FEBRUARY 8, 2021
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, Samoa Joe
Ring Announcer: Mike Rome
-A video package aired on the Sheamus-Drew McIntyre storyline.
-Phillips introduced Raw and hyped the “critically-acclaimed ThunderDome.”
-Adam Pearce stood mid-ring and introduced Shane McMahon. Shane danced on the stage a little, then danced when he entered the ring. A “Shane-o-Mac” chant was piped in. Shane said Pearce has a blockbuster announcement about the main event. Pearce said Drew McIntyre will defend the WWE Title inside the Elimination Chamber. Pearce said all of Drew’s challengers will be former champions – Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, A.J. Styles, The Miz, and Sheamus. (Notable by his absence: Keith Lee.) Shane stumbled over his words as he praised Pearce for putting together “a blockbuster card” (even though it was just a match, not a card). He patted Pearce on his shoulder and thanked him. Pearce looked at him quizzically.
As Phillips reacted excitedly to the news, Shane crossed paths on the stage with Styles and Omos. Styles told Pearce that Shane is right, he’s doing a great job. He entered the ring and asked if it’s true that Drew has to defend his WWE Title inside the Chamber. He said it’s great. “He said the chances of Drew losing the title are – pun intended – phenomenal,” Styles said. Styles imagined winning the WWE Championship to become a three-time holder of that title. Styles told Pearce quietly that previously he always thought of him as a dumbass.
(Keller’s Analysis: Not sure if we should make anything of the body language of Pearce after Shane patronized him. Shane’s resting face is “patronizing,” so I suggest Pearce shouldn’t make much of it.)
-Jeff Hardy made his ring entrance. [c]
-A Smackdown commercial hyped the “highly-anticipated return of Seth Rollins.”
-Phillips reviewed the Chamber news.
-The camera followed Shane leaving the venue. As he was about to get into a car to leave, Drew walked up and said he would have expected a bit of a heads up. He said he was under the impression it’d be just him against Sheamus. Shane said they wanted to do something big at the Chamber, and nothing is bigger than Drew inside of it. He said if he’s a fighting champion, he’s the one to do it.
(Keller’s Analysis: It’s a bit peculiar that Shane is back and ruffling some feathers. Not sure if this is an ongoing storyline that will culminate in him having some sort of a match at WrestleMania, but it should be on the radar.)
-Phillips said Shane has a point, but he and Drew go back a long time.
(1) A.J. STYLES (w/Omos) vs. JEFF HARDY
Phillips said they’d hear an update from Edge later. Saxton called it “a highly-anticipated announcement.” (Is anyone buying Edge will make a decisive announcement by the end of the show?) Joe and Saxton talk about how intimidating the EC is and how it’s “shortened careers.” Hardy grabbed at his left knee after charging at Styles in the corner a few minutes in. He rolled to the floor and struggled to stand. Styles charged and chop-blocked his knee from behind. Then he dropped him leg-first over the ringside steps. They cut to a break. [c]
They replayed Hardy landing on his knee “awkwardly” earlier. Hardy was attempting a comeback after the break, but Styles rolled him into a Calf Crusher. Hardy’s knee gave out a minute later as he tried to run the ropes. Styles then went for a Phenomenal Forearm, but Hardy charged into the top rope to knock Styles off balance. A few minutes later Hardy countered a Styles Clash with a Twist of Fate. Hardy climbed to the top rope and leaped off with a Swanton, but Styles moved. (Can announcers stop saying “Nobody home!” whenever that happens?) Styles then applied another Calf Crusher. Hardy tapped out this time.
WINNER: Styles in 14:00.
-They went to the announcers at ringside who hyped Riddle vs. Keith Lee. Then they commented on last week’s DQ ending and post-match beat-down by Lashley against Riddle.
-Backstage Riddle approached Keith Lee. Lee had a black eye, which Lee mentioned. Riddle said Bobby Lashley got the best of him, but they say laughter is the best medicine. He said he went home and got a little toasty and binge-watched all the “Air Bud” movies. Riddle said he was inspired by all the things dogs did in those movies, so he can become U.S. Champion. Lee said he has what it takes to beat Lashley, and in addition to that, he has what it takes to beat Riddle tonight. Riddle said, “Let the better man win. See you later tonight, bro.” He patted him on the shoulder (just like Shane did to Pearce earlier).
-The New Day’s ring entrance took place. [c]
-Sheamus complained to Pearce about being promised a one-on-one match against Drew and now he has to go in the ring with “four other blokes.” He said Shane said it was Pearce’s idea, so he’s holding him responsible. Pearce said they wanted to make the show as big as possible. Sheamus accused Pearce of not thinking he’s “a draw.” He said he gets that Drew is “the shiny new toy.” (A phrase used to describe Sheamus during his early big push when he first arrived in WWE.)
(2) THE NEW DAY (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs. RETRIBUTION (T-Bar & Slapjack w/Mustafa Ali)
Ali told the announcers he speaks a very specific language they’re not familiar with “and it’s called the truth.” He talked about WWE being a greedy corrupt corporation and blamed wrestlers who play along and are favored. He yelled at T-Bar to hurt Kofi “like this company hurts you.” Kofi dove over the top rope onto T-Bar and Slapjack at ringside. Then Xavier brought his trombone into the ring and played it as Kofi danced. [c]
After the break, Ali yelled at T-Bar that this is his night to eat. Kofi got a hot-tag into the match and went after Slapjack with a flurry of offense. He landed a Boom Drop. Ali yelled, “You’re nothing more than a Corporate Clown.” (That’s a great name for a tag team!) They finished Slapjack with Day Break (a backbreaker/double-stomp combo).
WINNERS: The New Day in 7:00.
-They went to the announcers on commentary who reviewed Bianca Belair’s victory at the Royal Rumble and then Belair’s parents celebrating the win, but her dad falling off the couch. Phillips said she’s on Raw and wondered if she’d make a decision.
-Ric Flair walked to the ring to his music. Flair showed off his new suit, but walked gingerly with small steps down the ramp. Lacey Evans then joined him as she strutted to the ring to her music. He let out a “wooo!” [c]
-Phillips noted that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers were given a WWE Title belt in commemoration of their Super Bowl victory.
-Damian Priest was backstage with Bad Bunny and asked him to be in his corner for his match. They were laughing at something on Bunny’s phony.
-Ric Flair stood mid-ring with Lacey and said some people want an explanation from him. He said check his history, he doesn’t take orders from any woman, especially his daughter. He got worked up as he ranted. He said he met someone who, by chance, has all the qualifications to be a star. He said she needs motivation, knowledge, and wisdom. He said they are on a mission, and their relationship is “just casual.” He said Lacey will be the next Raw Woman’s Champion. Lacey said people think they know what’s going on, but they have no idea. She said she treats him like the Living Legend he is, “unlike his ungrateful daughter.” She said she would never talk to her father the way Charlotte does. “And I’m the bad guy in all this?” she asked. Charlotte’s music interrupted.
Charlotte walked out to the ring. Joe took sides with Ric and said Charlotte should expect retaliation. Charlotte said if she wanted to get better, she should head to Orlando, but instead she wants to use her dad and her robe. She said she’s seen this a million times. When Lacey interrupted to say she doesn’t understand, Charlotte fired back, “Shut your mouth.” They piped in cheers.
Charlotte addressed Ric next. She asked if he wants her to validate her. She said she never said she wasn’t proud of him and didn’t want his help. She said the last seven years, she’s been trying to protect and add to their legacy. Lacey asked why they just can’t be friends. She said she’s not there to take her place. Charlotte laughed. She said she’d be a better partner for her instead of “that feral, nasty Asuka.” Ric loved the idea and excitedly said they could be a tag team. Charlotte said she has been trying to prove she could do it on her own. She called Lacey “Charlotte 2.0” and said she already has a partner in Asuka. Lacey said her goal is the Raw Women’s Championship. Charlotte wished her luck. Lacey said Ric has heard from WWE management that if she beats her in a match, she’ll get the next title shot against Asuka. Charlotte walked toward them and told Lacey they should fight now. Ric stepped up to her and said, “No no no no.” Lacey then popped Charlotte with the mic. Then she threw her into the ringside steps. She called Charlotte “a nasty” and said she accepts the match. [c]
-Backstage Angel Garza was chatting with Miz and Morrison. Phillips said Garza faces Priest later.
(3) LACEY (w/Ric Flair) vs. CHARLOTTE FLAIR
Charlotte did the Flair flip into the corner and then sling-shot herself through the ropes and rolled up Lacey for a two count. Charlotte dropkicked Lacey, who then rolled to the apron. Lacey yanked Charlotte’s arms over the top rope, then swept her legs. She slingshot herself onto Charlotte with an elbow drop. Charlotte came back with a figure-four attempt, but Lacey grabbed the bottom rope. Joe said Charlotte should be respecting her elders no matter what. Lacey yanked Charlotte down by her hair. Lacey strutted like Ric and then laughed. Charlotte charged at her and gave her an overhead suplex. Lacey rolled to the floor. Lacey pulled Ric in front of her as Charlotte was about to leap at her, so Charlotte stopped short. Phillips oddly said Ric put himself in front of Lacey, but it didn’t look that way. Lacey yanked Charlotte off the ring apron as they cut to a break. [c]
Back from the break, Lacey was down at ringside gasping for breath. Ric got in Charlotte’s way. Ric and Charlotte argued. Lacey took Charlotte down at ringside, then scored a two count in the ring. Charlotte speared Lacey seconds later. Lacey kicked out of the figure-four, but Charlotte fired right back with a spear. Charlotte then eyed Ric and said if he wants to humiliate himself, do it on his own time. She then turned and attacked Lacey in the corner and didn’t break at five. The ref called for the bell. After the match, Ric entered the ring and yelled at Charlotte to not do that. She snarled and walked away from Lacey as Ric checked on her. Joe said it has to be incredibly frustrating for Charlotte to see that.
WINNER: Lacey via DQ in 12:00.
-Saxton excitedly hyped Edge’s appearance next. [c]
-A video tribute aired on Rosa Parks. They showed Tweets from Montez Ford and Bianca Belair commenting on Parks’s birthday.
-Edge made his entrance. He said he toured all three shows last week trying to help him with his decision. He said after what was announced earlier regarding the Chamber, he’s not sure who will walk out as WWE Champion. He said he doesn’t like Drew’s odds of walking out of the Chamber, but he’ll wait until then to make his decision. Miz, Morrison, and Garza interrupted.
Miz said, “Wow, what a great speech, epic speech. Dare I say, it reeked of awesomeness.” He said Edge has always been the ultimate opportunist, and he’s waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. He suggested they strategize. He said even if Edge were to win one of the titles at WrestleMania, he will be at WM with the Money in the Bank briefcase and cash in his contract and leave as champion. “Welcome back,” he said.
Edge asked if he knows who he’s talking to. Edge said he knows that as soon as he raises a title belt over his head at WrestleMania, he’ll need eyes on the back of his head. He asked Miz why he just told him what he intends to do. He told Miz he thinks at a different level than him. He said Miz is content at being awesome, whereas he was awesome 20 years ago, but he’s not content with that anymore. He said while Miz is content talking about being champion, he himself needs to be champion. “See the difference?” he asked. Edge left the ring.
(Keller’s Analysis: That was newsworthy enough and logical enough. I mean, there’s no guarantee anyone who is champ will still be champ, EC or not, so it makes sense to wait longer to announce a decision. The EC does increase the odds of losing the title given the number of challengers, so it escalates Edge’s uncertainty about making the call now instead of after the PPV.) [c]
(4) DAMIAN PRIEST (w/Bad Bunny) vs. ANGEL GARZA (w/John Morrison, Miz)
Priest dominated at the start. He had to contend with distractions from Miz and Morrison. Garza took control briefly after distractions. Garza clotheslined Priest over the top rope to the floor. Miz and Morrison stomped away at him. Bunny distracted Morrison by grabbing the MITB briefcase. Morrison ran over and grabbed it and entered the ring with it. As the ref ordered Morrison to the back for entering the ring illegally, Garza yelled at Bad Bunny at ringside. Priest then gave Garza his Reckoning finisher for the win.
WINNER: Priest in 4:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Garza deserves something better than being the lackey for Miz and Morrison in a budding feud with Priest.
-Charly Caruso asked Drew backstage about the EC announcement and Sheamus’s reaction. Drew asked why Sheamus had to severe a 20 year relationship over a title shot that he could have just asked for. He talked about his Road to WrestleMania and all the moving parts for him. He said things are crazy and he’s backed into a corner, but he won’t crack under pressure. He said when you back him into a corner, he’s like a wild animal and he’ll rip his opponent’s face off.
-Riddle made his ring entrance. [c]
-Back-to-back commercials aired for The Rock’s new NBC sitcom and Steve Austin’s USA Network show.
-Phillips announced that Lacey will challenged Asuka for the Women’s Title at EC as a result of Charlotte getting DQ’d earlier against her.
-Caruso interviewed Belair backstage. She asked how the announcement of that EC title match affects her decision. She said she proved to the world at the Rumble she is the EST of WWE and this is her time. She said a smart challenger doesn’t reveal her plan, so she’s not going to reveal her plan. She said if she wants to be the EST of WrestleMania, she’ll have to beat the best. Asuka entered and excitedly congratulated her for winning the Rumble, “but that doesn’t mean you are ready for Asuka.” Belair said she’s ready for Asuka, but Evans isn’t. They shared a laugh together. Belair told Asuka if she handles her business at EC, she might be seeing more of her at Raw.
Riddle’s music was still playing as “Bro!” chants were piped in. Lee made his entrance as MVP had joined the announcers at ringside. Phillips noted this is Lee’s first match on Raw since Legends Night. Riddle went for a leaping armbar at the start. Lee powered Riddle up with a curl. MVP said a healthy fear is a good thing, but Lee is too dumb to realize what a threat Lashley is. Riddle put Lee in a sleeper. Lee powered out and tossed Riddle over his shoulder. Riddle regrouped briefly at ringside. Lee cut off Riddle’s first flurry of offense with a Pounce at 2:00.
Lee blocked a Riddle attempt at the Final Flash. Lee then lifted Riddle and set up a move, but Riddle dropped back with an armbar. Lee yelled in pain, but then powered Riddle up. His arm gave out, though. Lee locked it on tighter. Lee lifted Riddle and slammed him into the corner. Riddle charged and hit the Final Flash, but Lee came right back with a Spirit Bomb for the win.
WINNER: Lee in 8:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: With all the hype for Lee vs. Lashley before and during this match, there was little drama that Riddle was going to pull the upset here, but the two wrestlers made the most of the room they had to create drama otherwise.)
-Lee offered Riddle a hand and helped him up. Lashley charged into the ring and attacked Lee from behind. Lashley slammed Lee, then put Riddle in the Hurt Lock. He flung him around wildly and tossed him aside. Lashley knocked Lee off the ring apron, then clotheslined him at ringside. He threw Lee into the ringpost, then picked up the ringside steps and charged at Lee with them, striking him in the forehead. Lashley stood on the announce table with his U.S. Title over a crumpled Lee behind the announce desk. [c]
-The announcers commented on a replay of the Lee-Lashley angle.
-A video package aired on the Orton-Drew saga.
-Orton spoke backstage about how the WWE Title means everything to him. He said he alone lives with his actions, but those actions always end any unfinished business that he may have. He said tonight, Drew gets reintroduced to the Legend Killer, but at the EC, change will come calling and he’ll walk into WM as the WWE Champion.
-They showed a table at ringside and hyped the tables match next. [c]
(6) NIA JAX (w/Shayna Baszler) vs. LANA (w/Naomi) – Tables Match
Jax battered Lana early and did some trash-talking. She gave Lana an elevated stretch muffler, then swung her into the middle turnbuckle chin-first. Jax dominated for another minute before going for a running legdrop on the ring apron. Lana moved. Jax screamed out in pain. In a rage, she knocked over the table. Lana then shoved Jax through another table leaning against the ringside barricade to win.
WINNER: Lana in 5:00.
-Naomi congratulated Lana in the ring. Baszler attacked them from behind. Naomi fired back with a roundkick and an enzuigiri that overshot Baszler’s head by 18 inches, but Baszler sold it anyway. Jax was just coming to at ringside as Naomi’s music played. [c]
(7) SHAYNA BASZLER (w/Nia Jax) vs. NAOMI (w/Lana)
Baszler went after Lana at ringside a couple minutes into the match. She threw her into the ringside barricade. When she re-entered the ring, Naomi caught her with a small package for the win.
WINNER: Naomi in 3:00.
-They went to the announcers at ringside who hyped the Elimination Chamber and threw to a video package on the Chamber structure.
-Orton made his entrance. [c]
-Phillips said they had breaking news that now Lashley would defend the U.S. Title against Riddle and Keith Lee at the EC.
A few minutes in, Drew set up a draping DDT on Orton. Orton blocked it. Drew clotheslined him. Sheamus then ran to the ring to his music. Orton threw a distracted Drew into the ringpost and then hard to the floor. [c]
Orton beat up Drew at ringside, and then settled into his obligatory mid-match chinlock. Drew eventually made a comeback as Sheamus looked on intently at ringside. Drew gave Orton a neckbreaker and then kipped up and let out a big yell. He watched Orton stand and then delivered a Future Shock DDT followed by a spinebuster and a jackknife pin for a near fall. When Drew climbed to the top rope, Orton knocked him off balance. Orton superplexed Drew off the top rope onto the mat and scored a two count. Orton landed a Draping DDT, then stood and signaled for an RKO. Drew blocked the RKO and landed his Future Shock DDT. Drew then waited for Orton to stand. Sheamus then charged into the ring and gave Orton a Brogue Kick when Drew moved. Drew gave Sheamus a Claymore. “Payback for McIntyre!” yelled Phillips.
As Drew’s music played, he kneeled in front of Sheamus and then eyed Orton. Saxton said he thinks Sheamus was trying to give a Brogue Kick to Drew.
WINNER: Drew in 12:00 via DQ?
(Keller’s Analysis: The ref called for the bell, but it wasn’t clear whom he was DQing if anyone. Drew’s music played, so apparently he gave him the win despite Sheamus kicking Orton.)
Tonight after the show, join me live with guest cohost Bruce Hazelwood from PWTorch.com to break down the show with live callers and emails.
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•EMAIL COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com
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