JANUARY 20, 2021
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts
-Ross introduced the show: “It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means.”
-Dark Order walked onto the stage with -1 (Brodie Lee’s older son). He said Luther’s face-paint is ugly. They celebrated his birthday. They showed his mom and younger brother in the audience.
John Silver said tonight is a very special night. He said Dark Order is about to get another recruit. “I’m talking about a handsome cowboy recruit, Adam Page!” he excitedly said. Then he shifted to -1’s birthday. He said looking at the cake makes him hungry. He said he wants everyone to hear him sing “Happy Birthday” to Brodie. They sang. His younger brother Nolan, in an AEW referee shirt, was smiling. They showed wrestlers at ringside – some in masks, some not – singing along.
Luther walked out with Serpentico and complained. “This place is becoming nothing more than a daycare center.” He called -1 “Punky Brewster.” He complained that he said he looks stupid. The audience chanted, “You look stupid!” He said his face is perfectly symmetrical. He said they are stupid looking. He said they are going to ruin his birthday. A brawl broke out. TH2 joined in the fight. Page made the save, diving onto a crowd at ringside including TH2. Ross said Page is supposed to declare later whether he is joining Dark Order.
(1) TH2 (Jack Evans & Angelico) & LUTHER & SERPENTICO vs. “HANGMAN” PAGE & DARK ORDER (Colt Cabana & John Silver & Alex Reynolds)
The announcers talked about scheduled matches and segments later. Dark Order members held Luther in place for a running flip dive by Page. When Luther set up smashing Colt onto the birthday cake, -1 attacked him with a cane, then Colt slammed him face-first onto the cake. Back in the ring Reynolds pinned Serpentico after a Buckshot Lariat by Page.
WINNERS: Page & Dark Order in 8:00.
-Afterward, Silver and Reynolds high-fived Page. Colt joined them as they awaited Page’s decision. In the background, Dark Order held Serpentico as -1 gave him a cane shot to the head. “My birthday was three days ago, you idiots!” Ross called it a special night for the family.
Silver then told Page he’s a special wrestler and he’s handsome “and I like you a lot.” He said this is the moment they’ve been waiting for. He got on a knee and said, “Will you join The Dark Order.” Page looked conflicted. “I can’t,” he said. Then Dark Order played a pre-planned celebration message on the screen that said, “He said yes!” Music played, confetti dropped, and dancers came out. Dark Order rushed them off the stage.
Page told Silver that he’s had so much fun with them for the past few weeks and months. He said he put it off as long as he could, but they forced him into it this week. “I’ve done the group thing before and it didn’t end well with me,” he said. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” Page walked up the ramp and grabbed a bottle of Stu Grayson’s hand and then left. Dark Order were crestfallen, especially Cabana.
-They went to the announcers at the desk. Ross hyped the three-way tag match with Inner Circle facing off and other planned segments and matches.
-Alex Marvez backstage interviewed MJF and Chris Jericho. MJF told Marvez to stop talking because his breath smelled worse than “rats having an orgy in a running microwave.” MJF asked Jericho if he fears the match could divide Inner Circle. Jericho said he thinks it can bring them closer. He said for the first time ever, they’ll face each other, but no matter what happens, they’ve agreed to move on together as a unit. Jericho predicted he and MJF will win. [c]
-Schiavone stood mid-ring and introduced Sting and Darby Allin. They came out separately to their music. Ross said there’s a spirit about Darby that he wishes everyone could understand better.
Sting said he likes Darby and wanted to congratulate him for being the TNT Champion. He said he wanted to be sure everybody understood he wasn’t there to interrupt the match, but rather he wanted to be sure Darby had a fair chance to win the title. Taz interrupted said, “Fair fight? My ass.” He said they fight dirty and street style. “My guys, we’ve been gentlemen.” He said he grew up in the streets and his men are street fighters. He said the ball is in their court. He asked what they’ve got. Sting whispered something to Darby. Darby said if they want to take it to the streets, be careful what you wish for because it just might happen. Darby’s music played. Excalibur said it sounds like Sting and Darby have accepted the challenge. Ross pushed that Darby will be a big star.
(Keller’s Analysis: That was more awkward than it should have been. Sting’s syntax was off, and the timing felt awkward as it played out, and then Excalibur concluded they accepted the challenge which wasn’t quite what Darby said. That said, having Sting in a “street fight” is a fair use of him rather than asking him to work live in the ring. He’s been doing the stand-up brawls dating back to his time in TNA, so it’s familiar territory and he can pull it off safely, especially if it’s post-produced.) [c]
-Excalibur announced Thunder Rosa vs. Britt Baker in two weeks on “Beach Break.”
-They cut to the Young Bucks showing up at Kenny Omega’s house where Marvez was hanging out. Marvez told them he heard The Elite were having a meeting. The Bucks walked into Kenny’s house and Michael Nakazawa was waiting for them. He said, “We were expecting you.” They walked into the kitchen and then the dining room. They noticed a painting of Kenny Omega and Don Callis with Chippendale dancer bodies, shirtless and in blue jeans. Callis walked in and said he had it commissioned for Kenny for his birthday. Nick Jackson said his birthday is in October. He asked what kind of friends they are not getting him an early or late gift, then said he was just ribbing them. They asked if he was ribbing them last week. Callis said someone told him last week in his ear they had to change the match. He said he is hard of hearing and must’ve misheard.
Callis apologized. The Bucks were skeptical. They asked where Kenny is. Callis said he couldn’t be there because he’s very busy. Callis said they changed his number a couple weeks ago after old friends and marks were bothering him. He said they apparently didn’t get his new number, but they know where he lives and can visit anytime.
Callis asked Nakazawa to give Marvez a tour of Kenny’s wrestling dungeon. Callis told the camera guy not to follow behind. He then said they have privacy, but he put the camera on a table and it was pointed at them. He said he’s come up with an idea for them. He presented them with a check to “compensate them” for Kenny’s friendship. Callis said they’re trying to keep the old crew from the old neighborhood away from him and isolate Kenny more. The Bucks weren’t impressed by the check and said they made that last week on merch. Callis upped the amount. The Bucks said Callis wasn’t there with Kenny on all those long days traveling together in Japan like they were. Callis said they’re hangers on and Kenny’s too nice to do it, but he’s not. Matt said if his check comes from that old company they once worked for that Callis now works for, the check is no good. He tore it. The camera knocked over and Callis yelled as if they went after him physically.
-Schiavone said Callis is a worm.
Avalon made his entrance first. He did a bit of a Rick Rude disrobing routine to saxophone music. Then Cody’s ring entrance took place. Excalibur said Avalon was winless for a long time, but picked up his first victory late last year. He said Cody vowed to beat him in less than a minute. Early on, Cody hit a Crossroads. As he postured, out walked Jade Cargill. “Oh Lord,” said Ross. “The clock is ticking for that one minute business.” She stood on the stage with her arms crossed. Cody turned around and Avalon kicked Cody in the crotch.
Cargill smiled and left. Schiavone said: “You take any advantage you can get against Cody. I don’t blame him at all. I’m not in favor of the low blows, but that’s what Pretty Peter wants to do.” (Huh?) Avalon landed a superplex, then took it to Cody at ringside with chops. The announcers said they were going to a split-screen break, but they didn’t. Back in the ring, Avalon scored a one-count after a suplex. They finally cut to a break. [c/ss]
Avalon dominated during the break. Cody came back with a Cody Cutter. The announcers said Cody might have underestimated Avalon. Excalibur said he took his eye off the ball when Cargill walked out. (No mention of the low-blow. The announcing here is clumsily stepping all over the story the match was designed to tell.) Cody then applied a figure-four and Avalon tapped out.
WINNER: Cody in 10:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: The finish was anti-climactic, the match went on way too long, and the announcing was all over the place. Not a good segment.)
-They went to FTR and Tully Blanchard sitting in a booth. Blanchard bragged that the ratings are out and FTR are number one. He said now they need the belts because those are the important bragging rights. Jurassic Express walked in. Jungle Boy said being in the ring with them taught him something about himself, which is that he can beat either of them. Dax Harwood stepped up and said he’ll fight him next week. Luchasaurus said he’ll be ringside and make sure nobody at ringside gets involved. Dax and JB shook hands.
-Jon Moxley made his ring entrance. [c]
Ring introductions took place after the break. Schiavone touted that Camoroto can bench press 600 pounds. Comoroto caught Moxley mid-air and gave him a running power slam. Schiavone said he’s a student of Q.T. Marshall and Dustin Rhodes. The announcers touted his academic and athletic background. Schiavone touted his courage to take on Moxley. Ross said Mox didn’t have a library of tape to study this guy. Schiavone compared Comoroto to Bruiser Brody in the face and wild hair. Moxley gave Comoroto a German suplex to take over. He hit a clothesline next, which Comoroto no-sold. Moxley slipped on a sleeper. Comoroto dropped down and was out quite quickly.
WINNER: Moxley via ref stoppage in 5:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Comoroto has a good look and presence. It had a “Goldberg’s debut” vibe where you wondered why he was debuting in a spot wimpy jobbers usually stand before taking a beating.)
-Mox asked for a mic afterward. Mox said anything can happen on Wednesdays on AEW Dynamite. He said things are getting crazy and he can’t keep track of everything. He said he can’t keep track of who’s in Bullet Club or with AEW or Impact Wrestling. He said he doesn’t care. He said Kenny thought he could bring his frat brothers from Nashville to watch his back, but all he did was make things more interesting – more blood, more violence, more necks to break, more limbs to snap. “The bigger the mountain is to climb, the sweeter it is at the top,” he said. He said Kenny can bring whoever he wants from Nashville, Mexico, or Japan, but all roads in pro wrestling go through him. He dropped the mic as his music kicked in. He did some push-ups. Ross said he cuts right to the chase. Excalibur said he’s pissed off.
-Dasha interviewed Eddie Kingston, who was with Butcher, Blade, and Bunny. She said he’s facing Lance Archer next week. He said he just shows up and fights. Archer and Jake Roberts walked in. Archer got in his face said his message is simple – everybody dies. They yelled at each other. Jake said it’ll be one-on-one next week with no one at ringside. Kingston agreed. [c]
-Marvez interviewed Omega backstage about what happened earlier in the day at the beach. Omega said he wasn’t at the beach. Marvez said they were at his house. Omega asked if there’s nothing sacred anymore. Kenny visited Callis in the locker room and noticed a bruise on his face. Callis said it’s no big deal and he doesn’t want him getting upset and losing focus. Kenny asked who did it and he’ll take of them. Callis said it was Nick and Matt. Marvez approached Callis. Callis booted him out of the room and said, “No stooges in the locker room!”
-Ross asked what in the hell is happening. Schiavone said Nick and Matt kicked his ass, “and thank god.”
(4) MATT SYDAL & TOP FLIGHT (Darius Martin & Dante Martin) vs. MATT HARDY & PRIVATE PARTY (Marq Quen & Isaiah Kassidy)
Excalibur said Private Party have shown some hesitation to adopt some of “Big Money” Matt’s approach to wrestling. When the ref made Sydal make the cover because he was the legal man, Ross asked, “Does it really matter?” Private Party showed some aggression and tactics that seemed to please Hardy. They cut to a break at 3:00. [c]
Hardy tagged in and took control. Ross said he was dominating. He covered all three opponents at once and the ref counted to two. Ross did math and said it counted as a six count. When Dante was setting up a top rope move, Kassidy rammed Dante in the ribs with a chair. Dante fell to the mat. Kassidy smiled at ringside. Quen looked down at Kassidy, thought for a second about it, and then broke into a smile, also. Quen then hit a shooting star press for the win. “I can’t believe these are the same two kids who beat The Young Bucks,” said Schiavone. Ross said they are the investment Hardy needs to succeed in order to build his organization.
WINNERS: Private Party & Hardy in 11:00.
-Sydal and Darius yelled at Private Party and Hardy afterward. Private Party attacked them. Hardy then gave Darius a Twist of Fate. He gave one to Sydal, too. Then Hardy raised their arms.
(Keller’s Analysis: Good match that showed us, rather than told us, that Private Party had bought in to Hardy’s message. I like Private Party as a heel act.)
-MJF and Wardlow walked into the locker room and approached Santana, Ortiz, Swagger, and Sammy Guevara who were all sitting on a couch backstage. MJF said if he had his way, this match wouldn’t be happening. Sammy stood and said if he had his way, a lot of things wouldn’t happening around there. Everyone stood up to try to calm Sammy down. MJF said he loves all of them and they are family, “and we have to be family to succeed.” MJF told Sammy he respects him because he’s not afraid to speak his opinion and thoughts. MJF said he’s not a sociopath, he comes from a good place, and he wants what’s best for this group. He told them to go out there and get the match out of the way. MJF fist-bumped everyone but Sammy. Sammy refused and said, “We’re not there yet.”
Schiavone said MJF is “a snake in no good grass.”
(5) “LEGIT” LEYLA HIRSCH vs. PENELOPE FORD (w/Miro, Kip Sabian, Charles Taylor)
Ross said as Hirsch walked out, “She’s 4-11, if you’re wondering.” Excalibur said she’s a tremendous athlete. They showed Orange Cassidy watching from ringside. Chuck Taylor, now “Charles Taylor,” walked out in a butler suit. Miro made him sit at ringside. Sabian ordered Taylor to trip Hirsch. She managed to come back with a cross arm breaker almost immediately, though. Ford reached the bottom rope to force a break. Ford gave a distracted Hirsch a pump kick at ringside, then threw her into the ringside barricade. Ross blamed her for going to ringside in the first place amongst the sharks. [c/ss]
Hirsh flip-dove onto Kip and Charles at ringside. They cut to Cassidy who sat expressionless at ringside. Sabian held onto Hirsh’s leg during a Ford cover to prevent her from kicking out. The announcers were confused by the finish.
WINNER: Ford in 9:00.
-Afterward, Miro ordered Charles into the ring. He said he can be mean to him anytime he wants, but he’s a nice guy. He said he’s going to take him places he’s never been before. He told him to take the mic and look at Cassidy, “that George Michael wanna be,” and tell him “Miro is your best friend now.”
Cassidy stood. Charles reluctantly said, “Miro is my best friend now.” He didn’t sound convincing. Or, as Ross put it, “He said it with all genuality [sic].” Cassidy hung his head and turned and left. Schiavone said they have broken apart the Best Friends. Miro & Co. waved good bye to Cassidy and celebrated. Taylor forced a half-smile as Miro put his arm around him.
-Backstage Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows, and Omega were attacking Penta as Callis cheered them on. Anderson wrapped a cable around Penta’s neck. Kenny took off his boot and jabbed Penta in the face with the point of the boot.
-The announcers hyped Archer vs. Kingston, Dax vs. Jungle Boy, Young Bucks & Good Brothers vs. Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson & John Silver & Alex Reynolds), and Shaq replies to Cody next week. They also hyped Beach Break in two weeks including Thunder Rosa vs. Britt Baker and a tag team battle royal for a tag title shot at Revolution. [c]
They cut to a break a few minutes in after infrequent tags. [c]
Schiavone said Tony Khan is ready to announce the main event for Beach Break “even though Penta has been taken out.” The graphic showed: Pac & Fenix & Moxley vs. Omega & Gallows & Anderson.
When Jericho brought a bat into the ring, Hager kicked him. MJF brought his Diamond Ring into the ring. Hager punched him. Guevara landed a sad-looking shooting star press as Ortiz put himself right into position for it and looked up to see if it was coming. Jericho then landed a Lionsault on Sammy after MJF laid out Sammy. Jericho landed on his head like gravity was working against him as he springboarded.
Santana and Ortiz gave Jericho a tandem suplex for a near fall. Jericho caught Ortiz with a Code Breaker. With less than two minutes left in the hour, Excalibur said it’s “TV time remaining.” Guevara landed a top rope senton on MJF. Ortiz was late with the save, but the ref stopped his count at two even though MJF’s shoulder was still down. Guevara gave Jericho a GTH. That looked rough, too. Guevara lifted MJF, but Wardlow stood on the ring apron. They collided, and then MJF rolled up Guevara for the win. They abruptly went off the air as Ross asked what in the hell just happened.
WINNERS: MJF & Jericho 13:00.
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