NOVEMBER 3, 2020
Announcers: Excalibur and Taz.
Additional announcers throughout the show: Anthony Ogogo and Ricky Starks.
Ring announcer: Justin Roberts
– Excalibur and Taz welcomed us to Dark. They were once again joined this week by Anthony Ogogo at the start of the show.
Allin and King started it off in a classic lockup, with Allin taking control, until King worked out of it by lifting Allin onto the apron. The two traded a few blows until King found himself on the floor. Allin took advantage of the situation by landing a Tope through the ropes. Back in the ring, King initially took back control, pressing a boot to Allin’s face in the corner. Allin reversed, hooking King with a kneebar. King, noticeably selling the leg, hit a powerslam, then missed a swan dive from the top rope. Allin fought back, focusing on the leg. Allin hit a code red, then pinned King with the Last Supper cradle for the win.
WINNER: Darby Allin in 4:30
(Moynahan’s Take: A nice, quick win by Allin, who showcased much of the repertoire we’ve become familiar with. King was impressive here, although it would have been nice to see a bit more offensive from him. That will come in time, as this was only his third match with AEW. All in all, a good showing by Allin before his TV Title match with Cody at Full Gear.)
Both teams made their respective tag team debuts here. Brandi Rhoades started it off with Elayna Black. They traded armbars, until Black took control, throwing Brandi into the corner, and following up with a knee strike. After a series of pin attempts between the two, Brandi sent Black into the corner, and tagged in Red Velvet. Velvet hit an impressive standing moonsalt press. Leyla Hirsch was tagged in. Velvet showed some nice athleticism, hitting a leg lariat in the process. Velvet was distracted by Black, who came in the ring illegally. Hirsch took advantage of the distraction, knocking Velvet down, and tagging in Black. Black quickly hit a rising knee strike on Velvet. Another quick tag to Hirsch, as the two worked well to cut off the ring. Hirsch went high for an impressive looking moonsault, but missed, which allowed Brandi to get the hot tag. Brandi hit a Slingblade on Black, then followed up with a Step-up Enzuigiri. All four women were in the ring for a short period of time. Brandi was able to dispatch of Hirsch, allowing her to focus back on Black by hitting a Shot of Brandi for the pin.
WINNERS: Red Velvet & Brandi Rhodes in 6:00.
(Moynahan’s Take: An enjoyable match, and I’m interested to see if either of these two teams ‘stick.’ Could have been a coincidence, or a one-off, but Brandi and Velvet wore matching gear, at least a similar color-scheme. I’m also a big fan of Hirsch thus far, although she did not get much in-ring time here.)
(3) JURASSIC EXPRESS (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus w/Marko Stunt) vs. DANNY LIMELIGHT & KC NAVARRO
Jungle Boy and Danny Limelight started things off, with a lot of quick back and forth action between the two. Jungle Boy took control after a deep arm drag, slowing things down. Luchasaurus and Navarro were tagged in. Navarro jaw-jacked with the crowd a bit, until Luchasaurus knocked him down and sent him outside. Back in the ring, Jungle Boy tagged in, and hit rolling senton off of Luchasaurus’s shoulders. Limelight and Navarro worked well together, making quick tags and cutting off the ring. Jungle Boy was able to roll free, tagging Luchasaurus, who hit a double clothesline on both Navarro and Limelight. After a Tailwhip to Navarro, Luchasaurus and Limelight were left in the ring as the eligible men. Limelight hit a springboard into a knee strike, but after trying it a second time, Luchasaurus caught him with an impressive chokeslam into a knee strike. Jurassic Express then hit a combo move then ended in a powerbomb on Limelight for the win.
WINNERS: Jurrasic Express in 7:00.
(Moynahan’s Take: This was a fun tag match, feeling much quicker than the roughly seven minutes of action. Sign me up anytime Luchasaurus is in the ring with smaller, athletic opponents who can bump for him, as he was here. Random, but Taz and Ogogo had a nice side conversation related to the differences between boxing and wrestling ring ropes.)
– The ‘A Little Bit of the Bubbly’ ad with the Inner Circle aired.
Kazarian controlled the early goings of the match, even attempting two quick pins. Ryzin came back, working Kazarian in the corner. Taz made a Terra Ryzin’ joke. Kazarian came back, hitting a clothesline, a leg lariat, and a high elbow strike in succession. Kazarian hit a Fisherman’s suplex for a two count. Ryzin came back with a superkick, then Manhattan drop. Ryzin went for a moonsault, but Kazarian got a knee up, then hit a reverse DDT for the win.
WINNER: Frankie Kazaian in 6:30.
– After the match, Dasha Gonzales interviewed Kazarian in the ring. Dasha asked Kazarian what his goals are moving forward. As he was answering, TH2 hit the ring from behind. As Angelico had Kazarian in a hold, Jack Evans took the mic. Just as he was beginning to speak, Christopher Daniels hit the ring, throwing Evans out and hitting Angel’s Wings on Angelico. Daniels took the mic, calling out TH2 as they left ringside.
(Moynahan’s Take: Not much to the actual match, as it seemed to be more a setup for the building feud between TH2 and SCU. Nothing wrong with logical booking.)
Dutra made his AEW debut. Starks controlled the match early. The two went outside briefly, with Starks playing to the heel side. Dutra drew the ire of Starks after attempting a comeback, which was quicky squashed. Starks hit a knee strike and a spear, which set up the Roshambo for the finish.
WINNER: Ricky Starks in 3:00.
(Moynahan’s Take: Quick match, but a good showing for Starks, plus it’s always fun to have Taz on commentary when his Team Taz members are in the ring. Starks joined Excalibur and Taz on commentary after this match.)
Maluta and Chamberlain were another team making their tag debut. Garrison and Chamberlain started things off. Pillman Jr. was tagged in early, and kept Chamberlain in the corner. Garrison and Pillman Jr. made quick tags early, keeping things in control. Pillman Jr. got caught by Chamberlain on the ropes, and then a clothesline. Sean Maluta tagged in for the first time, hitting a Somoan drop on Pillman Jr. Pillman Jr. hit a powerslam on Maluta, and then tagged in Garrison. After some additional back and forth, Garrison held Maluta up as Pillman Jr. hit a springboard clothesline off the top rope. Garrison then pinned Maulta for the win.
WINNERS: Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman Jr. in 5:00.
– After the match, Lance Archer hit the ring and took out all four men. Jake Roberts was on the mic, commentating the beatdown the entire time. Roberts and Archer then directed their attention to Eddie Kingston and his family. Archer took the mic, and referenced the Casino Battle Royal from All Out, making it known he’s targeting Kingston.
(Moynahan’s Take: Although it was quick, I enjoyed the Garrison & Pillman Jr. pairing. I more so enjoyed the post-match beatdown, as well as Archer actually taking the mic. Looks like we have a pending feud brewing with Archer and Kingston/his family.)
(7) THE ACCLAIM (Max Caster & Anthony Bowers) vs. AARON SOLOW & ANGEL FASHION
Angel Fashion and Aaron Solow also made their AEW tag team debuts here. Anthony Bowens and Max Castor, known as The Acclaimed, came out, with Caster cutting a rap on Fashion and Solow, which had Taz in stitches. Bowens and Fashion kicked things off, with Bowens taking the early control. Bowens and Caster showed a good sense of tag team ability, making quick tags, and hitting a few double team moves, and signaling out Fashion for a large portion of time. Fashion finally fought out of it, and tagged in Solow for a hot tag. Solow took out both opponents, before tagging Fashion back in. This didn’t work out well for Fashion, as Bowens and Caster quickly took control back, and hit another double team Cutter finisher for the win.
WINNERS: Max Caster & Anthony Bowers in 7:00.
(Moynahan’s Take: Very impressive squash match for the newly signed ‘The Acclaimed’ tag team of Caster and Bowens. The early promo work by Caster was also impressive, and reminded me of an early John Cena rap.)
– An AEW Games promo aired
(8) ALAN “5” ANGELS (w/ The Dark Order) vs. VSK
Preston Vance (“10”) from the Dark Order remained ringside with Alan Angels. Angels untied VSK’s boot early on. The two worked outside, with Angels hitting a snap suplex on the floor. Once in the ring, VSK tried mounting a comeback, but Angels hit a round-kick to VSK’s head, then a stiff kick to the back. VSK fought back, hitting a German suplex on Angels. This didn’t last long, as Angels hit a spin kick on VSK. The two met on the apron, with Angels driving VSK down hard with a clothesline. In the ring, Angels hit the Wing Snapper finisher for the win.
WINNER: Alan “5” Angels in 5:00.
(Moynahan’s Take: An enjoyable showcase match for Angels. After watching VSK for a few weeks, I think there could be something there with him, but time will tell.)
Peter Avalon was shown backstage in his dressing room. He spoke directly to the camera, acting as though he’s been waiting for the person at the door. As he played to the camera, he made a number of innuendo’s, and then took the camera person’s….umm, visitors, hand, but was met with a slap. This caused Avalon to throw the person out. As he was doing so, he noted his new name, “Pretty” Peter Avalon (PPA).
(9) THE BUTCHER & THE BLADE (w/ The Bunny) vs. JERSEY MUSCLE (Steve Gibki & Tony Vincita)
Jersey Muscle was yet another tag team making its AEW debut. Butcher and Blade got things started quickly, double teaming Jersey Muscle before the bell. Gibki and Vincita traded tags in between beatdowns by The Butcher and The Blade. Gibki finally came in with some fire, but was caught by the Blade, followed up with a cross body by the Butcher. Butcher and Blade then hit a hanging powerbomb combo on Gibki for the win.
WINNERS: The Butcher & The Blade in 4:00.
– Post-match QT Marshall and Dustin Rhodes made their way out, going right after The Butcher and The Blade. QT quickly paused in the ring, staring at The Bunny, but the scuffle picked back up, and the teams were separated.
(Moynahan’s Take: This was really a one-side affair. Jersey Muscle look good physically in their debut here, but Butcher and Blade controlled 99 percent of the match. Good post-match brawl, and I enjoyed the short interaction between QT and The Bunny.)
(10) D3 vs. WILL HOBBS
D3 has a Roman gimmick here, interesting look. Hobbs headed toward the commentary table since Team Taz is still awaiting Hobbs’s answer to join them. D3 tried his best to land some strikes on Hobbs, to no avail. Hobbs hit a pair of running slams into the corner, and then an Oklahoma Stampede for the quick win.
– Post-match, Ricky Starks and Brian Cage attacked Hobbs, until the lights went out, and Darby Allin arrived to drive Team Taz away
(Moynahan’s Take: Complete squash. Taz was great on commentary, which continued the Hobbs ‘will he, won’t he’ storyline. The post-match with Allin, Starks, and Cage arriving was also a nice touch to continue this feud. There’s no sign of a Hobbs turn yet, but something tells me that where this goes.)
Nick Comoroto is huge. He started things off with Stu Grayson, who quickly tagged in Evil Uno. Uno was quicky overpowered by Comoroto with a test of strength. Grayson came back in and was caught in the test of strength as well. Grayson and Uno kicked their way out of it, but was unsuccessful double teaming Comoroto. Baron Black was tagged in, and hit a dragon screw on Grayson. Uno tagged in, and was able to take back control. After hitting a back breaker, Uno tagged Grayson in, who hit a delayed senton on Black. Black attempted to fight back but was quickly cut off by Grayson. Uno, previously knocked to the floor by Black, and was unable to help Grayson, allowing Black to make a comeback and tag in Comoroto. Comoroto hit a pair of slams on Grayson and Uno, and then a pair of elbows on each in the corner. Black tagged in, and was accidentally hit by Comoroto. Grayson hit Nightfall on Comoroto, then tagged Uno back in. Grayson and Uno took advantage of Comoroto being out of the ring, and hit their Fatality finisher on Black for the win.
WINNERS: Evil Uno & Stu Grayson in 7:00.
(Moynahan’s Take: Really fun match, and wow is Comoroto huge. I believe he is a former NXT trainee, but I know I will be doing some more research on him after this. I was a bit surprised Grayson and Uno gave up so much offense, but I appreciate this not being a complete squash.)
– The Inner Circle’s ‘A Little Bit of the Bubbly’ ad aired again.
(12) SHAWN DEAN & CEZAR BONONI & FUEGO DELO SOL vs. THE DARK ORDER (John Silver & Colt Cabana & “10”)
John Silver started things off with Cezar Bononi. As they sized one another up (Silver is much shorter) “10” came in and attacked Bononi. Cabana tagged in for one move, then tagged in “10,” who hit a powerbomb on Fuego Del Sol. Shawn Dean tagged in, and hit a nice headbutt on “10” but was met with a pump kick to the face. Silver tagged back in, but then reluctantly tagged Cabana back in. Lots of tags in and out across teams, with Silver ending up hitting an airplane spin on Del Sol for the pin.
WINNERS: The Dark Order in 6:00.
(Moynahan’s Take: A good primer for The Dark Order as they will meet Cody, Billy, and Austin Gunn on this week’s Dynamite. Silver continues to play up his character, and they also did a good job of showing some friction between he and Cabana. Will see how this plays out, perhaps as early as Dynamite this week.)
Lei’d Tapa made her AEW debut. Tapa and Kilynn King went to the outside early, with Tapa taking control. The two make their way back into the ring, with King landing a few blows, to little affect. Tapa hit a Somoan drop. King hit an atomic drop, then a clothesline, which finally landed Tapa on the mat. King followed it up with a frog splash for the pin.
WINNER: Kilynn King in 4:00
(Moynahan’s Take: Short match, but I enjoyed this for what it was. Tapa looks very impressive, although very green at the same time. They told a good story with King landing a number of blows before finally knocking Tapa to the mat, which led the frog splash pin.)
(14) CHOAS PROJECT (Serpentico & Luther) vs. PRIVATE PARTY (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)
Slower start than expected, as Private Party traded tags and worked on Serpentico’s arm early. Things picked up, as Private Party hit an enziguri on Serpentico, then double dropkicks on Luther. Frankie Kazarian was shown looking on in the crowd. Luther and Kassidy were in the ring when Serpentico shot off his streamers in Kassidy’s face., distracting him, and allowing Chaos Project to take control. Luther and Serpentico cut the ring off, making quick tags and hitting a number of double team moves on Kassidy in the process. Kassidy sent Serpentico over the top rope, which allowed him to make the hot tag to Quen. Quen put down Serpentico and Luther with various kicks, then hit a moonsault on Serpetinco for a two count. Kassidy tagged back in, and Private Party hit Gin and Juice on Serpentico for the win.
WINNERS: Private Party in 10:00.
(Moynahan’s Take: I thought this would have more action. I’d say the most interesting part was seeing Kazarian in the crowd. Taz and Excalibur questioned if was there to scout either or both teams.)
– Another AEW Games ad aired.
Johnson and Guevara began by each aiming to jockey for position. Nice early back-and-forth action, with Guevara taking early advantage, then Johnson. The two traded chops. Guevara whipped Johnson into the corner. Johnson went for a springboard, but Guevara pushed his foot off the rope in time. Guevara took his time with Johnson, keeping him on the mat, and playing to the crowd. With Johnson on the floor outside, Guevara hit a perfect Tornillo. Back in the ring, the two once again traded chops and uppercuts. Johnson was able to hit a hanging neck breaker, and to mount his comeback. Johnson hit a springboard missile drop kick for a two count. Johnson was slow to follow up with his momentum. Guevara hit a knee strike, then set Johnson up with the GTH. Guevara could have made the pin there, but he went hit a Twist of Fate for the pin.
WINNER: Sammy Guevara 12:00.
(Moynahan’s Take: This match had the action I was looking for in the previous one. Guevara is always great in my opinion, and the Twist of Fate finisher was a nice touch as a set up to the Elite Deletion match with Matt Hardy coming up at Full Gear.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: This being my first AEW Dark report, I very much enjoyed watching the show more closely this time around. AEW has been doing a great job getting ring time for the younger talent, giving additional time to some stars, and building in some storylines in the process. Overall, a very enjoyable show.
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