BEING THE ELITE EP. 228 – “Losses Matter Too”
NOVEMBER 2, 2020
Watch it HERE
1. Video Package recaps Brandon Cutler’s journey through AEW from being signed to finally beating Peter Avalon last week.
2. Dark Order and the Latino personalities in AEW play Family Feud.
3. John Silver and Alex Reynolds fail in attempt to recruit Darby Allin to Dark Order.
– Matt Jackson was sitting alone in the EVP room and looked stressed. Nick Jackson walked in and asked if he was ready. Matt shook his head yes and Nick told him to get up and said “it’s the right thing to do.” Matt agreed and said Nick is right because he’s their oldest friend and they should be there for him. Matt and Nick walked down the hallway, Matt still limping from FTR’s attack.
– Being the Elite open aired.
– Brandon Cutler was sitting down being interviewed. He said when he joined AEW, he was so hopeful and he wanted to prove he wasn’t just given a contract because of his relationship with Matt and Nick Jackson. Cutler said he wanted to prove he’s a great wrestler. Video of Cutler’s losses played in a row tallying up his losing streak as Cutler talked about not giving up on your dreams. (Jimmy Havoc was shown pinning Cutler in this montage which I found interesting given his release in August.) The montage showed clips of Avalon mocking Cutler for losing as well followed by their attempt to team up and Avalon turning on Cutler after they failed to win as a team.
Clips from the first Cutler vs. Avalon match aired, which ended in a double count out. Cutler’s conversation with Hangman Page was shown, followed by Matt and Nick missing his match. The second Avalon vs. Cutler match was shown with a double knock out. Finally, clips from last week’s AEW Dark match between Cutler and Avalon were shown where Cutler finally scored his first win over Avalon. The Young Bucks were shown walking out to the ring and supporting Cutler shortly before the finish and celebrating with him after the victory.
– Matt and Nick Jackson were standing with Brandon Cutler after his match. Matt said they’re in Jacksonville and Brandon just got his first win. Cutler said for the first time he had his hand raised and his music played after the match. Cutler talked about never giving up as the Young Bucks stood next to him just awkwardly looking around as he spoke. They hugged and Matt started to apologize for being so hard on him a couple of weeks ago. Cutler stopped him and said it’s all water under the bridge.
– Eddie Kingston looked at the camera and said he’s got this. He backed up and putt the ball into the gator’s mouth from the BTE Championship Gator Golf tournament. He almost tripped over the TV stand next to him, but managed to stay on his feet and walked away.
The bracket was displayed and announced that the triple threat golf match will take place next week to crown the winner of the BTE Championship. It will be John Silver vs. Matt Jackson vs. Trent.
– Sammy Guevara walked up to Fuego Del Sol and asked what he’s doing there since he lost in the BTE Championship tournament last week, even after Guevara threw the game to him in the first round. Fuego said he flew himself in for an opportunity. Guevara excitedly asked if he got booked and Fuego said no. Matt Jackson limped past them and said hi. Guevara then said they should take out Matt so Fuego can be back in the BTE Championship tournament. Fuego tried to stop Sammy, but Sammy took off his shoe and threw it in the director Matt walked off, but it didn’t hit Matt, it hit a shirtless Brian Cage. Guevara yelled and blamed it on Fuego. Cage picked up Fuego and held him high in the air against a wall. Fuego yelled he still has both shoes on so Cage put him down and turned to Guevara, who only had one shoe on. Guevara ran away as Cage chased him.
– John Silver and Alex Reynolds walked up to Darby Allin who was sitting on a random staircase. Silver and Reynolds said hello and noted they just got back from a Good Charlotte concert. Silver and Reynolds then started talking about riding their skate boards trying to relate to Darby, but Allin wasn’t in the mood. Silver and Reynolds then switched to why they were really there, to recruit him to Dark Order. Silver and Reynolds noted they had their faces painted just like Darby, they love Hot Topic just like he does, and they all have a death wish too (Allin had a shirt on that said Deathwish.) They asked Darby what he thought and he asked if they both really had a death wish, they said yes. Darby then threatened to shove his skateboard up their asses if they didn’t leave, so they ran away.
– Matt and Nick Jackson promoted an upcoming virtual panel discussion in a couple of weeks with them and Excalibur relating to their upcoming book and a Q & A session.
– Luchasaurus and Super Panda were swimming as Luchasaurus’ dad was grilling in the backyard. Luchasaurus said he was trying to work on psychology and Panda said he is. Luchasaurus asked if they could work on some “big man stuff” and Panda agreed. Panda told Luchasaurus to lift the dummy in front of him over his head to start. Luchasaurus’ dad told them to hurry up and finish or else Luchasaurus’ mom is going to be pissed because he hasn’t finished his homework yet. Luchasaurus tried to pick up the dummy but couldn’t. Luchasaurus then worked on his moonsault into the pool, but the splash doused his dad and the food on the grill. His dad mumbled under his breath in anger and a loud dinosaur roar was heard which sent Luchasaurus and Panda running in fear from Luchasaurus’ mom.
– Alex Abrahantes introduced Speaking Spanglish and said this week they’re playing “Spanglish Feud.” The two “families” were Dasha Gonzalez, Santana, Ortiz, Sammy Guevara, and Diamante and Dark Order. Dark Order all held their hands up saluting the Dark Order, apart from John Silver, who was dancing with excitement.
The first question was “Austin Powers fears these individuals.” Dasha answered Dr. Evil, but was wrong. Evil Uno answered Dr. Evil, but as Dr. Evil would say it and that was correct and the number one answer on the board. Ten guessed Mr. Brodie Lee, which was the number two answer. Stu Grayson guessed Anna Jay, which was the third answer. Anna Jay guessed Evil Uno which was also correct. John Silver guessed “not Stu Grayson” so Abrahantes took that as guessed Stu Grayson, which was also correct.
The second question was “300 cult members were recently asked, what’s the best way to recruit new members.” Santana and Ortiz buzzed in, but before the could answer Abrahantes leaned over and started complimenting them, while showing 10 and 5 the answer card. Ortiz then guessed “shanking them” which was wrong. 5 guessed “drinking the Kool-Aid” which was the number one answer. Stu Grayson said “invite them to a networking party” which was correct. Anna jay guessed “threatening to give Marko Stunt their number” which was correct as well. John Silver answered “get them over on BTE” which was also a correct answer.
The third question was “TNT Champion Cody follows a very strict diet, what are some of his favorite meals?” Guevara chimed in and guessed Baby Lentels, which was incorrect. Stu Grayson guessed “shit” which was also incorrect. Dark Order chose to pass that question to the other team, who needed to get them all right to win. Abrahantes said if they get all the answers correct, as he rolled his eyes, they may win the game. They all pointed to Benigo Bodega, the fortune teller, who will be answering for them. Bodega got the top five answers in quick succession. He then noted that John Silver has Jock Itch, which was the 6th answer on the board as well. Abrahantes rolled his eyes and said the Latinos win. Dark Order were very upset as Anny Jay shoved Stu Grayson down.
That was a very elaborate video package recapping a feud between two losers! It did a great job showing Cutler’s journey to finally winning a match and encapsulating all the key moments along the way. I have to give them credit, I don’t usually watch Dark now that I don’t cover it, but I tried to catch the Cutler/Avalon match live last week and I watched it in full. I can’t say it’s the most interesting feud or anything, but the work on BTE with the Young Bucks and Cutler was enough to get me to go out of my way and watch, so that’s something to take as a positive.
This is a largely skippable episode of BTE. No story line advancement and no updates for any of the major stories going on in the BTE universe at the moment. Still nothing from Kenny Omega or Hangman Page ahead of their match this weekend, which was extremely disappointing to me. Hangman hasn’t been seen since a mysterious person took his phone and told the Young Bucks to never speak to him again and Kenny hasn’t been seen since promising a new attitude heading into the tournament. I’d like for there to be at least a teaser to move these stories along, but with them fighting this weekend, how do you not even mention either of them on this show? Hopefully we get a huge chunk of time dedicated to them on Dynamite on Wednesday.
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