Early reviews for WWE Thunderdome largely positive, indications it could help viewership compared to P.C. setting

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Smackdown matches announced for next week


Just over 50 percent of respondents in our Twitter poll indicate the Thunderdome set for Smackdown is “Way better” than the Performance Center set-up. Another 23 percent said it’s “a little better.” That’s nearly three-fourths considering it an improvement over the prior set-up with wrestlers and trainees behind plexiglass at the smaller P.C. venue.

Also, two-thirds said the Thunderdome exceeded their own expectations. With WWE hyping Thunderdome all week, there was a possibility they set expectations too high and couldn’t meet them, but our poll indicates that wasn’t the case. In fact, 30 percent said it was much better than their expectations, while 37 percent indicates it was a little better than they expected.

What matters most to WWE is whether people are more likely to watch because of the Thunderdome set. The new set is more expensive than running at the P.C., so they are hoping ratings go up. Nearly half of respondents said they’re more likely to watch more often because of the new set-up (22 percent said much more likely to watch more often, 21 percent said a little more likely). Only 12 percent said they’re less likely to watch because of the new set-up. Just over 44 percent said it’ll make no difference.

You can still vote in our three polls below, and also check out comments below each poll.

The following are comments about Thunderdome that represents the array of views on it so far:

“They need people making noise. They need trainees behind the hard camera.” – John Michael Snacks

Without hearing real fan reaction it’s pointless. To see faces in distance and bigger set and flashy lights. Doesn’t do a whole lot. Fan reaction is what’s missing.” -Greg B.

I applaud their efforts and I’m glad that are trying.” – Chuck Smith

You can’t even see anything when they do the red or blue lasers, even on Fox TV on the television. It’s so horrible. Over produced.” – Randy I.

PC looked sad and quiet, Thunderdome at least is refreshing and little bit messy.” -Hugo

-“I like it. It at least gives it a bigger feeling. P.C. made it feel really small.” – Emerson Favreau



1 Comment on Early reviews for WWE Thunderdome largely positive, indications it could help viewership compared to P.C. setting

  1. That thunderdome is terrible. At least at the pc you had people interacting and making noise. This is now wrestling in front of a bunch of television sets. At least we still have AEW and NXT.

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