AEW BEING THE ELITE (Episode #201): Young Bucks, Luchasaurus, Brandon Cutler, Private Party, B.J. Black, a teaser for Revival

By Zach Graham, PWTorch contributor

Being The Elite reportedly on hiatus


BEING THE ELITE (EP. 201) – “A Message In The Sky”
APRIL 27, 2020

Watch it HERE

– Matt and Nick were sitting at a table outside. Matt took a drink of water as Nick noted that it’s a beautiful day. Matt noticed that Brandon Cutler is filming and asks Nick if they’re filming a scene because he thought they were just hanging out. Matt said he thought BTE was done now and Nick said “what else are we going to do during this pandemic?” Matt argued that they reached 200 episodes, they tied up all the loose ends, and it was the perfect way to go out, but now they’re going to over stay their welcome now. Nick said they need to do something and he’s bored as hell, so they’re doing another episode and who knows when they’re going to end this now. Nick said he brought both of them (Matt and Brandon) there for a reason. Matt chimed in that this is Nick’s second property.

Nick said he had some bad news, though. Nick reminded Matt about how they ended BTE 200, by saying they had something else to do? Matt remembered. Nick said when Matt dropped him off at home, he went to the hospital and the doctors told him his health is at 15% so he won’t be in the ring for some time. Matt said he too went to the hospital and was told his back is so bad, thanks to Nick, that he may be out for the next two years and sarcastically asked “can you believe I’m going to have to sell this thing for another two years?” Nick said the fans are going to hate that and accuse them of not knowing how to do any story telling. They said this may be a boring episode, because they can’t top BTE 200 last week, Nick noted that BTE 200 was the match of the year. Nick then pointed to something in the sky and asked if Matt saw it.

– A new Being the Elite opening aired including clips from Matt vs. Nick, Luchasaurus being tormented by the dinosaur puppets, Kenny Omega chasing Colt Cabana around, and old footage from BTE.

– P.J. Black was sitting on a couch looking into a candle when his phone rang. He blew out the candle and answered his phone, it was Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus said he needed to talk to him because he lost his tail. Black said that sounds serious and asked him how that happened. Luchasaurus said that he doesn’t know what happened and now he’s having these weird dreams, his tail is gone, and he needs a doctor and he’s the only person he knows who is a doctor. Black responded that Luchasaurus is in luck and it sounds like he has a blockage, he has some potions he can mix up and Luchasaurus needs to call him back in exactly 3 minutes and 33 seconds. Luchasaurus agreed and hung up.

– Brandon Cutler said it’s episode 201, they have a fresh start and they’re in the middle of a pandemic. Cutler said everybody is doing these push up and workout challenges so now he’s starting his own because, when he comes back to AEW, he isn’t losing another match. He said he’s starting the Kick Out Challenge. Cutler said he brought back the local jobbers to help him out. The camera panned over to show Steven Andrews and Simon Lotto as a generic laugh track played. Andrews and Lotto took turns attempted to pin Cutler, who kicked out. The two then tried different roll up attempts, but Cutler kicked out of these as well. Cutler stood with them and thanked them for their help, Andrews got down on all fours behind Cutler as he talked into the camera. Lotto shoved Cutler over Andrews, then leverage pinned him for a three count. Andrews and Lotto celebrated as Cutler chased after Nick Jackson trying to get him to delete that video.

– A commercial for The Young Bucks new book aired. This commercial wasn’t the usual commercial though, it talked about Colt Cabana. Colt voiced it over and said, “One day, let’s grow up and get hired by AEW, not be allowed on to Being the Elite, but find a way to sneak on to every episode.” The commercial then aired the history of Colt being featured on Being the Elite when he accidentally walked in on a scene with Matt Jackson and Sammy Guevara. Colt then pitched the idea to get on to every episode to Matt and Nick who said “yeah, sure, whatever.”

– Random clips of Matt and Nick super kicking random people around their house aired.

– PJ Black was back, now wearing a mask and pouring a yellow liquid into a beaker as some tribal style music played. Luchasaurus video called him, Black said it was perfect timing. Black told him he needed to go into the dream world and follow the guys because they know exactly what to do. Black said to get there he needed to take these three potions, but he better Venmo him money for them first. Luchasaurus said he sent the money, now how does he get the stuff? Black told him to trust in the process, as soon as they hang up, there will be a knock at his door with the potions. As soon as they hung up, Luchasaurus had a knock at his door. Someone held up a box and Luchasaurus yelled and asked him to leave it on the step.

Luchasaurus opened the box and found the potions and drank them in order. He said he was feeling a little funny before passing out. He awoke in a dark room with dinosaur puppets flashing in and out. The voice of his mother told him to find his tail, he said he didn’t know where to look. The voice told him to stay away from meteorites and randomly “I have big ol’ titties.” Luchasaurus yelled for her to stop, but she kept talking until a dinosaur puppet lunged at him. Luchasaurus ran out of the house and was shown running down the street. A bell rang as only his hands were shown. Luchasaurus looked down to see his was wearing swim trunks and no shoes. He yelled that he needed kick pads.

A door appeared and Luchasaurus opened it. He sat in the chair and told his coach (another dinosaur stuffed animal) that he wears kick pads and pants when he wrestles. The coach called him a sissy, asked him if he ordered it off high spots, and then called him a mark. The coach said that Luchasaurus was brought there because he’s not cutting the mustard. His tackles are subpar and his dropkicks can’t break wind. Luchsaurus tried defending himself saying he’s only been here for two months, but another puppet showed up and said the problem here is that he’s a round peg, but they only have square holes. The dinosaur that scared him earlier scared him again and yelled that they want him to shit his pants over and over.

Luchsaurus ran away again and walked up to someone in a jacket. The jacket was John Morrison’s, but when the person turned around it was Taya Valkerie. In an evil voice she asked if he was expecting somebody else and laughed. Luchasaurus covered his ears and looked down to find a mask at his feet. The mask was a Super Panda mask. Black and white highlights aired of Super Panda and Luchasaurus wrestling together as a tag team. Luchasaurus snapped out of his flashback, still holding the mask, and said he remembers now. A voice told him it’s time to stop running and he must fight his demons. Luchasaurus got angry, now in his wrestling gear with his entrance music playing. The dinosaur that had been startling him was shown again. A quick “TAIL of the Tape” was shown.

Luchasarus tried grabbing the monster, but it quickly evaded him and head butted him multiple times while laughing and mocking him. Luchasaurus grabbed it by the neck, but it bit him on the arm. The dinosaur was saying things like “you’re too big to do nip ups, ““What? You can’t get your shit in without your tail?” and “you think you’re too big to take bumps?” The dinosaur yelled “best of luck on your future endeavors.. in Hell!”

As the dinosaur went to strike, a crutch stopped him. Super Panda was holding the crutch and asked Luchasaurus if he wants to live forever as angelic music played. Super Panda disappeared, but a sword now appeared in Luchasaurus’ hand. Luchasaurus said it was time to cut the head off the snake and the dinosaur’s head was shown flying through the air. Luchasaurus snapped out of this dream and yelled that he shit his pants, then checked to see if he did. Luchasarus sat there and yelled “Panda Express, that’s it!”

– Private Party were sitting in a backyard in lawn chairs. A graphic flashed showing that they were six feet apart. Isiah Kassidy turned to Marq Quen and said “this is bullshit.” Quen asked him what he said, Kassidy repeated himself. Quen asked him again what he said and Kassidy repeated himself again, this time Quen heard him and just said oh, but then asked if he said something? Kassidy said they just wanted to work an enhancement match to get the ring rust off, but no. Somebody went and ruined their party. Quen responded with “yeah, I’m hungry too.” Kassidy ignored him and asked if he remembered the guy. Quen looked at him and Kassidy asked if he should just text him. They both pull out their phones and Kassidy asked “do you remember how he looks?” and Quen responded “he a mask.” Numbers started flashing on the screen as the two kept texting. Kassidy responded that he hadn’t been hit that hard since Jericho.

A flashback of Jericho hitting Kassidy with a Judas Effect played. Kassidy stood up, tapped shoes with Quen and left. Quen yelled that Kassidy dropped something and a mask was shown in the grass. Quen picked it up then confronted Kassidy asking what it was. Kassidy said it’s just a facemask, Quen got angry saying that the guy had that exact mask on. Kassidy got defensive asking Quen what he thinks and Quen accused him of jumping them. Somber music played as the replay of the giant teddy bear taking them both down was shown. Kassidy was upset by the accusation and said after all they’ve been through, Quen really thinks he did it? Quen said he has proof now and Kassidy asked if he was really going to let this guy destroy what they have and walked off angry. Marq Quen then said Kassidy was right because the last time he was hit that hard was from… His eyes rolled into the back of his head and a replay was shown of Quen getting double stomped by Rey Fenix. Quen then chased after Kassidy.

– A replay was shown of Matt and Nick noticing something in the sky from the beginning of this episode. The camera turned around and the clouds formed to show “FTR” in the sky.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Well, that ending all but confirms that The Revival, now known as The Revolt, are coming to AEW. They had to come in, right? Given the history of The Elite and The Revival? I’m glad to see it. Some people think that it’s not a good fit given the athleticism in the AEW tag division, but I think that’s why I like it. They’re the exact opposite of the high flying teams. Their gimmick in WWE was “No Flips, Just Fists” and that’s perfect for the perception of AEW’s tag team division.

This episode wasn’t as eventful as last weeks, but like Matt and Nick said, they couldn’t top last week. There was some storyline progression with Luchasaurus and Private Party, but not too much with either. I’m not sure where they’re going with either story yet so hopefully we get more answers next week. Private Party having flashbacks of Jericho and Rey Fenix don’t seem to make much sense as they aren’t working together in AEW at the moment. Time will tell!

CATCH UP… 4/20 AEW BEING THE ELITE (Episode #200): Nick Jackson vs. Matt Jackson cinematic special, tremendous Being the Elite montage from over the years


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