HEYDORN’S WWE RAW REPORT 1/13: Alt Perspective coverage of the live show including the first ever fist fight, Orton vs. Styles, Black vs. Murphy, and more


Full analysis and results of this week's episode of WWE Raw


JANUARY 13, 2020

Announcers: Vic Joseph and Jerry “The King” Lawler

-The show opened with the traditional intro video. When it ended, the pyro went off before Vic Joseph and the announce team welcomed the audience to the program. He talked about the roster wanting momentum heading into the Royal Rumble and as he did, Randy Orton walked out to good sounding reaction from the crowd. As Orton walked to the ring, Joseph and the Lawler ran down the show and hyped the fist fight along with an appearance from Brock Lesnar, Murphy vs. Black, Lashley vs. Rusev, and the Raw Women’s Championship contract signing between Asuka and Becky Lynch.

Heydorn’s Analysis: They started this rundown of the show last week and went ahead with it here too. Smart booking. WWE needs to keep their viewers and it helps to do that if you give them a reason to stay by telling them whats on the horizon. This format also makes the shifts and swerves in major programming more impactful when they happen. Good stuff. 

-When the announcer hype was over, Orton stood in the ring with microphone. He paused as the audience cheered and then did his pose on the ropes. This caused the audience to cheer even louder. From there, Orton said he was asked to come to the ring and excitedly welcome the crowd to Monday Night Raw. The crowd cheered, but he said “excitedly” wasn’t typically his style. Instead, he called out A.J. Styles. Orton said that he’d show Styles why he would win the Royal Rumble and would prove to him that the most dangerous letters in sports entertainment were R, K, O. As Orton said “O” Styles walked out.

Heydorn’s Analysis: This is how you use Randy Orton. His attitude shined through here and he came off like a star. The audience reacted that way to him as well. Not many on the roster have that type credibility. Orton does and he used it well here. 

As Styles walked to the ring, the announce debated why A.J. was taunting Orton the way that he had been. Once Styles got to the ring, he addressed Orton and asked him if he called him out there to brag. Styles asked Orton if he had another knee injury and said that he really believed Orton was hurt. Styles laughed at Orton thinking he was the Royal Rumble favorite. Styles said it wasn’t true and that if Orton missed him last week, he administered the greatest RKO ever. He said that his own RKO was phenomenal and so good that it would be the only move he needs to win the Royal Rumble. He said that included throwing him over the top rope as well as Brock Lesnar.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Some good heel work by Styles – out of touch and in his own world in terms of how he handled the Orton injury. He’s striking the right tone with his character right now.

From there, Drew McIntyre walked out and said that that threat from Styles must include him too. He said that throughout the last few weeks he’s had some trouble with his opponents. He mocked beating the conga line last week, but said that he wanted to up his level of competition. Drew said that his Claymore was bigger than their RKO measuring challenge. From there, Drew gave the crowd two options. The first being watching the three men talk all night and the second being watching them fight in a triple threat match. Obviously, the audience chose option two and roared in approval. At that point, Drew was in the ring, and the match officially began.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Drew looked and sounded comfortable for the third week in a row. Just like last week, his ton was babyface-like and while a turn wasn’t “officially” made, it appears he’s leaning that way and going for the crowd engagement and interaction. As for what he said? Very effective. He put himself on par with both Styles and Orton and looked the part in doing so. 


Drew kicked Styles in the face to start things off and then battled Orton. As he worked to attack Styles again, the Gallows and Anderson made the same. In response, Drew gave Gallows the Claymore Kick and Orton hit Anderson with the RKO as the show went to commercial break. (c)

Out of the break, Orton stomped on Drew in the corner with Styles on the top rope. Orton climbed up and lifted Styles for a superplex, but instead Drew lifted him for a powerbomb. At the same time, all three men hit the mat.

Heydorn’s Analysis: The classic multi-man match spot. You’d think it have lost it’s luster at this point, but the crowd still loved it. 

From there, Orton got to his feet and three men exchanged strikes in the middle of the ring. Orton connected with a clothesline, but then was immediatley hit with a Drew headbutt. After, Drew hit Styles with one and then crushed him with a DDT. At that point, McIntyre counted down 3,2,1 with the crowd and then attempted his Claymore. Orton countered with a dropkick which caused the action to roll out of the ring. All three men battled out there, with Styles connecting with an over the top rope forearm. Eventually, Orton grabbed the steel steps and hit McIntyre with them. With Drew down, Styles and Orton battled into the ring. Styles hit Orton with his rope DDT and then mocked Orton by tuning up for the RKO. He went for it, but Orton countered. Instead, Styles connected with a kick. After it, Styles went for the RKO again, but this time, Orton countered with a kick and went for the Styles Clash. Orton hit it to a massive pop and then covered, but only got a two count.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Great spot. Orton sold it perfectly with his facial expressions and the audience ate it up. 

Out of the pin, Orton kept the action on Styles and eventually hit the RKO. As he went for the pin, Drew McIntyre rolled into the ring and nailed Orton with the Claymore Kick. Drew then covered Styles for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: McIntyre via pinfall

Heydorn’s Analysis: Really good television match. Each act shined and played their role well. Drew getting the win signals that WWE is going somewhere with him. Brock Lesnar?

-After the match, Drew posed on the ropes as the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, a highlight video aired that detailed the events of last week between Kevin Owens, Samoa Joe, Seth Rollins, AOP, and the returning Big Show. When the video ended, Seth Rollins was shown backstage with AOP. He said that he hoped they were as excited as him because opportunities like the fist fight don’t come around often. He said that people aren’t with him, then they are against them. Rollins said that neither Kevin Owens, Samoa Joe, or the Big Show can stop them. From there, he said that he has sacrificed everything for success and that tonight they needed to show the world what would happen if you don’t accept the vision of the Monday Night Messiah.

Heydorn’s Analysis: That worked. More of the same in terms of content, but that’s necessary due to the fact that Rollins is establishing his new gimmick. Well done. 

-Ricochet made his entrance to a good reaction from the crowd. Once he got to the ring, he did his pose and the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, Mojo Rawley made his entrance. Once he got to the ring, the bell rang, and the match began.


Rawley charged Ricochet to start the match, but Ricochet dodged it. From there, Ricochet connected with some punches and then connected with a springboard hurricanrana takedown. After, he attempted a pin, but Rawley blocked it and connected with a knee to the midsection. Soon after, Ricochet tossed Rawley over the top rope and celebrated as the announcers talked about how he demonstrated he could throw people over the top rope for the Royal Rumble match.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Seriously? Folks watching Raw have seen Ricochet toss many opponents over the top rope. Unnecessary commentary that framed Ricochet as a small and didn’t jive with what viewers already know about him. 

With Rawley on the outside of the ring, Ricochet connected with a flying diving attack over the top rope. After hitting it, he rolled Rawley back into the ring and looked to keep momentum, but Rawley halted it with a kick. Rawley owned the match from there and hit Ricochet with a jumping splash in the corner. Eventually, Ricochet countered the offense and connected with a kick before trying for his springboard splash. Rawley countered, but Ricochet countered the counter and hit his Recoil DDT instead. From there, he hit his 630 off the top rope and covered for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Ricochet via pinfall

Heydorn’s Analysis: Ok match. Ricochet looked impressive at times, but the commentary doesn’t do him favors. They need to be talking up his athletic prowess instead of making excuses for his size. That said, another good use of the squash match here.

-After the match, the Street Profits were shown backstage. They hyped up the show and started with talking about the fist fight. From there, they made fun of the Oscars a bit before talking about the contract signing and Murphy vs. Black. They then made an introduction for Charlotte and told producers to cue her music.

Heydorn’s Analysis: The Street Profits bring more to the table when they are presented as credible in-ring competitors and not hype men backstage. It’s night and day. WWE needs to recognize this and change course.

-As soon as the Street Profits made the Charlotte intro, her music hit and walked to the ring. Once she got there, she posed, and the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, Sarah Logan made her entrance. As she walked down the ramp, the announce team cued up highlights of last week concerning Logan and Charlotte. After, Logan got into the ring, the bell rang, and the match began.


Out of the gate, Charlotte crushed Logan with a boot to the face. She then went for the Figure 8, but Logan crawled out of the ring. There, both women brawled around the ringside area. Eventually, Charlotte tossed Logan back into the ring and slammed her face into the post. After, she locked in the Figure 8 submission which caused Logan to tap out.

WINNER: Flair via submission

-After the match, Charlotte arrogantly put on her robe in front of Logan to taunt her. As she was about to leave, Charlotte ran back and tossed Logan out first. Charlotte then left the ring with Logan writhing in pain on the outside.

Heydorn’s Analysis: A nothing match for the most part, but one that defined Charlotte as clearly more important than Logan. Go figure, right? We need to hear from Charlotte Flair. Because of her history, we know she is important, but the context around her lately has been meaningless. Babyface? Heel? Who knows? It’s time for a mission statement. Even if its as simple as winning the women’s Royal Rumble. That’s direction and she desperately needs it. 

-After the match, Samoa Joe and Kevin Owens discussed their fist fight. Joe told Owens to not worry about the rules of the match. He told Owens that regardless of the rules, when they fight, their opponents end up on the ground. From there, Big Show entered the shot and told Kevin Owens not to worry about rules. He told Owens not to worry because he has a seven inch fist that he wants to introduce to Seth Rollins. Show then walked off as Owens looked a bit more relieved and relaxed.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Effective in building a little anticipation for the match later on in the night. Kevin Owens is right though. They should establish some rules at some point. 

-When the backstage segment wrapped, Brock Lesnar made his way to the ring with Brock Lesnar. Once they got there, Paul Heyman stared at the audience as they booed.


From there, he did his standard intro, but not before mocking the southern accents of those in attendance and telling them to respect them. As he did the intro, he called the audience stupid for reciting his name with him. In response, the crowd chanted “you suck.”

Heydorn’s Analysis: Great work and perfect recognition of the reaction you’re getting. Heyman used that reaction off the cuff to cultivate an even bigger one. The art of pro wrestling on display, folks. 

After hearing the chant, Heyman told Lesnar to leave the ring and they did. At first the crowd cheered, but the cheers turned to boos. While on the ramp, Heyman tried to address the crowd again, but they booed even louder. Eventually, Heyman told the crowd that his client does not suck. This prompted more boos and an even louder chant of “you suck.” At that time, Heyman and Lesnar walked back into the ring and Lesnar raised the WWE Championship as the boos reigned on him again. Heyman said that he wanted to start over and began his intro again. When he finished, Heyman said that last week he and his client broke the biggest news of the year. Heyman recapped the announcement and then reminded the crowd that Lesnar winning the Royal Rumble wasn’t a prediction, but a spoiler. From there, Heyman discussed his spoiler streak and called it the best streak in history. He said his spoilers were the best because they are all about Lesnar matches and they come true due to Brock Lesnar himself. From there, Heyman said that Lesnar was not going to eek out a victory and the Royal Rumble, but dominate instead. He said that Lesnar would conquer the WWE Universe at the Rumble and prove that Paul Heyman spoilers will set you free.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Man, that was tremendous. Heyman built the Lesnar heat perfectly while outlining the narrative of the story they are telling with Brock at the Rumble as well.

R-Truth interuppted Heyman to a good reaction. Once he got to the ring, he told Heyman that he was glad he called him out. Truth said that Lesnar may be the favorite in the Rumble, but that he wouldn’t ever give up and declared as an entrant to the Royal Rumble match. From there, Truth talked about the size of the fight in the dog and threatened Paul Heyman. Heyman told Truth that he wasn’t in the Rumble match and that he would go against Brock Lesnar instead. In response, Truth said “his bad,” and then undeclared from the Royal Rumble. He said that Heyman talks a lot and because of that he stopped paying attention. Truth said he didn’t like spoilers, but that he just didn’t want Lesnar to take him to Sioux Falls city. In response, Heyman corrected him and told him that nobody likes him. From there, Truth asked Brock “what’s up” and did his usual schtick with the crowd. At that point, Lesnar crushed Truth with a clothesline and then nailed him with the F-5. With Truth down, Lesnar picked up the 24-7 title and tossed it on Truth before picking up the microphone himself. Lesnar then said “that’s whats up,” before leaving the ring with Heyman. The show then went to break

Heydorn’s Analysis: For as good as the Heyman promo was, this Truth interaction was out of place. That type of comedy right next to some serious heat generating promo work didn’t mesh well together. Keep comedy away from Brock. Period.

-Out of the break, Truth was shown being helped to the back. Soon after, Rawley hit him on the ramp and pinned him to become the new 24-7 champion. After, Rawley celebrated.

-Vic Joseph and Jerry Lawler were shown and cued up an interview from earlier in the day between Bobby Lashley and Lana. Charly Caruso did the interview and caught the duo as they got out of their car. Lana questioned Charly for asking her questions and in response Lashley asked Charly if she enjoyed the wedding. From there, Lashley asked more questions as clips from the wedding aired over his voice. Lana then continued the recap. In the end, Lana said Lashley would crush Rusev before walking off.

Heydorn’s Analysis: I typically like WWE’s video work, but this was over the top and overproduced. Either do the highlight video or do the interview. Putting both into one was awkward. 

-When the interview ended, Bobby Lashley made his way to the ring with Lana. As they walked down the ramp, the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, Rusev made his entrance. Once he got to the ring, the bell rang, and the match began.


Both men exchanged punches to the start the match. Rusev took momentum early after hitting Lashley with a spinning heel kick. Rusev kept momentum with a clothesline and followed that a running splash into the corner. After, he connected with a vertical suplex. Rusev kept up the offense with a rolling attack in the corner and followed that up with a pin attempt. Rusev only got a two count. Out of the pin, Lashley rolled to the ring. As Rusev walked toward him, Lashley raked his eyes and tossed Rusev out of the ring. With Rusev on the outside, Lashley got out of the ring and connected with a spear as the show went to break. (c)

After commercials, Lashley maintained his control over Rusev. Rusev hit a big boot on Lashley to slow him down. Rusev took over from there and dodged a shoulder tackle before connecting with a clothesline and a Samoan Drop. From there, Rusev hit a belly to bell suplex before attempting his superkick. Lashley countered it and hit a German suplex, but Rusev rolled right up after it and connected with the superkick. Instead of making the cover, Rusev went for his submission, but was distracted by Lana. Seeing this, Lashley took out Rusev’s knees and slammed him to the mat. With both men down, Liv Morgan walked out to the ring and confronted Lana. Morgan dared Lana to hit her, but instead, Lana threw a drink in her face. From there, she tossed Morgan into the guardrail and in the ring, Lashley hit Rusev with the spear after Rusev was distracted by the Liv Morgan/Lana fight. Lashley then made the cover for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Lashley via pinfall

Heydorn’s Analysis: A questionable finish at best. With a match going on, it just isn’t logical that Rusev would be distracted by the nonsense between Lana and Morgan. Why should he care? He has said outright that he doesn’t care about Lana anymore. As for the match itself, decent. It had some heat and the fans seemed to be behind Rusev. All that said, this angle has run its course. Regardless on your overall thoughts with it, Rusev needs to get the definitive win and move on. Who knows, maybe this is the end and Lashley just went over and will now move on. If so, Rusev is forever rooted in the lower mid-card. 

-After the match, Lana and Lashley posed on the ramp as the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, Charly Caruso spoke and said she had some breaking news about the show. She was interuppted by Lashley who said that he and Lana have a bigger problem to deal with. Lana spoke and addressed Liv Morgan. She called her a troll and said that she wanted to issue a challenge to her. From there, Lana said that she and Lashley would take on Rusev and Liv Morgan. Lashley questioned this choice, but said that nobody intimidates her. Her and Lashley disagreed as they walked out of the shot.

-The Viking Raiders made their entrance. Once they got to the ring, the Raiders spoke and said “new week, same story.” They said that anyone who challenges them gets put down. They said they proved their dominance throughout the entire tag division and that they wanted to issue an open challenge to any team. From there, the Singh Brothers walked out to accept. The Singh Brothers danced on the outside of the ring. In response, the Raiders walked out and started beating them up. After, the Viking Raiders rolled both Singh Brothers into the ring and the match began.


Once the match started, the Viking Raiders hit a few strikes before connecting with the Viking Experience and making the cover for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Viking Raiders via pinfall

Heydorn’s Analysis: Another good use of a squash, but the Viking Raiders are ready for more.

-After the match, Liv Morgan and Rusev were shown backstage. Rusev spoke and said Lana and Lashley were a waist of his breath. Rusev said he wanted to fight them. From there, Morgan spoke and said that she doesn’t like to make promises she can’t keep. She said that she was the karma that Lana created and that karma is a bitch. The show then went to break. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: So, did they accept? I’m thinking yes, but it was a bit unclear. It shouldn’t have been.

-Out of the break, Vic Joseph tossed the broadcast to Jerry Lawler who was in the ring. He said that they would make the Raw Women’s Championship match official with the contract signing. From there, Becky Lynch walked out to a big pop from the audience. As she walked down, the announce team recapped how the match came about with Lynch using her contract leverage as a means to get it.


Once she got to the ring, the audience chanted “Becky” as she looked on. Lynch then acted like she was going to speak before Asuka walked out, but didn’t and sat in her seat instead. At that point, Asuka was introduced. She walked to the ring with Kairi Sane and Lynch’s eyes never left her.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Take a look at the look Lynch gave Asuka. Some premiere work to convey a serious fight. Well done.

Once Asuka got to the ring, she picked up the microphone and immediatley yelled at Becky in Japanese. She then sat down. As she did, Kairi Sane taunted Lynch with her umbrella. Lynch responded and tossed the umbrella out of the ring. She then sat back down as well. Asuka signed the contract first and said nothing before she did so. From there, Lynch stood and looked at the contract before signing it. After she did, Lynch picked up the microphone and said “may the best woman win.” As she said this, Asuka hit Lynch with the green mist and left the ring. Lynch screamed in pain as the medical team immediatley worked on her. As they did, Lynch said “gimme the microphone.” Eventually they did. With it, Lynch called Asuka hungry and angry while she was happy and content because of her accomplishments. She said that she had tried to find her anger, but she couldn’t. From there, she said that at the Royal Rumble she would go down and if she does she would go down swinging and would take Asuka with her. Lynch then threw the mic down and left as the show went to break. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: Wow, that was unique. For one thing, it was shot from a different camera angle that shot Lynch from the bottom up as she spoke. That worked to create some intensity, but just a different and fresh look as well. Becky was great. She upped the volume at the right moments, but spoke clearly where she needed to so the audience could buy into what she was saying. I wasn’t thrilled about the doubt in her promo last week, but this promo helped give that some added context and story. The story here is logical and the tone was set tonight for a match of the night candidate at the Royal Rumble.

-Out of the break, the announce team recapped the events of last week between Andrade, Zelina Vega, and Rey Mysterio. The announce team then broke the news that next week Andrade would face Rey Mysterio in a ladder match for the United States Championship. From there, Andrade and Vega were interviewed backstage. Vega said that the interviewer was not qualified to talk to them. She then proceeded to talk to them and said that Andrade was man enough to beat Rey for the title. Vega then outlined why Rey wasn’t a mad due to what he did to Andrade last week. She called Rey a lowlife and a disgrace to his children. Andrade then spoke and yelled in Spanish before walking off.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Andrade sounded great speaking English the way he did with the slow pace. Something to build off of. Vega was great as usual.

-From there, Rey was interviewed and addressed Andrade’s comments. Rey said that he was being treated as a criminal. He said that calling him a disgrace to his family wasn’t a joke. He said that he loves the idea of a ladder match and that he is prepared to sacrifice years of his career and life to win it. He then addressed Andrade and said he wouldn’t just take the title back, but take it from Andrade. He then walked out of the shot.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Not Rey’s best promo since his run of great promos began. Not bad by any means though and did a nice job of putting over the ladder match concept as dangerous and career threatening. That narrative has been missing around WWE ladder matches for years now. Well done.  

-After the interview, a recap video aired that detailed the feud between Aleister Black and Buddy Murphy. When the video ended, Aleister Black made his entrance. As he walked down to the ring, the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the commercial break, Buddy Murphy made his entrance. Once he got to the ring, he sat across from Black in his corner, the bell rang, and the match began.


Both men went face to face in the middle of the ring to start the match. They jawed back and forth until Black connected with a stiff back elbow strike. From there, the exchanged strikes and the action spilled to the outside of the ring. There, Murphy slammed Black on the ramp and then rolled him back into the ring to beat the count. As he did, the show went to break. (c)

Out of the break, the action continued with Black hitting Murphy with a double foot stomp on the outside of the ring. From there, Black rolled Murphy into the ring and nailed him with a knee to the face. After, he covered, but only got a two count. Out of the pin, Black lifted Murphy to his feet, but Murphy countered into a roll-up pin. Murphy grabbed the tights which prompted the referee to stop the fall. Out of that, Black hit another knee strike and covered, but only got a two count. Eventually, Murphy connected with Murphy’s Law and went for the cover near the ropes. He moved Black’s arm away from the rope so he couldn’t grab it, but Black used his leg instead. Out of that, Murphy taunted Black and tried to hit Black Mass. Black countered and hit Black Mass of his own. Black then covered, but only got a two count.

Heydorn’s Analysis: That looked like a potential botch. Both Black and Murphy looked surprised that the ref didn’t count to three. In addition, Black Mass has been very protected to this point. Strange to see it sacrificed in this situation. 

Right after, Black hit Black Mass again and then covered for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Black via pinfall

Heydorn’s Analysis: Really good match. No surprise there. The finish will be the focus though. Did Murphy really kick out of Black Mass? That doesn’t appear to be the story given the announcers and the immediate follow-up. 

-After the match, Black posed to the crowd in the ring as the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the commercial break, Rowan made his entrance with the cage. As Rowan walked out, Murphy was shown sitting still distraught near the ringside area. Before the match began, Charly tried to interview Murphy, but Murphy said not now.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Seeds for a babyface turn? A tag team with Black? Maybe both? The key is that Murphy looked sympathetic here and was polite to Caruso. Out of character for him.

-From there, the bell rand, and the Rowan match began.


Out of the gate, Rowan said that he wanted to show what was in his cage to his opponent. He reached inside, but appeared to get bit. From there, Rowan was angered and beat up his opponent before making the cover for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Rowan via pinfall

Heydorn’s Analysis: I’m about done with this story. Get on with it already or give it some context to make the audience care more. 

-After the match, Seth Rollins and AOP were shown walking backstage as the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, the ring announcer revealed the rules and said that the only way to win was to beat your opponents so bad that they couldn’t continue. From there, Big Show made his entrance and walked to the ring. As he did, he was attacked from behind by Rollins and AOP. As soon as they attacked, Joe and Owens ran out to make the save. They ran out with weapons and once the brawl rolled into the ring, the bell rang, and the match began.


The brawl continued after the bell. Big Show and Rollins battled until Owens connected with a flipping dive off the stage onto AOP and Joe. After, Joe hit a senton bomb through the table. From there, the action went back to Rollins and Show. With Murphy still ringside, Rollins pleaded with him to help them. After, Show choke slammed Rollins and went for the punch, but Murphy hit him with a low blow. After, he and Rollins drove Show through a table. After, AOP put Joe and Owens through the announcers table. Back in the ring, Seth Rollins got hit by Show in the corner. As he did, AOP attacked him from behind and power bombed him in the middle of the ring. Murphy then lifted Show to his knees and Rollins connected with the Stomp. At that point, the referee decided that Owens, Joe, and Show couldn’t continue and gave the win to Rollins and AOP.

WINNER: Rollins and AOP via special fist fight rules

-After the match, Rollins celebrated with AOP. He then embraced Buddy Murphy as Murphy smiled. Rollins told him that he made the right choice and the announce team said that Rollins had a new disciple. From there, the announce team highlighted next week’s matches and Rollins celebrated in the ring with his crew. The show then faded to Black.

Heydorn’s Analysis: There goes that babyface turn for Murphy. Lasted all of four minutes. That said, the fist fight brawl concept worked and Murphy now has an important role on Raw moving forward. Very well done all the way through.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: HEYDORN’S WWE RAW REPORT 1/6: Alt Perspective coverage of the live show including the return of Brock Lesnar, Mysterio vs. Andrade for the United States Championship, Lana wedding fallout, and more


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