Trey Miguel vs. Rohit Raju vs. Aiden Prince vs. Brent Banks vs. Willie Mack vs. Petey Williams, X Division #1 Contender Match – HIT: One of the things I like about Impact Wrestling is that they reward you for paying attention. On October 29’s episode, during the Rascalz segment, Dezmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz were discussing how attractive Trey’s mother was. What I thought was just throw-away banter used to elicit a laugh, would turn out to have a purpose that would play out during this match. The match itself was fun and entertaining, pretty much what you’d expect from a multi-man X Division match. Trey would win by pinning Petey. The real story here was Ace Austin, on commentary, becoming interested in Trey Miguel’s mother who was in attendance. Looks like Ace is going to start pursuing Trey’s mom. This new story could end up being good or bad, but as of right now, I’m interested.
Madison Rayne vs. Alexia Nicole – MISS: This match was boring. Madison Rayne knows her character well and did some decent character work. Apparently, Alexia’s gimmick is that she can blow bubbles out of bubble gum. There was some interference from an injured Kiera Hogan during the match which eventually leads to Madison winning with a CrossRayne.
Johnny Swinger skit – MISS: Last week, Johnny Swinger mistook Petey Williams for a young boy (rookie), and Petey blew him off (Johnny exists in his own time continuum where to him, it’s 10-20 years ago). In order to get back at Petey, Swinger defecated in Petey’s bag, only it wasn’t Petey’s bag, it was Ken Shamrock’s. Now, I can get into a story like this, but only if I’m invested in the characters. I am not invested in Johnny Swinger. I don’t find him endearing enough, or hate him enough, to want to see him get killed by Shamrock.
Rob Van Dam promo – MISS: Seriously, Katie Forbes need to tone things DOWN to 11. While the role she plays can be effective in generating heat, here she’s just serving as a distraction to what RVD is saying. It’s like two adults trying to have a conversation and a kid is just yelling “MOMMY” at the top of their lungs.
Jake Crist vs. Daga – HIT: I really liked this match. Jake Crist is beginning to stand out from the rest of oVe, He is becoming his own distinct character and worthy second to Sami Callihan for the faction. On the other side of the ring is “El Jefe” Daga who is also someone to keep an eye on. He’s solid in the ring and if he can develop a character or stronger personality, he could be a big star. There wasn’t much of a story leading into the match between the two, outside of oVe vs. the babyfaces that have aligned against them. Despite this I was really into this contest. Daga wins with what Josh Mathews called a variation on Kid Kash’s Moneymaker.
Sami Callihan & Madman Fulton vs. Rich Swann & Tessa Blanchard – HIT: It is undeniable that Tessa is the hottest thing on Impact. oVe controlled match by absolutely destroying Swann for most it and, boy, did the crowd desperately want to see Tessa get tagged in, showering her with chants of “we want Tessa” and “Sami fears Tessa”. Sami introduces the infamous baseball bat, but the referee takes it away. While the ref turns his back to stow the bat, Fulton hands Sami the championship belt and Sami hits Swann and pins him. After the match, Sami and Fulton continue their assault until Brian Cage makes the save. Once in the back, Cage cuts a promo inserting himself into next week’s number one contender’s match.
Moose skit – HIT: This time we find ourselves with Moose on the tennis court where he talks about being the best athlete of all time and that he is going to prove it by scoring on professional tennis player, Mikey, despite never having played tennis. Before they begin, Moose strongly intimates that there may be violence in in Mikey’s future if he doesn’t win. I don’t know much about tennis but I’m pretty sure Moose broke all the rules, but Mikey still touts his “talent”. Afterwards Moose gloats further on his achievements and, as he walks away and the camera pans down, poor Mikey is unconscious on the floor. I like this character-building stuff and can’t wait to see who’s going to try and shut Moose up.
Jessicka Havok vs. Krystal Moon – HIT: This was a squash match, but Moon did show a little bit of character, so I’d be interested if she pops up again. I’m not totally sold on Havok yet but she’s a powerhouse so that’ll count for something. Havok wins with a tombstone piledriver. Afterwards, Havok runs into Suzie in the back. When Havok makes contact with Suzie, Suzie experiences a wave of memories depicting Su Yung’s end at Havok’s hands. I’m intrigued as to where his is going, but I need to have answers, else these hits will be turning into misses soon.
Eddie Edwards & Marufuji vs. The North – HIT: In an earlier interview, The North, Ethan Page and Josh Alexander, reiterated staking their ground as fighting champions. I was looking forward towards this match and it did not disappoint. While it slowed down a bit too much in the middle for my liking, business did pick up. The North retains their championship, pinning Edwards. It was nice to see Eddie leave the crazy at home and have a solid wrestling match.
Overall Show – HIT: This was a good show despite its shaky start. Interspersed throughout the night were some quick promos to build up next week’s six (originally five) person, gauntlet-style elimination, #1 contender’s match for the Impact World Championship. Good, solid, matches were the order of the day, and nothing was too bad (except maybe that Swinger bit).
You seem very biased towards Madison Rayne. No idea why, she is better than nearly everyone on the WWE ladies roster. I’d give the whole show a hit, minus the RVD promo. NOt that I wouldn’t watch it again.