AUGUST 27, 2020
Announcers: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho
-The opening theme aired for Dynamite. Then the camera panned the arena where wrestlers, as usual, were standing at ringside, many with masks on, and then into the stands where general public audience members were clustered together, all wearing masks. Ross explained they had fans in the arena for the first time in months (they’ve had VIP invited guests for a couple months, but only a couple dozen) and they were all following the rules and wearing masks.
-Chris Jericho made his ring entrance to join the announcers on commentary. He soaked up the fans singing his song again. Jericho, when talking about fans being present, said people were socially spaced and “encouraged” to wear masks.
(1a) THE YOUNG BUCKS (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Q.T MARSHALL & DUSTIN RHODES – Gauntlet Match for Tag Team Title match at All Out
Schiavone noted Brandi Rhodes wasn’t there because of what happened to her last week.
WINNERS: The Young Bucks in 8:00.
(1b) THE YOUNG BUCKS vs. THE BEST FRIENDS (Trent & Chuck Taylor)
Nick escaped a powerbomb by Trent on the ring apron, landed a superkick, then German suplexed him onto the edge of the ring apron. Matt Jackson tagged in and went to work rapid-fire on both Trent and Chuck. The Best Friends made a comeback and hugged mid-ring. The Bucks took over again and Nick landed a senton flip onto Trent at ringside as Matt held him extended off the ring apron. Jericho said he doesn’t like the Bucks’ creativity but admires their innovation. Nick then landed a 450 on Trent for a near fall. Trent had Matt lifted for a Meltzer Driver. Hangman Page grabbed Nick’s leg just as Trent rolled through into a roll-up for the win. Ross and Schiavone were wondering what Page was doing. Jericho said he was probably drunk. He said he caused his so-called friends to lose. The Bucks eyed Page with a look of betrayal. Page turned and walked away. Schiavone said something looks different about Page’s eyes. “Camelot is crumbling!” declared Jericho.
WINNERS: Trent & Taylor in 10:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: So far, the fans in the arena aren’t really translating for me to a different TV viewing experience.)
(1c) THE BEST FRIENDS vs. FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood w/Tully Blanchard)
The match began on split-screen. [c]
FTR jumped the Best Friends at the bell, knocking them off the ring apron. They went to work Chuck with double-team moves. Cash yanked Trent off the ring apron just as he appeared about to tag in for Chuck. FTR continued to tag in and out against Taylor. Taylor eventually tapped out.
WINNERS: FTR in 11:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Overall, solid tag team action with different styles from one match-up to another as it progressed. The big story is Page costing the Bucks the chance to advance. This saved the first official FTR vs. Bucks match for later, too.) [c]
-They showed Darby leaping off of a bridge. They cut away before he landed in the river below. Jericho said that wasn’t a stunt man.
(2) LANCE ARCHER (w/Jake Roberts) vs. SEAN MALUTA
Archer no-sold Maluta the whole way, including absorbing some chops before taking Maluta down with a single hard chop. Ross said Archer is the no. 2 ranked contender for the AEW Title. Jericho said at 12-1, his only loss is against Cody. Jake laughed in appreciation of Archer’s dominance. Archer finished Maluta with a Black Out and then ramming his head into the mat a few times. Ross said he could beat anybody at anytime for any title.
WINNER: Archer in 3:00. [c]
-Jake stood in the ring with Archer and talked about the Casino Battle Royal at All Out. Jake talked about how Archer chews up opponents and spits them out, and he loves watching it. He was interrupted by Brian Cage, Ricky Starks, and Taz. Jake called them “Fred, Barney, and Wilma, the Flintstones.” Taz said he and Jake have never crossed paths. He said a member of Team Taz is going to win the battle royal. They entered the ring with his two men. He said he was trying to be a gentleman and keep things calm. He said his men are going to win at All Out. Darby Allin’s music then played. He skateboarded to the ring and dropkicked Starks. Then the leaped over the top rope and brawled with him on the entrance ramp. Cage and Archer continued to argue in the ring.
-MJF made his way out of his locker room with a walker. He accused one of his assistants of laughing. The assistant denied it. He winced as MJF began walking down the hallway.
-A video package aired on Thunder Rosa and Hikaru Shida. They aired a soundbite by Billy Corgan, who was listed as the president of the NWA. He said all champions should be fighting champions, so he leaped at the opportunity to have their champion face AEW’s champion. They showed the contract signing backstage. [c]
-MJF made his way to the ring. They showed a “Mox 2020” sign and Jericho lashed out, saying that signs like that are the worst part of having fans back. When Moxley came out, the announcers noted that Mox was listed as the no. 1 wrestler in the PWI 500. Jericho complained it should be him, but then added that it’s a great accomplishment. MJF’s attorney said they were there to finalize the contract that bans the Paradigm Shift from the All Out title match. MJF signed it.
Ross said the contract was faxed to Mox earlier in the afternoon, so he had all day to read it. MJF said unlike him, he is not an animal and he can separate business from emotions. He asked him to practice social distancing, “kind of like your hairline, Jon.” Mox laughed and said, “Don’t worry, you’ll get there one day. You just have to hit puberty first.” He told Mox he’s as sharp as a marble. He said people have been clamoring for Dictator Jon vs. MJF, but he never got the hype behind Mox. He imitated Mox’s mannerisms and voice, saying “I’m crazy.” He said the people love him because he’s a bad ass. He said “Iron” Mike Tyson said that he wouldn’t want to be in a dark alley with Moxley. He said that’s a powerful statement, but nobody in their right mind would want that.
MJF said unfortunately, on Sept. 5 at All Out, they won’t be in a dark alley, they will be in a wrestling ring, “and that’s where you’ll be in danger.” The fans booed. “Because I am a pro wrestling prodigy,” he said. MJF told the fans to quiet down while he talks. More boos, of course. (Heels never learn that never works!) He said he will utilize the precision of a brain surgeon, and then Mox will panic. He called him a “glorified goon.” He said Mox will try to get him into his territory on the floor and by the stairs and tables and guard rails like every schmuck he’s faced so far. He said that won’t work on him.
He said that’s all Mox knows because he grew up idolizing guys like Sandman, New Jack, Zandig, and Onita. “You know, Jon, hot garbage.” He said he grew up idolizing wrestlers such as Buddy Rogers, Ernie Ladd, and Tully Blanchard. He said he has way too high of a ring IQ to play into his stupid games. He said he’s going to keep Jon in the ring like a dog on a leash and beat him like the dog he is. He said his fanboys won’t be happy when he becomes AEW Champion “because we deserve better, Jon.” He asked Jon if he’s man enough to beat him without that one move. “If that’s the case, maybe you should tell that hot wife of yours I’m single.” When Mox stood up, MJF’s attorney threatened to sue him. Mox told him, “You sit down, dick-wad.” He pointed at Wardlow and told him, “Flex magazine, you too.”
Mox sat down and asked if he should sign the contract. “Do I need the Paradigm Shift to beat you?” he said. He said he just doesn’t like MJF and he’d like to give him more brain damage. He said MJF is forcing him to get creative without having access to his most effective move. He said he’s coming up with new ways to break his limbs and turn him blue. He said he doesn’t want to get sued because he doesn’t know any lawyers other than his public defender from way back. He agreed to sign the contract and said, “Remember one thing, nothing you say matters, and nothing I sign matters.” He said he’s a dead man on Sept. 5. He shot MJF a nasty look, then signed.
MJF exclaimed with excitement, “You idiot!” The lawyer said that’s the stupidest thing he ever did. He shook Mox’s hand. Mox said this was great, and they didn’t even have to break the table. Mox said it’s great they were so cool about what he added on page. 17. MJF’s attorney looked panicked when he read page 17. Mox revealed he gets a match against MJF’s attorney next week, and if he no-shows, MJF doesn’t get his title match. Mox revealed the Paradigm Shift is legal next week. “It was nice doing business with you,” he said. “Maybe I should be a lawyer.” Jericho said Mox just fooled MJF and that lawyer of his. “Next week it’s Moxley vs. The Law, and Moxley’s going to win,” Jericho said. [c]
-A promo aired with Santana and Ortiz talking about bashing in the minivan and saying they have to deal with them in person next and they won’t be apologizing about what they did to the minivan. Santana said they’d apologize their mom wasn’t in the van when they wrecked it.
-During ring entrances for the next match, an inset interview aired with Eddie Kingston who spoke about bringing together a stable with Lucha Bros. and Butcher & Blade. He said they’re about championships and that’s where he’s going to lead them.
Ross compared Griff to Kevin Von Erich. Jericho compared him to Steve Simpson. They cut to a break a couple minutes in, but stayed with the action on split-screen. [c]
Kiss missed with a leaping splits legdrop. Pentagon gave Joey a package-pildriver on the ring apron. Pillman Jr. tagged in and battled Butcher. Lucha Bros. finished Pillman a minute later. Jericho said Pillman is still learning the ropes in AEW. Ross said he has a bright future.
WINNERS: Butcher & Blade & Lucha Bros.
-After the match, Kingston entered and cut a promo. He cut off chants for him by saying, “I know my name, so shut up.” He said the five of them are in the Casino Battle Royal, and one of them is definitely going to win it.
-They replayed what happened with Cody and Brodie Lee last Saturday night.
-They went to the announcers. Jericho wondered what’s with the secrecy about Cody’s condition. He said he thinks that’s an indication he’s out of the business. Ross said Brodie reminds him of Bruiser Brody. Jericho said he has the most momentum of anyone in AEW.
-The Dark Order carried a casket onto the stage. Evil Uno said he’s never been so happy, nor has their leader Brodie. They mock looked around for Cody, then opened the casket. Inside was a masked wrestler. It turned out to be 10, but he had a Nightmare Family tattoo on his neck. Schiavone seemed worried for a few second it was Cody. Brodie Lee then came out to his music. Schiavone interviewed Brodie, who said they buried Cody and no one in the back stands a chance against him. He said Cody will never get it back. Dark Order chanted “You deserve it!” Brodie told them to shut the hell up. Ross said, “Yes, thank you.”
Brodie introduced Anna Jay as the newest member of Dark Order. Jericho noted she choked out Brandi last week. Brodie told Schiavone to get the hell out of the ring. He said they are the hottest act in pro wrestling and he is the hottest act in pro wrestling. He was interrupted by Dustin Rhodes. Q.T. Marshall ran out to help him. They were overwhelmed by the numbers, of course. Scorpio Sky ran out to help and had more success clearing the ring of several Dark Order members. He pointed at Brodie and asked for a shot. Anna Jay spun him around. Brodie then hit him from behind. Matt Cardona (formerly Zack Ryder) came out and attacked Brodie and other Dark Order members. He stood proud with Q.T., Dustin, and Sky in the ring. [c]
-They went backstage to Dasha interviewing Page at the backstage bar. She asked why he did what he did to the Bucks. The Bucks barged in and confronted him. Matt said he’s insecure. Nick said tonight he decided to be a jobber. Matt said he’s nothing but a drunk. Matt said he didn’t want to be his friend or in the Elite for a long time, but they were too stupid or naive to admit it. He said he’s no longer in The Elite. “We’re done!” he said. They stormed off and slammed the door. A mirror on the door broke. Page looked into it and breathed deeply a few times.
Jericho was freaking out about The Elite breaking up. Britt told Swole if she can beat the three of them, she can have any match against her she wants. The bell rang several seconds into a brawl. Ford lifted Swole, but Ford fell onto Swole as they lost their balance. Swole came back with a headbutt. Baker jabbed Swole with her crutch. Ford landed a handspring elbow. Rebel landed a running knee. Swole knocked Rebel off balance on the top rope a minute later. She punched Kip at ringside, but Reba and Ford took over in the ring. Swole kicked out after a Rebel moonsault. Swole ducked a swing of the crutch by Rebel, and Ford got hit, then Swole scored the pin.
WINNER: Swole.
(Keller’s Analysis: That was messy and sloppy throughout.)
-They went to the announcers. Ross said next week they’ll be back on Wednesday “as far as we know.” (Not sure if they’re concerned NBA games being cancelled yesterday and today will lead to them being bumped next week again.) They hyped Santana & Ortiz vs. The Young Bucks, Jericho vs. Joey Janela, Private Party & SCU vs. Young Bucks & Jurassic Express, and the winner of the match will face each other at All Out.
-Anna Jay walked out to ringside. They presented Taya Conte with a “Join Us” folder. She apprehensively took the folder. Then she hugged Anna Jay as if to say she’s accepting the offer. She never the opened the folder, though.
-Back to the announcers, they hyped the All Out line-up. During the break, Sammy Guevara held up signs saying to prepare to witness the breaking of a legend, he said a Spanish God cannot be broken, and then he said, “Hit me up!” He showed a picture of a broken table. [c]
(5) “BROKEN” MATT HARDY vs. SAMMY GUEVARA – Tables match
They cut to a break early, but stayed with some of the action on split-screen. [c]
Eventually Hardy put Guevara on a table. Hardy was groggy and slow. Sammy caught him on the top rope and superplexed him off the top rope and through a table to win. They zoomed in on Sammy’s bloodied face.
WINNER: Sammy.
-As Jericho was celebrating Sammy’s win, Orange Cassidy leaped onto Jericho and knocked over the announce desk set. “What is wrong with you guys!” shouted Ross.”For the love of God!” He asked Schiavone where he came from. Cassidy beat up Jericho as four referees tried to separate them as the show ended. Ross said they will fight at All Out.
The fans in the arena were great. Keller again shilling for the WWE and the ridiculous Thunderdome concept. We know what happened with Thunderdome last week Keller, we know about the boredom and the controversy. Can you write a legit review without your WWE cartoon bias? I doubt it. If they haven’t offered a job yet, you probably aren’t going to get one by continuing to kiss their backsides. It is pretty ridiculous.
The live fan atmosphere is great. The Thunderdome is childish and basicall aimed at lowest common denom people. Look, der, I am on der webcam. I gots me a championship belt I bought online. I am just like Roman! Stupid.
Imagine never watching wrestling ever or trying to convince your pals to watch for the first time and they see that hot garbage. Be honest, quit being a shill.
A really, half ass, bad review. Get someone who watches the show to review it. Possibly someone without WWE bias or corny cartoon wrestling tastes? Look at me, I am in da Thunderdome! Duh!!!!! Maybe bugs bunny will wrestle elmer fudd! Duh!
Jd from Ny tells it like it is, Keller he has far surpassed you in this business. You constantly shill for a product who’s ratings are in the crapper and make excuses for it too. Sad. While you do that, you crap on all the people that are long term fans. Many of us who bought the paper version of the Torch years ago. Do you think many long term wrestling fans enjoy this current WWE product? Of course they dont. It’s corny. It’s insulting and fits into so many stereotypes people have had about wrestling for so long. Terrible, man. Just Terrible.