NXT UK HITS & MISSES 10/22: Walter and Dragunov contract signing, Eddie Dennis vs. Oliver Carter, Trent Seven vs. Kenny Williams, Amale vs. Nina Samuels, Joe Coffey video package

By Derrel Freeman, PWTorch contributor


•Eddie Dennis vs. Oliver Carter – PUSH

This was the first match back for Eddie Dennis after eight months out with an injury and COVID. I liked giving Dennis a match like this where he can showcase who he is and what he does. Still, this was a match between him and one of their mid-card tag team guys. The match was nothing big, but it was an okay back-and-forth match. Dennis is a guy they want to build up, and I wish they would’ve built up his first match back. The promo afterward was decent, but nothing to talk about at all.

•Joe Coffey Video package – HIT

Each week, I say they have video packages that are short and sweet but build up whomever they are showing. This video package also did its job to build up the return of Joe Coffey. I can’t wait to see his return next week.

•Amale vs. Nina Samuels – HIT

Amale, each week she is on TV, impresses me more and more. This match was a Heel vs. Heel match, coming from the tag team match last week where Nina Samuels walked out on her. Again, this match was a hit because I like Amale in-ring style and selling. Nina didn’t fall short either, and she held her own in this match with the win. Another good woman’s match and the NXT UK women division is showing a lot at this time.

•Trent Seven vs. Kenny Williams – HIT

Trent Seven came back looking in good shape. What made this a Hit for me is how Seven wrestle this match. He came wrestling this match like this was something he needed and the announcing team framing that on commentary. Thought it would be more of a match of two different styles, but it was more a match that highlighted Trent Seven. I’m interested in how they continue to frame Seven in this tournament.

•Walter and Dragunov Contract Signing – HIT

This was the Contract signing for the title match, Next Week. Having Walter in any segment has a feeling of a big deal. His presence is like Big deal Bad Ass Boss. Walter came out, not playing and ready for business. He signs the contract, allowed Dragunov to sign it before he let him speak; it broke down into one of those brawls, but different cause Walter is a different kind of guy.



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