Overall – PUSH: This is a middle of the road show. Nothing that is presented is what I’d call “must watch” as is the case with most of these Impact Plus specials. I like to watch these specials to see the talent from the indie promotion Impact has teamed up with and how they look in front of a larger spotlight. In the case of No Surrender, Impact partners with The Wrestling Revolver. Their wrestlers acquitted themselves admirably but failed to stand out in a meaningful way. The one exception is Larry D who was definitely buoyed by the crowd and earns himself a contract.
Promo production – MISS: There are several promos throughout the show, but the sound is so bad, I can hardly hear what was being said. These Impact Plus specials aren’t exactly known for their high production values, but what is the point of doing a promo if one can’t hear it?
Trey Miguel vs. Logan James vs. Tyler Matrix – MISS: There are one or two nice spots in this match, but nothing else that was really exciting. Trey Miguel is solid. Logan James and Tyler Matrix did nothing overtly positive or negative that made them stand out. Trey pins Logan for the win.
Madison Rayne vs. Rosemary – PUSH: Madison comes out and cuts a promo putting down Dayton, Ohio. She then calls Rosemary to the ring and berates her for breaking the rules in the locker room. Madison claims that as the (self-proclaimed) locker room leader, she is basically an executive and can fire Rosemary unless she lays down. The bewildered look on Madison’s face when Rosemary actually lays down was great. Madison puts he foot on her for the pin but, before the three count, Rosemary sits up and bites Madison’s leg and the match starts. Rosemary wins in an okay match. Rosemary has a strong connection to the fans which is enjoyable to see.
Rhino vs. Clayton Gainz – MISS: Jeremiah comes out, despite not being on the card, and cuts a promo introducing himself to the people at home, saying that he is here to make a name for himself. Rhino comes out, gores Jeremiah and pins him. Gainz rushes Rhino from the back, getting the upper hand in a surprise attack, and the match Rhino was actually booked for starts. Rhino overcomes and wins with a gore. Gainz looks solid in the match, but just like Logan James and Tyler Matrix in the first match, Gainz did not stand out.
Michael Elgin vs. Larry D – HIT: There are five good minutes in what was a fifteen-minute match. The rest of the match mostly a slog. However, the crowd is what carries Larry D, constantly chanting his name and getting behind him. After losing to Elgin, the crowd chants “sign Larry D”. Scott D’Amore comes into the ring, puts over Larry D, and offers Larry a contract. The crowd goes wild. Nice emotional moment at the end.
OVW & Jake & Dave Crist vs. Desi Hit Squad & Rohit Raju & Mahabali Shera vs. The Rascalz, Dezmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz – HIT: If you throw a bunch of athletic wrestlers into a match, then you’ll be entertained by their athleticism. Not much to say other than this was a fun entertaining match, and that it was really weird to see Jake and Dave Crist in the babyface role. oVe wins with a spike piledriver on Rohit Raju.
Hoss Fight Scramble Match: Acey Romero vs. Crash Jaxon vs. Willie Mack vs. Madman Fulton vs. Brian Cage – HIT: This is not an artful match. This is five mastodons throwing each other around like ragdolls. At one point, Cage slams Acey Romero so hard, the ring looked like it lifted a foot into the air, and my monitor shook. Next to no psychology but hella fun. Fulton wins with a flying headbutt after walking the top rope.
Jessicka Havok vs. Taya Valkyrie – MISS: Another fine match, this time for the women’s title. John E. Bravo gets involved to buy Taya enough time to get a chair and hit Jessicka with it thus getting disqualified and retaining the championship. Havok chokeslams Taya in revenge. The unimaginative ending earns the match a MISS.
Tables Match: Ace Austin vs. Eddie Edwards – HIT: One of my favorite things watching wrestling is seeing a spot I’ve never seen before. Eddie Edwards, at one point in the match, preforms a neckbreaker on Austin onto the legs of a table that was upside down. It looked devastating and perked up a crowd that was beginning to peter out. It was a good brawl, ending with Austin falling through a table that was set up earlier at ringside, after getting caned by a Kenny wielding Edwards.
Rich Swann vs. Sami Callihan – HIT: Rich Swann shows he just won’t give up as he absorbs what Sami Callihan dishes out and keeps getting up and responding in kind. That is, until Sami hits him with a piledriver from the second rope for the win. The commentators played on the history between the two to add to the drama of the match. It was a good match to end an otherwise so-so show.
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