JANUARY 3, 2020
“Big Sister” Sumire addressed her opponents as if she were a kids’ show host and said she was here to do some hip thrusts with them today. Ruaka wanted to avoid the bronco buster and get the win. Kid plugged her new Starlight Kid scarf available in the merch store.
With Sumire down at ringside Kid hit a moonsault on Ruaka for the pin.
WINNER: Starlight Kid in 5:23.
-Rina said Hirsch is very strong and helped her do the TCS salute. Onozaki said Hina won yesterday so they wanted to continue that momentum. Kamitani said she and Hoshino would work hard together. Hoshino seemed put out about teaming with her, though.
Kamitani pinned Onozaki with the running shooting star press.
WINNERS: Kamitani & Hoshino in 4:17.
-Tora said Skye is now a member of Oedo Tai. Giulia confirmed that Miyagi was fired from Oedo Tai. Miyagi said she’s been fired a lot and they’d regret it. (Skye had the Oedo Tai logo for her entrance so apparently it’s official!)
(3) GIULIA & ANDRAS MIYAGI vs. OEDO TAI (Natsuko Tora & Zoey Skye)
A large portion of the match was dedicated to Tora vs. Miyagi but it was Giulia who pinned Skye with a Glorious Buster.
WINNERS: Giulia & Miyagi in 6:34.
(Pageot’s Perspective: A bit of an underwhelming way to announce that Skye has joined Oedo Tai. With Kagetsu on her way out the group is left with Tora, Sumire, Skye, Hayter, & Martina. Interesting that it’s now more gaijins than Japanese talent. I remain hopeful that they recruit Hoshino and another full-timer or two. Tora’s new Oedo Tai starting off by having to clean up messes left behind by Kagetsu’s Oedo Tai is a nice storyline and I suspect Giulia & Miyagi vs. Oedo Tai is something we’ll be leaning heavily on from now until the next draft.)
-The Top Gaijins said they were going to embarrass their opponents. Martina said she’s got it but Priestley told her to shut the fuck up. They bickered with Hayter caught in the middle. Kyona said she and Konami fight Priestley & Hayter at Korakuen Hall for the tag titles so this is a preview. Kyona was going for Hayter while Konami said she wanted to have fun with Priestley’s body.
(4) TOKYO CYBER SQUAD (Death Yama-San & Goddess Of Stardom Champions Jungle Kyona & Konami) vs. WORLD SELECTION (Bea Priestley, Jamie Hayter, & Session Moth Martina)
Death rolled up Martina with an O’Connor roll for the pin.
WINNERS: Tokyo Cyber Squad in 8:50.
(Pageot’s Perspective: These early January shows tend to be mostly filler with lots of multi-person tags like this one and the next one. I find myself tuning out more often than not. I do like that neither of the tag teams factored into the finish as it keeps things ambiguous heading into the title match.)
-Watanabe said she was only interested in Iwatani (who she’ll be challenging for the red belt). Hayashishita said she was going after Hoshiki (who she’ll be challenging for the white belt). Hoshiki and Iida both said they wanted Hayashishita. Hoshiki said she would let her have her today.
(5) ARTIST OF STARDOM CHAMPIONS QUEEN’S QUEST (Future Of Stardom/SWA World Champion Utami Hayashishita, Momo Watanabe, & AZM) vs. STARS (Wonder Of Stardom Champion Arisa Hoshiki, Tam Nakano, & Saya Iida) – NON-TITLE MATCH
Hayashishita made Iida tap to the torture rack.
WINNERS: Queen’s Quest in 11:43.
-Hayashishita told Hoshiki that the same thing would happen to her in Korakuen, just like it did in the Grand Prix. Hoshiki pointed out that she’s got revenge on everyone who beat her in the Grand Prix except for her.
(Pageot’s Perspective: No indication that Iida will be a threat to the Future Of Stardom title any time soon. Then again, Hayashishita’s only defended the belt once in the past ten months so it’s pretty much just an accessory at this point.)
-Kashima said they had this same match one and a half years ago with her and Iwatani winning the tag titles. They’re different people now. Kagetsu said this was her second match on the retirement road. She wanted to team with her old partner Kimura. Would it be TCS Hana or the return of Oedo Tai Hana?
Kagetsu came out alone to Oedo Tai’s music. She looked behind her but there was no Kimura. As Kagetsu reached the ring Kimura suddeny walked out with short black hair, her old Oedo Tai mask, and her old Oedo Tai kimono. She had black lipstick on as well but didn’t appear thrilled to be participating in this.
(6) STARS (World Of Stardom Champion Mayu Iwatani & Saki Kashima) vs. OEDO TAI (Kagetsu & Hana Kimura)
Oedo Tai attacked before the bell and dragged the babyfaces into the stands. Kimura kicked Iwatani down the steps. Kagetsu whipped Kashima into a wall. Back in the ring Kagetsu spit water in Kashima’s face, and then in the referee’s of course. Iwatani with a springboard armdrag to both opponents. Stereo dropkicks from Stars. Facewash from Kimura to Iwatani. Vertical suplex. Double stomp from Kashima. Frog-splash from Iwatani. Kagetsu made the save. Placard from Kagetsu to the back of Iwatani. Ground octopus hold from Kimura. The champ made the rope break at 10:00.
Missile dropkick from Kimura. Package piledriver prevented like usual by Kashima. Springboard dropkick from Kagetsu to Kashima. Missile dropkick + electric chair drop combo from Oedo Tai. Octopus attempt from Kimura countered into a tombstone from Iwatani. Kashima with My Emblem to Kagetsu. Iwatani with a superkick, bridging German suplex, and moonsault to Kimura. Natsu Sumire slid the placard to Kimura. As she and the ref fought over it Kagetsu misted Iwatani. Kagetsu grabbed the ref. Kimura grabbed the placard. Kashima grabbed the placard from her… and clocked Iwatani!
Kashima grinned and posed with the Oedo Tai placard, watching with Kagetsu as Kimura hit a package piledriver on Iwatani for the pin.
WINNERS: Oedo Tai in 14:25.
-Kashima took a mic and asked if Iwatani was okay. She said she was so miserable. Starlight Kid, Tam Nakano, and Arisa Hoshiki looked on in stunned silence. Kashima told Iwatani she’s a failure. It’s been so frustrating living her in shadow but she’s not going to be a supporting role anymore. She addressed the rest of Stars and told them she doesn’t want to do stupid glittery wrestling like them. She wants to do real Saki Kashima pro wrestling. She called Iwatani a worthless dog and asked her how long she was going to lay there. She told her to get lost and stood on her head until Nakano had enough and shoved her off. Kashima told them to go hell. Exit Stars.
Sumire entered the ring, laughing. She said that was amazing. “What in the world is this?” She couldn’t stop giggling. Sumire reminded us that she’s been saying this for ages: Kashima is a country bumpkin degenerate who doesn’t fit in with all that glittery crap. She can’t make the most of herself in Stars. Standing with her she’ll have more upside. If she comes to Oedo Tai she can channel that temper and become a worthy weapon. Sumire said she and Tora won’t pretend. They want people. If Kashima does this she won’t be able to go back to Stars. She has to decide if she wants to join Oedo Tai. “Please join.” Sumire extended her hand to her archenemy.
Kashima said all she wants is to be her true self. She offered her hand. They bickered over who would walk forward to meet in the middle. Tora pushed them together and made it official. Saki Kashima is Oedo Tai! The three women posed with Kagetsu before leaving.
Kimura had been sitting on the ramp the entire time. Kagetsu called her into the ring. She asked why everyone’s focused on Kimura when it’s her retirement road. Kagetsu said Kimura was her most encouraging, strongest, and best tag partner. TCS is coming along and Kimura’s strong and lives the way she wants.
Kimura said that when she was a member of Oedo Tai she was proud that they were the best. When she came back from Mexico and betrayed them she knew she’d be alone for the rest of her life. She also lost the memories of their time together. She’s come so far thinking she didn’t need any friends. She didn’t team with Kagetsu here out of friendship. She just wanted revenge on Iwatani & Kashima for losing the tag titles to them two years ago. She bowed to Kagetsu, pupil to teacher, and they eventually hugged.
(Pageot’s Perspective: That was a lot. Retro Kimura was fun but she just looked weird in her old gear now, like an adult playing a teen in a high school movie. She’s definitely outgrown the look. The match was another “greatest hits” affair but still fun and the ending would have been truly shocking if it hadn’t been spoiled for me ahead of time. (My #1 wish for the Bushiroad era more than anything is live streaming.)
Kashima’s heel turn is textbook. She’s been the perpetual #3 or #4 in Stars, much like Tora was in Jungle Assault Nation, and continually overshadowed by the others. From a character standpoint the girl obsessed with zombies turning on the sparkle squad to join the heel faction seems so obvious. Initially I really felt that Oedo Tai should die with Kagetsu but the idea of it becoming a sort of haven for the overlooked and unappreciated, anchored by Tora, Sumire, and Kashima, actually sounds appealing to me. I’d love for them to pull in one more legitimate top star and do a bit of a re-branding. Not Giulia (she’s so arrogant and boring that she has Queen’s Quest stamped all over her) but someone. I guess Jamie Hayter convincing Bea Priestley to switch teams is a strong possibility. No one else jumps immediately to mind. Meanwhile Kashima’s departure from Stars either opens the door for Kid to move up to serious midcard contender or for Riho to join the group.)
The grand finale was starred by Queen’s Quest (Bea Priestley, Utami Hayashishita and Viper) and Arisa Hoshiki, Saki Kashima and Tam Nakano. After 12 minutes of action, it was the first who took the glory.