4/10 WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT: Keller’s coverage of WrestleMania fallout, Braun Strowman celebrates beating Goldberg, will Roman Reigns even be mentioned, Asuka & Sane vs. Cross & Bliss

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


APRIL 10, 2020

Announcer: Michael Cole, Corey Graves


-Cole introduced the show as Braun Strowman made his way to the ring to open the show. He had the WWE Universal Title belt around his waist. They aired a brief video package on his win over Goldberg. He stood mid-ring and said he took everything Goldberg gave him and refused to stay down, then put him down for good. He said it’s the greatest moment of his career. Suddenly Shinsuke Nakamura’s music interrupted Braun. Graves said Nakamura was the man Strowman had to defeat to become Intercontinental Champion “several months back.”

(Keller’s Analysis: It crossed my mind here that I could imagine WWE hot-shotting a series of Universal Title changes on a weekly or near-weekly basis to create a buzz and help TV ratings post-WrestleMania. I’m not endorsing it, but the usual rules and reasons for following them in this environment might be thrown out.)

Nakamura entered the ring and said, “This should be funny, what do you want?” Nakamura said Braun said when opportunity knocks, open the door. “Knock knock,” said Shinsuke. Braun said nothing. Nakamura said, “You’re supposed to say ‘who’s there?'” Nakamura said he heard Braun talk about his WrestleMania Moment, but the last time they saw him, “we beat you.” Braun told him to cut the crap because nobody tuned into Smackdown to hear him run his mouth. He asked him to let him enjoy his first Smackdown as Universal Champion while he knocks the crap out of him. Nakamura spoke back to him in Japanese. Then he translated to English: “The weak are the meat and the strong eat,” he said. Strowman said later tonight he’s going to get these hands. When Cesaro entered the ring from behind, Braun shoved him over the top rope. Nakamura then blindside kicked Braun. Nakamura and Cesaro retreated as Cole asked how wise that “hit and run” was.

(Keller’s Analysis: That was fine. It’s tough to celebrate a title win as a babyface without a crowd, but to celebrate without a backstory and when you were a late substitute without any explanation for Roman Reigns makes it even tougher. The bright side is, in retrospect, Reigns didn’t do anything to earn it other than having never lost it, so it’s not like Braun has any heat on him for stealing something from Roman. It was peculiar not seeing Sami Zayn out there. Maybe WWE is trying to minimize how many people interact close-up, but Sami could easily cut a promo from the stage or ringside, acting scared to get close to Braun. It points to him not being there.)

-Cole hyped that The Miz or John Morrison are back with another trailblazing episode of “The Dirt Sheet.” Graves said he’s still trying to wrap his mind around the unlikely romance of Otis and Mandy Rose, and they’ll look at that later tonight. Cole plugged the Women’s Tag Team Title rematch, up next. [c]

-A sponsored recap aired of the Women’s Tag Team Title change at WrestleMania.

(1) NIKKI CROSS & ALEXA BLISS vs. THE KABUKI WARRIORS (Asuka & Kairi Sane) – WWE Women’s Tag Team Title match

Kairi opened with a running dropkick at Bliss. Four-way action broke out with Asuka and Kairi knocking Nikki out of the ring and then taking it to Bliss with a double-team. Bliss fought back seconds later, but was overwhelmed by the high-energy heel duo. Comfortably in control, Asuka went to the announce table and put on a headset. She yelled into a headset while standing on the announce table. Nikki met her on the table. They brawled. Bliss yanked Asuka’s legs off the table. Nikki then leaped onto Asuka and pounded her chest like Tarzan as they cut to a break in 4:00. [c]

Asuka was in control of Nikki after coming back from the break. A couple minutes later, Nikki landed a bulldog and tagged out to Bliss, who went to work Kairi. Nikki crashed face-first into the corner. Asuka lifted Nikki up and set up a Doomsday Device top rope elbow by Kairi. Asuka then applied her Asukalock. Cross leveraged Nikki’s shoulders down for a two count. Asuka applied another armbar. Bliss jumped in to break it up. Kairi went for a top rope move, but Nikki moved. Nikki then tagged in Bliss who went after Kairi with a DDT. Asuka yanked Kairi out of the ring by her leg to stop the pin. Bliss leaped off the top rope with a Twisted Bliss onto both Asuka and Kairi on the floor. Back in the ring, Bliss tagged in Nikki, who landed a twisting neckbreaker for the three count.

WINNER: Bliss & Cross in 13:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good tag match. WWE obviously likes the energy these wrestlers create, especially Asuka and Nikki, in a crowd-free environment.)

-Cole hyped that still to come was Strowman vs. Nakamura, which was now official. They didn’t advertise it as a title match, though. Graves said up next was a recap of the Otis-Mandy saga. [c]

-They showed a drone shot of the Performance Center as Cole hyped Strowman-Nakamura.

-Elias stood on the platform with his guitar. He thanked viewers for inviting him into their home. He said he got the messages from fans to get well and thanks them. He told fans to clap along to his song.

WrestleMania, everybody can say

Cause Elias came, and he dethroned the King

If you doubted me, I couldn’t blame you at all

Because from this perch, Elias, took a hell of a fall

Just like Simba, I returned

It’s time for a new king, people yearned

I look toward the horizon, what do I see

Money in the Bank, the case would look good with me

Turn it into a guitar case, then I become champ

And the world will sing, Walk with Elias

Oh, I wanna hear the world sing, Walk with Elias

Walk with the King

-They aired a recap of the Otis-Mandy storyline including last week’s revelation and the WrestleMania win for Otis through the kiss after the win.

-Back to Cole and Graves, Cole said Otis showed to “swing for the fences.” Dolph Ziggler and Sonya Deville went up to Cole and Graves and leaned into them and yelled at them, just like the COVID-19 guidelines suggest. Ziggler claimed the hidden camera footage was doctored and they are messing with their lives. Tucker then marched out to his music. Tucker said he’s sorry to interrupt his meltdown, but he can tell Dolph’s is still smitten with his man’s kitten, Mandy. Tucker then pointed at the big screen and showed Otis working out with Rose. He said couples who work out together, stay together. He told Ziggler they have some unfinished business to take care of right now. [c]

-Cole narrated a recap of Ziggler attacking Tucker’s eyes last week and then slamming the back of his head onto the ringside steps. Cole said tonight he looks for revenge.

(2) TUCKER vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Sonya Deville)

An early distraction by Deville gave Ziggler an advantage. Tucker quickly took over, though. Tucker catapulted Ziggler head-first into the turnbuckle. Tucker whipped Ziggler into the ringside steps and then said that was for his friend, Otis. Ziggler thumbed Tucker in the eye. Tucker caught Ziggler flying at him and dropped him over the announce table. Cole and Graves moved out of the way. Tucker threw Ziggler back into the ring and gave him a powerslam for a two count. Cole said he never remembers Tucker being this intense. Tucker crossbody blocked Ziggler for a near fall. Ziggler avoided a charging Tucker, who went shoulder-first into the ringpost, and then Ziggler caught him with a quick superkick for the win. As Ziggler and Deville celebrated, Graves said Ziggler is driven by true romance and is trying to win back Mandy.

WINNER: Ziggler in 5:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Sensible follow-up to WrestleMania, with Tucker going for revenge. The real match here, though, is Ziggler going after Otis, so it made sense for Ziggler to get the win here.)

-They went to Graves and Cole at ringside. Cole said Miz was hurt, so it was a Triple Threat ladder match with the Smackdown Tag Team Titles on the line. They went to a recap of the closing moments leading to Morrison’s lucky win after he was knocked off the ladder with the title belt after a tug-o-war with Kofi and Uso.

-Cole plugged “The Dirt Sheet” next starring Miz and Morrison. [c]

-They plugged that Edge would be on “WWE Backstage” this Tuesday.

-The Dirt Sheet: Miz and Morrison sat mid-ring. Morrison introduced himself and said his glass is always half-full. “Even when it’s all the way full, it’s half full,” he said. Miz said in a brutal ladder match, they retained their Smackdown Tag Team Titles. Morrison laughed and said, “I retained them.” He said he’s the first person in history to retain those titles himself. Miz said he’s the first wrestler to retain those titles from his couch. “That’s good news!” he said. Miz touted WrestleMania 36 as the most watched in history. They looked at the big screen with a clip of Undertaker kicking A.J. Styles into a grave. Miz said, “Better A.J. than us.” Miz said their new Universal Champion makes it to almost all of their shows. Morrison said that’s much more frequently than some of their other champions lately. “That’s good news!” they said in unison.

They talked about the Firefly Funhouse match. Morrison said after all those years, John Cena saying “You can’t see me” finally came true. They then said sang their song, “Hey Hey” with expanded lyrics. The Usos eventually interrupted. They said Pee Wee Herman has more street cred than either of them. Miz asked how dare they interrupted their live performance. Morrison said they brought with them negative, downer energy, whereas they were spreading good news. Miz asked why they were there after Morrison successfully defended the tag team titles. The Usos said they both have to defend both titles. Miz said he’s still not medically cleared and can’t compete tonight.

As Miz and Morrison left the ring, New Day came out. Kofi told them to hold up because they were in that Triple Threat match too. Big E said since the match didn’t go on as planned, it makes sense that the members of the teams didn’t compete at WrestleMania, the others should be able to compete. Miz asked what they don’t understand about “not medically cleared.” Kofi said they consulted WWE and Fox officials along with a series of unreleased celebrities, they have been informed next week it will be Miz vs. Big E vs. Jey Uso.

(Keller’s Analysis: Decent enough dose of Miz and Morrison doing their thing leading to a match next week that makes sense. With the bulk tapings going on this weekend, they can actually announce more matches ahead of time since they need to know what they’re doing next and can’t wait a week.)

-Cole excitedly recapped that news, then plugged Braun vs. Nakamura. Graves then introduced the Forgotten Sons. “After dominating NXT, they have arrived at Smackdown,” Graves said. He said they were in action next. [c]

(3) FORGOTTEN SONS (Steve Cutler & Wesley Blake w/Ryker) vs. LUCHA HOUSE PARTY (Gran Metalik & Lince Dorado)

Cole said typically after WrestleMania, some new wrestlers from NXT debut on Smackdown, and that’s what’s happening here. Graves called it a big-time opportunity for them. Metalik showed off his artistry on the ropes at times during the match, but ultimately Blake clotheslined him hard and then tagged in Cutler who stomped Metalik’s chest for the win.

WINNERS: Forgotten Sons in 2:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Where is the production elbow-grease on this show? Shouldn’t there be a vignette or promo or something where the Forgotten Sons can establish what they are all about without the announcers just reading bullet points during the match?)

-Nikki excitedly told Bliss backstage she is feeling unbeatable right now. Carmella and Dana Brooke walked up to them. Carmella said they didn’t get to compete at WrestleMania, so they’d like to make up for it with a tag team title match. Bliss said she feels bad for them, but they can’t just jump the line and challenge them because there’s a line. Dana said she heard them say they are unbeatable, so what’s the harm? Nikki walked to the side and told Bliss they can do it. They walked back and Nikki blurted out, “Challenge accepted!” Bliss told Nikki, “I love you girl, but from now on, decaf.”

-Sasha Banks made her ring entrance. Cole said she was instrumental in Bayley retaining her title at WrestleMania. As Bayley came out, Graves said he might have been wrong about their friendship.

-A commercial aired for Raw hyping that Drew McIntyre and Becky Lynch would be on the show. [c]

-Bayley said, “Look at us!” She said Paige tried to ruin their friendship by putting them in a match against each other, but it didn’t work. Bayley said she defied all odds at WrestleMania “because I am the best.” She then added, “We are the best, we are the ultimate role models.” She told the “sheep” sitting at home who thought she’d lose the title and their friendship would be ruined, they have two words for them: Screw you. Sasha said nobody from the past, present, or future can ruin their friendship. Tamina walked out.

Sasha said she looks stunning. She said her hair looks good “and I can smell you from here, and you smell great.” Tamina said Bayley didn’t beat her at WrestleMania. “Nobody beat me at Mania,” she said. She explained it took all of the women to beat her. She challenged Bayley to a one-on-one match. Sasha said she just came back from whatever coconut shell she was hiding in the last year, but there is a pecking order around there. “You don’t just step up to the champ and make demands,” she said. Bayley said she can have her match with her if she can beat Sasha first. Sasha didn’t seem to know Bayley was going to say that or like it. Tamina said challenge accepted. She added, “Your bestie just screwed you.” Cole and Graves agreed with Tamina’s assessment.

(Keller’s Analysis: Some definite signs of unrest in Sasha being taken for granted by Bayley as her wing-man, so to speak. Tamina was fine here playing a part to move this story forward and establish herself as seeking a title match.)

-Cole hyped a special look at Jeff Hardy coming up. [c]

-A graphic touted that “The Big Show Show” on Netflix debuted at no. 3 on Netflix last week.


Cole said they spoke to Sheamus earlier and he was in a foul mood. Graves said he is upset because he had giant expectations for WrestleMania, but couldn’t take part. Cole said he will be taking part in the Money in the Bank ladder match. Bloom is taller than Sheamus and went on the attack right away. Sheamus came back quickly with a barrage of forearms as he was bent backward over the top rope. Then came a Brogue Kick for the win.

WINNER: Sheamus in 1:00.

-Cole said Sheamus isn’t the only wrestler returning to Smackdown. As Cole and Graves plugged the special look at Jeff Hardy, Sheamus stared them down at ringside before returning to the back.

-Special Look at Jeff Hardy: A graphic said the footage is courtesy of “WWE 24.” Clips aired of Christian and Big Show talking about how they clicked with young wrestling fans. Hardy said they had something special about them and it paid off. As they showed Hardy leaping off of high places, Edge talked about his big bold moves. Hardy said if you’re not scared, something is wrong.

(Keller’s Analysis: I like the idea that WWE is treated Jeff as a big deal and framing him as a legacy star. He could have another serious chapter if all goes well, but it takes presenting him as a legacy star to give it a chance.)

-Graves said as Hardy gears up for the next chapter of his career, Braun is preparing to take on Nakamura.

-A commercial aired for “Steve Austin: The Broken Skull Sessions” featuring Ric Flair debuting this Sunday. [c]

-A commercial said in two weeks, the 25th Anniversary Celebration of Triple H begins.

-Cole hyped the Triple Threat match next week for the tag team titles. No ladder in this one, though. Also, Tamina vs. Sasha Banks. Also, Daniel Bryan vs. Cesaro in a Money in the Bank ladder match qualifier. Plus, Naomi faces Dana Brooke in a MITB qualifier match. Graves said Sonya will try to clear the air with Mandy next week.


Graves said Shinsuke hasn’t forgiven Braun for taking the IC Title from him, so a win here would make things even. Braun dominated early and told Nakamura he’s bitten off more than he can chew. Cesaro mouthed off to Braun at ringside. That gave Nakamura an opening to knee Braun in the chest. He charged at Braun at ringside, but Braun lifted and dropped him ribs-first over the ringside barricade. [c]

Strowman charged into Cesaro at ringside, but Nakamura took over in the ring for a two count. Braun came right back with a sudden running powerslam for the win. Graves said he’s not sure there’s a man roaming the Earth that can beat Braun. Graves said Strowman isn’t climbing the mountain anymore, he is the mountain.

WINNER. Strowman.

(Keller’s Analysis: For those keeping track, Roman Reigns wasn’t mentioned at all this show. He was a wrestler in WWE, right?)

-A Firefly Funhouse then aired. The ink board said “The Story of John Cena.” Bray wiped out “Story” and replaced “History,” then winked at the camera. He said John was right all along, “We really can’t see you.” Bray then directed his comments at Braun. He said he is so happy for him. The head spoke to Bray. Bray said that was a long time ago and he’s sure he’s learned his lesson. Bray said he brought Braun out of the swamp and then he turned his back on his family and his own creator. The dolls took some digs at Braun including saying his beard is possessed. Ramblin’ Rabbit said he thinks Braun is a good guy. Bray told him to shut up. Bray said he’ll forgive Braun if he says he’s sorry. “Make me proud,” he said. Braun said he’s not playing these games. Bray said he’s been getting these hands instead of learning his lessons. Bray said Braun is going to learn about sharing because he has something he wants back, “right there on your shoulder.” Bray said as one circle closes, another begins. “Since I brought you into this world, I’ll have to take you out.” He then smiled and waved good bye. Braun said, “Wait, before you…” The jingle faded. Braun said anytime Bray wants, he’s ready to let him in. Bray leaned in and got a sinister look. Braun said cheerfully, “Bye, see ya’ later.” His music played as the show ended.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good initial feud for Braun to set up right away to define his first Universal Title feud. With the history between them and Bray being a recent Universal Champ, it’s a good fit. The acknowledgement of Cena was good, too, even if quick.)


3 Comments on 4/10 WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT: Keller’s coverage of WrestleMania fallout, Braun Strowman celebrates beating Goldberg, will Roman Reigns even be mentioned, Asuka & Sane vs. Cross & Bliss

  1. I think Bray gets it back and goes on to Roman if and when the crisis ended. Goldberg was leaving no matter what, so he had to drop the title; Braun’s just a transitional warm body.

    • They taped this show a week or so ago. However they are starting to tape again. Evidently they don’t care about the orders nor the well being of their workers.

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