LECLAIR’S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 9/4: Alt perspective, detailed coverage of Roman Reigns’ address, Women’s tag title match, more

By Brandon LeClair, PWTorch contributor



Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

-The show opened with a video recap of the Payback main event, culminating with Roman Reigns entering the match late and capturing the Universal title.

-Michael Cole welcomed the audience to the show over a panning shot of the Thunderdome. Roman Reigns’ music hit and he stepped onto the stage wearing a new t-shirt simply saying “Show Up & Win.” Michael Cole quoted Roman’s tweet from earlier in the week, where he called himself the best performer of his generation. Corey Graves wondered what Paul Heyman has to do with the “whole situation.”

Reigns stepped in the ring, stone faced, and held up the Universal title as pyro shot from around the lower deck of the Thunderdome. Paul Heyman grabbed a microphone. “Just when you thought I was out, he pulled me back in,” Heyman said. Paul told the audience not to point accusatory fingers for “corrupting” Roman Reigns. “He is the one corrupting me,” Heyman claimed.

Paul said he was cast aside only to be pulled back to the island of relevancy by Roman Reigns. “Reason? Because they did the same damn thing to him that they did to me.” Heyman wondered what happened to the praise and thank yous. Heyman admonished WWE for their response to Roman requesting time off. He claimed The Fiend, nor Braun Strowman, are suitable champions. Roman, on the other hand, fits the very definition of champion.

Heyman refused to acknowledge the four wrestlers competing for a shot at the Universal title tonight. He said they don’t deserve to have their names spoken by him, or Roman Reigns. “I’ll leave the promotion to Anderson Cooper and Carmella’s latest boyfriend over there.”

“I’m gonna tell you this one time so you get it through your thick, unappreciative skulls…” Paul sighed, “my name is Paul Heyman and I serve as special council to the tribal chief, your raising, defending, undisputed Universal champion, Roman Reigns.” Paul stepped behind Roman as the camera zoomed in on Reigns’ face.

Reigns said he’s a man of his word, doing exactly what he promised he’d do at Payback. “I wrecked the Fiend, I wrecked the monster, and I left as Universal champion.” Reigns said he doesn’t care who he faces at Clash of Champions. “When you have this kind of power, all you have to do is show up and win. Believe that.” Reigns dropped the mic.

(LeClair’s Analysis: Paul Heyman was decidedly understated here. He changed his cadence and his volume so as to distance himself from his days with Brock Lesnar, while maintaining some of his key catchphrases and setting the table for how we can expect Roman Reigns to behave going forward. I think this was probably one of the most anticipated segments on Smackdown in a while, and for good reason. Reigns needed to speak here, and I’m glad they didn’t conclude the segment before he got his chance. Roman is always most effective when he’s a man of few words, and I think that rang true here too. Let Heyman carry the weight of Reigns’ lengthier mic work, but let Roman punctuate it with his cool, cocky demeanor. This could be a lot of fun.)

-Heavy Machinery headed to the ring. Cole said they’d take on The Miz and John Morrison after the break.

-Out of the break, Jey Uso approached Roman Reigns backstage. Roman shook his hand. Jey mentioned he’d been calling and texting Roman all week with no reply. Reigns nodded Heyman away. “What’s the deal with Paul E?” Roman said he has it all under control. He told Jey he loved him, and walked off screen. Jey hollered after him, asking to “get a steak after the show.” Reigns didn’t reply.

-“Something doesn’t smell right with that,” Graves said as the camera cut back to ringside. The Miz and John Morrison headed to the ring. Cole said the winning team here could “perhaps” earn a tag team title match.


The Miz opened the match with Otis. Otis quickly dropped him with a waist lock takeover. Miz fought to his feet and elbowed Otis in the back. Otis dropped Miz with a shoulder tackle and then tagged in Tucker. Tucker dropped Miz and gave him a splash, then covered him for a one count.

Miz rose to his feet and caught Tucker with a jawbreaker, allowing himself to reach John Morrison for a tag. Tucker immediately pounced on Morrison, sending him flying across the ring with a big hip toss. Tucker tagged in Otis, who turned Morrison inside out with a big body blow.

John Morrison pulled himself to his feet, but Otis gave him a big body drop. The Miz rushed into the ring, but Tucker followed to cut him off. Heavy Machinery hit tandem body slams then clotheslined Miz and Morrison to the outside. Cole sent the show to commercial.

The Miz had Tucker isolated in the corner when the show returned from break. He tagged in John Morrison, and the two attempted to double team Tucker. Tucker managed to roll over both men and reach Otis for a tag. Otis quickly dumped Miz to the outside and gave Morrison a pancake.

Morrison retreated to the corner and tagged in Miz. Otis ran at them, but Morrison caught him with a springboard kick. Miz and Morrison traded tags back and forth to maintain double team offense. Otis eventually fought back and tried to tag in tucker, but Morrison ripped him off the apron.

Otis and Miz continued to battle. Miz went for a kick, but Otis caught the leg and gave him an overhead throw. Morrison entered the ring and took the same maneuver. Otis set up for the Caterpillar and connected with the elbow. Otis climbed to the middle rope and hit a big leaping splash onto Miz for a three count.

WINNERS: Heavy Machinery in 8:00

After the match, John Morrison grabbed Otis’ briefcase and ran away with it. Otis and Tucker yelled at him from the ring. “Possession is 9/10ths of the law, Cole!” Graves exclaimed.

(LeClair’s Analysis: Very little to this one. I dislike normal tag team matches being framed as potential number one contender scenarios. It’s like a blatant admission by WWE that their creative doesn’t really afford them the opportunity to plan ahead, but perhaps they’ll come back to this win at a later date. Heavy Machinery has kind of been waiting in the wings lately, so a win makes sense here. They could have an interesting program with Nakamura and Cesaro, though it doesn’t appear that we’ve seen the last of this matchup, either.)

-Backstage, Big E, Drew Gulak, and Lucha House Party were congregated around a birthday cake. Big E said Xavier Woods is back to host Talking Smack and celebrate his birthday. E said he’s ready to celebrate, but also to earn a shot at the Universal title.

A security team member approached and told Big E that Woods had arrived in the parking garage. Big E followed him out there and was ambushed by Sheamus. Sheamus gave Big E a Brogue Kick, then slammed his face off the hood of a car. Sheamus climbed onto the hood and dragged Big E up with him. Officials ran on screen to try to break it up, but Sheamus gave Big E White Noise onto the windshield of the car. Officials screamed for an EMT.

(LeClair’s Analysis: Guess this means the Big E/Sheamus feud is continuing. It’s too bad, because I assume this takes Big E out of the four way match tonight. Of all the possibilities, I think making Big E the first challenger to heel Roman Reigns could’ve really been something.)

-EMTs tended to Big E when the show returned from break. Cole wondered if this could’ve been a setup by Sheamus. Graves said it may be part of a larger conspiracy. Cole tossed to Kayla Braxton.

Kayla said she’s been told Big E suffered multiple major lacerations and severe internal injuries. Sheamus wandered onto screen. He said it’s hard to watch, but he can’t take his eyes off it. Kayla asked if Sheamus planned this ambushed. Sheamus denied it, saying he just “defended himself.” He called the news that Woods had arrived “bad information.”

Sheamus said if you want to be in the main event picture, you have to stay focused. He said he’s always focused, while Big E is just thinking about laughing and dancing with his old friends. “It’s really sad, this could’ve been the biggest night of Big E’s career.” Sheamus feigned Conner, but said he can’t dwell on it because he’s got a four way match. Sheamus caught himself. “It’s probably a triple threat now.”

-Cole and Graves reset back at the announcers desk. Cole threw to Progressive’s Match Flo, covering the Women’s tag team title match at Payback.

-Backstage, new correspondent Alyse Ashton welcomed Sasha Banks and Bayley. She called the last couple of weeks tumultuous. “Something like that, huh?” Bayley said. Sasha asked Ashton to get to the point. Bayley said they’ve now had ample time to prepare and they’re going to regain their tag team titles.

Alyse mentioned that Shayna has tapped out Bayley twice. “Who the hell do you think you are?” Sasha replied. She ran down a list of Bayley’s accomplishments and said they run the show, and the whole company. Graves said the match was next.

-Out of the break, Kayla stood backstage with Adam Pearce. Pearce confirmed that Big E will not be available to compete in the fatal four way match. He said management is in the process of determining who the fourth competitor will be. Paul Heyman walked into frame and asked to speak with Pearce.

-Sasha Banks and Bayley headed to the ring for their tag team title rematch. Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro talked about the match up in an inset promo while Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler came to the ring.

(2) SASHA BANKS & BAYLEY vs. SHAYNA BASZLER & NIA JAX (c) – WWE Women’s Tag Team title match

Shayna Baszler and Bayley appeared to begin the match up, but Nia Jax quickly tagged herself in. Bayley followed suit, tagging Sasha. The match broke down immediately, with Baszler and Jax tossing the former champions to the outside and swinging them into the barricade. Cole sent the show to commercial.

Nia Jax tagged in and continued to work over Bayley when the show returned from commercial. She gave Bayley a shoulder breaker and covered Bayley for a two count. Jax tossed Bayley to the corner and gave her a pair of hip checks while talking trash to Sasha Banks.

Bayley crawled from the corner and Naia slapped on an neck and shoulder hold. Bayley elbowed her way to her feet, but Jax tossed her easily back to the turnbuckle. Jax covered for another two count. Nia tossed Bayley to the corner and tagged in Shayna Baszler.

Baszler took Bayley down and applied a hammerlock. Bayley reached desperately to Banks, but Baszler ripped viciously at Bayley’s shoulder. Shayna kicked Bayley, dragged her to the corner and tagged in Nia Jax. Jax scooped Bayley up, but Bayley tried to slide free. Sasha Banks hopped in the ring to provide a distraction. Bayley slid down the back and cut Nia down at the leg. Bayley reached Sasha.

Banks quickly went on the offensive, catching Nia with a trio of big knees and then catching her double knees to down her in the corner. Sasha hit a running double knee, then climbed to the top rope and hit Nia with a Meteora. Banks hooked the leg, but Nia kicked out at two.

Nia recovered enough to scoop Sasha onto her shoulders, but Banks was able to wiggle to the apron. Nia managed to tag in Baszler. Meanwhile, Banks tagged in Bayley. Sasha went for a sunset bomb over the top rope, but Nia held on. Bayley gave her a guillotine off the middle rope, sending Nia crashing to the floor.Shayna tried to apply the clutch to Bayley, but Bayley rolled through it.

Banks and Bayley traded tags. Banks hit the backstabber and covered, but Shayna kicked out. Banks tagged Bayley in, and Bayley managed to connect with the top rope elbow for another near fall. Bayley tagged back out, then draped Shayna across the apron, allowing Banks to dropkick her in the ribs.

Shayna dragged herself to the corner of the apron. Banks rushed at her, attempting double knees. Shayna moved, causing Banks to crash knee first into the steel steps. Baszler dragged Banks back in the ring and gave her a chop block to the back of the knees. Sasha screamed in agony as Baszler cut her knee out from under her again. Baszler knocked Bayley off the apron, then stomped violently at Banks’ injured knee. Shayna said up for a leg hold, but Bayley hopped in and gave Shayna the Bayley to Belly.

Sasha rolled into a cover on Shayna for a near fall. She transitioned into the Bank Statement. Nia Jax ripped Bayley off the apron, rushed into the ring, and kicked Banks off of Baszler. Shayna made a tag into Nia. Jax lifted Sasha into the Stretch Muffler, but Banks rolled through into a cover for a two count. Jax quickly recovered, scooped Banks and climbed to the top rope with her. Bayley managed to return and pull her down.

Baszler returned and got taken out with a double slam from Banks and Bayley. They turned around and ate a top rope cross body from Nia Jax, who covered Sasha for a three count.

WINNERS: Shayna Baszler & Nie Jax in 16:00 to retain

Cole and Graves talked about feeling bad for Sasha Banks and the punishment she took. Medical personnel rushed to the ring to tend to Banks. Bayley looked on in the corner, distraught.

(LeClair’s Analysis: Solidly paced, well booked match. It was wise to take Nia Jax out of the match with the big sunset bomb and let the three consistent workers carry the majority of the match. Jax’s eventual return was impactful and highlighted her strengths. Bayley and Sasha continue to pull out tremendous work week after week, with Sasha, in particular, selling like a mad-woman tonight. Cole and Graves heaping praise on Banks’ performance and courage to keep going despite her knee injury clearly indicates where this is headed, and when it happens, it should be a really impactful moment.)

-Sasha Banks refused medical attention when the show returned from break. Bayley helped her up and prepared to leave the ring. Instead, she swept Banks’ legs out from underneath her and slammed her face off the apron. Bayley tossed Banks to the outside, slammed her into the ring steps and then positioned her leg on the step, stomping away at it. Banks tried to drag herself away, but Bayley pursued. She tossed Banks back in the ring, lifted her up and tossed her violently in the corner before continuing to stomp away at her, this time in the face.

Bayley grabbed at Banks’ leg and kicked at her exposed knee. She began yelling at at Michael Cole while pulling at Banks’ hair and slamming her face into the mat. “Is it Boss Time now, Michael?” Bayley yelled. She yanked Sasha’s face up by her hair. “You deserve all of this,” Bayley said before cranking her leg again.

Bayley left the ring and grabbed a steel chair. She returned to the ring and closed it over Banks’ leg. Banks used her free leg to kick Bayley away, buying herself some time. Bayley gave Sasha a running knee to the face. She pulled her up by the hair and gave her the Rose Plant.

Bayley dragged Sasha’s limp body to the chair and placed it around Banks’ neck. She climbed to the middle rope and stomped it, appearing to crush Sasha’s throat. Banks rolled over, lifeless. Bayley smiled and left the ring as EMTs quickly rushed in with a stretcher. Banks began convulsing. The camera zoomed in on Bayley as she looked on, pleased with her attack.

(LeClair’s Analysis: Whoa. I figured it was coming sooner rather than later after the way Cole and Graves sold the valiant effort by Sasha, but I didn’t expect it to come tonight. It’s strange to say that this felt like it was a little bit out of nowhere, given how long this has been building, but it felt like maybe they were still one to two more major events away from going all in. Even still, this was remarkably effective and, in truth, I may even like it more feeling like I didn’t see it coming tonight. Bayley was vicious, she was ruthless, and Sasha was masterful in her selling of not only the physical violence, but the betrayal. This is going to be great.)

-After the break, EMTs loaded Sasha Banks into the back of an ambulance. Back at ringside, Cole and Graves promised to update her condition as soon as they could.

-Sami Zayn headed to the ring, carrying an Intercontinental title belt. Greg Hamilton introduced him. Sami Zayn instantly admonished him for not acknowledging him as the Intercontinental champion. Greg said it wasn’t in his notes. Zayn demanded the production headset. He took it and asked whether or not “Intercontinental Champion” was displayed when he came out. He was told it wasn’t.

Jeff Hardy’s music cut Sami off. He walked to the ring. Jeff said if Sami wanted a title match, all he had to do was ask. Zayn protested, saying he’s already the champion. He told Jeff to ask him for a title shot. They continued to argue about who should ask who for a title shot. A.J. Styles music cut them off.

Styles walked to the ring, asking how either of them can parade around with the title knowing that he is the uncrowned Intercontinental champion. Zayn wondered aloud if everyone around here is crazy. Jeff said if Styles is healthy, he’s ready for their rematch. Zayn interrupted, but Styles immediately attacked Hardy. Zayn tried to step in, but Styles went after him as well.

Hardy quickly recovered and gave Styles a Twist of Fate. Sami Zayn blindsided Hardy with a Heluva Kick. Zayn grabbed one of the Intercontinental title belts and left the ring in a rush, leaving Hardy and Styles on the mat.

-Cole said they had breaking news about the main event. Corey Graves confirmed that Jey Uso is now the fourth competitor in the four way number one contenders match.

-Matt Riddle’s music hit and he headed to the ring for the main event. They showed a replay of Riddle kicking off his sandals as Cole sent the show to commercial.

-Cole previewed Talking Smack, featuring Alexa Bliss, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Cesaro.

-A vignette aired showing a woman in heels walking through brightly lit lights, only visible from the knees down.

-Backstage, Otis revealed to Tucker that he keeps the Money in the Bank contract in Tucker’s miniature lunchbox version. Tucker asked Otis what he kept in the actual briefcase.

The camera cut quickly to John Morrison, who opened the stolen briefcase. In it, he found a stapler and a sandwich. Miz advised him not to eat it.

-Backstage, Roman Reigns sat on a leather couch. Jey Uso walked in and thanked him for getting him into the four way match. Reigns told him its about time. “Lets see if you can get one on your own this time,” Reigns said.

-Back in the Thunderdome, King Corbin headed to the ring. He asked for his music to be cut and he began complaining about the match reeking of nepotism after the addition of Jey Uso. Matt Riddle rushed up the ramp to attack Corbin. Sheamus quickly joined the action, followed by Jey Uso. The four wrestlers traded punches in and around the ring before Cole sent the show to another commercial.

-The Firefly Funhouse title card appeared and Bray Wyatt waved hello from the Funhouse. He said he’s a little down in the dumps, because “he” lost his favorite toy again. Bray said he’s got something to cheer everyone up, a brand new friend coming to the Funhouse next week. “See ya then! Bye!” Bray waved.

-Backstage, Alexa Bliss, sporting even more dreads, approached Nikki Cross backstage. She asked for forgiveness for her actions last week. Nikki obliged and began to speak, but Bliss cut her off with a big hug before leaving in a hurry.

(3) MATT RIDDLE vs. KING CORBIN vs. SHEAMUS vs. JEY USO – #1 Contenders match for the Universal title

The bell rang as soon as the camera switched back to ringside, with all four wrestlers calmly positioned in respective corners despite the pre-match brawl. Jey Uso quickly super kicked King Corbin out of the ring. Sheamus charged and took Uso down, but Jey tossed him to the outside.

Matt Riddle rolled up Jey Uso for a quick two count. He followed by attempting a German suplex, but Uso landed on his feet. Corbin returned and dragged hey Uso to the outside, tossing him into the barricade. In the ring, Sheamus hit Matt Riddle with a big side slam and covered him for a two count.

King Corbin returned to the ring then shoved Jey Uso off the apron. He and Sheamus began working together to beat down Matt Riddle. Riddle managed to catch Corbin with a kick before too long, then dumped Sheamus over the top rope. Corbin hit Riddle with a spine buster and covered him, but Jey Uso broke the count at two.

Sheamus returned and took down Jey Uso. He and Corbin circled the ring and continued their temporarily allegiance, beating down Uso and keeping Riddle out of the ring. Riddle managed to pull Corbin from the ring while Uso caught Sheamus with a kick on the inside. Riddle returned to the ring and formed an alliance with Uso to double team Sheamus.

Riddle caught Sheamus with a spinning kick to the face. Jey Uso tossed King Corbin into the corner and the two traded running corner blows to the two heels. They attempted it again, but Sheamus and Corbin caught them both with slams and covered. Both Riddle and Uso kicked out at two. Sheamus and Corbin argued and eventually came to blows. Cole sent the show to commercial.

Sheamus and Jey Uso traded punches in the ring when the show returned from break. Sheamus hit a suplex on Uso, who rolled out onto the apron. King Corbin tried to return to the ring, but Sheamus cut him off with a dropkick. Sheamus grabbed Jey Uso and delivered the Team Beats of the Bodhran. Sheamus scooped Jey back into the ring, but Matt Riddle caught him with a kick to the jaw. Jey rolled to the outside.

Riddle connected with a series of fists to Sheamus’ chest and stomach. He caught him with a bridging German suplex for a two count. Riddle rolled Sheamus into a triangle choke and delivered elbows to the head to weaken him. Sheamus used his power to scoop Riddle into the air and give him a toss power bomb. Sheamus covered Riddle for a near fall.

Sheamus applied a Texas cloverleaf on Matt Riddle. Riddle planked and walked himself toward the ropes, but Sheamus applied pressure and dragged him back to the middle. Jey Uso returned to the ring and super kicked Sheamus to break the hold. King Corbin attacked Jey Uso and went for a chokeslam, but Jey slipped out of it and delivered super kicks to Corbin, Sheamus, and Riddle.

Jey was left alone in the ring. He prepared to dive onto Corbin, but Corbin caught him with a big elbow. Riddle and Sheamus attacked Corbin on the outside, tossing him over the barricade. Jey Uso dove over the top rope, taking out Sheamus and Riddle. Corbin re-emerged from behind the barricade and grabbed Uso, pulling him up and over it. Corbin tossed Jey behind the second row of LED boards.

Corbin returned to ringside and tossed Matt Riddle into the ring. He went for End of Days, but Riddle rolled through it. Corbin turned around and got caught with the Brogue Kick from Sheamus. Riddle dropped Sheamus and then quickly hit the Floating Bro on Corbin. Before he could cover, Jey Uso flew off the top rope with a big splash onto Matt Riddle, covering him for a three count.

WINNER: Jey Uso in 13:00

Kayla Braxton joined Jey Uso in the ring and congratulated him. Jey said he made the family proud too. “Welcome….you know the rest,” Jey said. The show faded to black as Jey Uso celebrated.

(LeClair’s Analysis: Whoa. I realize that’s the second time I’ve opened a comment that way tonight, but I feel it’s deserved. This was completely out of left field. Jey Uso hasn’t been on TV in weeks, let alone in a position to challenge for a title. Somehow, though, I’m intrigued. There’s a lot of interesting nuance here that isn’t typically present in WWE storytelling, but I’m enjoying going along for the ride and not really knowing what’s next. Clearly, Jey isn’t a real contender to beat Roman, or even really test his limits, but it is a really intriguing way to cement Reigns’ heel run and also play into the chemistry that he and The Usos have. I normally don’t love this kind of match being on a Pay-Per-View,, but ultimately, I think this is far more interesting than any of the other three options. Matt Riddle, while certainly an intriguing challenger in the future, doesn’t really gain much of anything by just losing to Reigns. This match has built in history, gives Reigns a big, decisive win over a sympathetic babyface and family member, and a certain unpredictability factor.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: The show is instantly improved by the inclusion of Roman Reigns, especially in this new role. I really enjoyed the opening promo, the fascinating move with Jey Uso in the main event, and Bayley’s violent turn on Sasha Banks. This was not only one of the most newsworthy WWE TV shows in a long time, it was also one of the most hopeful. This felt like a rejuvenated brand heightened by the return of its anchor performing in the role he seems destined to play. There are still cracks in the foundation, but this felt like a show that acknowledged them and began laying the groundwork to patch them up.


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