NOVEMBER 23, 2019
Rina congratulated Ruaka on her return. (She was last seen August 18.) Iida said the tag league is over but she and Kamitani can still team.
(1) 3838 TAG (Saya Iida & Saya Kamitani) vs. TOKYO CYBER SQUAD (Ruaka & Rina)
Ruaka and Iida started. They finished off Rina with a Kamitani running shooting star press and an Iidabashi.
WINNERS: 3838 Tag in 5:15.
(Pageot’s Perspective: No indication as to whether this means Kamitani is now a member of Stars or if she’s still a free agent.)
-Kyona said we had one more cute little kitten in Stardom and she was facing her in her debut. She might show some promise… so Kyona planned on crushing her. Hoshino introduced herself and also said she was making her debut here. She thanked everyone.
The cameras caught her backstage before going through the curtain. She was visibly nervous and on the verge of tears.
Hoshino managed a hammerlock but Kyona turned it into a side headlock. Kyona tossed her around by the hair and roughed her up. Hoshino with a sleeperhold but Kyona made the rope break. She got the first two-count of her career off a roll-up and fired up. Hurricanrana. Dropkick. Big body slam. She tried for multiple covers but Kyona kicked out each time. Kyona with a body slam and splash of her own. They traded forearms. Hoshino hit probably forty in a row and Kyona took it. Kyona gave her one and the rookie hit the mat. Boston crab. Hoshino tried for a rope break but Kyona pulled her back to the center of the ring for the tap out.
WINNER: Jungle Kyona in 7:00.
(Pageot’s Perspective: Hoshino is short, possibly almost at Iida’s height. She’s got some nice simple white gear with gold trim and a cute bob haircut. I already love her.)
-Konami said she was teaming with cute Zoe and she wanted to break everyone. Onozaki felt confident with Priestley and wanted to win. Kashima said she and Kid were both good at three-ways though Kid wasn’t so sure.
(3) TOKYO CYBER SQUAD (Goddess Of Stardom Champion Konami & Zoe Lucas) vs. STARS: SAKID (Saki Kashima & Starlight Kid) vs. QUEEN’S QUEST: ONOZABEA (Bea Priestley & Leo Onozaki)
The two Brits double-teamed Kid to start before turning on each other. In the end Kashima hit My Emblem to take out Konami and then caught Onozaki with a Revival.
WINNERS: SaKid in 4:19.
(Pageot’s Perspective: Any match that Leo’s in, you know who’s getting pinned. It’s just a question of when and by whom.)
-Tora said she was teaming with the two strongest members of Oedo Tai. Martina still looked hungover and Hayter didn’t seem to be feeling it either. They elected to dance instead of continuing the promo until Martina passed out. Iwatani shouted “Enthusiasm!” She asked her partners to try to get along.
(4) STARS (World Of Stardom Champion Mayu Iwatani, Wonder Of Stardom Champion Arisa Hoshiki, & Tam Nakano) vs. OEDO TAI (Natsuko Tora, Jamie Hayter, & Session Morth Martina)
DREAM*SHiNE double-teamed Martina and Hoshiki finished her off with a knee strike.
WINNERS: Stars in 10:03.
-Nakano took a mic and said it was messed up. She was supposed to score the three-count today. She asked Hoshiki what her problem is and told her she hates her. Hoshiki grinned through the whole thing and reminded her that she was the one who suggested they keep teaming together post-tag league. They put over their tag title challenge tomorrow night and said they’d win the belts.
Kyona walked out and said that wasn’t going to happen. She called for Konami, who lingered on the stage before electing to head backstage instead. Kyona accused them of acting like enemies but actually being best friends. Nakano pushed Hoshiki away in disgust. Kyona said it was a load of crap. After the year she’s had Kyona doesn’t want to lose anything else. Nakano pointed out that Konami wasn’t out there saying she’d retain the tag titles too. What does that mean?
(Pageot’s Perspective: Nice to see some real hype for the title match. DREAM*SHiNE are the obvious picks to win but Kimura won the Grand Prix and failed to capture the red belt so there’s no guarantee anymore.)
-Riho said all three of them in this match are the same age. Kimura is living in (popular Japanese reality show) Terrace House. She was curious about her and wanted to beat her. Hazuki still had nothing to say. Kimura said it was Squid Lips vs. Samantha Bassa vs. a real cutie. (She was referring to herself as the cutie, of course. I have no idea who Samantha Bassa is.)
After some back and forth from all three Kimura introduced herself to Riho and said she wanted to work together. They double-teamed Hazuki until Kimura turned on her to loud boos. Tiger feint kick to Kimura and a high crossbody. Hazuki took them both out with a springboard dropkick. Crossface to Kimura. The two of them battled while Riho was gone for a suspiciously long time. Kimura with a surfboard to Hazuki. Riho tried to pin Kimura in the position but she got her shoulder up. Riho got tossed again. Missile dropkick from Kimura to Hazuki. Package piledriver to complete Tiger Lily was prevented by Riho. Riho and Hazuki traded strikes. Northern suplex but Hazuki kicked out. Top rope double-stomp. Kimura narrowly broke it up. Hazukistral to Riho but she slid through and turned it into a pin of her own.
WINNER: Riho in 9:47.
(Pageot’s Perspective: Nice to see Riho in the ring with some credible opponents for once instead of just the rookie squad. She’s yet to have a big one-on-one match in Stardom but hopefully that’s coming soon. Maybe a high speed defense against Kimura? Hell, if The Elite would let her defend the AEW title in Stardom that would be very cool.)
-Hayashishita said Oedo Tai are falling apart. (Why? Because Miyagi hit Kagetsu with a placard one time? That’s hardly symbolic of the destruction of the entire faction.) Sumire was alone with her title. She said they made it through the summer’s Grand Prix and the fall’s tag league. Now she finally got to touch her trios title again. It had been a long time. She acknowledged the absence of Kagetsu and Miyagi and said she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t anxious. She’s a professional, though, and her partners wouldn’t disappoint her. She truly believed that.
(Pageot’s Perspective: Give me babyface Natsu in 2020 and I will almost forgive everything else you’ve done to me this year, Rossy.)
-Sumire came out alone and paused in the ramp. The entirety of Oedo Tai then followed out and they advanced to the ring as a group. The champions walked into the ring and straight over to QQ’s corner and started laying in punches.
(6) OEDO TAI (Kagetsu, Andras Miyagi, & Natsu Sumire w/Hazuki, Natsuko Tora, Jamie Hayter, & Session Moth Martina) vs. QUEEN’S QUEST (SWA World Champion & Future Of Stardom Champion Utami Hayashishita, Momo Watanabe, & AZM) – ARTIST OF STARDOM CHAMPIONSHIP
Kagetsu beat AZM’s head against a wall while Miyagi worked over Hayashishita in the ring. Crotch assault from Sumire. She whipped her too while Kagestu played defence in the QQ corner to prevent a tag. Sumire and Miyagi tagged in and out, working over Hayashishita. Sumire tagged Kagetsu at 5:30. They teamed up for clotheslines and elbow drops. Kagetsu looked to tag Miyagi but Miyagi pulled her hand away. Hayashishita used the opportunity to take control and tagged Watanabe. Watanabe and Kagetsu both went down and tagged out to AZM and Sumire. They traded pin attempts. Sumire hit a northern lights suplex but was too hurt to make the pin. AZM with a top rope double-stomp but Sumire kicked out at 10:10.
Tilt-a-whirl armbar. Kagetsu with the save. Miyagi with the Oedo Tai placard. She hit Kagetsu over the head, then Sumire, and exited. Martina and Hazuki grabbed her at ringside but she shrugged them off. AZM looked to take advantage of what just happened so Hazuki and Tora jumped into the ring to intercept her but they were disposed of by Watanabe and Hayashishita. AZM with the armbar to Sumire and she was forced to submit.
WINNERS: Queen’s Quest in 11:14 to capture the trios title.
-Ogawa presented the belts to QQ but the focus immediately shifted to Oedo Tai, who were checking on Sumire in the corner. Miyagi was walking slowly up the ramp when Kagetsu grabbed a mic. She asked if Miyagi was going to betray Oedo Tai. Was she satisfied now? She was naïve if she thought her little plan was smart. Kagetsu said they don’t need her and officially kicked her out of the faction. She demanded a singles match. She told her to be ready. Miyagi turned and walked backstage.
Oedo Tai left and QQ weren’t sure how to proceed. AZM boasted about winning and called for somebody to come challenge them. No one showed up. She said they’re scared.
(Pageot’s Perspective: Sumire wins the first championship of her career and she only gets to defend it succesfully once before handing it over to Reignshishita. Utami now currently holds 3 of the 7 championships in the company in addition to being a former tag champion. Also she’s still owed a white belt match due to her victory over Hoshiki in the Grand Prix. At this rate she’ll be a grand slam champion by summer.
The Miyagi turn was unexpected and the ensuing match should be great. With the way Stardom has everyone in one of four factions turns like this are always a little strange because how long will she be allowed to be a freelancer? Does she just sign up with QQ or TCS now? Kamitani, Hoshino, and Riho are all officially freelancers too at this point so maybe there’s some sort of shakeup coming.)
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