Former ROH producer Joey Mercury announced on Twitter that current ROH Women of Honor Champion Kelly Klein has been fired from the company. Mercury shared an email from ROH COO Joe Koff to Kelly Klein where Koff told her that he would not be extending her current deal once it ends due to her violating her contract by making the details public. Klein’s contract details were made public by Mercury earlier this month. You can see Mercury’s tweets regarding the situation and Koff’s email to Klein below:
“3X & Current Champ (currently suffering PCS) gets contract offer reneged & fired!?!?” Find out in my next TWEETY!!!— mercury in retrograde (@JOEYnRetrograde) November 21, 2019
How dare she!?!? The nerve. That’s what you get, @RealKellyKlein – hey I wonder who else you sent that nice email to? What if Tomorrow’s Summit was actually the resignation of GG & JK!?!? If it isn’t- I’m more than prepared to get LOUD & specific. Talent deserve this treatment. pic.twitter.com/RY2hPdfyX0
— mercury in retrograde (@JOEYnRetrograde) November 21, 2019
For those with twitter and not google- SHE GOT FIRED. While concussed. For referring to someone. https://t.co/59i8DD7fSl
— mercury in retrograde (@JOEYnRetrograde) November 21, 2019
Klein’s husband, B.J. Whitmer, confirmed Mercury’s tweet saying that she had been fired by Koff and is still suffering from post concussion syndrome. Whitmer’s tweets about the situation can be seen below:
That “man” (and I use that term loosely) is a beady-eyed, turkey-neck, lying sack of shit. But have fun working for that horrible, rotten human being… @ringofhonor @WeAreSinclair https://t.co/fCOZ4b8BTf
— BJ Whitmer (@BJ_Whitmer) November 21, 2019
Now that the cat is out of the bag. Yes, my wife @RealKellyKlein was fired by @ringofhonor COO Joe Koff, via email Tuesday evening. Not a phone call, an EMAIL. Kelly is still very much suffering from Post Concussion Syndrome and was fired while still injured. https://t.co/0Otra5aq4j
— BJ Whitmer (@BJ_Whitmer) November 21, 2019
Klein also tweeted about the situation on Twitter saying that she’s glad to be an agent of change. You can see Klein’s tweets below, which includes a statement by Klein saying she wished she had been invited to the ROH talent summit tomorrow in Baltimore:
I was right to be afraid. But there is no courage without fear.
It was worth it for the chance to finally force some positive change. https://t.co/u4ZKUPycb7
— Kelly Klein (@RealKellyKlein) November 21, 2019
I hope so too. I wish I had been invited. I trust some of the guys there to take care of it. I have already presented many of my thoughts and ideas in person over the years, and most recently on November 7th when I drove 8 hours to Baltimore for a meeting requested by ME. https://t.co/KyTQvFECPe
— Kelly Klein (@RealKellyKlein) November 21, 2019
PWTorch reached out to ROH for a statement about Klein’s status with the company. ROH sent the following response regarding Klein:
We don’t generally discuss personnel issues, but they seem to have made it public – we didn’t fire her and she is still under contract.We just notified her that we would not be renewing her contract at the end of its term.
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