JUNE 15, 2020
Watch it HERE
– Kenny Omega, Hangman Page, and Matt & Nick Jackson are standing outside a bathroom door. Omega is wincing and crossing his legs crying that he needs to pee. Nick is at the front of the line and Matt is at the back of the line. Matt reaches for the door handle and all three yell at him for cutting the line. Omega and Page both start breathing heavily due to the pain of having to use the bathroom as Matt starts looking around trying to think of a way to get to the front of the line. Matt peels off his wrist tape then bends down out of the frame of the camera. He is shown swiping across his forehead then pops up revealing blood. Matt then says he has a cut and needs to get into the bathroom. Omega and Page, still selling pain from needing to use the bathroom, reluctantly let him by. Nick rolls his eyes and lets him by as well. Matt opens the door to Michael Nakazawa with no pants on, sitting on the toilet. Matt told him he needs to get out because he’s bleeding. Nakazawa holds up a piece of toilet paper in his hands and says he’s bleeding too.
– Being the Elite open aired.
– Matt and Nick are in front of the camera, wearing face masks. Nick says they’re currently in Dallas for an old school travel montage. Nick says he isn’t sure if the camera can even hear them (it could, but it was hard to hear.) Clips aired of them walking through the airport on their way to Jacksonville aired, Brandon Cutler was with them. Matt and Nick pause the montage and lean in close to the camera while they’re on the plane. They both pull down their masks and Matt says that the two biggest guys on the airplane are sitting next to each other, Luchasaurus and Brian Cage. Matt asked who would be in the middle of them and the camera was shown with Brandon Cutler between Brian Cage and a mask-less Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus did have a mask on which covered part of his face. The montage continued as they left their plane in Jacksonville and arrived at Daily’s Place.
– Matt said they are live for Dynamite (last week) and they’re not booked for the show, but will be watching closely. Matt said he’s really excited for the FTR match because he wants to see what all the hype is about. Nick aimed the camera down at Matt’s wrist and he had two bracelets on. Matt said that is his “COVID-19 Negative” bracelet. Nick pointed to the orange one and said it’s a temperature check bracelet alongside the blue, which is the COVID-19 negative test bracelet. Nick said this is something they’ve been doing at every taping and it helps give them all peace of mind while they’re at the tapings.
– Kenny Omega, Matt, and Nick Jackson were sitting on a couch. Kenny started mumbling and Hangman Page walked in. Hangman walked in expecting to find Kenny, but not the Young Bucks. Page had a drink in his hand and awkwardly said hi to them all. Page said he was going to go back to the hotel for another drink. He told Omega that they have 2% too. Omega started to get up, excited at having some 2% milk. Broken Matt Hardy jumped in and yelled that sounded wonderful. Hardy said a drink would absolutely tickle his fancy and said he would love to attend. Omega asked Hardy what he drinks and Hardy responded that he loves a red wine. Hardy said he finds it absolutely tantalizing. Page looked on in confusion. Omega said sure let’s go, inviting Hardy to join them. Hardy asked about their dear friends, the Bucks of Youth. Omega said they’ll pass, he asked them for confirmation and they both nodded. Hardy said they look quite thirsty and Omega said they’re different. He tried dancing around calling the Young Bucks anything directly for a moment. Omega finally said he’ll explain and leaned in with Hardy and said that the Young Bucks are Christian. Hardy called them followers of Jesus Christ and insisted they could still come. Omega said they’re not just Christians, they’re the “pushy kind.” Omega leaned in with Hardy again and said “they’re Christian as f—.”
– Brandon Cutler walked up to Chuck Taylor, Trent, and Orange Cassidy who were standing in one of the entrance tunnels looking at the ground. Cutler said it’s been four weeks and they still haven’t given him any ideas. Trent got defensive and said they don’t have any ideas yet and Taylor said they’re trying, but Cutler keeps rushing them. Cutler sarcastically asked if a month was rushing them. Trent tried to correct him saying it’s been four weeks. Taylor quickly told him four weeks is a month. A very light cloud of smoke appeared from the stage and Taylor yelled that it was a smoke bomb and pushed Cassidy as they “ran” away from Cutler. Cassidy didn’t go, instead he dropped to a knee like he was going to lie down.
– Highlights of the brawl following the FTR vs. Butcher & Blade match aired. This footage started with Kenny Omega coming out to save the Young Bucks, followed slowly by Hangman Page. FTR argued with the four of them briefly.
– SCU were sitting on a couch together and they looked bored. Someone knocked on the door and Kazarian told them to come in. Tony Schiavone walked in to the delight of all three members of SCU. Schiavone asked Daniels about his colonoscopy and Daniels jumped up off the couch and said he would tell Schiavone the story. The camera faded to a close up of Schiavone, who looked tired and disgusted, as Daniels continued talking about his colonoscopy. The camera faded again to Scorpio Sky looking irritated, followed by Kazarian doing the same. Daniels then climbed on to the couch to demonstrate the position he was in for the colonoscopy. Kazarian finally had enough and jumped up and told Daniels to take it home.
– Broken Matt entered the screen and yelled “Wait! Pause the multiverse.” Hardy then explained that take it home is a term that is utilized to mean that the competitor must go to the finale of the segment. This must happen because the allotted time is almost expired, or because they are losing the interest of the viewer. Hardy then exited, yelled unpause, and everyone behind him began moving again. Daniels apologized for his long story and sat down as Kazarian yelled at him in a weird accent that Sky asked him about. They all sat in silence for a moment, then Daniels looked at Schiavone and asked him if he’d ever told him the story of his ingrown toe nail. Sky and Kazarian jumped up to leave and Schiavone followed them right out the door.
– Kenny Omega was sitting alone at a table and someone knocked on his door. Omega told them to come in and Colt Cabana walked in. Omega said something about Cabana and his friend Harrington bullying him. Cabana said Harrington wasn’t with him and Omega sat up in curiosity. He clarified that Cabana just said Harrington isn’t there and Cabana said yeah, Harrington isn’t there. Omega smirked as he asked again. He started laughing maniacally and punching his fist into his hand. He told Cabana this means he has nobody to protect him from Omega now. Omega stood up and said he’s going to kick his ass. Omega then chased Cabana out to ringside and around the ring, very slowly. Cabana slid into the ring followed by Omega. Cabana slid under Omega and rolled him up, Rick Knox counted a three count and Cabana celebrated as Omega argued with Knox. Omega shoved Knox in anger. Knox shoved Omega back and Omega flew across the ring. Kenny leaned against the ropes and asked if everyone there could kick his ass? He said he needs to get out of there and told them to stop filming him.
– Alex Abrahantes was back for another Speaking Spanglish segment. This week’s word is chequear. He introduced Santana and Ortiz to use the word in a sentence to provide context. Santana and Ortiz provided a few examples using the word chequear in Spanish. Ortiz, using last week’s word as well said “Chequear that bodella over there.” Abrahantes came back and said “why just learn to speak Spanish, when you can speak Spanglish.”
– Trent, Chuck Taylor, and Orange Cassidy were all laying on their backs in a circle. Taylor said they could all be pirates. Trent seemed confused at first then realized he was brainstorming BTE segment ideas. Taylor started mumbling random sports teams including the Pittsburgh Pirates and Pittsburgh Steelers. Taylor then started to propose an idea where they steal the Declaration of Independence, like National Treasure, but Trent cut him off and said no. Trent said he didn’t like any of those. Trent then said this has been the best year of their lives. Cassidy just said “2020.”
– Hangman Page was walking down a hall counting the money in his wallet, the screen was black and white and Page had glasses on as he counted. Page pulled out $12 and walked up to Private Party and Matt Hardy. Private Party was telling Hardy about their feud with Page over the $12 and the teddy bear. Page walked up to them, pulled off his glasses. Page said he’s been thinking and he’s been drinking. He said $12 isn’t that much, but he knows it’s the principle. Page showed them the money in his hand when Nick Jackson walked up and interrupted. He said he’s been looking for Private Party. Hardy asked if they had heat already and Nick said no. Nick said the fans hated their bit and they were shocked. Nick said he has to take them off BTE. Private Party convinced themselves it was a rib, but Nick said he has to cancel them. Nick said he’s shooting, Hardy asked him if he’s really shooting. Nick asked Hardy not to pause the multiverse and Hardy said no, he won’t because this is an entirely different gimmick. Nick again said he’s being serious and Private Party laughed them off. Nick got stern and said “he’s dead ass.” Private Party jumped back in shock as the camera went to a color filter again. Hardy said one thing they need to learn is, when one door closes, another opens up. Page put the money back in his wallet and snuck off the opposite direction.
There were plenty of good segments this week, but nothing stood out. I enjoy Matt Hardy on this show and his self-awareness to the multiple characters. It doesn’t help explain it on Dynamite at all, but I guess it’s something to realize he’s self-aware about it to a degree? Maybe?
BTE feels kind of lost right now. There aren’t any “storylines” going on, it’s just a series of interchangeable bits. The only prevailing story at the moment is the Omega vs. Cabana thing. The rest of this show was a series of individual bits that all followed up on previous episodes of BTE, but didn’t have any story behind them building towards any type of payoff, be it a comedic ending to a story or a match, or anything else. The show doesn’t need complex or multi-week stories to be good and funny, but it does to be anywhere near “must see” in my opinion. It’s a good episode, but the last few weeks have been skippable, unless you really love the BTE format or you’re a completest.
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