OCTOBER 29, 2020
Commentary: Andy Shepherd, Nigel McGuinness
Luna started the match by attempting a 3/4 nelson but Valkyrie grounded her and put her in a leglock that Luna kicked right out of. They ran the ropes before Luna was sent outside by a dropkick. She went for a baseball slide but Luna Caught her in a wheelbarrow and smashed her head into the apron. Luna got her in the ring for a two count. A second pinfall attempt followed before Valkyrie was caught and lifted onto her shoulders. Valkyrie escaped, springboarded off of the ropes, and scored a pair of near-falls.
Valkyrie missed with a dropkick before Luna connected with one, followed by a two count. Valkyrie started to get her second wind and laid in some strikes that knocked Luna down for two. She got up and was hit with a spinning dropkick before going to the top rope and taking Luna down with a modified scissor kick for the win.
WINNER: Valkyrie at 6:04.
(Koenig’s Analysis: As I have to say too often, their women’s division is awful. These were two young talents who did their best but it came off slow with no real excitement. It’s a shame there weren’t a couple of veteran wrestlers working with these talented ladies to help them as they grow.)
-Recap of the Heritage Cup Tournament so far.
-Survivor Series commercial celebrating 30 years of The Undertaker.
-Vignette for Rampage Brown who is coming soon to NXT UK
-Recap of the attacks on Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews attacks this year, followed by them in the ring to discuss. As soon as Andrews started to explain everything, Eddie Dennis walked down with a microphone. He and Andrews exchanged words and insults as they have known each other for fifteen years. Dennis tried to cause turmoil between the tag team by saying that Webster was en route to trying to be a singles competitor. Pretty Deadly came out with Dennis as backup before Andrews said “we knew you were going to do this. We have friends, too”. The Hunt came out and stood side by side with them. Dennis said “remember what I said- keep your friends close…” right as The Hunt turned and attacked Morgan & Webster. Dennis came in and directed activity as The Hunt beat them down.
-Piper Niven was asked backstage what her plan was for herself in NXT UK. She said the plan hasn’t changed. She directed her response to Kay Lee Ray and said that “title reigns come and go but enemies last forever”.
-30 Days of the Deadman on WWE Network commercial
-Sid Scala asked backstage what he thought of the situation with Morgan & Webster that just unfolded in the ring. Pretty Deadly immediately came from behind and said that they don’t know what just happened but they wanted a title shot with Gallus. Gallus then came up and said that next week, they were back to full strength, likely meaning the return of Joe Coffey.
-Recap of the Walter/Dragunov feud.
Devlin wrenched the arm early and gave Muir a backdrop. A headlock followed and the stronger Muir tossed him across the ring. Devlin became aggressive here and knocked down Muir and kicked him to the ground. He pulled him up and worked Muir’s arm. Devlin tossed him into the ropes before slamming him back to the mat. Jordan went to lift him but Muir countered, marking his only real offense in the match. Devlin kicked his throat and paced around Muir as he lie on the mat. Devlin went for the legs, but Muir lifted him up over his head before Devlin countered and rolled him up. Muir kicked out. Devlin slammed him to the mat again wrapped up his legs in a Texas clover leaf for the victory.
WINNER: Devlin at 4:44
(Koenig’s Analysis: A good squash match to showcase Devlin’s attitude and strength. I look forward to seeing more from Muir he has a great look. He’s young but shows promise.)
-After the match, Devlin announced to the cruiserweight division that the champion is back and to never bet against an Ace.
-WWE Chronicle: Bayley on WWE Network
(3) WALTER (c) vs. ILJA DRAGUNOV – NXT UK Championship Match
Dragunov with a big boot from the start and they both laid the shots in strong. Walter followed Dragunov to the top but he was knocked down and dropped his weight across Walter’s chest. Walter quickly got in a sleeper and tossed Dragunov across the ring. The two exchanged blows before Walter tossed him into the middle rope (which looked very dangerous) and out of the ring. He came back in and Walter kept battling. Dragunov got in some offense before being taken down and again and kicked around the ring and having Walter’s foot on his neck.
In the middle of the ring, Walter palmed Dragunov’s head and held him in a claw. Dragunov escaped with a series of strikes and a battle of strength that Walter obviously won. First pinfall attempt here for Dragunov, whose chest was already starting to welt. He tried to fight back but was suplexed across the ring. He grounded Dragunov and continued to work on his neck. Walter for two.
Walter carried Dragunov and placed him over the top rope in the corner and laid in a beating before Dragunov’s corpse flopped to the ground outside of the ring. As Dragunov climbed back in, the monstrous Walter was waiting to wrap him in the ropes and lay in strikes. Dragunov caught a forearm and reversed the attack, taking the fight to Walter before he executed a pair of German suplexes on him. The two continued to exchange heavy blows before Dragunov suplexed the champion again, this time for two.
As both stood, they continued the exchange and Dragunov was caught in a sleeper. Dragunov countered and rolled Walter for two as Walter locked in another sleeper. Both men broke apart and writhed in pain. Dragunov made it to his feet first and pounced but Walter swatted him out of the air. The two went 50/50 before Walter executed a powerbomb and pin. Dragunov kicked out at two.
As both men stood face to face again in the ring, the strikes and chops came hard and heavy, displaying a lot of brutality. Dragunov went to the top and dropkicked Walter for two. Both men got up and the Dragunov hoisted Walter up and slammed him down for another pinfall attempt. Dragunov worked his way back to his feet using the ropes and connected with a Torpedo Moscow. Another failed pinfall attempt followed. Dragunov continued the fight on the mat as Walter rolled out of the ring. Dragunov followed. Walter grabbed his neck and tossed him to the floor before kicking him into the stairs. Walter lifted him up and powerbombed him on the apron. He dragged Dragunov into the middle of the ring and executed a hard powerbomb. He then went to the top rope for a frog splash. He covered and Dragunov kicked out.
Walter was fed up and started another pounding in the ring. He wrapped Dragunov in a sleeper/body scissors hybrid and lights were out. Walter got the win arguably the best NXT UK match I’ve ever seen.
WINNER: Walter at 25:11.
(Koenig’s Analysis: Brutal. Violent. A hell of a match. This was an absolute clinic. This is a perfect demonstration of violence without being cartoonish or hokey. This match was filled with near falls that made you jump. It was exciting. The reactions from Walter at the end of the match as Dragunov sold amazingly told a story. You could tell he knew he had the battle of his career. I cant wait to see whats next with these two.)
Gallus vs. Sam Gradwell, Lewis Howley and Sam Stoker
Noam Dar vs. A-Kid- Heritage Cup finals
Follow Chad on Twitter & Facebook @ChadFromAlbany
Tremendous, match of the year candidate. An amazing showcase for both Walter and Dragunov.
Jordan Devlin still looking good, seems to have thickened his physique a bit too.
I agree that the women’s division is weka – they should ALWAYS pair the newer women with the more polished women (Piper, Jinny and to some extent Samuels).