APRIL 20, 2020
Announcers: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, Jerry Lawler
-They opened with clips of last week’s main event between Drew McIntyre and Andrade, followed by the Seth Rollins post-match attack.
-The Raw opening theme played.
-They went to the Performance Center live with Phillips introducing the show as Drew McIntyre walked out to his music talking to the camera directly on the side of the stage on his way to the ring. Phillips plugged that Angel Garza would face Drew this week in the Raw main event.
Drew said this is the highlight of his week and he thanked everyone for joining him. He talked about being jumped in that ring last week. He said he knows he has a target on his back because everybody wants the title he has, which means he is the best at what he does. He said last week he said if you deserve an opportunity at his title, you’ll get one. He said a lot of people say Seth doesn’t deserve an opportunity. He said he could make Seth jump through hoops to get a title shot, yet he’s one of the most decorated wrestlers ever. He said therefore he’s challenging Seth to a match at Money in the Bank for the WWE Title. He called for the camera to zoom in. He addressed Seth. He was interrupted by Hector Garza, Austin Theory, and Zelina Vega.
Zelina said hi. Drew smiled and said, “Hi Zelina, you’re the number one thorn in my ass.” She said they’re all sick of his little rah rah speeches. She said he’s looking past tonight and is too focused on the Money in the Bank PPV. Andrade then attacked Drew from behind. Drew came back with a Claymore. Zelina called on Theory and Garza to run into the ring. They refused to budge despite her urgings. Drew then gave him a second Claymore, knocking him out of the ring. Andrade stumbled up the ramp to Zelina and Co. Saxton said that’s a warning shot that Garza should heed. Drew looked at the camera and said later he’s going to slaughter Angel Garza.
(Keller’s Analysis: This was solid and straight forward. Drew is coming across as a champion concerned about building a legacy he can be proud of, and offering a title shot to Seth makes him a fighting champion. The missing chapter here is having some sort of authority figure threaten to suspend Seth for what he did last week to emphasize that what he did is worthy of heel heat, and for Drew to be angry and express he wants revenge on Seth instead, and the way to do that is to lure him into a WWE Title match at MITB.)
-They went to the announcers on camera. Phillips, Saxton, and Lawler stood side-by-side on the stage together and reacted to what just happened. Phillips then pivoted to the Climb the Corporate Ladder match at MITB. Phillips explained wrestlers will start on the ground floor and battle to the roof where the briefcases are. Saxton hyped the three MITB qualifiers tonight with first-time match-ups – Rey Mysterio vs. Murphy, Austin Theory vs. Aleister Black, and MVP vs. Apollo Crews.
-An ad aired for Smackdown hyping the beginning of the 25th Anniversary Celebration of Triple H.
(Keller’s Analysis: I think a “celebration” is just too vague a description to be any kind of a ratings draw.) [c]
(1) AUSTIN THEORY vs. ALEISTER BLACK – Money in the Bank Qualifier
When Saxton asked Vega if Theory is being overconfident, she asked what he just said to her. She said he’s overconfident as an announcer. She said it’s ridiculous. A few minutes in, when Black went for a spin wheel kick, Theory leaped off the ring apron. Black then dropkicked him to the floor. Vega yanked off her headset and walked down the ramp to mouth off to Black. Black took the bate, giving Theory an opening to throw him into the ringside barricade. They cut to a break. [c]
After the break, after some back and forth action, Theory went for his ATL. but Black countered it and applied a triangle armbreaker. Theory powerbombed out of it. Zelina was thrilled and said it was impressive. A minute later, Theory scored a two count. Zelina asked if Saxton was worried. He said he was simply enjoying a competitive match. Theory ducked a top rope move by Black, but Black hit him in the face and landed a German suplex into a bridge. Then he set up the Black Mass, but Theory ducked. Black tried again and connected for the win. Zelina gasped and began shaking with frustration over that finish.
WINNER: Black in 11:00 to qualify for the MITB.
-Saxton interviewed Black about the Climbing the Corporate Ladder match. Black said he doesn’t know a lot about corporate life, but when he enters that match, for his opponents, each floor of the building will be turned into their own personal hell.
-Phillips plugged that Shayna Baszler was up next.
-A plug aired for NXT on USA including the Cruiserweight Tournament matches and a teaser about the mystery of who attacked Tomasso Ciampa. [c]
-Charly Caruso interviewed Baszler as she walked onto the stage. When Caruso asked Baszler if she might have taken it too far last week, Baszler said, “Too far? Let me ask you something. Did I break any rules? Nah. I just broke Sarah Logan’s arm.” She strutted to the ring.
-They aired a clip of last week’s victory by Baszler over Sarah Logan. Then Phillips plugged that Nia Jax, Dana Brooke, Asuka, and Baszler had qualified for the MITB match.
Phillips said Hartwell is from NXT. (Wouldn’t it be better to say she’s a recent trainee at the Performance Center? By saying she’s “from NXT,” it makes it seem like NXT is the breeding ground for Raw jobbers, which can’t help the image of the brand as a national TV show now.) Baszler went for an early arm stomp, but Hartwell slipped free and rolled up Baszler for a one count. Baszler charged at her, but Hartwell gave her a big boot to the face. Baszler laughed it off and then kneed her in the head. She followed with a quick arm stomp. The ref immediately called for the bell. The ring announcer said the referee ruled Hartwell cannot continue. Hartwell clutched her arm and cried out in pain. Saxton said it’s sick. Phillips said it is sick, but it’s also technically within the rules.
WINNER: Baszler in 1:00.
-Afterward, Baszler brought a ladder to ringside, yanked Hartwell out of the ring, and swung her into the ringside barricade. She then put her arm between the ladder and the steps and kicked the ladder. Hartwell cried out in agony. Phillips was outraged. He said she didn’t technically break any rules during the match, but this was going too far. Saxton called it pure evil. Two trainers checked on her.
(Keller’s Analysis: I like that after establishing Baszler didn’t do anything illegal to win this week and last week, she did something after the match clearly was illegal, so it could divert cheers because of how badass Baszler is and instead turn some viewers against her for truly being sadistic and going way overboard.) [c]
Again, Phillips said Thorne & Vink are “from NXT.” Lawler said no one should sleep on the team of Vink & Thorne as they got in some early offense. Ricochet countered a running powerbomb attempt by Vink and slung him head-first into the corner. Cedric then tagged in and went to work on both Vink and Thorne with rapid-fire offense. Ricochet landed a shooting star press a minute later to score a near fall. Fast action continued, with Ricochet landing a tornado DDT on Vink. Ricochet gave Throne a Recoil and then Cedric hit the Lumber Jack for the win. Phillips said everyone better keep their eye on this new team, as they’re making some moves.
WINNERS: Ricochet & Alexander in 3:00.
-Caruso interviewed The Kabuki Warriors who were full of energy and noise, as usual, seeming giddy and pleased with life. Caruso said they should acknowledge that the “height difference” between her and Nia Jax proved insurmountable, so why should tonight be any different. Asuka asked Caruso to be serious because Kairi is ready for the rematch. They made a lot more noises and then gregariously paraded out.
-Bobby Lashley stood in a gym and introduced himself. He asked for Lana to come on into view. She smiled and grabbed his arm. Lashley then said he was going to flip a gigantic tire. Lana was excited. [c]
-Another commercial hyped the Triple H celebration this Friday.
Lawler talked about the MITB rules at corporate headquarters. Saxton said he’s never heard of such a concept. Kairi ducked Jax and applied a sleeper. Jax threw her off rather easily, then swung her around by her legs Cesaro-style. They showed Asuka yelling at a monitor backstage and demonstrating various possible moves for Kairi. Jax lifted Kairi and threw her neck-first into the bottom turnbuckle. When she went for a splash, Kairi moved. Jax sold her knee gave out. Kairi began round kicking her knee. Phillips said she had double ACL surgery last year. Jax lifted Kairi, but her leg gave out. Kairi kicked her knee. They showed Asuka demonstrably excited backstage. Kairi let out a yell and then elbowed and punched Jax in the head. Lawler said they might be in store for a major upset here. Kairi landed a sliding knee into Jax in the corner. She leaped off the top rope, but Jax moved and caught Kairi and gave her a Samoan Drop for the win.
WINNER: Jax in 4:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: This rematch almost feels like it was just Vince McMahon trolling everyone who was so up in arms last week over Jax beating Kairi decisively.)
-The announcers commented on Seth’s attack on Drew last week.
-Seth was shown sitting on a throne of some sort in a room with bad acoustics. He said Drew is a fighting champion and a brave man, which he admires and respects. He said not many men know what it’s like to walk in his shoes, but he does. They showed images of Seth winning a WWE title. He talked about walking into WrestleMania and beating Brock Lesnar to win a WWE title. He said they have a lot in common. He said they both command the respect of their peers and have a deep love and passion for this industry. He accepted Drew’s challenge. He said he doesn’t accept his challenge out of respect or disdain. He said it’s not personal. He accepts his challenge out of necessity and duty because now, more than ever, the WWE Universe needs a leader. He said as much as they have in common, the similarities stop there. “I am a proven leader and you are not,” he said. He said he will sacrifice for the greater good. He vowed to take Drew’s title at MITB, not because he wants to but because he has to.
-Phillips hyped Rey vs. Murphy and MVP vs. Crews. [c]
-They showed the Performance Center.
-A video feature aired of The Viking Raiders driving in a Cadillac SUV together. One of them had been gnawing on a turkey leg. They were wearing their headgear. They yelled together about being Viking Raiders with a rah rah speech declaring their intentions.
(Keller’s Analysis: Hmm. That humanized them, for better or for worse. We don’t know much of anything about them, but they always seemed really immersed in their characters staring in the flood of red light for all these months. Now they’re just two gregarious guys who like to chant and have a good time. That wouldn’t have been much different in tone if it was Zack Ryder & Mojo Rawley when they were the Hype Bros. I’m a bit dumbfounded by the strategy, but we’ll have to see where this goes, if anywhere.)
-MVP stood mid-ring. He said in his storied career, he’s seen a lot of WWE Superstars rise and fall in pursuit of the briefcase because inside of it is a contract with a title shot opportunity “anytime, anyplace.” He said they saw the very dangerous Aleister Black earlier qualify. He said the man who stands in his way, Crews, is a gifted athlete, but he’s outmatched. He said when WWE wanted to make the MITB ladder match the most unique, they called the most unique competitor. He said he’s no stranger to wearing suits or executive board rooms or signing big money deals. He said he told his agent to book the private jet because he’s sure he’s going to beat Crews and head to the MITB match to win it. Crews’s music interrupted him.
Lawler called it potential vs. experience. He said Crews made a mistake interrupting MVP. Crews landed an early dropkick. MVP rolled to the ring apron and called for a timeout. Crews charged at MVP and knocked him off the ring apron. Crews then leaped onto the ring apron, but MVP swept his legs out from under him. They cut to a break. [c]
MVP had Crews in a camel clutch after the break. Crews battled back and threw a barrage of punches at MVP in the corner, then landed some kicks and a running hard clothesline. Crews landed a powerslam for a two count. When Crews leaped off the top rope with a frog splash, MVP lifted his knees and hit the Playmaker for a near fall. Phillips had already declared MVP the winner before the kickout. Crews came back with an enzuigiri and then pressed and dropped MVP behind him. He landed a standing moonsault and a standing shooting star press. Then he landed a leaping sitout powerbomb next for the win. Phillips called it the biggest victory of Crews’s career.
WINNER: Crews in 7:00 to advance to MITB.
-Caruso interviewed Ruby Riott backstage. She asked about being the leader of the Riott Squad once, and she faces a former teammate in Liv Morgan later. She asked how they went from so tight to so divided. Riott said they never really were a team. She said she needed double shoulder surgery because she had to carry both Morgan and Sarah Logan on her back. She said Logan has a broken arm now and Liv will be lucky if she doesn’t break both of her arms tonight. She said he’s still suffering the delusion she’s grown up and independent, but she’s going to show her how lonely and small and weak she is with out her. [c]
Before the match, they showed Riott returning two months ago and turning on Morgan. Phillips said Liv has tried to move past what happened. Saxton said Riott didn’t like Liv coming out of her shell and she wanted her to be her old compliant, subservient self. They went back and forth for several minutes. When Riott got the advantage late, she told Morgan, “I will always own you.” She told her to beg her to stop. Morgan came back with Flatliner off the ropes for the three count. “That is huge!” exclaimed Lawler.
WINNER: Morgan in 4:00.
-Back to Lashley and Lana in the gym. Lashley said he warmed up. Lana said he is hot. Lashley then flipped over the giant tire. Lashley said any world class athlete can flip that tire, but then he turned pointed at an even bigger tire and sized it up.
(Keller’s Analysis: This is one of those things that impresses a tiny sliver of the population and doesn’t make for particularly compelling TV. People know Lashley is strong from looking at him and assume he could probably top over a tire that most people couldn’t. But then what? Do people want to see him wrestle because of it? And apparently he’s not looking for a new wife anymore?) [c]
-A brief screen shot acknowledged the death of Howard Finkel.
(7) REY MYSTERIO vs. MURPHY – Money in the Bank Qualifer
A couple minutes into the match, Rey set up an early 619, but Murphy ducked. Rey said, “This close!” Murphy attacked Rey against the ropes. Rey rolled to the floor and said, “My finger!” Lawler said he thinks a Murphy kick dislocated the finger. Murphy attacked him from behind and threw him into the barricade. Murphy scored a near fall back in the ring. Murphy stomped on Rey’s hand at ringside on the ramp. They cut to a break. [c]
Murphy focused on Rey’s finger after the break, slamming it against the ringside steps. Saxton said this has to be heartbreaking for Rey given what he said last week about how badly he wanted to win this year’s MITB. Murphy climbed to the top rope and grinded his boot into Rey’s hand on the top of the post. Rey knocked Murphy hard off balance to the floor. Rey landed a running head scissors off the ringside steps. Rey then went for a 619 in the ring, but Murphy countered. Rey countered and DDT’d Murphy for a two count. Rey head-scissored Murphy into the ringside barricade a minute later. Both were down and slow to get up. They showed Rey yanking finger back into socket.
Rey threw Murphy back into the ring, then climbed to the top rope and leaped at Murphy. Murphy rolled through and lifted Rey onto his shoulders, then dropped his head onto his knee followed by a knee drive and finally a brainbuster for a near fall. Nice chain sequence. Murphy climbed to the top rope, but Rey knocked him off balance. He climbed to set up a superplex. Murphy went for a sunset flip powerbomb. Rey held on, then landed a Destroyer followed by a 619 and a top rope splash for the win.
WINNER: Mysterio in 15:00 to advance to the MITB match.
-Phillips said Drew vs. Seth has just become official for the PPV.
-Caruso interviewed Vega and Garza. Vega said it wasn’t noble of Drew to attack Andrade when he could barely stand. She said Angel will give Drew the lesson in nobility that he clearly needs. He said Drew might not even make it to the MITB PPV to defend his title against Seth. Garza said when he finishes with Drew, he’d love for her to ask him how it felt to defeat the champion. He said so in a way that was clearly hitting on her. She seemed smitten.
-Lawler plugged that Charlotte was in action next. [c]
Phillips said Charlotte has said she wants a match against Mia Yim in NXT, and she plans to “swing by” NXT this week to see if she can make that happen. Phillips said Io Shirai will be Charlotte’s next challenger, though. Charlotte kicked Carter in the face at the start. Carter came back and controlled the action for a minute. Charlotte elbowed out of a hold, then blocked a Carter kick. Charlotte then speared her and then applied the Figure-Eight for the win.
WINNER: Charlotte in 2:00.
-Back at the Performance Center, Lashley built up his attempt to tip over the gigantic tire. He lifted it, but it slipped out of his grip. He tried a second time and it slipped again. Lashley kicked it in frustration and then got it over on the third attempt. Lana ran up to him and said he is amazing and she knew he could do it. Lashley said that’s the power that everyone in WWE needs to fear. The camera panned back over to the tire.
-They went back to the announcers who threw to a clip of the opening segment.
-Andrade made his ring entrance. [c]
(9) AKIRA TOZAWA vs. ANDRADE (w/Zelina Vega)
Tozawa connected with an early tornado kick. Then he landed a running senton off the ring apron onto Andrade at ringside a minute into the match. Tozawa landed a top rope flying dropkick for a near fall. Zelina gave Andrade a pep talk, then turned and distracted Tozawa, which gave Andrade a chance to surprise Tozawa with a kick. They fought back and forth for a while, Tozawa getting a near fall in the mix, but Andrade eventually won with a hammerlock DDT.
WINNER: Andrade in 5:00.
-After the match, the Street Profits danced onto the stage, which annoyed Zelina and Andrade as they returned to the back. Saxton danced with them. They stood on the table and danced. Lawler told Saxton to sit down. [c]
The Profits introduced Belair. Then they made a lot of noise on commentary, cheering on Belair. Lawler eventually had enough and said, “That’s little over the top there.” Saxton said Belair is feeding off of their support. Belair’s outfit was covered in Raw logos. Ford said all the pancakes she eats in the morning are working. Belair eventually dropped Garrett head-first over the top turnbuckle in a snake eyes type move and then hit her finisher.
WINNER: Belair in 3:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Why are Asuka and Kairi endearing and entertaining while the Street Profits are just unbearable to listen to? My god, make it stop. I’d rather have a hangover all afternoon than listen to ten more minutes of that.) [c]
(11) DREW MCINTYRE vs. ANGEL GARZA (w/Zelina Vega, Austin Theory, Andrade)
McIntyre walked out with the WWE Title belt. Drew chopped away at Garza’s chest at ringside. An Andrade distraction didn’t work. Drew headbutted Garza as he leaped off the ringside steps. A Theory distraction, though, did open up Drew to a running dropkick. Garza then rammed Drew into the ringpost and then applied a leglock in the ring. Drew came back and leaped off the top rope at Garza, then kipped up. He then signaled for the Claymore Kick, but Garza dove out of the ring. Drew grabbed his tights, which came off. Drew then flip dove onto Garza, Theory, and Andrade at ringside. He yelled at Vega, “I can do it all!” Drew threw Andrade over the barricade and then gave Theory a big boot. Back in the ring, Drew took over on Garza and set up a reverse Alabama Slam, but Garza rolled through and scored a near fall. Drew came back with a surprise Claymore for the win. Saxton said, “Hey, Seth Rollins, you’re next!” They replayed Drew’s big moves.
WINNER: Drew in 7:00.
-Drew leaned over and talked with Saxton at ringside about his win as his music played. Then he returned to the ring and gave Garza another Claymore. He looked at Vega and told her to keep sending them his way and he’ll keep Claymoring them down. Theory entered, but Drew gave him a Claymore, too. Drew celebrated with his belt on the stage as the show ended.
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