12/9 NXT ON USA REPORT: Lindberg’s Live Results for Ciampa vs. Grimes, Ember Moon vs. Raquel Gonzales, Finn Balor’s appearance and the fallout from War Games

By Nate Lindberg, PWTorch contributor


DECEMBER 9, 2020

Commentary: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett, Beth Phoenix


– The show kicked off with a video package with highlights from War Games, set to War Pigs by Black Sabbath. It started with Balor talking about his return before going into a montage of clips from the night. It ended with Balor saying that tonight, all eyes will be back on him before a quick “Tick Tock” could be heard.

-Cut to the Capitol Wrestling Center and Finn Balor is making his entrance, holding the NXT Title over his shoulder. He grabbed a mic and said that War Games is over, and the time for team sports are as well. He said that it’s Wednesday and the champ is back. A “Finn” Chant broke out through the crowd. He said that if “you want to get to know me, come see me in the ring”. Pete Dunne’s music hit, and he walked to the ring slowly. Dunne said that they both came from the UK and it’s time that the two stand face to face. He said it was a matter of time before he put Balor back on the shelf and won the title.

-Kyle O’Reilly’s music hit and he came to the ring. He said he wanted to interject himself, but he was on the winning War Games team and he was the one to break Finn’s Jaw. He deserves the shot. Priest’s music then hits, and he said that Balor vs. Priest is a marquee match. KOR, Dunne and Priest all argued in the ring as Balor walked backstage, annoyed. Priest asked where he was going. He said “You boys need to learn some manners.” He said he was going to defend the title at New Year’s Evil on January 6th, but it’s Regal’s job to find out who the challenger will be.

-Scarlett made her way on stage and circled Finn Balor. Karrion Kross’s music was playing, but he did not appear. Balor said that when Kross is ready, Finn is ready and walked to the back. Priest asked Scarlett if she usually handles her boy’s business and questioned his manhood. Scarlett just creepily laughed.

(Lindberg’s Analysis: Clearly this will lead to a Dunne, Priest, Kross & KOR match of some sort. I’m hoping it’s something more than just a fatal four way, something more creative. These four men are easily the four that should be in this spot. 

After commercial, Killian Dain attacked Dunne backstage and officials quickly pulled them apart.


Atlas made his way to the ring first, followed by Swerve. Swerve has been off TV for quite some time and they did mention that on commentary. Swerve took Atlas down first with a wrist lock, with Atlas quickly able to reverse. The two went back and forth with arm and leg holds and flips before Atlas left the ring. Swerve jumped to the Apron and kicked Atlas in the face before rolling him back into the ring.

Atlas hit a hurricanrana and went for a springboard crossbody, but missed. Swerve attempted a clothesline but was pushed into the turnbuckle. He rebounded with a Flatliner and covered for a two count. Phoenix commented that there seemed to be no ring rust as Swerve continued to bring offense to Atlas. Atlas managed to hit a knee to the face followed by a big clothesline into a modifed powerbomb for a two count.

Atlas continued with a series of strikes and kicks, before Swerve got in a clothesline of his own. Swerve was looking for an armbar, but Atlas rolled him over onto his back for a two count. Swerve applied a series of waist and shoulder holds, but Atlas was able to roll him over for the pin.

WINNER: Jake Atlas at 4:29.

(Lindberg’s Analysis: Great to see Swerve on TV again, and he looked great in the ring. He really didn’t seem to show signs on ring rust at all, as Beth Phoenix mentioned. The Atlas win was put over as a fluke win, so I would expect to see this feud continue)

-After the match, Atlas tried to shake Swerve’s hand. Swerve blew him off and looked very angry before walking backstage.

-Tommaso Ciampa appeared on screen and said that after he’s now beaten Thatcher, nobody is safe and that doesn’t know any other way of life. He said Cameron Grimes is the squeakiest wheel in the shed and it’s time he did something about it. Ciampa called him loud, brash, ignorant and confident although perhaps insecure. He said sometimes insecurity can be disguised as confidence and tonight we’ll see which is which for Grimes before cutting to commercial.


Imperium and Ever Rise were already in the ring as GYV made their entrance back from commercial break. All six men started brawling outside the ring before Aichner, Gibson and and Parker started things off. Parker was quickly taken out and Aichner quickly tagged in Barthel who dominated Gibson for a two count. Ever Rise hid outside the ring while the other two teams continued to fight.

Chase Parker grabbed Barthel’s hair from the apron, interjecting themselves again. Gibson tagged Drake in and the two got in some tag team offense on Barthel. Drake continued to dominate Barthel and threw him outside the ring. Gibson picked him up and allowed his partner, Drake, to springboard from inside the ring onto Barthel. They rolled him in and quickly tagged each other in and out with Drake as the legal man.

Barthel got a back suplex on Drake and went for a cover, when Chase Parker broke it up and Ever Rise finally entered the match, taking out the other two legal men. Drake caught a kick from Parker, and Barthel clotheslined him. They then tagged their respective partners, and it was back to Gibson and Aichner.

Ever Rise snuck in and got the upper hand once again with a near false finish. Imperium took out Ever Rise, and Barthel pulled off a great moonsault for a two count on Drake. Imperium took out Gibson and double teamed Drake for a near fall. However, Parker tried to steal the pin and almost won for a two count. GYV hit the Ticket to Mayhem for the win over Matt Martel.

WINNERS: Grizzled Young Veterans in 7:00.

(Lindberg’s Analysis: Sorry, I forgot to hit the stopwatch. But the match was approximately seven minutes long. GYV’s return to TV looked great and painted them as a very strong tag team for anyone who may not remember who they were. Ever Rise played their “chicken shit” heel personas wonderfully, and I thought they may even squeak out a fluke win.)

-Before commercial, they plugged a “Casualties of War Games” segment. After the break, Wade Barrett and Vic Joseph kicked that segment and cut to a video package of all of the participants, men and women, commenting on their matches. Each wrestler was hyping up the match to be the most destructive they’ve ever been in. Pat McAfee, Candice LaRae, Oney Lorcan and Bobby Fish were not present as each of them were legitimately injured in the match. Kai also appeared to have a neck injury and said she won’t be around for awhile.

(Lindberg’s Analysis: A very well produced, however a rather long, video package that recapped the brutality of the two matches. It really sold how dangerous the match is while highlighting a mix of, what seems to be, real and worked injuries.) 

-After the video package, Toni Storm was interviewed and asked what it was like being on the winning team and why she turned on Moon before the match. She said that Moon was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but she made the right decision because she was on the winning team. She said that Moon stole her thunder at War Games, but she will be the next NXT Women’s Champion. Io Shirai entered the frame, and said that she doesn’t have a problem with Storm before attacking her. The two fought through the backstage area and it spilled into the arena. The two entered the ring and Shirai landed an upper cut on Storm. She hit the double knee in the corner and set up for a moonsault. Storm got out of the way and retreated up the ramp. Ember Moon ran out and threw her back in, allowing Shirai to hit that moonsault. Shirai’s music hit as her and Moon mocked a defeated Storm.



Grimes was making his entrance as we came back from commercial break. Ciampa came out next with his jacket and mask looking like the star he has truly become. The two locked up as the bell rang and Ciampa took a headlock, bringing Grimes to the mat. Grimes escaped, but Ciampa put him into an arm lock and stomped the shoulder. He locked in another shoulder submission, but Grimes was able to reverse and put on a wastelock.

Thatcher made his way down the ring and sat down on a folding chair, just as Thatcher did to Ciampa a few weeks ago. Ciampa and Grimes went back and forth on offense before Ciampa landed a back elbow prompting Grimes to exit the ring and hide behind Thatcher. Ciampa wasn’t fazed, and continued dominating Grimes while glaring at Thatcher. He tossed Grimes back in the ring. Grimes kicked Ciampa in the midsection, and covered for a two count as we went into a picture-in-picture commercial break.

Throughout the commerical, Grimes was on the offensive. They showed Thatcher periodically, reminding the audience that he is still lurking. Back from the commercial break, Grimes had Ciampa in a headlock. Ciampa immediately reversed it, but Grimes was able to reapply it with ease. Ciampa punched his way out of it, and was shot off the ropes by Grimes. He rolled Grimes up for a two count. Ciampa took Grimes down again with a series of clotheslines, at least six of them before landing a massive lariat. He landed a running knee to Grimes, sitting in the corner and covered for a near fall.

Ciampa tried to hook in Fairytale Ending, but Grimes wiggled away and was able to kick Ciampa in the face. Grimes reversed again for a nearfall. The two ran the ropes and collided in the middle, both looking for cross bodies. Grimes managed to barely cover for a two count. The two men struggled to their feet, but Grimes made his way up first. He went for a German Suplex, but Ciampa was able to grab the top rope to block. Ciampa pushed Grimes into the corner and propped him on the top turnbuckle. He hit Grimes with knife edge chops and then clotheslined him off the top turnbuckle to the floor.

One of Thatcher’s students rushed the ring and distracted Ciampa and Grimes attempted to take the advantage, but unfortunately fell to to Willows Bell. Ciampa covered for the win.

WINNER: Tommaso Ciampa at 10:22.

(Lindberg’s Analysis: Glad to see Grimes in a high profile spot like this, even if he did lose. Ciampa is arguably the top guy in NXT, so losing to him doesn’t hurt much. In fact, I think he put on a good enough performance to see his stock raised a little. I did not think that the Thatcher-Ciampa feud would continue after Ciampa’s decisive win at War Games. But, I like where this is going. Thatcher won’t be defeated so easily.)

-After the match, Thatcher and Ciampa stared one another down. Ciampa walked right up to Thatcher, and then around him while retreating to the back. Thatcher said he had nothing to do with the interference and Ciampa went backstage. Grimes grabbed Thatcher and complained that Thatcher got involved. Grimes was quickly put in his place, and Thatcher retreated backstage.

-Raquel Gonzales was interviewed and asked her thoughts on Ember Moon. She said that War Games was the biggest night of her career, she pinned the NXT Women’s Champion and won for her team. She said that she is going to make Moon regret ever coming back to NXT. Gargano, LaRae and Theory were then shown walking to Gorilla.

-After the break, the mysterious videos where Xia Li and Boa seem to be tortured, or training, re-emerged. Boa was being flogged with a kendo stick, bloodied at the mouth. Xia Li was punching a wooden spike over and over again while being yelled at by the elder. The torture continued for what seemed like an uncomfortable period of time.

(Lindberg’s Analysis: I’ve been higher on this Li and Boa angle than my PWT Talks NXT counterparts, Tom Stoup and Kelly Wells. While it’s stereotypical and could come off as something that should not be on TV, it’s being portrayed in such a way each week that hooks me. What is going on? Are they being tortured or are they training like monks? It’s definitely unsettling, and this segment in particular was especially violent. I’m not entirely sure what to make of it, although it did make me uncomfortable that Wade Barrett essentially shrugged off this potential torturing and moved quickly to the next segment.)

Celebration With The Garganos

-Indi Hartwell and Austin Theory accompanied Candice LaRae and NXT North American Champion, Johnny Gargano to the ring. All of them dancing and celebrating throughout their walk to the squared circle. Gargano grabbed two mics and gave one to his wife.

The crowd booed them out of the building and wouldn’t let them talk. By small crowd, I mean the piped in audio as the crowd was clearly not making that much noise. Gargano finally spoke over the small crowd and introduced the four of them. He said “Ladies and Gentlemen, open your eyes. We are the way. And Sunday was the way it was done!” LaRae listed off their accomplishments at War Games while Gargano screamed “Thats the way!” Theory got excited and said “The milky way!” before being shrugged off by LaRae and Gargano as too excitable.

Gargano said he made history as the first 3 time champion. The crowd legitimately did start booing him and he called them rude. He said he has a surprise for his wife and sent Indi to get it from the ring crew. Gargano said that this was an expensive gift, imported from Italy. He asked for a drumroll and Theory failed miserably at trying. He asked the sound guy for a drum roll and they revealed a trophy. At the top of the trophy was a green haired doll to represent her team’s win over Team Shotzi.

Gargano then said that Priest and Ruff want Theory and he in a tag match next week, in retribution for War Games. Gargano said that if you are not “In the way” and LaRae finished “Stay out of our way.” Priest made his way out to the stage and congratulated Gargano for his win and then Theory for his reveal. When he rushed the ring to attack Theory, Karrion Kross ambushed Priest. Kross threw Priest into the set and then powerbombed him off of it through a table. Kross then walked out through the crowd and out of the building through a back door. He and Scarlett then drove off while laughing.

(Lindberg’s Analysis: I loved everything about this segment. The chemistry between LaRae, Gargano, Theory and Hartwell is excellent and they play off each other very well. Gargano is clearly the ring leader and is able to speak unscripted to make everyone look even better. Priest coming out to rain on the parade and getting attacked by Kross was a great callback to earlier in the night. Kross took out Priest after Priest mocked Scarlett for doing her husband’s dirty work.)

-After the break, Tyler Rust, the student who attacked Ciampa, was approached by Malcolm Bivens. Bivens said that he gave him his business card a few weeks ago, and that they should talk. They walked away, leaving the interviewer a little confused.


After the two went at it backstage, this match was booked. Dunne came out first and Dain came to the ring second. The bell rang and the two just started slugging one another. Dain backed Dunne into the corner and then bieled him across the ring. He backed Dunne into the corner again, but Dunne was able to escape with a punch to the face. Dain big booted Dunne over the top rope and onto the floor. Dain tossed Dunne back into the ring but took a boot to the face when he tried re-entering. Dunne got outside and started fighting for his life against Dain.

Dain took a kick to the groin and the ref didn’t see it. Dunne rolled him back into the ring and stomped his back. Dain sat in the corner and Dunne hit him with a series of strikes to the face. Dain fell over, and Dunne kicked the back of his head. Dunne grabbed Dain by the hair and kicked Dain repeatedly. This just upset Dain who delivered an overhead belly to belly suplex to Dunne and then brutalized him in the corner with punches. Dunne escaped with an enziguri and a German Suplex. Dain sat up, Dunne kicked him in the face as the cut to commercial.

Back from commercial, Dunne was in control of Dain with a headlock. The crowd got behind Dain, who hulked up and stood up with Dunne still clutching the hold in on his back. He fell backwards, crushing Dunne and the two struggled to their feet. Dain delivered corner splashes and haymakers to Dunne, who again struggled to get up. Dunne tried knocking Dain out of the ring, but Dain was able to reverse it, hit a powerbomb and an elbow for the first near fall of the match.

Dain continued with the brutal offense on Dunne and got him into an electric chair position. Dunne countered with a triangle choke on a standing Dain. Dain was able to lift Dunne up for a power bomb for a near fall. Dain went for a cannonball on Dunne in the corner, but Dunne dodged and climbed to the top. Dain stood up and delivered a superplex to Dunne but couldn’t quite cover him at first. After a few seconds, he made the cover but Dunne kicked at two.

Dunne was able to pull off another enziguri but was met with a powerful lariat from Dain. Dain landed a running senton and then climbed to the top. Lorcan and Burch ran to the ring to interfere, but Drake Maverick came out of nowhere with a chair and chased the tag champs away. When Drake thought he was safe, the champs ran back down the ramp and attacked him. Dain left the ring and defended Maverick, but when he re-entered the ring he was met by a kick to the jaw and a Bitter End for the three count by Dunne.

WINNER: Pete Dunne at 13:54

(Lindberg’s Analysis: This was a much better match than I had expected it to be. Dain has not impressed me the last couple times he was in the ring, but I thought he and Dunne had great chemistry. They always did when they faced one another in the Tag scene. It was nice to see Maverick back on TV as well, as there was a huge focus on Dain and Maverick for weeks and it just kind of faded away. I think this is going to set up a Maverick/Dain vs Lorcan/Burch feud, as we discussed may happen on Sunday’s “takeover” of Wrestling Night in America.)

-Leon Ruff was interviewed back stage, asked if he was concerned at Priest’s status for next week after Kross’s attack tonight. Before he could answer, Gargano and Theory entered the room. Gargano said that there’s no way Priest would be ready and that he’s shooting arrows in a hospital somewhere. Gargano said that Ruff is a brave soldier and he’s sure that Ruff could take them in a handicapped match and walked away. Kushida came out of nowhere and offered his services if they are needed next week.

(Lindberg’s Analysis: Glad to see Kushida back, as he always tends to get a push and then fade away for awhile. If Priest doesn’t compete next week, I think he and Ruff would make a very complementary team, yet I’m not sure if they would overcome Theory and Gargano. The latter team seems like too much of a priority for them to lose to two lower guys like Kushida and Ruff).


Gonzalez entered first, followed by Moon. As the bell rang Gonzalez rushed Moon who dodged and continued to dodge offense until Moon got a kick in on Gonzalez. Gonzalez slowly cornered Moon. Moon tried to get a headscissors, but it was reversed into a powerbomb. Moon quickly rebounded and then was pancaked by Gonzalez. Gonzales backed Moon into the corner again and delivered forearms to the chest before picking Moon up and throwing her across the ring. Gonzales continued her onslaught of Moon as the commentators talked her up as a dominant force. Gonzales went for an arm drag, but Moon was able to counter with a kick to the face. Gonzales quickly took control again and delivered a series of elbows before covering for two.

Moon landed a dropkick but didn’t leave her feet until the fourth dropkick was delivered. Moon tried to get a cover, but Gonzalez was able to make it outside the ring and stood on the Apron. Moon charged at her, sending the two women plummeting to the floor as they cut to a picture-in-picture commercial. During the break, Moon took control of the match, mostly keeping Gonzalez in various headlocks for the entirety of it. Right before coming back to the match, Gonzalez took Moon down with a clothesline and continued dominating her until the break was over.

Back from commercial, Gonzalez had Moon in a modified bow and arrow submission. Moon escaped, but was quickly kicked in the chest and covered by Gonzalez for a near fall. The crowd rallied behind Moon as Gonzalez locked in an armlock. Moon rolled out of it and kicked Gonzalez in the face. Gonzalez made it to her feet first, and tried to pick Moon up, who was able to grab a headscissors and launch Raquel into the corner. Moon landed a unique superplex from the top rope and covered for a two count.

Moon dodged all attacks from Gonzalez and got Gonzalez down to a knee after an enziguri. Moon went for a bulldog, but it was scouted by Gonzalez who countered. Moon countered the counter with a DDT and a cover for a near fall. Gonzalez rolled out of the ring in front of the announce desk and Moon suicide dove onto Gonzalez, who laid out on the table. There is some scaffolding near the desks and Moon tried to climb it to put Gonzalez through the table, but Gonzales pulled her off. Gonzalez threw Moon into the ring post and rolled her into the ring for yet another two count.

Moon got to her feet and dodged a corner spear sending Gonzalez shoulder first into the post. She rolled Gonzalez up for another near fall. Moon climbed to the top and went for the eclipse, but Gonzales caught her in midair and took her down with a massive lariat. She picked Moon up for a powerbomb, but Moon rolled through for another near fall. Gonzalez stood up and quickly hit the powerbomb for a decisive and massive victory over former NXT Women’s Champ, Ember Moon.

WINNER: Raquel Gonzalez at 12:39.

After the match, Storm came down to the ring and stood over a downed Moon. When she went to attack, Ripley’s music hit and she rushed the ring. Rhea Ripley pulled Moon out of the ring who collapsed on the floor. Ripley got in the ring. Storm retreated, but Gonzales stepped toe to toe with Ripley. The crowd went banana (RIP Pat Patterson) as Gonzalez walked out of the ring. We went off the air with Ripley and Gonzales staring each other down as Gonzales walked to the back.

(Lindberg’s Analysis: For the last few weeks, Moon seemed to have an issue with timing in her matches, including the War Games match. Tonight, I didn’t see that. Instead, I thought that she and Gonzales had pretty decent chemistry together. The NXT brass clearly see potential in the massive Gonzales as she has now gotten decisive wins over the current and a former NXT Women’s champion. They’re building her up to be a monster heel, potentially for one final feud for Rhea Ripley before getting called up to the main roster.)

CATCH UP: 12/2 NXT ON USA REPORT: Wells’s report on Shotzi Blackheart vs. Raquel Gonzalez for WarGames advantage, final hype for TakeOver, more


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