Tonight after the show, join me live with host Wade Keller from PWTorch.com to break down the show with live callers and emails.
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FEBRUARY 8, 2021
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, Samoa Joe
Ring Announcer: Mike Rome
-They began with a “In memory of ‘The Natural’ Butch Reed” graphic. A pioneer, may Reed Rest in Power. They shifted to a video recapping the friendship between Drew McIntyre & Sheamus, including photos of them together through the years and video of them laughing it up and beating people. They replayed Sheamus giving McIntyre a Brogue Kick last week as he said he wanted the WWE Championship and McIntyre agreeing. Tom Phillips welcomed us to the “award winning and critically acclaimed Thunderdome” as Mike Rome introduced Adam Pearce. He welcomed viewers, then introduced Shane McMahon. Huh. Phillips, Samoa Joe, & Byron Saxton reacted with surprise, with Phillips saying this is one of those “surprises on the road to WrestleMania.” They piped in a “Shane-O-Mac” chant as he said it was good to be back and hyped the Elimination Chamber event.
He called Pearce his “acclaimed colleague” as Pearce said McIntyre will defend against Sheamus inside the Chamber, but McMahon said something about six men in the ring, and introduced the other opponents, who Pearce said will all be former champions. Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, A.J. Styles (w/Omos in the background), The Miz, and Sheamus round out the crew as they showed graphics of each. McMahon stumbled over his words as he said Pearce was doing a great job in his role. McMahon walked away with Pearce looking confused.
Styles’ music hit as he and McMahon gave each other a knowing glance. McMahon then observed Omos as he left. Styles said, “Shane was right: you’re doing a really good job.” He said he was giving Pearce the credit for making the match, and asked Pearce to clarify that McIntyre has to defend the WWE Championship inside the Chamber. Before Pearce could answer, Styles said it was genius, twice! He said “the road to WrestleMania” again (don’t make it a drinking game), and said it’s a great time for him to become a three-time WWE Champion. He leaned in and said he always thought of Pearce as a “dumbass, but that’s neither here nor there.” He said he & Omos are going to give them a preview as he told Pearce to step and Hardy made his entrance (with pyro) for a match with Styles. Joe said Styles is carrying a lot of swagger to WWE officials with Omos in his corner. They cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: So…was the announcement of the WWE Championship match inside the Elimination Chamber a big enough announcement to bring forth Shane McMahon? It’s not like this is the only event between now and WrestleMania, either, but this is all about those dreaded four words you’re going to hear over and over again: “the road to WrestleMania.”)
-They returned with Phillips hyping the WWE Championship match with an updated graphic. They showed McMahon in the back being approached by McIntyre. He said he would have liked a heads up and that he was under the impression it was him vs. Sheamus. McMahon said they needed something big, and they couldn’t think of anything bigger. He said McIntyre can prove his mettle, tapped the title twice, then left.
(1) A.J. STYLES (w/Omos) vs. JEFF HARDY
They locked up, but Hardy took control quickly with arm-wringers. Styles reached the ropes to break the hold. They reset, Hardy maintained advantage with a side headlock and takedown, then shoulder tackled Styles to the mat as he was sent off of the ropes. He taunted Styles, the latter looking angry as he rose to his feet. He kicked Hardy in the gut and punched him a few times, then hit a few clotheslines in the corner. He went for another, but Hardy moved and sent Styles into the corner for some shoulder tackles to the abdomen. He hit a snapmare and dropkick into a pin attempt for one. Styles backed Hardy into the corner, sent him across, and quickly hit a running shoulder tackle to the midsection.
Hardy reversed an Irish whip and hit a backbody drop and splash for a two-count, then drove Styles’ head into each of the four top turnbuckles around the ring. He hit a standing leg drop for a two-count. The camera showed Omos looking on, confident. Styles was sent into the mat, then driven into the corner. Styles reversed an Irish whip, but as Hardy attempted to leap back, his knee buckled and he rolled out of the ring. The ref started his count, but Styles went outside and hit a chop block. He reset the count, then hit a knee breaker and drove Hardy’s knee into the ring post with a belly-to-back variation as they cut to break. [c]
They returned with Styles working the left knee with Hardy writhing in pain. They showed a slomo replay of Hardy tweaking the knee. Phillips said the knee has been bothering Hardy for months. Styles hit a leg DDT or two, but as he looked for maybe a Dragon Screw, Hardy hit an enziguri. As Hardy hobbled to Styles, the latter locked in the Calf Crusher. Hardy fought, but Styles applied more leverage until Hardy reached the bottom rope. Joe said the knee must be shredded at this point (sure). They hype Damian Priest (w/Bad Bunny) vs. Angel Garza later. As Styles whipped Hardy across the ring, Hardy crumpled to the floor to sell the knee. He used the ropes to gather his feet, sent Styles to the apron, the leapt to hit the rope as Styles went for his finisher, knocking the latter across the rope and onto the apron.
They met in the middle where Hardy hit a jawbreaker, then his standard combo for a two-count. Hardy went for a Twist of Fate, instead hit a mule kick and a sitdown Gourdbuster for a two-count (I LOVE me a good Gourdbuster). Joe said Hardy is visibly struggling with the leg as Styles gave stiff leg kick to the knee. He setup for the Styles Clash, but Hardy reversed and hit the Twist of Fate. He crawled to the corner instead of going for a pin (which Saxton said isn’t a good decision so good for him), then missed the Swanton Bomb as Styles moved. Styles locked in the Calf Crusher and after some struggle, Hardy finally tapped.
WINNER: A.J. Styles at 14:32 by submission (Calf Crusher)
– They hyped Riddle vs. Keith Lee later as a first-time ever match in WWE, then replayed Riddle just being manhandled by Bobby Lashley last week. They showed Lee in the back stretching as Riddle approached. Lee looked a little perturbed and said if it wasn’t his opponent for the evening “and his black eye.” Riddle said laughter is the best medicine so he said he watched all of the Air Bud movies. Lee said Lashley may have knocked a couple of screws loose and asked Riddle if he wanted to continued down this path. Riddle compared himself to Air Bud. Lee said Riddle had a few attempts, so maybe it’s time for someone new. He said he could beat Lashley and Riddle. Riddle said let the better man win and slapped him on the back as he walked away. The New Day made their entrance with a retro 8-bit gaming graphic for their 3-D entrance. Phillips said it was great to see Kofi Kingston back after being cleared from his broken jaw as they cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: I mean, it was a standard WWE TV match where the face suffered a kayfabe injury, the heel used that to their advantage, and the face ultimately succumbed to the injury. Nothin more, nothing less; at least nothing looked sloppy or out of place. As for Riddle and Lee, they really give Riddle bad material, but his character’s general aloofness doesn’t help. Lee started out with his usual uncommon cadence, but then shifted to a more common one. It sounded fine to me.)
-They returned with an angry Sheamus approaching Pearce in the back. Pearce said he understands how Sheamus feels and Sheamus reacted angrily asking how could Pearce know? He asked if they don’t think he’s a draw. He said he’s seen WWE officials like Pearce come and go with their empty suits and they’re just like McIntyre: full of broken promises. He said McIntyre is the shiny new toy, but would be nothing without him. He said it’s fine for them to stack the odds against him, but he said Pearce needed to remember that (shouting) when he’s in there unleashing brutality on the “WWE superstars,” (not shouting now), it’s Pearce’s responsibility.
(2) THE NEW DAY (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs. T-BAR & SLAPJACK (w/Mustafa Ali & Mace)
They cut back to the ring with The New Day in the ring and Retribution (sans Reckoning) making their entrance. Ali joined commentary as Slapjack and Woods began the match. Slapjack held a rear waistlock as Ali said he speaks the truth, a foreign language to everyone else. Woods put Slapjack in a side headlock and told the ref he can’t see his face because he’s wearing a mask. He hit a shoulder tackle for a one-count, then locked in another side headlock. Slapjack reversed out with an arm-wringer as Ali said his issues are with the greedy corporate wrestlers. Kingston tagged in and hit a side Russian legsweep/missile dropkick combo for a two-count.
Slapjack hit a European uppercut as T-Bar tagged in and laid out Kingston. Kingston tried for a monkey flip, but T-Bar countered. Kingston tried for a crossbody, but T-Bar caught him. Kingston slipped out, then T-Bar kipped out of the corner, Kingston tried for leaping clothesline, got caught, then slammed to the mat. T-Bar ran at Kingston, but was sent over the top. Slapjack was sent to the outside as well, then Kingston hit both with an assisted tope as they cut to break. [c]
They returned with T-Bar in control of Woods in the corner. As Woods fought back, his adversary drove him back into the corner with some back elbows. T-Bar hit a big bodyslam as Slapjack tagged in and hit a leg drop, then just repeatedly kicked Woods, finally hitting him to the ground as he fought back. Side headlock locked in by Slapjack, but Woods hit a jawbreaker. T-Bar tagged in, Slapjack held Woods to prevent the tag, his teammate gave Kingston a running boot on the apron, then hit a clothesline for a two-count.
He grabbed Woods by the throat, lifted him to the mat, then tagged in Slapjack for a chokeslam/belly-to-back suplex combo for a two-count. Ali yelled encouragement as Woods reversed Slapjack into an Okada Roll for a two-count, but tagged in Kingston who took out both men with a series of strikes. He hit Slapjack with a dropkick, his flying forearm, then the Boom Drop. T-Bar missed Kingston, who responded with the Trouble in Paradise. He reversed Slapjack, tagged in Woods, then tagged in again as they hit Daybreak (backbreaker/double stomp combo)for the victory. Woods yelled out he wanted to fight Reckoning as they retreated up the ramp. Ali berated his minions, saying they failed, then said he would give his life to get retribution on them.
WINNER: The New Day at 7:00 by pinfall (Daybreak)
-Phillips then shifted recapping Bianca Belair winning the women’s Rumble match and her parents’ reactions on Instagram. They hyped Belair appearing tonight, possibly to declare who she will face. Ric Flair’s music hit as he made his entrance in a wicked, wicked suit. Lacey Evans’ music hit as she then made her entrance, hooking Flair’s arm as they cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: Is this angle with The New Day and Retribution over now? If Woods was 2-2 last week and the won this week, they won the WWE’s version of the ALDS, right? Sigh, with Ali’s exclamation at the end of the match, it seems unlikely. Might these two teams end up in a tag team Chamber match? Regardless, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I have no interest in The New Day right now, the same applying to Retribution. Yikes.)
-They returned congratulating the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (sigh) on their victory yesterday, showing some still shots and the custom WWE Championship sent to the Kansas City team. They showed Priest & Bad Bunny in the back speaking Spanglish, with Priest asking to make sure Bunny would be in his corner. He affirmed.
-They cut back to the ring with Flair saying some people want an explanation about why he’s back. He said he doesn’t take orders from any woman, to check his history, and he’s not staying at home. He said he’s going to vent. He said we know she’s The Queen a 13-time Champion, she doesn’t need him, but he has needs. He said Evans has all the physical tools and needs, and she could be the best with some training and guidance. He reiterated the relationship is casual and that if she falls victim to his charm, that’s to be expected. He called out Asuka and said Evans would be the next Raw Women’s Champion. Woo.
Evans said all the nasty little things who think they know what’s going on have no clue. She said she respects Flair and treats him as the legend he is, unlike his ungrateful daughter. She called him the greatest “sports-entertainer of all time.” She said she would never speak to her father how Charlotte does to her father, and she’s the bad guy? Charlotte Flair’s music hit as she leisurely made her way to the ring, doing her full entrance as if she wasn’t just insulted or called out. Papa Flair looked angry at his daughter’s interruption.
She motioned for her father to lower the ropes for her, but Evans grabbed him before he could; the referee did instead (why, ref?). Charlotte said if Evans really wanted to learn, she would take her ass down to the Performance Center to work (YO). Evans tried interrupting, but Charlotte told her to shut her mouth. She asked her dad what, you need me to walk down her and validate you? She said she never told him she didn’t need him, but she tells him the truth. She’s not a yes-man, and while she doesn’t care who her father takes on, she doesn’t want him to take her with him.
Evans jumped in and said she just wants to learn, then said she could be better than that “feral animal Asuka.” Charlotte laughed and said she’s been proving to people she can do it on her own and called Evans “Charlotte Flair 2.0.” Evans said her sights were set on the Women’s Championship, then said WWE officials told her if she beat Charlotte in a match, she’s #1 contender. She goaded Evans into having the match now, but Papa Ric stepped between. Evans gave Flair a Woman’s Right, then drove her into the ringside steps as they cut to break. [c]
(3) LACEY EVANS (w/Ric Flair) vs. CHARLOTTE FLAIR – Evans becomes #1 contender with a victory
They returned The Miz & John Morrison speaking Garza, telling them they’ll be in his corner. The match started with Flair rushing Evans into the corner and pounding away, but Evans worked the arm, including a kick and stiff arm-wringer. Flair cartwheeled out of it and applied an armlock of her own, but Evans reached the ropes. She kicked Flair in the gut, then sent Flair into the corner, who flipped over and did her sunset flip thing into a kick. Evans arm-dragged Flair, but Flair hit a basement dropkick as Evans rolled to the apron. As Flair reached over, Evans grabbed her arm and jacked it down across the rope, kicked out her leg, then hit her slingshot elbow and mushed Flair’s face a bit after.
She attacked the arm more, but Flair countered with a clothesline. She went for the Figure-Four, but Evans escaped. Evans hit some arm-wrenches, then slammed Flair into the mat. Flair kipped up, yelled into Evans’ face, was slammed down, kipped up again, then whipped Evans into the rope, who hooked the ropes. She styled and profiled, only to be hit with a forearm and exploder. Evans rolled to the outside as Flair strutted in her father’s face. Flair went for a slingshot, but her father put himself in the way. She landed on the apron, but Evans grabbed her leg and in a sloppy spot, slammed Flair face-first into the apron as they cut to break (this angle didn’t need two commercials, yet here we are). [c]
They returned with Evans hooking Flair’s head in the corner with her leg. She tried a drop-toe hold, but Flair countered. Still, Evans regained control by grabbing the arm and using her legs to push against Flair’s body for full leverage (Flair might be stiffing Evans a bit in this match). Evans hit an elevated knee drop to the left arm, then whipped Flair into the corner. Flair hit a back elbow, but Evans took her down with a running neckbreaker variation for a two-count. She hit a spinning variation this time for a two-count. She climbed to the second rope and did her kip up moonsault, only to land on Flair’s knees.
Evans favored her knee as she rose, and took a plethora of chops from Flair. Flair charged at Evans in the shoulder, visibly held up, Evans finally slapped her, then ran into a big Flair boot for a two-count (these two do not have good chemistry). Evans rolled to the outside. Flair followed, yelled at her dad, then suffered as Evans hit an arm-wringer takedown on the outside. She rolled Flair back in for a two-count. Papa Flair called for the Figure-Four, but Flair fought out and hit a big spear. She glared at her father and told him to humiliate her on his own time. She was disqualified after repeatedly striking Evans in the corner and touching the referee. Papa Flair finally intervened as his daughter just glared at him and walked away. Evans still favored the knee, and she may have landed knee-to-knee on the moonsault attempt. They hyped Edge giving an update next as they cut to break. [c]
WINNER: Lacey Evans at 11:33 by DQ (Flair touched the referee)
(Hazelwood’s Take: Simple stuff first: these two do NOT have chemistry together. As many have pointed out, if Flair was as great as she says she is, she would be able to extract at least decent matches from her opponents. That’s not the case. She also appeared to be stiffing Evans at some points. OK, now to the big stuff: EVANS CALLED ASUKA A “FERAL ANIMAL.” Listen, I’m not surprised at Evans’ racism, but really?! How blatant can one be? There’s a LONG history of White people dehumanizing People of Color by relegating them to animals and beasts. I’m done with Evans. Take her off my television.)
-They returned with Black History Month video on Rosa Parks, utilizing her words as spoken by Sasha Banks. They also showed a Belair tweet honoring Parks. Edge made his entrance with full pyro. He had his hair in a tight bun as opposed to the flowing look he’s mostly donned since returning from retirement. Phillips reminded viewers of Edge’s busy week as he appeared on all three shows. Edge grabbed the mic and said last week was a hell of a long week, but an amazing week. He said he has a massive decision to make regarding which World Champion to face at WrestleMania. He said it might seem simple on the surface, but he has to to dig deeper.
He said that’s why he came face-to-face with all three champions, but then the landscape changed suddenly. He hyped the Chamber match and said he knows that Roman Reigns and Finn Balor are their show’s respective champions, but he doesn’t know who’s going to walk out of the Chamber as WWE Champion. He said no disrespect, but he thinks he has the edge on all of them. He said he likes and respects McIntyre, but he doesn’t like his odds to make it out of the Chamber with title in hand. As he said he was going to wait until after the match to make his decisions, The Miz made his entrance with Morrison & Garza in tow.
The Miz said it was a great speech that “wreaked of awesomeness.” He said Edge has always been “The Ultimate Opportunist” and that he knows Edge is waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. The Miz said he’s always been more of a “strategize.” He said he’ll be at Mania to cash in the Money in the Bank briefcase. Edge asked if The Miz knew who he was talking to since Edge was the one who put that briefcase on the map. He said he put three champions on high alert and The Miz is out here telling Edge what he’s going to do. He said The Miz should be worried about Priest and hell, even Bad Bunny. He said The Miz wants to be champion, but he NEEDS to be champion and to think of the difference. He left them in the ring as they cut to break hyping Garza’s match with Priest next. [c]
(4) ANGEL GARZA (w/The Miz & John Morrison) vs. DAMIAN PRIEST (w/Bad Bunny)
They returned with Garza in the ring. Bunny then made his entrance to his music (with a lower third and everything!). He received pyro, too. They replayed the events of last week where Priest defeated The Miz after Bunny helped thwart The Miz & Morrison’s shenanigans. Priest then made his entrance with his darkened entrance and dapped up Bunny before entering the ring. Bunny danced on the apron as Priest posed.
They began with Priest giving Garza a teep/push kick, driving him into the corner. Priest struck Garza in the corner, including an open-handed uppercut, then hit a spinning wheel kick for a pin attempt that wasn’t even a one-count. After a distraction from the outside, Garza hit Priest with a throat drop and some dropkicks for another pin that didn’t result in a one-count. Garza distracted the ref as The Miz kicked Priest in the face. Bunny leapt to the apron to argue, but Garza took off his pants and threw them at Bunny. Garza worked the leg, but Priest fought out and punched Garza in the arm as Garza tried punching. He then hit roundhouse kicks to Garza’s body and legs, then hit a big clothesline. He did his archer pose in the corner, then hit a running back elbow in the corner. The Miz & Morrison distracted Priest, which allowed Garza to send Priest over the top.
As Garza distracted the ref, they pounded away at Priest on the outside. Bunny grabbed the briefcase, struck it on the steps to get their attention, then threw the briefcase in the ring as Morrison slid in. The ref saw Morrison with the briefcase and threw them out. Garza mouthed off the Bunny for interfering, then ran right into a bell clap and his Hit the Lights finisher for the victory.
WINNER: Damian Priest at 3:45 by pinfall (Hit the Lights)
-They cut to Charly Caruso in the back as she welcomed McIntyre. She said he’s had an interesting night and asked about his reaction. He said it’s simple: those four words then expect the unexpected. He said instead of severing a 20-year relationship, Sheamus should have just asked. He said he needed to focus on Orton tonight or he might not make it to the Chamber. He tallied off all the things that he has to account for, saying he might be backed into a corner, but that means he’s like a wild animal and that he would rip the damn face off of anyone who comes at him. Riddle made his entrance for his match with Lee as they cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: The distractions suck, but I get the goal: build up Priest. He’s also still getting the Bad Bunny rub, so good for him. The continued use of Spanish by Priest, even if only in backstage segments, portends well for him in WWE.)
-They returned confirming Asuka vs. Evans at the Chamber for the Women’s Championship. Caruso welcomed Belair in the back and Belair said she proved to the world that she is the EST of WWE and it’s her time. She said people are wondering, but since she’s a smart challenger (the smartest), it might not be Sasha Banks. She said Asuka is the Empress of all day everyday, but it could be Evans. She said she knows if she wants to be the EST of WrestleMania she needs to beat the best.
Asuka interrupted, congratulating Belair. She said that doesn’t mean she’s ready for Asuka. Asuka laughed and danced. Belair said she’s definitely ready, but Lacey Evans isn’t as they both laughed and danced. She said if Asuka handles her business at the Chamber, she might be seeing more of Belair on Raw.
They cut back to the ring with Riddle’s music still playing, then replayed again the events of last week between Riddle and Lashley. Lee made his entrance with a focused look on his face. Phillips reminded us this is Lee’s first night on Raw since he challenged McIntyre for the WWE Championship. M.V.P. joined commentary as Phillips asked about Lee’s earlier comments. M.V.P. said people believe in Santa Claus, too.
They began the match with a fist bump, then Riddle went for a flying armbar on the left arm. Lee lifted him with one arm, basically curling Riddle, who landed on his feet. Riddle tried for a single-leg, but Lee gutwrenched him and threw him away. Riddle regrouped in the corner, tried another single-leg, hit a go-around, then locked in a sleeper. Lee struggled, but he broke the hold and slammed Riddle to the mat, who rolled outside then back in as Lee nodded.
Riddle ducked a clothesline and hit some body shots, then forearms in the corner. He went for his running forearm, but Lee caught him. Riddle broke out and hit a series of kicks across the body to Lee in the corner. Riddle then rushed Lee, who hit Riddle with a HUGE pounce. He laboriously made the pin for a two-count. Lee stalked Riddle to the corner and responded in kind with body shot haymakers of his own. Riddle responded with chops, but Lee hit the Grizzly Magnum to seat Riddle. He whipped Riddle hard into the turnbuckle, causing the whole ring to shake.
Riddle fought back with strikes, but one forearm from Lee sent Riddle to the mat. Riddle kept hitting body shots every time he got to his feet, but Lee hit an Almas-like rolling back elbow. Riddle was able to hit a Pele kick, then hit his running corner forearm. He tried an exploder, but Lee hit another Grizzly Magnum instead. He went for the Spirit Bomb, but Riddle jumped out. He climbed the top, then hit a spinning knee for a two-count. Riddle hit a PK to the chest, then hit the Floating Bro for a two-count. Riddle looked shocked. M.V.P. called Lee a phenomenal specimen. Riddle hit three Brotons, powered up, yelled for Lee to get up, went for the Final Flash, but Lee caught him and lifted him for the Spirit Bomb. Riddle fought out and locked in the armbar on the right arm.
Lee lifted and slammed Riddle, but Riddle held on. He threw Riddle into the turnbuckle, who responded with a Final Flash. However, Lee used Riddle’s momentum after to hit the Spirit Bomb for the victory. M.V.P. applauded Lee, but said he’s confident the title is sticking with Lashley. Lee helped Riddle to his feet as Lashley attacked from behind. He glared, wide-eyed, at Lee, who rushed him. Lashley then lifted Lee and hit his huge one-armed Ron Simmons spinebuster. He then locked in The Hurt Lock once again on Riddle and threw him to the floor. Lee was drilled to the outside, then Lashley hit a clothesline. He threw Lee into the post, then grabbed the steel steps and drove them into Lee’s face, who fell across the announce table. Lashley climbed the table, looked down at Lee, then held up the U.S. Championship. They showed replays of Lashley’s exploits after. They cut to break hyping the McIntyre-Orton match.
WINNER: Keith Lee at 7:52 by pinfall (Spirit Bomb)
(Hazelwood’s Take: Good to see Lee back, and hopefully this means we’ll see Mia Yim/Reckoning back soon. Also, this was a hard-fought and definitive victory for Lee. While Riddle hasn’t been defined as a serious threat, he’s been presented in the ring as more than capable. I’m looking forward to Lee vs. Lashley, and the question now is whether they’ll take the title off of Lashley so he can pursue the WWE Championship.)
-They returned recapping Lashley’s attack on Lee & Riddle. Phillips then shifted to the WWE Championship match at the Chamber, then to recapping the history between McIntyre-Orton in a video package titled “Unfinished Business,” complete with a narrator. Orton was in the back after and said unfinished business is what stand between him and McInyre. He said it’s a fact he lost that title to McIntyre, but also a fact he will take it back at the Chamber. He said he’s a man who does whatever it takes to get what he wants. He said the WWE Championship means everything to him, and even if that means punting legends or RKO’s Alexa Bliss or setting The Fiend on fire. He said McIntyre gets reintroduced to The Legend Killer tonight, but after the Chamber, he will be the WWE Champion. They cut to the ring with tables around the ring for a tables match between Nia Jax and Lana. [c]
(6) NIA JAX (w/Shayna Baszler) vs. LANA (w/Naomi) – Tables match
They returned with Jax waiting in the ring, Baszler at ringside with both Tag Team Championship titles on her shoulders. Lana then made her entrance with her new partner, Naomi (they’re the #1 contender). They replayed all of the times Jax put Lana through the announce table with a Samoan drop, nine times in total. Lana looked a bit scared, but ready.
She charged Jax only to be thrown back. Jax then slammed her to the ground and kicked her in the chest, playing with her. She immediately hit her powerbomb/chokeslam she hit on Dana Brooke. She then taunted Naomi and hit it again on Lana, driving her HARD into the mat (but nothing bad; she’s guiding Lana down well). She called Naomi a “trick.” Then locked in a stretch muffler submission on Lana’s bad leg, actually elevating Lana off of the ground. She then swung Lana face-first into the middle turnbuckle.
Lana gasped for air with a pained look on her face as Jax continued to toy with her. She tried to dump Lana over the top, but Lana held onto the rope, so Jax draped her across the rope instead. Lana moved out of the way of a Jax elbow, then used her speed to her advantage, hitting kicks to Jax including a jumping switch kick. However, Jax just drove her shoulder into Lana to ground her. Lana pleaded with Jax as they muted Jax’s words. Jax looked for another powerbomb/chokeslam, but Lana countered and sent her over the apron near a table. Lana with kicks to the head as Jax leaned back. She tried to break Jax’s grip, but Jax hit a headbutt.
She dragged Lana to the apron and placed her foot on her throat. She then missed a leg drop on the apron as Lana moved. Jax screamed out in pain and threw the table over in frustration. Lana then rushed Jax and shoved her through a table leaned up against the barrier for the victory! After the match, Baszler attacked Lana, but Naomi got the better of Baszler. They cut to break, but teased a Baszler-Naomi match. [c]
WINNER: Lana at 4:44
(7) SHAYNA BASZLER (w/Nia Jax) vs. NAOMI (w/Lana)
-They returned hyping Raw Talk with Priest, Belair, and Ali. They began with Naomi getting the better of Baszler early, but Baszler started working the left arm. She tried to stomp the arm, missed as Naomi kipped up, but then reset and hit it on the arm. Baszler worked Naomi to the mat and worked a top wristlock. Naomi kicked Baszler’s shoulders from the mat to break to hold, dodged a Baszler knee, then another as Baszler hit the turnbuckle. Naomi hit a few one leg dropkicks, then hit a head scissors. She slapped Baszler, then dropped Baszler.
Naomi went for a wheelbarrow bulldog, but Baszler reversed into a Kirifuda Clutch. Naomi reached the rope, but Baszler used four of the five-count. Baszler went to the outside and attacked Lana, telling her to mind her own business. She threw Lana into the barricade, then reentered the ring. Naomi rolled her up for the win. Saxton said Baszler had no one to blame but herself.
WINNER: Naomi at 3:20 by pin (rollup)
-Phillips shifted to hyping the main event of McIntyre vs. Orton and once again hyped the (very White) Chamber match for the WWE Championship. They then played a video highlighting the Chamber structure, one of those “By the Numbers” and “Rules of the Match” types of things with clips of various matches from the past, ending with clips of the forthcoming participants. Orton then made his entrance as Phillips said it will be Orton’s eighth Chamber match and that Orton knows how to win inside the Chamber. They cut to break. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: So they’re trying to build up this sudden tag team rivalry by harkening back to previous events that didn’t include one of the four wrestlers. The tables match seemed rather sudden, but at least they gave a plausible reason to have the match. They also made both Jax & Baszler look dumb. However, I’m excited to see more of Baszler and Naomi, preferably in longer singles matches, as they present an intriguing matchup of styles.)
(8) DREW MCINTYRE (c) vs. RANDY ORTON – Non-title match
They returned with a graphic for a triple threat match for the United States Championship between Lashley, Riddle, & Lee. Orton paced the ring as his music still played. McIntyre’s music hit a good ten seconds after Orton’s cut. He made his entrance, still holding the sword by the pommel, then drove it into the ramp for his entrance with fire lining the entrance ramp.
They began the match with a tie-up, going around the ring, nope, back to the corner, then the middle of the ring. Orton went for an RKO then McIntyre with a Claymore attempt as Orton rolled outside the ring as the announcers put over their familiarity with each other. McIntyre caught Orton as he entered, setting him up for Orton’s draping DDT. Orton countered, but McIntyre clotheslined him. Suddenly, Sheamus’ music hit as he ran to the ring, distracting McIntyre as Orton attacked from behind. Orton drove McIntyre, on the apron, into one ring post, then the other as McIntyre fell to the ground. They cut to break. [c]
They returned with Orton in control. McIntyre fought back with strikes, but Orton caught him with a throat strike and threw him outside the ring. Sheamus looked on by the announcers table. Orton his belly-to-back into said table, then rolled McIntyre back into the ring for a two-count. He locked in the Randy Orton Special (rear chinlock), but at least wrenched on it to try and sell it more.
McIntyre fought back to his feet, but ate an Orton knee to the gut. They traded strikes for a bit, then McIntyre hit his release over-the-head bell-to-belly, then another from the corner. He hit a neckbreaker, then kipped up and yelled. He glared at Orton, kicked him in the gut, went for the Future Shock, but Orton countered with a jackknife cover for a two-count, then McIntyre with a two-count.
He climbed to the top, but Orton met him with a strike, then a few more as McIntyre took a seated position. Orton climbed to the second rope and hit a superplex. He slowly rolled to a cover for a two-count with no leg hooked, selling the exhaustion of the match. McIntyre hit the Glasgow Kiss, but Orton sent him to the apron and set him up for the draping DDT; he hit the maneuver, but wasn’t able to make a pin.
Instead, he slowly rose to his feet and setup for the RKO with his patented mat pounding and seething face with spit flying from his mouth. McIntyre countered the RKO into a Future Shock. McIntyre also didn’t make a cover. He instead glared at Orton. Orton shoved McIntyre aside as Sheamus hit Orton with a Brogue Kick. McIntyre hit Sheamus with the Claymore, then posed with the WWE Championship in Sheamus’ face. The show ended.
WINNER: Randy Orton at 11:30 by DQ
(Hazelwood’s Take: Orton moved McIntyre out of the way; huh?! What a way to ruin a good match, but hey, if this means the end of singles matches between these two, I’m all for it. They at least did a good job hyping the Chamber match.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: After what I thought was a decent show last week, this week’s show was less than decent. It was just not good. I should have known when they brought back Shane McMahon for such a tepid announcement. I did like the tease of Baszler-Naomi we got, but disappointed that it’s a triple threat instead of a singles match for the U.S. Championship. Well, hopefully next week’s show gives us a better one than tonight, but that tends to be the motto for Raw.
“Hazelwood’s Take: Simple stuff first: these two do NOT have chemistry together. As many have pointed out, if Flair was as great as she says she is, she would be able to extract at least decent matches from her opponents. That’s not the case. She also appeared to be stiffing Evans at some points. OK, now to the big stuff: EVANS CALLED ASUKA A “FERAL ANIMAL.” Listen, I’m not surprised at Evans’ racism, but really?! How blatant can one be? There’s a LONG history of White people dehumanizing People of Color by relegating them to animals and beasts. I’m done with Evans. Take her off my television.” Ummm is this supposed to be parody/satire? If so then well played. If you are serious, good lord. Talk about Generation Wuss.