1/18 BEING THE ELITE REPORT: Young Bucks confront Kenny Omega and Matt Hardy disrespects Private Party


Being The Elite reportedly on hiatus


JANUARY 18, 2021

Watch It HERE.

Top Points:

  1. Young Bucks confront Omega and Good Brothers about the bait and switch on Dynamite last week.
  2. John Silver retains BTE Championship in a game of beer pong against Alex Reynolds.
  3. Matt Hardy reveals fine print of contract the Young Bucks signed last week for their new locker room.

– The show opened with a clip from Dynamite that showed the Young Bucks, Kenny Omega, and Don Callis backstage ahead of their match. Omega asked if they were going to come out to The Elite music, but Callis interjected and suggested they enter separately because the Young Bucks have good music and they all agreed. A backstage camera filmed Omega from behind as he stood in the entrance tunnel during his entrance. Omega stood there for a moment before walking out to the ring. From there, another clip from Dynamite played of Don Callis teasing calling out the Young Bucks, but instead calling out the Good Brothers.

– Matt and Nick were shown standing in the entrance tunnel after that announcement. They looked mad and flipped off Omega behind the curtain.

– Matt and Nick were backstage in a hallway and Matt found Omega and the Good Brothers. Matt and Nick approached them and Matt sarcastically congratulated them on a good match. Omega tried to say he had no idea what happened. Matt asked why Anderson and Gallows were already in their gear if they didn’t know this was going to happen. Gallows said he though Impact was taping in Orlando again and they were just passing through. Anderson said they know them and that they never want to actually go wrestle, so why would they agree to this plan. Nick Jackson said that’s true and seemed to believe it. Omega promised them that he did not set this up and Matt asked who did. After a moment of silence, Matt drew his own conclusion as to who did it. Omega said Don doesn’t understand their relationship and Omega promised if he knew it wouldn’t have happened. They all held up the “too sweet” hand sign and Omega promised to talk to Callis. Matt said it was just embarrassing for them to be ready to go to have this switch happen. Omega complimented their new ring gear. Omega and the Good Brothers then walked away. Nick then tapped Matt on the shoulder and asked if he thought it was planned. Matt said “one thousand percent yes.”

– The BTE open aired.

– AEW staffer, Jeff Jones, was holding cardboard cut outs of Matt and Nick Jackson. He said those cut outs had been at all of the Jacksonville Jaguars games this season. Nick had signed his and Jones pulled out Matt’s to have him sign it as well. Matt signed the cut out as he stared into the camera while not looking at his signature. He smiled and said “it’s back.”

– Stu Grayson was talking on the phone while the other members of Dark Order were conversing behind him. Grayson was on the phone getting upset with the person on the other end as he tried to order a life size horse made of chocolate. Grayson walked out of the frame and Uno asked them all to quiet down. Uno said they only have two days to prepare for Hangman Page to join Dark Order. They all cheered and Uno said it needs to be a huge celebration. Uno said he’s getting him an inflatable castle like he had on his fourth birthday. They all went around listing off their gift ideas and insulted Angels for his bad gift idea. Hangman Page then walked in, drink in hand, and asked what they were doing. They all looked at him confused then screamed at him to get out before excitedly going back to talking about how great his surprise party was going to be.

– Allie walked past Brandon Cutler backstage and said hi to him. As she walked past, Cutler turned his back to her and shook his head as if he was annoyed by her. Allie turned around and flipped Cutler off behind his back before continuing to walk off.

– Private Party walked in on Matt Hardy and were very upset with him. Kassidy asked Matt what was in his hands and Matt said he had a couple of resumes. Kassidy said he thought it was just the three of them. Hardy set the papers down and assured them both that it’s just the three of them. He said he was just looking them over because they were sent to him. Hardy quickly changed the subject and said he got fired up with them last week because of what Quen said. Hardy said Quen called him a “money grabbing carney.” Hardy said that level of disrespect is just unheard of. Kassidy muttered something under his breath and Hardy challenged him to say it out loud. Kassidy then said he agreed with Quen and that Hardy was being a money grabbing carney. Hardy called them stubborn and dumb, but said he was going to fix it if they just listen to what he says. Hardy said their match on Dark this week is very important and they need to win “by any means necessary.” Hardy then yelled it into each of their ears so they really understood what he was saying. He said it again as he walked off.

– Kris Statlander spoke into her watch and said her initial examination of Griff Garrison was a failure. She said the subject was much too big, but perhaps his companion would be an easier subject to examine. The camera panned around to show Brian Pillman Jr. leaning against a wall playing on his phone. Statlander said hello to him and then put him in a headlock and ran off.

– Leva Bates was sitting backstage reading a book. Peter Avalon approached her and awkwardly coughed to get her attention. He awkwardly said hello and acknowledged that she’s been winning a lot of matches lately and she said yeah. Bates returned the compliment. Avalon awkwardly tried to make small talk with her for a minute. They went to say goodbye, but weren’t on the same page as one attempted a handshake while the other attempted a hug. Eventually they just awkwardly walked the opposite direction.

– Statlander sat with Pillman in a small room. Pillman asked what she wanted Statlander just asked him to read what’s on the paper in her hand and Pillman agreed. The paper read “Eye em sofa king stoop ed.” Pillman repeated it faster before jumping up in frustration. PIllman had his hands tied behind his back, but Statlander said she didn’t even do that. Statlander then told him to leave and he left, with his hands still tied behind his back somehow.

 – Luchasaurus stood in a locker room and said the EVPs stole his locker room, so in return he’s going to steal a cola out of the fridge. He grabbed one and when he closed the fridge door, Cutler appeared and asked him what he’s doing. Cutler said they have a match next week and Luchasaurus said he’s ready to wrestle Cutler. Cutler said it won’t be him and that it would be a dragon. Luchasaurus got upset and said dragons are not real. Cutler called him a fossil, which upset him. Cutler said he would see him on Dark and Luchasaurus looked into the camera and said “oh it’s on now” and stormed out of the room.

– Kip Sabian was sitting down and Leva Bates walked up and said hi. He called her a loser and laughed at her. Bates said she’s there to tell him the truth and the truth is, she let him win. He shrugged it off, but it slowly set in that she wasn’t joking. She repeated herself, but he rejected that and threatened her one last game. Bates accepted and he stormed off.

– John Silver awkwardly introduced himself as the BTE Champion. Silver said he’s playing beer pong against Silver for the BTE championship, but thanks to Cutler they have to use bottle caps instead of ping pong balls. They played and Silver ended up winning. They shook hands and Reynolds kissed him on the forehead. Silver grabbed his belt and said he’s the most dominant champion in the world.

– Matt and Nick Jackson had their luggage and said it was time to leave. They went to exit their new locker room and Matt Hardy walked in. Matt Jackson went to tell Hardy about his key issue last week and Isaiah Kassidy started to walk in. Hardy quickly shooed him away and called him dumb. The Young Bucks told him they had to get a locksmith because the lock didn’t work. Hardy said of course the key didn’t work as the contract Matt Jackson signed specifically said Hardy is the only one with a key and he can lock/unlock the room. Hardy then said they’ll need to contact him whenever they need to get in or out of the room from now on. Matt and Nick Jackson said that’s kind of weird, but okay. Hardy then held out his hand and wanted to talk to them about payment. Hardy said that was also in the contract, if they would’ve read it. They both pulled out their wallet and took all the cash they had. Hardy said they’re all good for this week. Matt Jackson said it will be fine, they are millionaires and their kids are set for life. Nick complained and said they’re just stupid babyfaces around there and Matt said he’s pretty sure the paper he signed was completely blank as they left.

FINAL THOUGHTS: I’m glad they had the Young Bucks confront Omega and the Good Brothers about what happened on Dynamite last week. I’m not sure the explanation, or lack thereof, did much to help it make sense, but we will see where it goes. They basically beat around the bush and said it wasn’t them and the Young Bucks just went with it, even though they knew Omega was in on it. The Young Bucks’ characters are all over the place in recent months. They just (seemingly) turned heel to join up with Omega and the Good Brothers, but Nick made a comment at the very end of the episode saying they’re just stupid babyfaces. Do they think they’re babyfaces? At this point, I have no idea what they’re supposed to be because it flips more often than Matt Hardy flips gimmicks. I’m definitely willing to give this story time, but looking at what’s unfolded the last couple of months, they’ve been all over the place and that trend has just continued the last two weeks on Dynamite. Hopefully, we start to see a more consistent and obvious babyface or heel character from the Young Bucks instead of this ambiguous mess we’ve been getting.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S BTE REPORT: 1/11 BEING THE ELITE REPORT: “Bullet Club” reunited, Hardy talks business with Private Party, Statlander abducts Garrison, and more


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