but it was Luther and Serpentico. Silver tried to pitch them joining Dark Order, not understanding it’s not Sting and Darby until Reynolds told him it’s not them. Luther made a joke about loving Sting and his band U2 before attempting to sing. Silver and Reynolds walked away after Luther yelled at them to leave.

– Allie and Penelope Ford were sitting together backstage playing on their devices when Brandon Cutler walked up and said hi to them both. He congratulated Ford on getting married and asked what they were doing. They were both playing on their Nintendo Switches together. Cutler made a joke about Ford’s Slytherin sweater and, as he walked away, called them “filthy mud-bloods” and said Ravenclaw is the better house.

– Alex Abrahantes was chatting with Anna Jay, 5, and 10 of Dark Order. Dasha, Santana, Ortiz, and Sammy Guevara walked up and yelled for Abrahantes. Abrahantes, flanked by Dark Order stepped up to them. As they spoke, the words didn’t align with their mouth movements, like a cheesy fight scene with the voices dubbed over the original audio. They all put on colored head bands and began fighting with the video sped up. They all took turns fighting one another until Abrahantes took down Ortiz as he tried to revive Guevara. Vickie Guerrero popped up in a video next to them encouraging them to continue to fight. Dasha, Sammy, Ortiz, and Santana all regrouped and continued to fight. Abrahantes and Dark Order retreated and vowed that this wasn’t over.

– Evil Uno addressed Dark Order. He said he doesn’t understand what Hangman sees in Matt Hardy that he didn’t see in them. They speculated what it might be, but couldn’t find an answer. After some speculation, Anna jumped in and said she thinks they’re better without him. They all assumed she was talking about 5 and they all defended 5 and apologized to him for Anna’s mean comment. Uno then decided they should all go eat and they all left. Jay and 5 were left together. Jay got down and closed the laptop 5 was working on and told him not to bother because it’s not worth it, but 5 reopened the computer and kept working.

– Music began playing as a hashtag appeared at the bottom of the screen that read “#ViciousVixenAudition.” Griff Garrison and Scorpio Sky were shown dancing as Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero looked on. Luther, Fuego Del Sol, John Silver, and more were shown dancing as well. Rose and Vickie began throwing money at them as the camera cut.

– The Southern California contingent from AEW were shown sitting in an airport again. The camera zoomed in on Brandon Cutler who was sleeping while laying on a small table. Nick Jackson said they almost missed their flight because Cutler was sleeping. Nick said they weren’t with Brandon and after numerous calls, and help from the airport staff, they finally got him to answer. They all laughed at Cutler as he continued to sleep next to them.

– Fuego Del Sol introduced Sammy Guevara. Guevara said he’s there to defend his championship in a handstand competition. Guevara paused then decided that he will defend it on his vlog, which comes out every Tuesday. Cutler tried to argue it, but Guevara said the only way that belt gets defended is if it’s on his vlog. Guevara then promoted that his vlog premieres on Tuesdays at 1 PM EST and walked off.

FINAL THOUGHTS: I don’t really understand what the dancing challenge was. It wasn’t explained at all and it just seemed like a time filler. Maybe they will  explain it next week, but for now all we know is that Vickie and Nyla are having the men of AEW dance for some kind of audition. This episode is easily skippable with no storyline developments of any kind. Private Party attempts to apologize to Hardy, but Hardy didn’t respond so there really isn’t much to see on that front. The members of Dark Order talk about Hangman and Hardy’s new friendship, but just amongst themselves. If you only watch BTE to try and keep up on the storylines that are weaved in to Dynamite, consider yourself caught up.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S BEING THE ELITE REPORT: 2/8 BEING THE ELITE REPORT: Matt Hardy pursues Hangman Page and Statlander sings for Orange Cassidy


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