NEW VIP TORCH TALK (Get it for 99¢): Keller talks with Chris DeJoseph, former WWE producer and creative writer, in-depth about his return to WWE first half of 2020 including pandemic frenzy

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Former champion reportedly returning to WWE


In his first interview since departing WWE earlier this summer, former WWE Producer and Creative Team member Chris DeJoseph discusses a wide range of topics over the course of an hour-and-a-half.

The following is a detailed “set list” of topics covered in the interview recorded yesterday and being added to the PWTorch VIP podcast feed and website today. You must be a PWTorch VIP member to access the interview.

  • How he ended up working with WWE again after a nearly ten year break. He initially worked for WWE from 2004-2010 as a creative team member.
  • What his role was during his roughly six months back with WWE, and how it expanded over time despite initially resisting offers to do more and relocate to Connecticut.
  • Insight into Vince McMahon’s existence in 2020 running WWE.
  • How different was Vince McMahon in 2020 compared to 2010 and in what ways is he different in his mid-70s compared to his early-to-mid-60s.
  • The most frustrating part for him about being part of the creative team this time around.
  • Details on the way Vince McMahon contributes to TV scripting and reviewing and suggesting changes.
  • Is he impressed with what Vince notices when he critiques a script and suggests changes.
  • How the creative process was different in 2020 compared to 2010, either because of the pandemic or just in general pre-pandemic.
  • Do wrestlers have more or less creative input in 2020 than in 2010.
  • Is there a difference anymore in the creative process and people involved in producing Raw and Smackdown.
  • His thoughts on Cinematic Matches matches and Raw Underground, and the influence Lucha Underground might have had in how wrestling looks today.
  • Does he think Cinematic Matches is here to stay
  • Details on the ideas discussed and the adjustments made as they transitioned from fan-filled arenas and live TV to the empty Performance Center, including wild ideas brought up in brainstorming sessions
  • His thoughts on Bruce Prichard running TV on shows that Vince wasn’t at.
  • Is there a difference between Bruce Prichard’s style of presenting wrestling and Vince McMahon’s that might be showing up on TV.
  • Is there a succession plan in place if Vince McMahon were to no longer be in charge of WWE.
  • What would change most dramatically or most noticeably if the current creative team ran the show without Vince.
  • How do so many similar and lame match finishes get booked on the same show and week after week.
  • Was it considered a bigger deal that Smackdown was on Fox rather than the prior networks. (Spoiler Alert: “100 percent!”)
  • Did he think WWE would do more to differentiate Smackdown on Fox from how the show looked before Fox.
  • Speculation on the possibility of Vince McMahon selling WWE to a big conglomerate.
  • What it was like to deal with Roman Reigns withdrawing from WrestleMania and the creative process of placing Braun Strowman in his match instead.
  • His thoughts on Raw Underground’s presentation and long-term viability as a way to present WWE wrestling.
  • Details on the Mandy Rose-Otis storyline that he was involved in producing.
  • Is narrative structure discussed in WWE and is there a set of rules for how wrestlers engage with cameras.
  • How reality TV has changed over the decades and any reality series he recommends.
  • And even more.

You can access this interview, and 30+ years of Wade Keller “Torch Talks” and over 100 sessions with ex-WWE Creative Team members for just 99 cents this month with our VIP summer sale ($9 off any VIP sub).

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